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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 2, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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issues relating to nato are not negotiable, they exist only between nato countries and nato candidates. the third party has no interest or say here. russia is completely unimportant. again, by analogy. if mexico and china want to place chinese military bases on the ria grande, the united states has no right to interfere. and no interest and no interest. and this was the formal us response in january 2022. so, unprovoked, not really. 30 years of provocation when we could not accept the world as an answer, not for a minute. whatever we can accept, we will do whatever we want, wherever we want and no one has a say in the matter. this. if you go back to early
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2000, putin told me, and i checked, i think it's true, that he asked clinton at the end of his presidency if russia could join nato? this by definition seems like a victory, nato exists as a bulwark against russia, if russia wants to join the alliance, then you have won. why did the us government reject this proposal? and do you think this is true? russia, or rather, even? europe wanted earlier, before europe became a complete vassal province of the united states, they wanted what they call collective security, that is, they wanted a security system in which the security of one country does not destroy the security of another. they had two paths, in fact, three paths, the first path was what is called the osce, the organization for security and cooperation. europe, a good idea,
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western, central, eastern europe and the former soviet union, unite together, as if under one charter, and develop collective security system. i liked it, and gorbachev spoke about it. we don’t want war with you, we don’t want conflict, we need collective security. the second mechanism, which makes sense, but people will say about me, this guy is crazy.
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hegemony in europe, in other words, this is our way of maintaining our influence in europe, not protecting europe, not even protecting the usa, this is hegemony, we need our pieces on the board, nato is our pieces germany allows foreign troops to be on its soil for 80 years. i don’t understand why european countries allow this, you would like to see foreign troops in your city, so during your wonderful interview with putin, he answered all the questions except one, you asked what the germans find in this, and putin said , i don’t understand, i thought, oh god, thank you, because i don’t understand anything either. no, this is not masochism, this
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is not a feeling of guilt, there are basic mechanisms that i do not understand after 40 years of practice, i know all the leaders, i know scholz and others, and i do not understand, but when the united states has a military base in your country, it touches many political chords in your country, it affects politics. perhaps this is so, but you know, your question, why do the germans need this, the same question can be asked after the us. blew up
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a gas pipeline into the nord stream, why don’t the germans tell you why you did it, this is our economy, but they don’t want to, they are so... subordinate to the interests of the united states, talk to president putin, come to an agreement with china, make a decision, two states for two nations to stop the war in our neighborhood east, stop pretending that you rule the world, because you don't. thank you for these words, i hope they are heard everywhere. thank you for everything you do tucker, you make a huge difference. an ordinary job, but this is the most wonderful thing i have ever heard, so thank you,
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a home that is warm and cozy is always filled with happiness. millions of russians chose to look through the windows of rihau. hair lacking vitality ? gliskur - exceptional moisturizing, fills the hair with the power of hyalurn. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair, instead of scissors, try gliskur, exceptional hydration. looking for the stay of your future dreams?
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anyone can pay per annum, open a deposit at appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. sausages, dad can. collect car water vacation without extra expenses on avito. this is america, a program about the country that... hard to understand. hello. the united states is rapidly changing ethnically. by 2060, white, non-hispanic people in the united states will be
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a minority, according to some estimates. what will american policy be like? one can only guess, but it is already critically important in these presidential elections. will be the votes of latin americans, this is 36 million us citizens or 15% of the electorate and the votes of blacks, both of them always... now they are saying that in november he the figure in favor of trump was 12%.
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can get 17 or even 20% of the black vote. this cannot, on the one hand, not frighten the democrats; on the other hand, it is already transforming into the picture of electoral success, at least from the point of view of polls, that trump is now demonstrating throughout america and, above all, in the so-called key ones. swing states, new polls show donald trump leading president biden in five key battleground states, thirst changes, dissatisfaction with the economy and the gas war among young, black and latino voters could lead to the collapse of the president's democratic coalition. at first, biden’s alarming reality was not recognized, but it began to literally hang over the head. white house, and his team, his headquarters literally pushed biden on a trip to those states where
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the african-american community is especially strong. the first point of the program was a trip to georgia, to atlanta, there at the plane's ramp biden was met by all the black political activists of georgia, but at the same time it’s funny that on the streets of this state there was no excitement about... biden’s ride was not, he was not at morehouse college, this is a famous educational institution, it is famous primarily for the fact that he graduated from at one time martin luther king, jr. biden was literally greeted there with protest; students and african americans who actively support palestine in the current conflict condemn the white house for the policy of connivance with israel that the american government is now pursuing. this it's not just about palestine, we black people
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remember mass incarceration, cease fire now, stop sending weapons to a genocidal regime, respect international law, and don't try to use us for political influence, we are not pawns, we don't want to be part of your campaign . but this frame, here we see how biden, a student, an african american, a graduate, simply turned away from... probably can even be called the quintessence of everything that is happening, a symbol, if you like, of that the panic that democrats are now experiencing, not only students, but also middle-aged people are turning away from them, this is very understandable, because the horror stories with which biden has already continued to scare the african-american community in michigan, if they work, they only work for the older generation, but that's all. the song is about how the republicans are white people who are trying to drive blacks
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almost back to the times of slavery, if not during slavery, then to the times before the fight against racial segregation, in general, it all works, maybe be of the older generation, but young people are worried about other things, however, this did not stop biden from using the same stereotypes when speaking in that same michigan. this crazy guy wants to give power to corporations. including pharmaceutical companies, insulin will rise in price again to 400 dollars instead of 35, he wants to exonerate everyone who stormed the capitol, he is not fighting for america, he is fighting to take revenge. however, this statement by biden was still relatively decent in the fight for the votes of black americans; the democrats, ironically, did not they disdain completely black pr, they began to make videos, one of them dates back to those times. when the so-called central
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park five were rumored here in new york, to briefly retell this story, it was in 1989, a white woman was raped in the center of new york in central park, the perpetrator was not found, but in parallel in that same evening , teenagers frolicked, violated, so to speak, public safety, threw stones, teenagers, african americans, hispanics, in general, the police caught everyone, they... were forced to testify, forced them to confess, in the end they all went to jail, and they were even lucky, because the criminal who actually committed this crime, at some point he hit ...
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donald trump has no respect for black people, he refused to rent out his apartments to black families and called for the execution of five innocent black teenagers. it's more than anger, it's hatred. this is why trump warned of a bloodbath if he lost the next election, vowed if victory to become a dictator who will take revenge on his enemies. of course i hate people. in short, biden is sparing no effort or money to turn the situation around. with support among ethnic minorities in his favor, such pastoral videos featuring biden, where he has a sweet conversation with his african-american son and father, are broadcast on american channels, attracting hollywood stars, actor robert deniro has been especially active lately, he has
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hardly become not the main frontman from hollywood, the democratic presidential campaign, and... trump also scares all americans in general, but of course, meaning latin americans and african americans in particular. we knew trump was uncontrollable when he was president, then he won the 2020 election and fell apart desperately trying to hold on to power. now he 's running again, this time threatening to become a dictator and overturn the constitution. at the same time, it cannot be said that these videos and these attempts to attract hollywood stars. represent something new, original and unexpected, this is all again is aimed more at people of the older generation, because well, biden doesn’t go with it there on tiktok, biden doesn’t use artificial intelligence particularly strongly here, that is, young people remain unreached, this secondary nature of
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biden’s election campaign aimed at african americans is noted even on pro-biden channels. the south bronx, well, literally a few numbers, the main population of the south bronx is 65%, these are hispanic voters, those same latinos, 31% are african americans, 35% of the residents of this district live below the line poverty, what is also important,
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they haven’t voted for a republican in new york as president since 1984, the last one...
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to win in new york, although who knows, but it’s probably clear that trump doesn’t expect , in any case, with this speech, this support, primarily among latin american voters, he sends a powerful signal to those states where there are many latinos, this is primarily arizona and... and what is significant is that some theses, which in general, it would seem, should not find support hispanics, for example, trump's desire to fight...
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was done when trump was arrested for the first time in the state of georgia, as they say, it is believed that this constant persecution of trump by the american law enforcement system, they developed his support for a certain number of african americans. it’s probably not for nothing that trump also invited famous rappers, one is chief g, the other is slip and hollow, both had problems with the law, both shared the stage, both... openly supported trump, which probably added to his some voices, especially among young people, because both of these performers have millions of views of their videos on youtube. for democrats,
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what happened that evening in the bronx was a real tragedy ; many of them did not understand how to react to it, but in particular , new york state governor katie hochul so simply named thousands. thousands of people who came to listen to trump as clowns, alexandri acasio cortez, such a defender of all minorities, a young congresswoman from new york, she represents the district neighboring the south bronx, was in real hysterics, and of course, in this meeting in support of trump , she saw a threat to her own electoral prospects, well, she descended into outright fakes, for example, she began to talk about how trump allegedly... took all these people there on buses, and this was later even refuted cnn channel. there were more people than democrats would like to see, since this is one of the most democratic areas in
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the entire country. i have been to many of these rallies and often met people who traveled hundreds of miles to see donald trump. however, one of the things i noticed here is that so many of the people are locals from the bronx. alexandra acasio cortez got the toughest blow from this woman in a military cap, medalin. brame, her son, an afghanistan veteran, was killed by bandits in garlim, and in general avoided the terms that they could have received and escaped, why? because they were patronized by the district attorney, alvin brack. alvin breck is currently representing the prosecution in the case of secret payments to storme danielsi. brame directly says that instead of catching bandits, fighting real crime, people like...
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could have imagined that donald trump would gather such an enthusiastic crowd into very democrats, but what happened, what happened, now there will be a lot of food for thought to various analysts who will try to predict the dynamics of support for republicans from hispanics or african americans, but trump promises to build on his success; he threatens to hold his next rally in new york in the very... center largest city in the united states in the madison square garden concert hall, which is also designed for several thousand people. this was america,
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all the best to you!
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let's return to the news review : three ukrainian drones were intercepted by air defense systems over the belgorod region, the defense department reported this. previously, drones attacked several populated areas in the puncture oronsky district of the region. as governor vyacheslav glodkov wrote in his telegram channel, one
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person was injured from shrapnel. his intentions were he was taken to the hospital, and before that , shibekin was shot at, there were regular bus stops under fire, six people were injured. in addition, glatkov reported that in the karachansky district , the deputy head of the local administration was killed during the detonation of ammunition. his boss, as well as two heads of rural settlements who were nearby, were wounded. less than a few days have passed since joe biden decided to use american weapons supplied to ukraine for attacks on russian territory, as... recorded in the belgorod region attacks with high-mars multiple launch rocket system shells. our war correspondent evgeniy poddubny has all the details. during the actions of our troops to repel air strikes carried out by the enemy, it became known that the formation of the kiev regime , together with western military specialists and curators, began to carry out attacks on the territory of the belgorod region using shells for
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the jaime multiple launch rocket system. from american production we have evidence that one of the blows was delivered with by using precisely these shells, precisely these systems, our air defense crews successfully repel attacks made by the enemy using multiple launch rocket systems. hymers, all the missiles were destroyed in the sky over the belgorod region, this is the first recorded. rszzo khars on objects on the territory of the russian border region in the belgorod region, although for several months now, the formation of the kiev regime, in coordination with western military curators, has been carrying out terrorist attacks with using foreign- made rocket systems rszzo, a czech -made vampire, but now as a result of the group’s successful offensive.


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