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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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the russian army continues to advance and has taken more advantageous positions; 12 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces have been successfully repelled.
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and problems: to saturate the kiev troops with fresh cannon fodder, to get rid of the annoying ukrainian refugees and save on their maintenance. so the czech authorities found 250,000 euros for tickets for ukrainians home, but there are no more people willing to voluntarily fight for zelensky, igor pikhanov was convinced of this. in front of his family, workers of the ukrainian military registration and enlistment office beat a man, the conscript loses consciousness, and is abandoned. car
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they carry out service, this is how they hand out summonses in the city of cherkassy, ​​in krivoy rog there is a similar situation, the wife of a conscript of pre-retirement age is trying to storm the military unit where her husband was taken. yeah, what are you talking about, i’m not guaranteeing that you put the phone away. total mobilization in ukraine is gaining momentum in the volyn region; the tsk workers did not have enough space for the captured conscripts. 15 people were locked in a private house, one. of those detained was able to call the police, but the security forces did not find any violations in the actions of the military commissars. on social networks thousands of videos where relatives of conscripts talk about illegal conscription into the army. ukrainians understand the losses at vysu at the front are huge. a summons, a one- way ticket. there is a total disposal of ukrainian men, so you understand. dad is 57 years old, he will be 58 in july. the tetskashniks came, issued a summons, he said: why, i’m disabled, but i have no leg, he says, it’s okay, we ’re not with you. the west demands new things from the zelensky regime
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for those who fled the country. with the help of cannon fodder for the front, the hunt began for administrative obstacles, canada is trying to send home refugee men. the czech republic will pay money to those who agree to return to their homeland. ukrainian television convinces viewers that there is nothing scary in military service. no one will immediately send you to storm the landing, no one will send you with a kalashnikov assault rifle to go into combat.
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ukrainians must serve, men and women, from the age of 18, and take part in battles after twenty. ukrainian officials and military officials have called people who complain about the recall action enemies. thousands of videos with fights brawls - these are supposedly staged shots. politicians are demanding that tiktok, which has become a mouthpiece for the dissatisfied, be banned in the country. ukrainians are increasingly calling zelensky an illegitimate president and his actions illegal. zelensky is making a film about himself for $115 million. by order of a ukrainian company, the ninety-fifth quarter begins work on the filming of a film with the loud title “the price of victory.” the ukrainian military complains that due to the large losses of the armed forces of ukraine , unprepared and mobilized people find themselves on the front line, it is difficult to control them, they are not strengthens discipline and the fact that there are a large number of criminal elements in the troops, robberies and drug trafficking are flourishing, and residents of the front-line territories of ukraine are especially suffering. in kharkov, a soldier robbed a beer store. grenades,
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facts of mass exodus of ukrainian soldiers are increasingly being recorded at the front, barrier detachments from the national battalions will not allow them to go home, so ukrainian soldiers surrender to our military, for them this is the only opportunity to survive. igor pikhanov, news! information security became the main topic of the meeting of the russian security council. the meeting was chaired by vladimir putin. this is how the head of state outlined the agenda of the meeting. we will discuss the issues with you. information security, speaker shadayev, maksud igorevich, minister of digital development, let's start working, welcome everyone again, please, maksud igorevich, i ask you. the swiss parliament rejected a request for almost 5.5 billion francs to help
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ukraine. the deputies said that there was no more money for kiev. support for zelensky is noticeably declining amid fears that nato countries will drag all of europe into...
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olls agrees that russia's reaction is of great concern to the states of their allies. because of ukraine's defeat, washington took such a risk, raising the stakes in the proxy war. this opinion is also supported by many former nato military personnel. in the west they see the advance of russian soldiers on the front line and cannot come to terms with the achievements of the russian army. it is for this reason that the west had to take off the mask of a peacemaker and almost openly admit that it is the main party. conflict, without hiding hostile intentions towards moscow. the west just now announced what we knew from day one is not a conflict between russia and ukraine, but between russia and the west. thus, all military bases of western countries located near russian borders have become legitimate targets
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for russia. meanwhile, vladimir zelensky admitted the obvious: the ukrainian armed forces militants require immediate psychological help, doctors requested from the philippine authorities. zelensky himself also has psychosis, this was reported in his circle. he is furious that the most influential world leaders will not go to switzerland for a conference on ukraine. even australia is sending there, symbolically, just a minister for disabled people. about the failure of the ukrainian authorities on all fronts. alexander khristenko. zelensky has never been seen in such surroundings before. however, in the philippines he is still talking about the same thing. asks for support, at least diplomatic, and has also asked for psychotherapists to help the armed forces of ukraine. with the latter, the president of the philippines promised to help, but the solution to the conflict in manila seems to be such that it should suit not only kiev, but also other participants. we will continue to do everything we can to help strengthen
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peace, a cessation of hostilities and the achievement of a political solution in your country. i think everyone understands that it is easier said than done, it will be a difficult road to return to a situation that is moral. hindustan times, neither the prime minister nor the minister of foreign affairs will go there , pakistan and saudi arabia are also ignoring the conference, even the western allies have failed, australia will send the minister of insurance for the disabled, and from the us, instead of biden, security assistant salevan will come and vice president haris, which is strong
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reduces the status of the conference. china is not participating at all, and zelensky criticized in his speech that beijing was allegedly discouraging others from going under the influence of russia, to which he received a harsh response. as far as we know, the swiss meeting does not seem to meet these three elements yet, which is why china will not be able to participate in the meeting. in short, even the washington post was forced to admit that zelensky’s asian tour was a failure. zelensky's difficulties in asia are not limited to china. for a variety of reasons, ukraine's intention cause the same emotional and existential anxiety that. causes most of the west to fail. raja mahan of the national university of singapore said the history of the past
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century in the region is replete with reminders of how western countries acted in their own naked self-interest, often through coercion and sometimes by supporting harsh dictatorships. realists in chancelleries in some parts of asia have always known that there is a difference between what the west says and what what is he doing. actually, ukraine is another example of western support for a brutal dictatorship.
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strictly speaking, we must crush the russians, as it once happened with the soviet union, that is, technologically and politically , and they are already slipping through, as well as by military means, only with the wrong hands. bundeswehr major general christian freuding said that the patriot air defense systems transferred from germany can shoot down planes in russian airspace, adding that responsibility for this will lie with the ukrainian military. however, moscow has repeatedly stated that it is the countries that will be responsible for such attacks. which ensure the use of western long-range weapons, that is, nato countries. alexander khristenko, denis
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sokolov, lead. us authorities did not release american military expert scott ritter from the country. he is, by the way, a former weapons inspector. one of the few who were not afraid in the nineties to tell the truth about iraq, that there were no weapons of mass destruction there, and that the united states, in order to seize oil fields, falsified data and unleashed war. now it's elite. condemned washington for dragging ukraine into the conflict against russia. several years ago, the us intelligence services had already framed him, put him in prison for some time, and now they took away his passport. “i was boarding a plane, three police officers took me out, they took my passport, when i asked, on what basis they told me, an order from the state department, they didn’t tell me anything else, my luggage was taken out of the plane, and then i was taken out of the airport, my passport remained they have the son of the us president hunter biden for his .
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the crime is punishable by 25 years in prison and a fine of $750 thousand. democrats in the country are worried that this process will destroy the already low ratings of biden himself, they are trying to interrupt the news about hunter with scandals around trump, and they are also afraid that if trump returns to power, he will reveal several secrets at once, which ones exactly - valentin bogdanov found out the motorcade of donald trump, who, after the verdict in new york, returns to his estate in florida, arrives in maralaga as a hero. the stars and stripes, according to trump's supporters, are a symbol of the trouble that america is in, a symbol of their common resistance to the system that opened pandora's box, trying to put the former american president behind bars, to open, so to open to the end - trump threatened in the first after the jury's decision tv interview. if you were
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president, would you declassify documents on the september 11 attacks? yes.
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we are talking about child abuse. it is important to understand whether all these people knew about what was happening there, did they take part in it? epstein's accomplice, gelaine maxwell, is now serving a twenty-year sentence; he himself did not live to get here; the banker was found hanged in a cell at a new york detention center. the official version was thrown onto a rope from the top tier of the bed, there are no recordings from surveillance cameras, but there are multiple neck fractures and other injuries, which are more common. characteristic of murder by strangulation, not suicide, which jeffrey epstein's brother, mark, does not believe in. after the autopsy, i realized that this was not suicide, and then i myself began to receive death threats, me tried to connect it with his brother’s activities. unlimited forces, always remaining behind the scenes, seem to have manifested themselves more than once in the kennedy assassination case. over
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the past 60 years, dozens have grown around shots in dallas. the conspiracy of many appears to have been deliberately helped to grow in order to misdirect public opinion. everyone wants to know about the behind-the-scenes conspiracies and what lies behind them. this is especially true for kennedy. no, there is not a single person alive today who would need protection in the kennedy assassination case. november sixty-three. information must be fully disclosed. 98% of materials from the defense commission. it was she who came to the conclusion that kennedy was killed by lee harvey oswald and no one else is to blame, published, but some of the papers may not be given to oglazka until 2039, that is, 75 years after the assassination. however, if jeffrey sachs is right, who in a recent interview with tucker carlson said that the cia was involved in the case, then
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of course no evidence will be found in the archives. and tucker clearly didn’t ask about this by chance. recently he he hinted that... carvi oslalda, we never conducted a normal investigation, on the contrary, from the very beginning they began to hide everything. another presidential candidate, his nephew, also disagrees with the official version of the murder in dallas.
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is it possible to condemn trump because of this, where was donald trump in 1963? i'm just asking questions. on fox they are still laughing, on nbc they are already discussing with brutal seriousness how to limit trump’s access to intelligence briefings. simply put, the american deepate has already begun to think how arrange. sabotage to the potential forty-seventh president of the united states. they must be careful about what data they share with donald trump. the hint
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is very transparent. the first american president is a criminal. the democrats placed a big bet on this wording, but what an unfortunate coincidence. 4 days after the verdict in new york , hunter biden's trial began today in delaware. the first presidential son is a criminal, which doesn't sound any better. will be the first son of the current president of the country to appear in court, this has never happened before was. the key witness is his brother beau's widow, helly bydon. hunter had an affair with her, it was helly who found and threw away the colt cobra pistol, which he purchased, lying that he was not a drug addict. his ex- wife kathleen buhl, to whom he owes almost $3 million in alimony, must also testify, which means there will be plenty of dirty laundry, which is not for the elder biden... by the way, especially on the eve of the imminent nomination, trump is still dealing with this tougher. july 11th verdict here in new york, fifteenth republican convention in meluka,
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which democrats, according to trump, are trying to derail. calling his opponents fascists, he directly appealed to the supreme court with a request to intervene, hoping that they will not refuse, six of the nine judges there are conservative, three were appointed by trump. personally, valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and timofey mukhin, lead the usa. help for the front can come in many different forms. the baltika company, on its own initiative , has developed a drink formula that contains all the vitamins most necessary in difficult conditions and can most effectively support our military on the front line. but they will deliver a new product to the front for free, and help from their own. salemazarev. and now he is helping the front as best he can, some companies are sending construction materials, some unmanned aerial vehicles, some medical products to the north military district zone, some
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have also decided to make their contribution to the baltika company, which recently came under state control. alexander, are you ready? ready, let's start! it was made specifically for our soldiers, it is not beer, not lemonade or energy drink, a fortified drink that is designed to keep people strong... difficult combat conditions. it only took a couple of weeks from idea to implementation; this is not an order. baltika itself developed the recipe, launched it into production and will deliver the drink to the war zone for free. it is called for its own. several dozen employees are currently in the fields, so they will feel that we are doing something for them, and we call not only our employees ours. but all the guys who are currently performing an important state task, before the first bottling , the drink goes through all the same procedures, that the company’s commercial products
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receive the necessary conclusions, the final word goes to professional tasters, citrus and lime are felt, a little melon, that is , such fruits are pleasant, exotic, at the same time it has a little hint of our northern berries, all b vitamins are here , and also c and e, for the first time, fat-soluble vitamins a, which support vision, and d3, necessary for the balance of calcium and phosphorus, were used. normally it is produced under the influence of ultraviolet light, but what kind of ultraviolet is there in the trenches? people don’t sunbathe or relax there, therefore, the presence of vitamin d3 virtually completely eliminates this negative situation. one bottle contains 90% of the daily requirement of caffeine and 50 taurine, that is, the drink invigorates, but does not depress the nervous system. system, like some energy drinks, is decorated in khaki color so as not to reveal the fighters. it is symptomatic that the carlsberg company, under whose control baltika was until
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recently, is now providing assistance to the ukrainian armed forces. the danish concern severed all ties with russia, but the baltic, being under the external control of the state, demonstrates incredible results. twenty percent growth, we are releasing new products, updated, this is baltika 3, we have already released baltika 7, which means that wheat will be next, this is baltika 8. in general, very big changes are taking place in all directions. the first pallets of drinks for our own people are shipped to the warehouse. test batches will appear at the front this friday. sale mazarev, sergey shchenko, alexander borushkov and galina orlova. news: northwestern bureau. the threats posed by artificial intelligence were discussed by members of the council of the csto parliamentary assembly in almaty, chaired by vyacheslav volodin. robert frantsov will tell you what else was in the spotlight. the work of the uec parliamentary assembly.
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in kazakhstan, it began with a visit to a sacred place; the heads of the delegation laid flowers at the eternal flame in the park of 28 panfilov guardsmen in almaat. speaker of the russian state duma vyacheslav volodin noted that western countries are increasingly trying to distort our common history in order to sow discord between today’s allies. together we defended our country, the soviet union, cleansed the world of fascist evil spirits when now both washington and brussels are trying to do this.
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we believe that it is necessary to invite representatives of new countries to work on global security issues. following the meeting , a statement was adopted on building jurisdiction for the safe development of artificial intelligence. another important topic is countering outside interference in electoral processes. during the working visit , bilateral negotiations between the head of the russian delegation and the president of kazakhstan also took place. vyacheslav volodin and kasym zhumar takaev discussed strengthening the strategic partnership and alliance between russia and
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kazakhstan. as well as preparation for military exercises within the csto on the territory of kazakhstan, unbreakable brotherhood and rock 2024. robert frantsev, tatyana safarova, arman baidauletov, kazakhstan, central asian bureau of news. the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs visited guinea. the parties confirmed their principled position on rejecting western pressure and strongly condemned the non-colonial policies of a number of european countries and the united states in africa. read more about natalya solovyova's visit. there are only four states in the world that have in their name the word guinea, one of them is the island of popoa, new guinea, three more are located here on the african continent. guinea bissao, equatorial guinea, and finally the republic of guinea, where the minister of foreign affairs arrived today. at the trail he is met by his guinean colleague marisanda kouyate. kanakri,
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head of russian diplomacy. visited 10 years ago, but during this time africa has become the number one region in terms of economic growth dynamics, the time has come to synchronize watches again and outline new vectors in relations. about the fact that he was the first to extend a helping hand 60 years ago the soviet union and guinea are well remembered by our dear friend brother. these were the words his guinean colleague greeted the russian minister today. welcome to the republic of guinea, an independent country, there are whole traditions of ours.


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