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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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vicinity of the city of aleppo, at least 17 people were killed, presumably the target of the strike was a hezbollah camp. sergei lavrov begins an african tour; today the head of the russian foreign ministry arrived in guinea. this is the first visit since 2013 and the first since the military coup in the country 3 years ago. leninsky ocean, there are cars under water, we are all just driving under water. on boats with inflatable mattresses along the city streets. in the kaliningrad region , a month's worth of precipitation fell in a few hours; our correspondent in the region reported on the consequences. another one detained member of basayev’s gang in the case of the attack on budenovsk in ninety-five. the operation was carried out with the assistance of employees of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb. as reported by the investigative committee, a resident of moscow, khamza, was involved in the crime.
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zoev. he has been charged with several counts: terrorist attack, hostage-taking, banditry and murder. the criminal investigation continues. according to the investigation, zoev voluntarily joined the gang under the general leadership of shamil basayev and became an accomplice in especially serious crimes. crimes. in june 1995, at least 160 militants attacked budenovsk. as a result of an armed attack, they were killed. 129 people, 317 citizens were injured, more than one and a half thousand people were taken hostage. kazakhstan is preparing for joint autumn exercises of the csto countries. their implementation will be one of the topics of the meeting of the council of the community parliamentary assembly, which began in almaat, and we will learn the details from the head of the central asian news bureau, robert frantsev, in direct communication with the studio. robert, hello, it is known that counteractions will be discussed.
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csto assembly. well, the visit, the working trip of state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin to kazakhstan began the day before. today the official program began with a visit to a sacred place. the heads of parliamentary delegations laid flowers at the eternal flame in the park of 28 panfilov guardsmen. and, as vyacheslav volodin noted, the issue of careful preservation of history is one of the priorities, since western countries are becoming more active. are making efforts to be
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a friend of today's allies, so the question one goal: to quarrel, to push each other away from preserving historical justice, to distort our common history, and doing this in fact is directly a matter of security. when we talk about the victory of the great patriotic war, this is a victory of a multinational people. in kazakhstan, how carefully they preserve the memory of our warriors and soldiers. officers of the soviet army, we together defended our country, the soviet union, cleansed the world of fascist evil spirits, when now both washington and brussels are trying to do everything to rewrite history, in order to slander that period of time, we perceive this not only painfully, but also unacceptable, because it insults the memory of our grandfathers, they cannot defend themselves now, we must do everything on our part. so that the memory is passed on from
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generation to generation and carefully preserved. kazakhstan is chairing the csto this year; the heads of the parliamentary delegation were received by kazakh president kassym jamor takayev. the meeting took place behind closed doors. it is reported that the parties discussed the current the state of the organization and prospects for its development. also separately noted is the unity of positions regarding the role of the csto, precisely as a key factor in eurasian security. and an important role in this is played by legislative work, the synchronization of the legislation of the csto member states, the adoption of so-called model acts, which allow synchronizing legislative work to counter traditional challenges, this is the fight against terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking, it is noted that everything... these threats are
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in the modern world are closely intertwined, they represent such a triune threat, they are always transboundary, so interaction at the interstate level, including the legislative level, is an integral part of the effective fight against these threats, but today we were talking about new challenges, in particular, and the creation of favorable legislative conditions for working with artificial intelligence was discussed in order to direct this technology in a constructive direction, while preventing it from being used to the detriment of this technology, and another important aspect of the discussion was election legislation. and as vyacheslav volodin noted, it is also necessary to improve legal acts in this direction in order to prevent attempts to interfere in election affairs from the outside, and these attempts are being accepted more and more actively, which is certainly another
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threat to security throughout the csto space. daria, thank you, robert, the agenda is indeed very broad, many issues, each of which requires effective international interaction. robert frantsov. was in direct communication from almaty, where a meeting of the council of the csto parliamentary assembly opened. well, now in kaliningrad the city is recovering from a heavy downpour with hail that covered the region the day before. almost a month's worth of precipitation fell in 2 hours. the flow of water turned out to be so strong that the rain sewer could not cope and the city quickly plunged under water, the streets were flooded and highways were paralyzed. about water obstacles and forecasts synoptics. in the report by marina naumova. a powerful downpour with hail and thunderstorms hit the region, a month's worth of precipitation fell in a few hours, and many urban areas went under water. this is the lenin ocean, there are cars under water, we’re all just
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driving under water, it’s just trash. traffic in the city was paralyzed, public transport was at a standstill, and real rivers overflowed on city highways. on social networks, people shared footage of flooded stores. parking lots, shopping centers, all the fish swam from the pool, we had fish swimming here, flowers drowned, some of the streets in kaliningrad were flooded, some drivers are trying to drive through deep puddles, but this is a big risk of stalling, dozens of lost state registration numbers, wet car showrooms, damaged electrical wiring, so motorists tried to force water obstacles, drove into a puddle water... the main rainwater sewer collectors could not cope with the load, it takes time for the water to go away. in this yard, during the rain, 12 cars were flooded at once, and here they are standing on the roof in water. the owners are waiting for a tow truck;
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they cannot approach the cars on their own due to a deep puddle. there's my car, white. the rain had already started, by the time we got up and took the keys, the car was already flooded. heavy rains are expected again in the region in the coming days. marina naumova, evgeny bekish, alexander naumov, ivan kireev. vesti, kaliningrad. hey, what are you up to? this
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with a proposal to send military volunteers to our country, perhaps it is fair to draw a parallel between these french patriots, anti-fascists and those who 10 years ago in the first months of the russian spring, at the call of their hearts, went to donbass in order... to protect the population of donetsk from genocide and lugansk people's republics, who today
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, together with russia, are fighting against nazism of the 21st century. now let's move on to the situation in the nwo zone. in the southern sector, the artillery of the russian dnepr group of troops is hitting the enemy. our guns are systematically clearing the way for advance in the orekhovsky direction. from the front line. report by stanislav vasilchenko: soldier call sign mamur transferred to the artillery regiment of his own free will, before that he served in the rear unit, evacuated weapons and military equipment that came under enemy fire. often during combat missions, amur himself became a target for the enemy. the car was standing, it had all wheels were punctured, we hooked the wheels there and put them on automatic inflation, well, there is such a system, so... well, somehow we dodged
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them, drove away, well, 300 no, no, no, everything is fine, all, all the whole crew was intact , for courage and dedication, amur was awarded the zhukov medal, today he also bravely serves as the commander of an artillery fire platoon in the orekhovsk direction. stop, target m129, 72798. 72-798. reconnaissance discovered the position of ukrainian artillerymen. the enemy gun is constantly firing and hindering the advance of the dnepr group. target is located more than 25 km away. it would seem far away, but not for the towed 2a36 howitzer, which hits objects at a distance of 30 km, a shot! the geocin works against distant targets; this is the longest-range weapon among cannon artillery; in order not to give away its position, the crew fires only two high-explosive fragmentation weapons. the fire is conducted by a senior gunner with the call sign mozdok. for the successful completion of combat missions, the fighter
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was awarded the suvorov medal. throughout the military special operation, mozdok regularly hits enemy personnel, well reinforced blinds. definitely hit enemy equipment, shortly before the arrival of our film crew, he destroyed an american m777 howitzer, for his accuracy he often came under return fire, they began to fall very close, we began to run away, well, on the way to the dugout, they covered us, covered us, well, just in time we all managed to hide, then well, after a while we went back out to open fire again and the korashvans started opening fire again , well, god willing, everyone remained alive, and then continued to carry out the task. this time the fighters again demonstrate their professionalism; a few minutes after the shooting , a report on the results of combat work is received. namuka, target 129 was destroyed, the nature of the target, the weapon, well done, thank you for your work. advancement in the orekhovsk direction continues. now russian units
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are attacking the enemy in the areas of nesteryanka and the village of shcherbaki, clearing the way to orekhov. stanislav vasilchin. military police officers in ukraine will receive even more powers. as follows from the text of the bill on the creation of this structure, published on the website verkhovna rada, the military police will be able to enter citizens’ homes, as well as prohibit the movement of military vehicles, search them, and check people’s documents. as previously reported, the task of the new body will also include search and prosecution. so in mobilization among rescuers. deputies of the verkhovna rada spoke about a hidden reminder that the personnel of this civil service have a reservation, and in order to avoid publicity of condemnation, workers are forced to write reports for transfer to another unit in order to immediately send them to
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front. similar cases were previously reported in the kiev mayor's office. there, the kiev regime is trying to put all utility workers under arms. this fact does not change. and one more video, according to the authors, it was filmed in the kiev region. a fight breaks out between the military and a group of people who are trying to stand up for a fellow villager. and most likely, there will soon be even more such videos against the backdrop of a possible reduction in the age of mobilization in ukraine. in addition, the kiev regime is trying to pass off such footage as russian propaganda. and started in the czech republic
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the project to return ukrainians home is about this. local media reports. the first stage will last from june to november. ukrainians are being offered the opportunity to return to their homeland, and prague is ready to pay for tickets for 400 ukrainians and even organize ambulance transport for thirty patients. $241 million was allocated for the program. the concept of voluntary return was approved by the government in mid-may. refugees will only be able to take advantage of the paid voluntary return option once. that according to the ministry of internal affairs of the czech republic in in april, about 340,000 ukrainians lived in the country. the dutch ministry of defense said that the kingdom not only intends to transfer its f-16 fighters to kiev, but also wants to allow these aircraft to be used to strike military targets in russia. the head of the department
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stated this in an interview with the politician. let me remind you that last week our meeting called the discussion itself fictitious. around the issue of whether or not to allow such strikes, since nato weapons have been used systematically on our territory for a long time they are hitting, and western specialists themselves are engaged in servicing the targeting of foreign weapons. i will add that the plans of european countries regarding the supply of f-16s were also commented on by the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov, last week. the minister emphasized that the aircraft will not change the situation on the battlefield and will simply be destroyed, like other supplied ones. other nato countries have also spoken about the possibility of using western weapons to strike deep into russian territory. someone has already given permission officially, like denmark. something supposedly secret, oh maria skorodilka will tell you about behind-the-scenes discussions and open protests. this is terrible,
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i have never seen anything like this in my life. the streets of bavarian cities have turned into rivers, powerful downpours, houses are flooded, bridges are washed away, cars are drowning, there are dead, baden wüntenberg is going under water, but the german authorities are drowning the country in war. to fight against russia, the german authorities are calling for raising a million reservists, according to the american training manual, familiarity. that the patriot system will now be used in the kharkov region, over russia they are excellent for fighting russian by planes. the dfge authorities are looking for enemies, the residents of germany are obliged to know their money,
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they have gone to work to help ukraine, but they have not yet come up with what. if we want to remain a country based on internal liberality, we must understand that threats await us from all sides, and no matter who we fight with, we must confront this threat. russia’s use of such weapons has long been no secret, but the fact that biden understands all the consequences was literally signed in an interview with journalist john kirby. it's limited
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kharkov region, it is limited in terms of the targets they can hit, president biden is aware of the consequences. openly fighting with russia, the west is afraid of responsibility, sources in the white house hint to cbs reporters, but biden ignores everything to the exclamations of the americans, shame on you, american president. just waves his hand, all because the destruction of ukraine is the only result of the strategy from the west - said ex- swiss intelligence officer jean bot: kiev’s allies do not want to stop the conflict, they dream of russia's surrender, but this is absurd, military experts say. such is the stupidity of macron, the danger of macron, and also the danger of scholz, rishi sunak and tony blinken, all repeating the same stupidity, we will give them the green light, don’t they know that the russians know that... intelligence data these high-precision weapons systems are not obtained by ukraine itself, it does not have the technical capabilities to program these weapons, it only launches them, all
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other aspects are the work of other countries. however, the west stubbornly declares that it does not participates in this conflict, only helps, launches missiles towards russia, trains the ukrainian armed forces, supplies weapons. this is how the authorities of bosnia and herzegovina send weapons to kiev, reselling them through several countries, said the president of the serbian republic. dodik ’s largest customers recently, according to him, are nato countries, for example, spain, germany and switzerland, while a lie, nato, and non-participation in the war will burst with the first retaliatory strike from russia, german journalists state. therefore, ukraine’s defeat will be perceived as a defeat for nato and the west. ultimately, what is at stake is nothing less than the omnipotence of the former masters of the world, the article says. marya skratilka, news. hypocritical statements by the authorities. the usa was named in the federation council. the kiev regime has been using american weapons against russia for a long time. senator vladimir jabbarov stated this on air from studio 5. the americans again
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expect to get away with it, given the fact that they have set almost all of europe against our country. they are trying to incite many asian countries. here. and i think that i'm not sure that they will be kind of observers. especially these ones. false statements that they do not allow their missiles to strike the russian outback, this is all a lie, they have been launching missile strikes, bomb strikes, well, just with the hands of the ukrainians for a long time, although , as our president said, on everyone tasks that are being worked on by american space intelligence and the american military in general, so i again repeat the idea that i have already expressed more than once: in order to reduce the escalation, russia must show its fists, because it is constantly admonishing people to
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stop it. it no longer affects them, they stopped believing in it. the provocative statement of western leaders was commented on in the donetsk people's republic. as the head of the region, denis pushilin, emphasized, even if the united states allegedly openly legalizes the use of its weapons on russian territory, this is unlikely to affect the situation on the front line. here is a statement from a number of western countries, including the united states of america, and well, nothing more than legalization. already previously used western weapons on russian territories, including the belgorod region, so here again we can’t talk about some kind of dramatic change in the situation on the front line, well, of course, it’s not necessary, here we can say that if this complicates at some points work for our units, but in no case do they change the general outline of the tasks of liberating the territory when...
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the zones where this is what the enemy was pushing directly for the creation of sanitary facilities with his such unreasonable, thoughtless actions?
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a chinese probe has begun taking soil samples on the moon. if this mission is successfully completed, this will be the first material from the back of the satellite delivered to earth. let's talk about what else is remarkable about the new part of the chinese lunar program with tatyana belova. tatyana, hello, thanks to this it became possible not only
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the flight itself, but also the collection of soil. as part of the mission, chaneshey must collect about 2 kg of lunar soil samples. samples are taken from depth using a drill 2.5 and special hard alloy. next to the giant drill is the core, which it will be, into which the lunar material will flow. at the same time, sampling from the surface is carried out using a robotic arm almost four meters long. this device can move in a range of 120°.


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