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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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they cover formations and protect them from shelling, tor anti-aircraft missile systems operate in the belgorod region, what targets are shot down by our israeli fighters every day. in washington , biden directly admitted that he is the leader in ukraine, but he will not go to the so-called peace summit, that’s why? several new sources of natural fires have arisen in buryaati over the past 24 hours; we will tell you how they are fighting the fire later. journalists from germany travel to donbass. they ask about the development
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of russian lithium, what interests the germans so much, why? the kyiv regime is preparing provocation in the kherson region, as the regional authorities said, the method has already been worked out, the buche scenario can be used. earlier , representatives of the local underground spoke about preparations in the kiev-controlled territory. according to them, the directors. military correspondents are already on site in kherson, filming a video about how the russians are allegedly hitting civilian targets, and to make the picture look convincing, ukrainian militants first fire at residential areas with swinging mortars. settlements of the belgorod region are protected from shelling calculations of anti-aircraft missile systems tor. they also cover the formations that are pushing back the militants in the kharkov region. our air defense systems are one of the main targets for the enemy. but
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it is not so easy to get combat vehicles and even damage them when hit, yegor grigoriev will tell you why. the combat vehicle of the thor complex is rolling out on duty. anti-aircraft gunners and troop groups of the north reliably protect the belgorod sky, cover nearby settlements and military formations that move deep into the kharkov region. behind this calculation more than a hundred downed targets, mostly unmanned aerial vehicles. the ukrainian armed forces have now replaced artillery and aviation with them. the last uav was destroyed just a few hours ago. over our area, which we were covering, we shot down a fury, it worked perfectly, the altitude was 800 m. well, to strike mainly the world. the object is a nightmare
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for the population. residents of the belgorod region count every shot down target. the day before, during the shelling , there were more than twenty air defense hits in a row. the enemy, of course, does not like the effectiveness of our anti-aircraft gunners. they target the air defense system. a drone arrived at the pv, and there was a jam. that is, as you can see, there is no penetration. thor is always nearby on a task. i’m working on it and trying to plant it entirely, so to speak, for a trophy, but if it’s already in the immediate vicinity and i understand that i can’t do it, i take a hunting rifle, then we’re already working, they say a hunting rifle, especially now... with... in demand here,
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because it was necessary to get the usual one, well, in general, yes, try to touch as many elements as possible, the combat vehicle was scalded from the factory with additional protection, but the fighters and the updated version was improved, as always, they used ingenuity, the rubber recently saved the crew, also ours, you see above, ordinary rubber, just like there is something else in the vestelat gyms, it protects very well, the crew of this car is two people, they say it works faster this way and without... it’s safer, though there are more tasks, the commander assigned the functions of an operator to the young mechanic driver, his call sign is a chick, in fact it’s a real eagle, my flight leader is a chick, my senior comrades gave it to me, because the average age of those mobilized in our the unit is 35 years old, starting from 35, and i myself turn out to be young, i’m 24, so unitedly confident, 10-12 times a day they go to the task, and this calculation is from the north group of troops, of course... not alone, all together and day
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and night they are doing their best to prevent the ukrainian armed forces militants from carrying out their bloody plan to strike the peaceful russian region. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, alina zykova, news! kiev is desperately trying to recruit new fighters abroad, the head of the delegation made this statement in an interview with the news. russia at the negotiations in vienna, konstantin gavrilov. according to him, potential soldiers only need to complete a five-day course. there are mercenaries with combat experience. gavrilov noted that there are about a hundred sabotage groups operating in ukraine, consisting of officers who maintain precision systems planning terrorist operations against russia. let me note that, according to our ministry of defense, over 13,000 foreign mercenaries arrived in ukraine, almost half of them were already viklederma. the united states will change its approach in supporting ukraine and is ready to discuss expansion of attacks by american weapons on
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russian territory, the white house announced. at the same time, the so -called peace summit, delayed by kiev, seems to be of no use to anyone in the west. washington has already confirmed that biden will definitely not go there. that ’s why mariadelka will tell you about it. residents of iraq are literally attacking american restaurants, smashing windows, destroying stores, accusing the united states of inciting wars around the world, and the white house is no longer even hiding everything that is happening in ukraine, directly in the interests of biden. ukraine no longer has stronger leader than president biden. the united states is active. have participated and will continue to participate in any strategic matter of this country. the united states is escalating the situation if only the kiev regime can survive until november. the american voter should not understand during the elections that it was biden who led ukraine to a global crisis - political scientists state that the red lines designed to limit military
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support for kiev from the west are constantly being erased. the colors are rapidly fading and have become like beige dots, writes washington fast. washington has already fallen out with too many people. china warns that one more step towards escalation, and there will be no turning back. the us uses rules of order as hegemonic narratives. when these rules of order serve its interests, the united states uses them; when not, it abandons them. all these conflicts are the result of the us's core double standards. french mercenaries, among many other europeans, have been in ukraine for a long time, local media report. this video is being circulated on social networks, in which the russian military takes prisoners.
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after retaliatory strikes from lebanese territory, the situation is also aggravated by hot weather.
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the united states intends to immediately impose visa sanctions against georgia. this statement was made by the official.
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will we work it out and sell it outside the republic? well, we were interested in the reserves of the deposit, technical issues, the quality of the ore, what the cost would be to obtain the metal, and to enrich the ore. here is the appeal from the moscow representative office of the central democratic republic to the press service of the head of the dpr in january of this year, including request for assistance in filming the restoration of mariupol and the lithium deposit in the steep balka, this is in the zaporozhye region, and the shevchenkovsky lithium deposit. it was armin körper's band, whose material.
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positive materials, to create the appearance of economic interest, their task was to remove a loyal attitude towards the city, a loyal and comfortable attitude towards what the russian federation is doing to restore peaceful life, in fact this is nothing more than camouflage and lining. zdf journalists visited zaporozhye and also asked about lithium, about krutaya balka deposit, we didn’t actually go to the place itself, maybe. because of the january frosts, they limited themselves to the museum in berdyansk, journalists, the novostnoy tv channel, well, from
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the territory of germany, visited our museum, talked, there were representatives from geologist development, geological mining, russia, zaporozhye region, and representatives of germany were of particular interest to them steep beam. back in ukraine there was such a company, petro consulting, which belonged, accordingly, to the ex-president. petro poroshenko, this company has been for some time was engaged in the development of lithium ore quarries, in particular the shevchenkovsky deposit, which is now returning to russia. lithium is an extremely necessary metal for modern technology. what are lithium ion batteries worth? for smartphones, electric vehicles, solar panels, germany does not have its own lithium. the resources of not only donbass, but also ukraine are critically important for the eu and germany, for the development of their economies and for the so-called green transition. a lot of politicians.
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germans can analyze what will happen further from the point of view of just cooperation with russia after the conflicts, even if there was a german politician who is ready for...
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the first reading of the package of bills on budget amendments and tax changes may take place on june 20. this date was proposed by the relevant committee of the state duma. when the meeting finally takes place will be decided. council of the state duma, it has already sent bills to the regions for discussion, said the chairman of the house of parliament vyacheslav volodin. among the tax changes, in particular, the introduction of a progressive personal income tax scale for those who earn more than 2,400 thousand rubles per year, for example, families with two or more children with low incomes, will actually pay only 6%, thanks to the family return.
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the likelihood of the italian bank unicredit leaving russia is low, about this financial. said chief executive officer andrei archel, he admitted that he was looking for options, but in modern conditions it is very difficult. leaving russia, whether by selling a bank or otherwise, is extremely difficult because you need to enter an ever- shrinking gray area where you will not contradict someone else's political will, and at the same time avoid sanctions from both sides. this does not mean that we have stopped trying, we are constantly looking for alternatives, but it is probable. earlier, the central bank of italy announced that two italian banks unique and intesa sao paulo would be forced to leave russia. the regulator explained that such a decision was made by the government and admitted that it was forced and costly. steel consumption in russia will grow by approximately 1-2% over the next 5 years.
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severstal general director alexander shevelev said this in an interview with tas. this. a historical record figure for the russian federation, a good basis for further growth, if gdp grows as forecast, it will support increased steel consumption. today we estimate that steel consumption will grow by 1-2% annually for 5 years. at the same time , the pace may be greater if programs related to infrastructure construction, import substitution in mechanical engineering and gasification of the regions of the russian federation expand. ukrainians in winter. but wait for the lights to go out for 10-12 hours a day, about this was stated in the verkhovna rada committee on energy and housing and communal services, this will result in serious damage to the energy system. the committee emphasized that the increase in tariffs will not allow us to have electricity 24 hours a day. on june 1, they were once again increased for the population by more than 60%. limit prices for businesses were also
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increased in may by a quarter compared to the previous month and in june by another quarter. at the end of the issue, i’ll remind you of the exchange rates for today: dollar 89 rubles 37 kopecks, euro 96 87 , that’s all i have for now, you see how the world is changing rapidly, the future of millions of people is under threat, they want to abolish your language, your culture, and tear your homeland to pieces, how to find a foothold and defend what you want? become a force that will restore justice, become a pillar of the country, protect your future and the future of your children, they will not forgive if you stay on the sidelines, serve
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under a contract, lead with you, briefly about the main thing. minute. a large stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was captured in the area of ​​​​the settlement of chasov yar for a combat mission with the support of artillery and aviation carried out airborne assault groups. several militants surrendered, including the commander of the evacuation group. washington intends to introduce visa sanctions against tbilisi without delay. this step is a response to the adoption of the law on foreign agents in georgia. earlier, guzdepe stated that us-georgian relations would be reviewed. sergei lavrov arrived on a working visit to the republic of the congo; in the program, negotiations with the president of the country in broad and narrow formats will focus on issues, according to political scientists trade, economic and military-technical cooperation. ukrainian militants shelled gorlovka in the donetsk people's republic, one civilian was killed by impact slack-cassette
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ammunition, evidence was found directly at the site of the shelling. and now about the preparation of the so-called peace summit on ukraine, which is planned to be convened in switzerland in june. there will really be few leaders there. so brazil and south africa, for example, send only diplomats. china refused to participate altogether, but australia will be represented by the minister of insurance disability. why such a choice, elizaveta khramtsova understood this. there are state visits, there are official ones. level of representation. samite in switzerland requires a new word in the world of protocol, because there is not yet a term in diplomacy to describe the meeting of an expired president and the minister for persons with disabilities. zelensky. with the prime minister of australia asked the latter to come in person, but canber sends bill shorten on a business trip, and although the man in green is certainly the main reason for the sharp increase in the number of disabled people
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compatriots, a foreign counterpart will primarily be of interest to him because of his rich corruption experience; a trial is currently underway in the australian senate on why the speechwriter of minister shortun receives 320 thousand dollars a year, that is , almost 20 million rubles. in fact, we should be glad that australia... at least for the affairs of the disabled, but still sent a minister, and from other countries they generally say, like clerks, well, i met blinkin in china, the deputy mayor of one of the cities in china, and they can send them here. filipino psychotherapists should be sent to the kiev patient as quickly as possible, because a little more and he will begin to attack people. this weekend he insulted not just anyone, but also the whole of china, accusing beijing of trying to disrupt gatherings in the alps. the reason for such nervousness seems to be in that song: there is fun around, everyone wants to give advice, but he is not around. the swiss yellow-blue festival will celebrate us vice president kamla harris, but there will be no
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headliner, because for joe biden's election campaign, julia roberts and george the clooneys are more important people than the actor from the 95th ward. in principle, after biden said that he would not go, this really became a reason to sharply lower the level of the delegation. everyone who is oriented towards the united states. no one will come from china at all. india will participate, but neither the prime minister nor the head of the foreign ministry found time at the event. brazil and south africa will be represented at the diplomatic level. hungary is still wondering whether it needs all this, pakistan has decided to remain neutral. one of the biggest blows for zelensky - non-participation of saudi arabia. world leaders understand that what was planned as a conference is now positioned as a whole summit, and this is a new format, it implies. the leaders did not sign any agreements to substitute concepts. the position of many countries that really, really didn’t like the idea that they were simply fraudulently
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lured to an event and put in a very strange situation when they were forced to recognize as the legitimate leader of ukraine a person who is not one. barely perhaps the best anti-advertising for the bürgenstock festival 2024 was published today by the economist. harari, a well-known liberal, vegan, homosexual, who positions himself as a historian, gave birth to a column, they say, if we can reach an agreement in switzerland, these same people will be able to defeat climate change, stop other wars, the uncontrolled rampant of artificial intelligence, in the 21st century will finally live peacefully, in general , we’ll sort out all the troubles in one weekend. well, for kiev the main thing is to cross the psychological mark in half of the countries that are members of the un.
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i would like to show the world how i can overcome it. the washington post asked how moscow would respond to nato's threats to send its soldiers to help the kiev regime? american analysts came to an unexpected conclusion, for example, macron’s decision to send a military contingent to ukraine carries enormous risks for paris itself, because this will push russia to launch powerful attacks on the bases of foreign mercenaries. observers emphasize that the french do not want to get it back. coffins, nato allies are clearly afraid of a direct clash with the russian army. and now let's talk about sports.
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alexander, former head coach of the russian national team stanislav cherchesov will continue his career in kazakhstan. tell me how everything will be? tatyana, it is expected that cherchesov will work in the kazakhstan national team at least until the end of the selection for the 26 world cup. so, the former head coach of the russian national team, stanislav cherchesov. headed the kazakhstan national team. the contract duration has not been officially specified, but according to media reports, cherchesov will work in kazakhstan at least until the end of the qualifying tournament for world cup 2026. already on june 7 and 11 , the kazakhstan national team will play two friendly matches, but it is expected that stanislav cherchesov’s debut as head coach will take place only in early september, when kazakhstan will play against the norwegian national team in the nations league. let me remind you of stanislav cherchesov’s last place of work. there was a hungarian ferensvárys. cherchesov left budapest in july last year. there are also changes in cska moscow, the club announced the resignation of head
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coach vladimir. fedotov worked at cska 2 years, during which time the red and blue won the russian cup, this was last season and at the same time they became silver medalists in the national championship. well, the day before our channel aired the next episode of the russian football program, where cska defender igor deveev summed up the season for the army club and talked about playing for the russian national team. it’s a strange season, i can’t say anything else, because well, i was just injured when i was still injured.
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and tennis mira andreeva for the first time in her career reached the quarter-finals of a big series tournament helmet a native of krasnoyarsk made it into the top eight at roland goros thanks to her victory over the representative of france, varvara gracheva. only the opening game of the match was stubborn. andreeva had to win back a double set point. in the second set, the russian gave only two games to her opponent. as a result, the victory was won in an hour and a half in two sets 7-5-6-2. mira andreeva became the youngest quarter-finalist
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in korlangaros for the last time. 19 years old, a seventeen-year-old russian woman will compete for reaching her debut semi-final at a grand slam tournament with the second racket of the world, belarusian arina sabalenka, and this match will take place tomorrow. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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to talk to you, briefly about the main thing. the crew of the k52m helicopter destroyed the camouflage.


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