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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin held an operational meeting via videoconference with permanent members of the country’s security council to discuss the fight against terrorism in our country. there are several important issues today, one of them is strengthening international cooperation in the fight against terrorism. several speakers, please, sergeevich lavrov, will start. and today, on the eve of children’s day, vladimir putin met with the presidential commissioner for children’s rights, maria lvova belova. we talked about, among other things, helping children during special operations. i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, actually in front of our eyes.
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we continue our work to reunite children with their loved ones during a special military operation. we reunited 70 children with relatives in ukraine. i would like to separately note that the children in russia were mostly with their loved ones, yes, in rare cases they ended up in institutions, the children ended up on russian territory because we saved them from shelling from the combat zone. vladim vladimirovich, here is a situation where they communicate with me personally, because i try how to always participate personally in these. moments, one rhetoric, only they cross the ukrainian border, and there a completely different song begins, when they talk about how difficult everything was here, how they were held, but in fact, we are doing this work with our and russian partners , the fsb border service, our children yes, six children are returning, ukraine doesn’t talk about this, well, because then it will immediately be clear that this is not connected with our aggression, but with our capture of children, but this is simply connected with military actions with family situations, actually.
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well, vladimir putin also ordered the creation of an international association of children's organizations by july 1. the text of the decree was published on the kremlin website. the founder of this organization from russia will be the movement.
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such information has already spread throughout the ukrainian segment of social networks, this time the changes may turn out to be too drastic from the current 25 years old right up to 18. there is news for conscripts, every seventeen-year-old guy must personally register for military service, especially those who are now abroad . igor pikhanov will tell you how mobilization in ukraine is becoming more and more like a brutal kidnapping. “residents of odessa are filming a picture that is already familiar to ukrainian cities, military registration and enlistment office workers staged a raid on men, they are grabbing passers -by right on the street, a woman with a child is trying to take her husband away from the military, then you don’t have the right to do that, people, police, check, shanovnik, where are you pointing? , and this is lviv, a man was on his way to work, they handed him a summons on the train, they took away his service under escort, a similar situation happened with a resident of the city of khmelnitsky, they brought me to the training ground and already threw me out.”
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i didn’t go through anything with the dog, but they told me that you will still serve, and they think that they are the rulers, they can do everything, and not the devil, i can, the hour will come, the time will come, you will be responsible for everything. the zelensky regime desperately needs cannon fodder, so mobilization in ukraine is only gaining momentum. washington is demanding that the conscription age be lowered to 18 years, local politicians are going further, and from the bank rostrum they are increasingly talking about the conscription of seventeen-year-old boys.
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the security forces are increasing, the price is unaffordable for most of the country, people are trying to flee to swim across the tisa river, on the border of ukraine with romania, hungary, this year alone more than thirty drowned, but you still need to get to the river, the ukrainian border service is mining the banks, so in short it’s me, in short it’s me, all wet, look where i am, in short, it’s funny, but i’ve crossed this river, i’m no longer in ukraine, the ukrainian military themselves understand that their real enemy is in kiev, these are video clips. wrote one of the mobilized, the ukrainian armed forces fighters say that if they had gone against their authorities together with the russians, the war would have ended long ago. we have one percent of the brigade left 20, the other two were not allowed to take them, but why, so as not to give pennies for them, so they dig people in the streets, they
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don’t fight in the middle, they take farmers, they throw them to the front and that’s it, there is no equipment, there is no armor, there is no armor. a long-range howitzer of the russian military sends special shells towards the position in the ssu. they contained leaflets with instructions on how to surrender, russian soldiers approached us from the russians, their elder shouted: “men, surrender, we won’t touch anyone.” we discussed it and decided to give up. to communicate with the ministry of defense, a radio channel has been created under called "volga". for ukrainian soldiers, this is the only chance to survive and stay healthy. thousands of people have already made the right choice. many people are now writing a statement to refuse the exchange procedure. after the end of the conflict in ukraine they will return home. igor pikhanov, artyom martyshov, lead. tomorrow the state foundation defenders of the fatherland will celebrate its first anniversary. during this time, its branches opened throughout the country, where specialists help participants in the special operation and their families.
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they contact the fund with a variety of requests, from paperwork to obtaining a job, education or, for example, medical rehabilitation. maria valieva talks about how the fund's representative offices work now. medals for courage, awards for completing combat missions, semyon baranov, a participant in a special military operation, volunteered for the donbass, was an attack aircraft, destroyed equipment and smashed enemy dugouts from ptur, a tank was shot down, and beempashshka was stopped in such a way that the enemy abandoned it, our guys then came, started it and took it for themselves. during liberation of artyomovsk, he was wounded. it was possible to place crutches in the far corner only a month ago, now semyon moves with the help of a cane, works as a project engineer for the road construction department, at the same time receives a fourth
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higher education, completes all the necessary documents, enrolls in a university, receives high-quality medical care, the man was helped by the foundation, defenders of the fatherland . i came. i get a job at churches and say: “i will still need to go to the hospital to recover from my injury.” they tell me: well ok, ok, we are hiring you. on june 1, the state fund turns exactly one year old, during which time a tremendous amount of work has been carried out both with participants in the hostilities and with their relatives. ekaterina skovorodneva lives in murmansk, in the zone of a special military operation, her brother alexander died. a quadcopter filmed this fight. and his last battle, he stopped a column of the ukrainian armed forces, he died as a hero, but we cannot find him. the local branch of the foundation immediately joined the search. employees are in constant contact with ekaterina, promptly report all information received. after all, among the social coordinators there are members of
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the svo. and they, like no one else, understand how important moral support is for the relatives of fallen comrades and those who were seriously injured. today , more and more veterans themselves, including those with disabilities, are becoming our employees. 300 people are already working for us, young guys, as well as 200 mothers, before the heroes who died also became our employees, so this natural replacement is happening, that is, it’s just a social worker, he is just now being replaced by those who are directly involved, emotionally involved, involved, including in the problems that our guys face. pavel evlev, the foundation asked for help a few months ago, it was necessary to draw up some documents, at the front he received a shell shock...
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defenders, our guys and so on, so carefully, with love you need to treat everyone, and directly to our soldiers and to their family members, this is the attitude towards people that needs to be preserved in the future, and we will i am grateful that you are very involved in this process, i know that you personally meet with our veterans, with our employees; more than 1,100 thousand requests were received in 89 branches of the fund during the year. for assistance, 950,000 have already been decided, this is the appointment of social support measures, cash
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payments, obtaining a certificate of a combat veteran, legal assistance, provision of prostheses, technical means of rehabilitation, the fund is also involved in involving veterans in physical education, sports, as well as in the paralympic movement, organizes cultural events and conducts... kirov region, in the pavilion of collective farm workers, a large-scale exhibition opened today, presenting products from almost all industries. for example, in the region there are fully automated farms that supply milk to the russian market, and in the kirov region we almost...
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certainly have the image of a forested, old russian region, but at the same time we produce modern products from the childhood industry to serious engineering products, chemistry, furniture, forestry industry, house building wonderful food products, everything is presented here, everything can be seen, touched, children can play with it, you can even buy it in the store downstairs, the exhibition itself, which is open today and its participation in the russian forum exhibition, is, of course, another option to introduce muscovites and residents of moscow, directly with everything that is filled with the kirov region today, i am sure that many who visit this exhibition today will want to come to the region, get acquainted with it in person, and of course they will receive a lot of impressions. menselkhoz maintains its harvest forecast for this year at 130 million tons.
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the all-russian grain forum is taking place in sochi these days. participants discuss the prospects for complexity in the agricultural sector. the topic will be continued by nika yankovaya. the prospects for the russian agro-industrial complex, long-term growth in production and export of agricultural products are discussed by participants of the all-russian grain forum in sochi. russian farmers harvested almost 150 million tons last year, deputy chairman. total production barley, well, the numbers speak for themselves, and such a base allows us to meet our own production targets, and of course, we are very active in the export market, in the world market, as a result, in the current
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season, taking into account the figures that i mentioned , we plan to supply up to... 70 million tons of grains to global markets, of which about 53 million tons are wheat. in 2023 , russia sent 2,000 tons of grain to african countries free of charge. despite the sanctions and the withdrawal of foreign traders from the market, our country does not reduce, and even increases, exports. now every fourth batch of wheat on the global market is of russian origin. china entered the top five of the world's largest cities. grains in the structure of russian grain exports to china include soybeans, peas, corn, seeds, dna, arabs, barley and oatmeal. we deal with sugar, raw materials for vegetable oils, we have offices in sudan, somalia, madagascar, beninin, uganda, many
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african countries and, of course, india, we are very interested in cooperation with russia in terms of food. separately on the forum discussed the situation on the eve of the start of the new season. let me remind you that after a very warm april, when good weather contributed to the rapid growth of plants, may frosts came, destroying about 1% of all expected crops in russia. as stated by dmitry patrushev. in the affected regions, replanting is almost complete, so the ministry of agriculture maintains the grain production forecast at at least 132 million tons, of which approximately 85 million is wheat. exports are expected to remain level. 60 million tons. also at the sirius university of science and technology dmitry patrushev held an extended meeting on the flood situation. it was attended by authorized representatives of the president in the southern and north caucasus federal districts, as well as heads of regions and the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations. in the northern caucasus and south , the start of the rainy flood season is predicted in june. in some areas of the krasnodar territory, showers
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are already underway. worsening weather is expected in karachay-cherkessia, ingushetia and kabardino-balkaria. rosvodoresurs. structures, construction and reconstruction of engineering protection systems. the same concerns measures to prevent floods. i'm talking about clearing bridge spaces and inspecting stormwater systems. regional emergency commissions need to keep these issues under constant control. the deputy prime minister emphasized that it is important to carry out systematic work to prevent and minimize possible damage and, of course, respond to all calls in a timely manner. nika yankovaya, dmitry dunaev, nikolai portnykh, hosted by sirius. vadik, come out!
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profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest rate and a brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift. today , may 31, is world no tobacco day. smoking is the main risk factor for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases, affecting 8 million people each year. anastasia ponko will tell you how this figure can be reduced. in our country today , a third of the population smokes, doctors and scientists are sounding the alarm. by 2040, the number of new cases of cancer will be almost 29 million. this is approximately twice as much. than in 2020, the problem of quitting tobacco smoking is extremely important, it is one of the key ones for the prevention of chronic non-communicable
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diseases and increasing life expectancy in our country, this is especially relevant due to the fact that in general the residents of our country are characterized by low involvement in their preservation of health, chronic infectious diseases, such as atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, renal failure, myocardium, heart failure, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and others, in the structure of mortality, they came first, and this is all due to harmful factors, one of which is smoking. russia is included in the list of countries with the most progressive anti-tobacco policies. ban on smoking in public places, ban on advertising of tobacco products and display in shop windows shops. all these measures really encourage people to give up a bad habit, but not everyone is able to do this on their own. at first. in the tens, a remarkable decision was made to modify and improve legislation and improve the protection of the health of citizens from the effects of tobacco
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combustion products, however, all the effects that we could get from this reform we have already received, and despite our efforts, still remain among smokers, and this is up to 30% of the population, the core in the form according to various sources from 11 to 19%. after discharge from the hospital after 12 months, more than 2/3 of patients return to smoking again, all the prohibitions that are accepted in society, unfortunately, do not apply to everyone, there is a so-called core of heavy smokers who continue to smoke, despite all the prohibitions, in conditions of low motivation, bans are not effective...
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those wishing to quit smoking over the past 5 years , this figure has fallen from 79% to 62. according to doctors, helping heavy smokers reduce harm and thereby prevent diseases it's still possible. for those patients who do not want or cannot quit smoking, it is advisable to consider the concept of harm reduction from smoking, which consists of encouraging them to switch to less harmful products, in particular. for smokeless nicotine containing products, when we talk about an electronic tobacco heating system, there is no smoke, just heating occurs here, when we compared the content of combustion products in a regular cigarette with a tobacco heating system, and it turned out that combustion products were 92% less than conventional cigarettes, carcinogens, heavy metals, resins, poisons, according to doctors, it is these substances released during the combustion of tobacco
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that are... complications of diseases, it is these combustion by-products that together with nicotine enter the patient’s body. tobacco regulation in our country is at the most modern level of further development. and in this regard, we, doctors, our scientific colleagues see that this requires long-term national studies that would allow us to draw conclusions and recommend. already
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the authorities so that they improve this program. according to experts, defeating the tobacco epidemic is possible only with the active interaction of three parties: a person who is involved in issues of his health, a doctor who helps reduce the risk for smokers with different motivations for quitting, and a state that continuously improves tobacco cessation programs with taking into account the latest scientific data. now let's take a break for a short commercial, and then watch the "vestidezhur" program.
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why is it important to recognize the genocide specifically against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact, this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of the deralization of nazism. mostly europeans and the united states abstained. voted against a very well thought out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i present to you a new soldier, ribinin nikolai sergeevich. do you like books? yes, i write books. classic.
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