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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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but the delegation from the congo is not the last to be expected in moscow for a return visit. natalya solovyova and philip dubrovsky, oyu, republic of the congo. pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest
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creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and, it seems, the surface of the large boldensky pond forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. anniversary of the poet, this is where the concert will take place, reflection, live broadcast from the bolden estate, on thursday at 21:30 on channel russia.
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in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor history, we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. st. petersburg will cooperate
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with the philippine province of sibu; the regions are going to develop trade, economic, scientific, technical and humanitarian spheres. governor alexander beglov and the head of the philippine province, guindolin garcia, agreed on this today. they met with molny, there are also plans to send st. petersburg students, teachers and scientists for internships in an asian country. president vladimir vladimirovich putin. congratulations to president ferdian ramalalovich marcus jr. emphasized: relations between our countries are developing in the spirit of constructive cooperation. this fully meets the interests of our peoples. in the context of global changes, asian associations remain self-sufficient and sustainable, as noted by the leaders of our countries. the balanced and independent policy of the osian countries is an important factor in global stability. sebo province is the pearl of the archipelago and you, dear madam
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governor, are widely recognized not only in the asian, tejoyan region, but in the world of politics. after all, your representative on the delegation to the st. petersburg international economic forum testifies to the deepening of our relations. and you love. when i listened to you, i was filled with the feeling of how much you love st. petersburg, just as we love our province of sibu. in your speech you called it a pearl, and i am convinced that st. petersburg can be called a diamond. what if the bank has only banking services, without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, ural sip bank, nothing more.
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now there is new footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. hello. the summer has begun. the tourist season, one might say, is already in full swing. so let's talk today. the theme chosen as the main topic is the development of automobile tourism in russia, but before we begin to discuss the stated the main topic, several current issues, one of them is the progress of the sowing campaign,
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in twenty-one regions of russia, unfortunately, there were frosts, and somewhere a little higher than one died, a little more than 1% - the harvest for this is approximately 1.2 %. oksana nikolaevna, what the situation looks like today. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, currently the sowing campaign in the country is coming to an end, as of june 4, almost 50 million hectares have been sown with spring crops, this is 90% of the planned areas. this season, due to difficult weather conditions, there is little observed. we are 2-3 days behind, but by june 10 we must complete all sowing; in general, the total sown area for this year, taking into account winter and spring crops, has been increased by 300,000 hectares, and this will amount to 84.5 million hectares. in a week, some regions of the south and north caucasus are already
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planning to begin harvesting a new crop. separately, i will dwell on the provision of resources to farmers with means of production; our need for seeds is completely covered, while this year priority was. conditionally given to domestic selection. the situation with the availability of plant protection products in the regions remains stable. thanks to the systemic measures taken, the purchase of mineral fertilizers is proceeding as normal. since the beginning of the year, farmers have already purchased 2.8 million tons, which is 74 tons more than last year. rosagroleasing's preferential programs continue to operate for the purchase of agricultural machinery. the company has already delivered about 8.0 units. and also, together with the russian ministry of industry and trade, we are implementing a plan for the acquisition of basic types of equipment. what as for the gos, prices are now lower than during the period of peak growth in september last year. there was no information about fuel shortages or interruptions in its supplies from the regions. here we are in constant control with mimenergo and fas on this issue. dear vladimir vladimirovich,
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we have special control over the provision of farmers with basic resources. we pay close attention to this within the framework of the operational headquarters within the framework of on-site meetings, we do not allow the sbf. as you noted, this one. central russia, povozhye, south and lugansk people's republic and led to the destruction of more than a million hectares of crops, this is about 1-2% of the total area, i note that at present the overwhelming majority of these areas have already been replanted, another 7000 hectares have been damaged from... 6000 are grains, on these areas there will be a decrease productivity, we also damaged more than 13 s5 hectares of perennial fruit and berry plantings. as a result of this situation, 11 regions at their level introduced an emergency situation, given the scale of the damage, for a number of them, the ministry of agriculture
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initiated the issue of introducing a federal emergency mode. from the very beginning, we have been in constant contact with authorities, subjects, farmers, as well as insurance companies who are now. the issue of these payments is being resolved promptly, according to information from insurers, the time frame is no more than 10 days from the date of the enterprise’s application; as of the current date , the volume of insurance payments has already amounted to 600 million rubles. dear colleagues, next i will outline preliminary production forecasts; briefly, despite all the difficulties that i have outlined, we maintain our expectations in terms of grain harvest at 132 million tons and oilseeds at the level. 28 million tons, this volume will be enough to fully ensure the domestic market and maintain significant export potential for both raw materials and processed products. separately , i would like to note that grain exports in the coming season are expected to reach 60 million tons. for sugar beets we plan to produce 45.5
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million tons, potatoes in the organized sector 7.3 million tons and vegetables in the organized sector 7.4 million tons, that is, here we are going along as planned, the weather situation did not affect us. separately, i will say that in terms of the harvest of fodder crops, taking into account carryover residues, we will fully meet the needs of our livestock farmers, which will become the basis for the further development of the industry. dear. about 700 apples, every year we increase, for this year we set
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ourselves a plan of 1,800, even more than 1,800, but unfortunately, frosts affected, this is the main type of product that was affected by frosts, so now we are reducing the forecast to one and a half million tons, and started working on it already countries, our partners with friendly countries for the supply of additional volumes of apples, began to do this in advance so that this situation with shipments would not have any impact on the price situation. this means, accordingly, we have current countries, these are azerbaijan, belarus, with which, serbia, from which we supply volumes, we can slightly increase from them, and accordingly, in stock we certainly have iran and turkey, which produce a large volume of apples , and here we began to discuss additional supplies of apples to russia in the appropriate season, but nevertheless i wanted to note here that we will see if the southern regions will still add volumes of apples this season and we will count the tulta. which we need to ensure the domestic market, but we will certainly do this in advance, but still, once again -
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please tell me what additional measures to support agricultural producers are you planning? which means, in principle, the main measure of support that we have provided within the framework of such bad weather conditions - this is agricultural insurance, and we allocate five billion a year for agricultural insurance annually, this year we have insured about the order. 14% of all our areas, and quite a lot of areas came from just these sown areas, but we got into this unpleasant weather situation in the frost, for which insurance payments will now be made, we are actively working with insurance companies so that everyone who must receive his insurance payments, they were received on time in full, yeah, from us, thank you very much, the governor of the lipetsk region is taking part in our work. artamunov, igor georgievich, igor georgievich, how does the situation look today from the regions? good afternoon,
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good afternoon, dear colleagues, the agro-industrial complex of the lepel region is one of the leaders in many areas, investments in agriculture are actively attracted, production volumes are growing. in the twenty-third year, we entered the top 10 exporting regions in the top five fruit and berry regions that produce fruit and berry products. this year the total sown area is 1.4 million hectares, including 340,000 gas crops. the spring sowing proceeded normally, but the may frosts, of course, led to the death of agricultural crops on an area of ​​44.00 hectares, of which, what’s scary, 3.100 hectares of perennial fruit and berry plantations. it was decided to introduce a regional emergency , with most of the affected farms being affected. insurance fund of seeds, the dead crops were promptly replanted, part of the area was insured, for the current
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at the moment the insurance companies are declaring damages. for fruit and berry production, the situation is much more serious; orchards and berry fields have suffered significantly. last year we harvested a record harvest for the region, more than 80,000 tons. and this year he is planning a significant exercise, since in recent years more than 20 billion investments have been attracted to the industry, but unfortunately there is a clear one. understanding that we lost, well, more than 60% of the harvest. according to a preliminary estimate, the total amount of damage actually incurred by the region as a result of the current emergency is 3 billion rubles. 2 billion goes to fruit and berry plantings. separately, i would like to thank the ministry of agriculture for initiating the introduction of the regime through the federal level, this will allow our farmers to more quickly resolve all emerging issues.
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support to agricultural producers in carrying out all the activities necessary for the acquisition of relevant imported goods, just do not delay anything, so as not to lead to any consequences. price jumps on the domestic market, but in general here, you still didn’t answer me, how much do we cover this apple issue with our own production? how much do we produce as a percentage of the market? yes, our total fruit production is now about 44%, according to the doctrine, according to the doctrine’s indicators, the threshold value is 60, which we must achieve by
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the thirtieth year, yeah, that is, there is something to work on here. of course, well, we need to create appropriate conditions, the government needs to work with the economic bloc with the ministry of finance, we need to create conditions properly, maybe investments will come faster, we have there are all the conditions for this, especially, well , i mean, apple orchards can’t be planted, or something, it’s clear that they have to grow, but they all grow quite quickly, the main thing is to create economic conditions, think again.
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take some exams, something is happening that is happening here in this area. dear vladimir vladimevich, dear colleagues, if you allow me, i’ll start with the unified state exam, eight exams have already been passed, including today in social studies and physics, in total , 700,000 graduates in all 89 regions take the exam our country, including abroad. in 77 countries, the absolute priority, dear vladimirovich, is the safety of our children, therefore, together with the ministry of internal affairs rosobnadzor, we have equipped all points with frames and metal detectors, a medical worker is always present everywhere, if necessary, educational psychologists are ready to help, and
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a special hotline has also been opened lines are in effect. this year’s exam materials included facts from the modern history of our country, including those related to a special military operation. vladimirovich, you set the task
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increase the popularity of physics. we are working on this; a year ago, less than 16% chose physics. this year it is a little more than 16, 16.5%, so such a positive trend is emerging here and we will continue to work in this direction. i would like to say separately about our border regions, about donbass, donbass and novorossiya. an exam takes place here in the form of a state final exam or intermediate certification, but those who want can take the unified state exam, about 40%.
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about the content of exams corresponded to school programs, this issue will be resolved this next year, because we have introduced a single content: each school worked according to its own program, when we conducted unified programs for schools, we
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will correlate them with the results that we ask in the unified state exam and next year this issue will be resolved, the first exam results in chemistry and geography have literally just arrived, and we see that chemistry... last year there were 805 of them, this year there are 998 in geography too the number of stobalniks increased from 76 to 113 , and in summary about the children's health company, here we also have a priority on the safety of children's health. on may 20, together with the ministry of emergency situations and the russian national guard, we conducted an all-russian exercise, practiced all actions in emergency situations, and also
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discussed the topic of anti-terrorism security in lessons about important things. we operate a federal hotline for children's recreation, and in all regions there are hotlines for prompt communication with parents. on all issues, we have organized recreation for 5.3000 children, this is 2000 more than last year, 3900 camps will be involved in the summer health campaign, this year the total volume is 76 billion rubles, this is 8 billion more than last year , that is, in general we see development...
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the necessary funds have been allocated, so everything is organized here, we also connected our federal centers, additionally allocated 2,500 vouchers to children from those affected by floods, including kurgan, yakutia, omsk, and children’s holidays are separately supervised from donbass and novorosiya, this is more than 4800 guys. as well as the children of our defenders, heroes of a special military operation, this is about 115 thousand children, we also have them under control, so that everything here is of the highest quality,
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we are working on the content side of filling recreation programs, we will have thematic sessions, including those dedicated to the year of the family , the anniversary of pushkin, the liberation of leningrad and sevastopol from the fascist invaders, profile shifts... with the movement of the former, this year we are organizing educational projects with the knowledge society, screening of soviet and domestic good films together with the ministry of culture in our children's camps and centers, and we have also approved at the government level an interdepartmental comprehensive plan for supporting counselors, this year more than 66 counselors will be involved in the children's health campaign and regarding our children's - federal centers , dear vladimir vladimirovich, last year we opened korsun, a branch of artek, in great demand,
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more than 20,000 children have already visited khersanez tauride, and we will continue this work, we on june 1, a branch of artekka was opened in berdyansk, krasnaya gvozdika; in general, this camp was completely destroyed, we restored it as much as possible, and sent a counselor there. and of course we will be very glad if you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, find the opportunity to come and personally congratulate artek on its centennial anniversary. thank you. that
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the children's holidays will be provided not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively, indeed, plus 8 billion this year, there is, of course, inflation, we must keep this in mind, but you yourself said that the number of children, who will be able to relax increases, don’t forget about quality, don’t forget about safety, you said everything, you just need to put it all into practice...
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you also gave the burg region relevant instructions, since the summer health camps of the orenburg region were affected there, an agreement was reached with the ministry of finance and financial resources were allocated. we keep the situation in the border areas under control and provide our colleagues with the necessary assistance, and here all regions of the country provide the necessary assistance, and for that we also thank them very much, they allocate both places and financial resources provide assistance.
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but still say about this, keeping in mind that we all need to work on this together, because citizens come to us so that their issues are resolved, and not just lie somewhere under the carpet, to all of us, including the government it’s very useful to know what people turn to in the first place, what worries them, please, mikhail mikhailovich. dear vladimir vladimirovich, the popular front, since the nineteenth year, has been monitoring the execution by authorities of messages received on your direct line, out of 3 million requests from the twenty-third year, 520 thousand were answered, 827 are being processed by regional authorities and 690,000 are being processed by a specific contractor, we are waiting for a decision on them, 16,000 representatives of regional and federal authorities
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are in... the system, as well as state corporations, see their appeals and work with them, every week all regional branches of the popular front go to people, to applicants, clarify problems and provide all possible assistance. the best regions in terms of the number of problems solved are khakassia, arkhangelsk region, krasnoyarsk territory, we need to intensify work in the tver region, altai territory and the tva republic. among the federal authorities, the best ones are the ministry of the far east, the pension social insurance fund, and the ministry of culture. bailiff service , we need to draw the attention of the central bank rosprirodnadzor, i would also like to note the active work of russian railways, russian post and rosseti, they process their requests very efficiently, we conduct a random check of those marked in the system as resolved, now 41% of applicants are satisfied with the result, this is more than in the twenty-first year, but we understand that not every issue can be resolved instantly, and nevertheless we will continue to monitor the dynamics
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of satisfaction back. dear vladimir vladimirovich, i will dwell on the problems that your direct line allowed us to identify, and we give priority attention to appeals from participants in a special military operation and members of their families, and there is an appeal when, in the event of the death of the spouse of a mobilized or contract soldier who has minor children, it is not possible to leave military service. this is not of a widespread nature, but the topic is very emotional. in preparation for today's report, we attended a meeting with the minister. defense - we figured out that there are sufficient legal grounds for dismissal, but there are cases when this does not happen, i am convinced that this can be solved. the second problem from the same category is that in order to provide regional benefits to relatives of participants in a special military operation, it is necessary to apply for confirming certificates to military units, and often obtaining such a certificate lasts for months, for obvious reasons.


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