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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the russian army continues to advance. more advantageous positions, 12 attacks of the ukrainian armed forces were successfully repelled, zelensky’s formations lost almost 1,750 more soldiers and mercenary officers, a tank and seven other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 32 howitzers, self-propelled guns and missile systems, including the american haymarc. the ssdf is suffering huge losses and many of kiev’s european allies are ready to solve three problems at once: saturate the kiev troops.
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fresh cannon fodder, get rid of annoying ukrainian refugees and save on their maintenance. the czech authorities found 250,000 euros for tickets for ukrainians home, but there are no more people willing to voluntarily fight for zelensky, andrei grigoriev was convinced of this. the military commissar's car hits a cyclist, but it drives into the kanawa itself; the potential conscript runs away from pursuit. a common scene for most ukrainian cities. so what do you do? dnepropetrovsk, cherkasy, kiev region are grabbing all men of military age indiscriminately, it seems that such actions are not entirely legal. in fact, this is an offense. by and large, if citizens know their rights, they can challenge the actions of military registration and enlistment offices. the military commissar cannot detain, as in these numerous videos. well, in the west they are pushing it, so the former commander of us troops in europe, ben hodges, is addressing the ukrainians. army size. it is not easy to understand
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why, in the conditions of the war for survival, the supreme government of ukraine did not decide to increase the recruitment and size of the army. i understand the reasons, but this has to change. you have to fix that this year. you have enough people, but not enough soldiers. and in order to replenish the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, it is imperative the conscription age will have to be lowered, and such proposals are already being made. i sincerely believe that all ukrainians should be subject to military service, men and women from the age of 18.
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the europeans are ready to deport ukrainian refugees to norway; they have already counted 370 such draft dodgers . conscription for military service, service in connection with war are not conditions that in themselves constitute grounds for granting asylum in norway. to prevent the flight from continuing, close the borders, otherwise it is too easy to sail across the tisza river to romania. i would throw it at the squeezing crocodiles. i would i squeezed in more crocodiles. they are not afraid to dive in as many as there are drowning. but they are afraid to go defend their homeland, only those who are forcibly mobilized, very quickly find themselves in russian captivity, all the boys wanted to escape, they throw away their weapons, machine guns just go away, the command simply threw us away like cannon fodder, and they are already telling us that in principle we should not have serve, everything is good everywhere, although i have had a fair amount of illness since childhood, bronchial asthma, bilateral pulmonary hepoplasia since childhood, and this is vascular distance, that’s why the number of losses in... su recently
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, according to the russian ministry of defense , has increased significantly, here are the ukrainian military, who were lucky. they built a house for the boss, while receiving payments as if for completing combat missions on the front line. immediately after the call, the commander of the regional department of the defense forces of the south mobilized them to build their own dacha. there, too, people were very needed. andrey grigoriev, maxim shchepilov, philip nazarov, lead. let us tell you how this day in history is remembered right now. hello. on june 4, 1741 , the second kamchatka expedition of vitus bering to the shores of alaska started. 15 years earlier, the great navigator entered the chukchi sea through the strait, which
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was later named after the berings, thereby proving that the shores of asia and north america are not connected. the task of the second kamchatka expedition was to explore the coasts of north america. by the time of the start , the traveler was almost 60. they left on two ships, but a storm scattered them, the pocket boat st. peter with bering on board went to the shores of alaska alone. kodiak island and others discovered it, but the ship washed ashore and the expedition had to stay for the winter, which 19 people did not survive, including vitus bering. the following year, the survivors were able to return to kamchatka. the expedition was of great scientific importance; for the first time they were compiled.
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on june 4, 1916, one of the most successful operations of the russian army in the first world war began, the brusilov breakthrough. for 2 months, the troops of the southwestern front were under the command. germany and occupy a number of important territories in europe, including volyn, bukovina and part of galicia. the enemy was driven back an average of 100 km. austria-hungary and germany lost more than one and a half million people, the russians about 470 thousand. to repel the russian offensive, germany and austria-hungary transferred many troops from other fronts, this made the offensive easier for the french and saved it from being complete. defeat of the italians. after the brusilov breakthrough, the strategic initiative in the war finally passed to antantium. a new form of front breakthrough has also appeared immediately at several areas. this tactic was developed in the last years of the first world war, and was also tested by the red army during
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the great patriotic war. and on this day in 1940 , the dunkirk operation ended, it is also called the miracle of dunkirk. at the beginning of the second world war, european. countries surrendered to the germans one after another. france was almost captured. the germans drove large allied forces to the sea near the town of dunkirk. suddenly general gudarian's tanks stopped advancing, then britain and france gathered all their warships, and through radio and newspapers asked the population who had anything that could float to go to the aid of the army. and in 10 days, under enemy fire , 340 thousand soldiers and officers of the allied armies were taken from the continent. dunkerskaya. the official name of operation dynamo allowed the british army to be retained, although all heavy weapons were left with dunkirk. why did hitler allow the allies to evacuate? historians are still arguing. according to one version, i thought that the infantry and aviation would cope without tanks, which would be needed to
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defeat the french military group on north. and according to another, the most famous wanted to quickly make peace with england in order to create a reliable rear in the west for the campaign. and in the summer of 1940 he openly called on churchel to sit down at the negotiating table, but he, as you know, refused. on june 4, 1977 , the draft of a new constitution of the ussr was published, for the first time in our country for public discussion. the union lived according to the constitution of the thirty-sixth year, and a lot had changed by 70. the new law was discussed everywhere, about one and a half million meetings were held at enterprises. 400,000 comments were proposed by the people and some amendments were made to the text, even suggesting moving to a multi-party system, separating the functions of the party and the state, and introducing the principle of regular rotation of government officials at all levels. such
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ideas, of course, were rejected, but in october the new constitution of the ussr was finally adopted, all the deputies, or rather, accepted this constitution with such triumph, now i’m going to give congratulatory telegrams. it confirmed the leadership role of the communist party, but introduced a new form of ownership other than the state cooperative-collective farm system, the ownership of public organizations appeared, and free education of all types, secondary and higher, was established. citizens of the ussr acquired new rights to health care, housing, and free scientific, technical and artistic creativity. for the first time , it was prescribed that parents should take care. not children, but children take care of their parents, with certain amendments, the constitution of 1977, or as it was called brezhnev, was in force until the collapse of the ussr. this is what this day in history was like. on air program
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parliamentary hour, we will tell you about the main decisions of the state duma this week. a blatant incident during an exam at a school in voronezh. think about it. we are all parents too, and how will each of you react if a child is undressed, who came up with this? the chairman of the state duma demanded that the relevant committee take control of the unified state examination process. russia and china together on the moon: the prospect of ensuring a human presence on the moon. the state duma ratified the intergovernmental agreement. deputies are on the side of mentors and will help us preserve young specialists and, what is important, to train them for the enterprise. the new bill will allow you to receive additional payment for transferring experience, so that there is a person who is ready to explain and tell you everything.
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the process of passing the unified state exam will be taken under parliamentary control; at the plenary session, deputies drew attention to a blatant incident in voronezh, where some eleventh-graders had to take exams this week under conditions of severe stress with a feeling of humiliation. the graduates complained that they were being searched in search of hidden phones.
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crossing all reasonable boundaries. eleven was forced to undress, take off his underwear, and remove some metal fasteners. children with braces were not allowed to take the exam for an hour, the rest had already taken the exam, they stood and waited. only an hour later. they launched, in voronezh, an egregious case, we will now bring everything to the point that our unified state examination will probably be taken there in a sterile zone at the airport, students will be sent there for x-rays, but this is all a psychological trauma, why is all this being done? after vyacheslav volodin’s reaction to the incident, they willingly invited representatives of rosvobrnadzor and the relevant minister directly asked them questions at an extended meeting of the education committee. following the meeting, the head of the committee, olga kazakova, said that the deputies would analyze in detail the rules for delivery. unified state exam. now the conduct of exams is regulated by a separate article of the law on education and
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a number of other documents. the chairman of the state duma instructed first deputy speaker alexander zhukov and the relevant committee to speed up work on a bill banning the sale of energy drinks to minors. necessary work on this issue together with other relevant committees and the government and reach an appropriate decision. we are talking about children's health - he emphasized. and now about the bills that state duma deputies considered this week. deputies extended the program to help large families pay off mortgages until 2030. the law was prepared in order to implement the message of president vladimir putin to the federal assembly. the state duma is consistently working to expand measures to support families with children, he emphasized vyacheslav volodin. extending this program for another 7 years is an important decision that will increase accessibility. housing for large families. russians have received the legal right to independently sell a mortgaged
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apartment. today , it is possible to sell property that is pledged to the bank only through a public sale or auction. most often this means a low, non-market price. moreover, the owner also has to pay for the services of the auction organizer up to 3% of the value of the property. and in some cases there is also an enforcement fee. this is already up to 7% of cost and work of the appraiser. the state duma adopted a law that will allow the owner to contact the bank and obtain permission to sell the apartment on their own within 4 months. the minimum selling price will have to compensate for the remaining one. according to current legislation, if a person has provided property as collateral to obtain a loan, then this collateral can only be sold by a credit organization. this bill expands human rights, and since there are situations when a person interested in receiving a larger amount from the sale of property,
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it is natural to do this more efficiently. 5.00 rub. for drivers from 20 to 30.
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roscosmos is vested with the authority to conclude, on behalf of the state, concession agreements and ppp agreements. as part of the roadmap, preliminary agreements were concluded in the amount of about 380 billion rubles. this is a private contribution to the development of the industry. we believe that without the adoption of this bill
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, the corporation simply will not be able to attract. additional private leverage for the development of the most important areas of activity, this and formation of a constellation, creation of ground-based space infrastructure and satellites to provide access to broadband internet. and about another important decision in the space sector. the state duma adopted a law ratifying the agreement between russia and the people's republic of china on cooperation in the field. creation of a lunar station. alexander shavirin will talk about plans for the earth’s natural satellite. the domestic history of lunar exploration began in 1959. then they launched it. the world's first automatic interplanetary station, soviet luna 1. in the seventieth, luna 16 already delivered to earth the first soviet samples of lunar soil, which, by the way, are destined
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to become one of the symbols of the russian-chinese space partnership, but more on that later. that same fall, luna 17 delivered the first self-propelled laboratory controlled from the ground to the satellite; three years later , another lunar rover reached the satellite at an automatic station. this model is at the institute. space research is an exact copy of the same lunar rover that roamed the lunar expanses back in 1973. it is noteworthy that soviet technology made it possible to transmit commands from the ground across 384,000 km in a matter of seconds and also quickly receive an image. a whole team of specialists was involved in managing such a device. the lunokhod was controlled like a toy using the joystick handle. it had two speed modes, was equipped with a braking system and could even turn around on the spot. movement is 10 m, i understand, forward 10 m. when you sit down at the control panel, you grow into the lunar rover and it’s as if you
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you are on the lunar rover. the last lunar mission, luna 24, took place in 1976 and delivered another batch of lunar soil samples to earth; traces of water were found in them for the first time; after almost half a century of silence, a new flight will be launched in 2023. luna 25, first station. russia: the engines of the first second stage are working normally. the station failed, but still managed to transmit several important images. the main task was to practice a soft landing, but luna-25 met the surface of the satellite as hard as possible. there are other models and bugs in development today will be taken into account. it is planned that the new luna 27 station will be produced in two copies at once. it will probe the soil, or rather the lunar soil, for them the orbital.
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maybe finance this law so that russian cosmonautics is at least at the same level as chinese ones. the deputy general director of roscosmos noted that there is no such need today, and the countries have already begun working together. we are implementing our national program, not ours, but we are coordinating our missions. we have created a unified data exchange center. on in fact, our cooperation began even before the agreement was signed. in 2022 during the visit. vladimir putin in china, the prc transferred to russia for scientific purposes one and a half grams of lunar soil delivered to earth by the chinese chang e5 probe in 2020. in response, russia shared its samples, the
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same ones from 1970. studying soil from the moon allows our scientists to better understand the evolutionary processes of the earth of all cosmic bodies of the solar system, and samples taken at different points on the satellite can differ radically and soil transferred from china allowed me to learn a lot. russian researchers. the main advantage of lunar samples is that we know where they were taken from. that is, accordingly, we can find out the entire geological structure of a given area, this is very important when planning missions, this is very important for, well, further development of some space. now the russian-chinese friendship is enshrined on paper. the document in particular regulates many rights. and economic issues, for example, goods that are moved across the borders of two states within the framework of the agreement, are exempt from taxes and duties. parliamentarians are confident that joint work
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will be fruitful.
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12 states and several organizations have already joined roscosmos, which means that the project of the international lunar scientific station promises to be truly large-scale. duma tv. parliamentary hour. russia received unprecedented conditions for access to the iranian market. the state duma ratified a free trade agreement between the eurasian economic union and the islamic republic. this means duty-free turnover of almost 90% goods that russian producers and consumers benefit from. yana dobrovolskaya sorted it out. this pizazhka is the best,
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the most delicious, fried salty, iranian, more buyers are in demand, these are fisazhki, these pistachios are considered the best, iran today is one of the world leaders in the production of dried fruits and nuts, and the russian consumer has long been familiar with these products, food supplies to our market, for iran , the priority export direction is figs and peaches. pomegranates and citrus fruits are popular among russian consumers, and deliveries from friendly countries are distinguished by their quality and taste. fruit exports to russia began to increase in 2021. with the advent of sanctions in russia, many usual destinations became inaccessible. therefore, iran is a good alternative that will saturate the domestic market with a variety of food all year round. cooperation
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between russia and iran has not just long, but centuries-old traditions. in recent years, iran from a friendly country began to turn for russia into one of the largest reliable strategic allies. the relationship is legally established. a textual free trade agreement between the eu countries and iran was signed 5 years ago. during this time , trade turnover with iran doubled from two to four billion dollars. and already at the end of last year a new one was signed. instead of a temporary decision, the state duma ratified the most important document at a plenary meeting. compared to the temporary agreement, the new agreement significantly improves the terms of our mutual trade. now in accordance according to the current agreement, preferences cover about 60% of russian exports. and this 60% is supplied to uranium at reduced duties. the new agreement almost completely liberalizes everything. russian
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exports are about 95%. thus, the average amount of duties will be reduced by four times, while for most of the category it will be zero. these are metallurgical products, electrical equipment, electrical machines, mechanical equipment, timber, chemistry, pipes, locomotives, cattle meat, confectionery and sugar. duty free the regime will allow russian businesses to save about $300 million. this is a reduction in principle.


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