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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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vladimir putin arrived in st. petersburg today, where the international economic forum will begin very soon. the president held a meeting with members of the government via videoconference. the main topic was the development of automobile tourism in russia. in addition, the agenda includes a number of topical issues, including in the field of agricultural education. for discussion
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of special military operation. putin appointed secretary of the security council sergei kazhugetovich shaiga, coordinator of work in the defense industry, demanded that the volume be determined by tomorrow the most popular types of weapons. we are talking about a meeting that we held with some colleagues recently in korolev. we are talking about the development of the defense industry. we agreed that in this case. draft instructions must be prepared, i know that my colleagues have been working hard, all these days, i ask you to complete this work, we are talking about the priority tasks of the defense industry, about the volume of production of the most popular products for military purposes, and of course about the profitability of production, i ask matra denis valentinovich as first deputy chairman of the government. minister
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of industrial development, minister of defense, minister of finance, presidential administration, complete this work as quickly as possible, please do it tomorrow, my colleagues and i have already discussed this issue throughout the day, well, it seems to me that we have discussed it enough, we need to complete this work, and there is no need to procrastinate here. since the issues are so diverse, it is necessary to take into account the profitability of production, it is necessary to ensure that the ministry of defense receives the appropriate equipment; here we need such an independent the coordinator of all this work, this coordinator will be the secretary of the security council, i ask you to keep this in mind, and i repeat once again, tomorrow i ask you to complete this work, well, goals. the tasks have been set, i
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think that everyone who needs to have heard everything, and they are working, working and working, behind the big puddle today, of course, it was difficult, biden, i think, scared africa terribly, but he first found out that he confuses putin with edinpin, he doesn’t even remember who leads germany. decided that it was schulz, not scholz, schulz, however, then it was merkel, but for it doesn’t matter to him why he scared africa, because he said that the population of africa will soon be a billion, given that now there are 400 million billion, this means that he wants to destroy 400 million africans, it wasn’t the self-propelled grandfather who struck everyone, of course -first, with great interest, he finally read putin’s article, brought it back, though he didn’t understand anything, but...
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but if a person manages to make mistakes even in a printed interview, but it’s talented, you must agree, this is still a journalistic setup, i think you , well, of course, that is, well, they could remove this, but on the other hand, why, oh, but the main thing is, of course, the understanding that alzheimer, he believes that he rules the world, it’s not alzheimer’s who really rules the world, but it’s not a fact that the living embodiment of alzheimer should feel like the ruler of the world, well by the way, this is what they have in common, they generally... somehow
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are not on friendly terms, they don’t understand what they are saying, here they say that the russians are completely rude, they question our hegemony, they challenge us in other parts of the world, says some idiot.
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soldier, they betrayed him, they betrayed the officer corps, they betrayed the military-industrial complex, they considered themselves in the nineties to almost save humanity, they filled the countries from which they left with blood, they stopped supporting the middle east, they forgot about africa, they surrendered all their allies for once , they allowed to destroy yugoslavia, the war in iraq, zero reaction, they gave up afghanistan.
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class, well, grandfather dementar is happy, that’s it, they are already calling openly to defeat us, win, and promote peace and democracy, in general they have such an interesting definition peace and democracy, that is, this is america, it turns out to be a democratic country, america, where there are no direct presidential elections, where grandfather demetro, his main competitor, is thrown into prison due to lawlessness, where there is no freedom of the press, where people are removed from flights. by decision of the state department, he takes away his passport, without even giving anything in response. scottritor, two, two people, what, what, two people, no, scottritor, the neapolitans didn’t go right away, right away, i’m today, you’re in vain not looking at the words in the morning, there’s just skutritor about this he told me in great detail, so that the police
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didn’t even get to the airfield, well, to the airport, most importantly, they were the most boring people who had nothing to do with democracy at all, like jack salev. we see that authoritarian states, and russia among them, seek to systematically interfere and undermine democratic processes around the world. therefore, we need to work closely with allies and partners to confront them, to fight back. we also see arguments in a variety of countries that point to the fact that democracies don't work and the arguments against democracy that certain sections of the population lead in different parts of the world, but we also see incredible enthusiasm and resilience among certain sections
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of the population who say: i want my voice to be heard, i want my voice to be heard, and i want better future, and i think that...
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october 6, and october 7 is unclear. it’s never been so calm in the world, never before, just an idiot, and of course i have a close friend macron, i hope you see him in the front row on the front line, i’m not the only one, salvini just pointed this out to him, i don’t want the sons of bari, the sons of italy , to be sent to die to fight in ukraine.
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italy is not at war with anyone. macron, you want to start a war, put on a helmet, put on a vest and go to ukraine, but don’t bother the italians. go and fight, but don't bother us who want to live in peace. well, salvini said well , it would be nice if his woman was heard, who is the boss there, who nevertheless sends air defense systems there, well, italians, italians, emotional guys, at the same time, what’s interesting is that all sorts of fools like the strachians, for some reason, think that ukraine is not the same thing, that’s what trump explains to all the idiots.
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trump understands, that’s why he’ll sit down, you think he won’t sit down, what are you saying, they’re even saying exactly how he’ll sit down. there are a number of factors that make it difficult to imprison a former us president. the system has not been tested in this way. you agree that it would be difficult or nearly impossible for law enforcement to put trump in actual jail. not at all, they're just they would place him in a double house, somewhere near a fence on the grass. and he would eat there, shower there, exercise, he would be, as donna perry said, isolated from
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any society, this is obviously doable. it’s interesting what james homie says, who actually should have been in prison, and in general, he is a real criminal, because what he did actually violates more than one law of the united states of america, but he was released. dmitry, yes, that’s interesting, well, there’s some point in listing more, no, of course i have. senseless, the general attitude is
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honest and truthful, so he starts right away , but look at all this vinaigrette with the fact that we have never ruled the world as cool as under me, afghanistan - it was all bullshit, it’s just left over from trump , but in fact, we now have the coolest plans. so, we’ll sort things out with europe, kissinger told me when he was leaving for the next world, he instructed me that europe would never look back at russia again, so let’s do it, that’s it.
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will figure it out, and third, he said, well, to restore order, of course, in the indo-pacific region, this is the task of my second term, we will restore order in the indo-pacific region, how is it with israel, i won’t tell you anything for now, but still, no, no, no, i won’t say anything, i won’t say anything, i won’t say anything, well, okay, let’s put israel out of the equation for now, that’s it, if that’s all.
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yes, this will cause problems, the dissatisfied will have to be purged, so they are ready for this, they are ready to purge the dissatisfied, the upcoming one-party system, i put quotation marks, there may be five parties, i’m talking about the essence of the matter, which will be one form of dictatorship or another, and this dictatorship should be led by those who... now, well, they hold the main levers of power in their hands in the united states, so this is such a dualism, mind you, it’s very interesting, they often said, yes, correct me, yes, that there is no difference between domestic foreign policy, but in combined ones, that’s very interesting, yes, when both in and in domestic foreign policy
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we are faced with...
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was to compete with the soviet union and win against soviet union, this task they they set it up at the end of the second world war, so they spent the end of the forties on designing those united states, but the problem is that all these three stages were milestones in american history, and the design ideas that appeared there. situations of the current crisis, they all turn out to be non-working, and it turns out that what needs to be reformed.
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red, in which they now live, they don’t understand these results, they don’t understand how to solve the problems of the project that have accumulated over 70 years by that time, well, there was still a lot of things they didn’t understand, but in this sense, they committed suicide both of the party and themselves as nomenklatura, the murder of the country along with this suicide, and so these won’t do that. their situation is similar, well, in fact, in many ways they are repeating all the mistakes of the late soviet union, but i’m just getting to the point, maybe it will come to suicide, maybe
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it will come to that, i don’t know, i definitely wasn’t going to commit suicide, then evolution, you know, i i don’t know what i was going to do, none of them was going to do it, but i did it, you know, so i didn’t i know that i was going to, because i, frankly, well, carefully put it this way, i already...
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nothing needs to be done, you know, the main thing is that the united states has power over the world under any circumstances, well, inside, so that these
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also, they didn’t ruin our country here, it’s better that it’s like this, well, controlled, there would be a good organized american government, it would still be called democracy, it would look like a dictatorship, but it shouldn’t scare anyone, everything would be fine.
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he said something, not otherwise, because if he will read this, if he reads it, it seems that if he reads this, he may be able to catch something great, to be honest, i also read each phrase several times, i really wanted to understand, that’s what i most want to understand , that’s what keeps him going, i understand that of course he still has a meeting, that is , there is no need to pump him up for one interview now, he needs it before the 15th...
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i now understand why he is not allowed to attend this bürgenstock conference , that’s why kamalo will go there, and so that she doesn’t laughed, she will involve saliva, because salevan, apparently, does not cause such laughter, and what he says will also be studied sadly, she can laugh, it’s clear why, why then they send her there, why he doesn’t go there , of course, here is the situation with the fact that who will they nominate as president on the nineteenth, on august 19? this is a bright image, because biden really remains, there remains a bright image, as a president, so i think that every american citizen now is normal a citizen understands one thing perfectly well, that this is not the president, that this is a person who, well, may be some kind of screen, but the question is for whom, that this is a person who clearly will not
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be able to fulfill his duties for another 4 years. although, although, i don’t think that trump will be imprisoned, of course, well, he didn’t do the first, the first 4 years, why the second, the first two, did he do something else, yes he did, he did what he did, here, well, just of course, he wound himself up a lot, the same afghanistan, he wound himself up, and now anyone else who comes, he will say, we would have been there, we would have won there easily, but biden gave up, that’s it, they always say that, we are, we are, we would have won there, but he left. from the middle east too, we would have won, but he left, ukraine could also be written off under biden, and much more, but what is happening now in the united states, to be honest, i don’t think it even happened in the 19th century, presidents were elected there, when it was normal with this, excuse me, they launched rockets, the rockets flew, the main thing is not just, they didn’t just launch volodya, but the fact that she came out
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from the mine, she arrived. to something, because before that, as you know, not everything worked out for them, this is serious, i wouldn’t take it all worked out, and most likely even the day after tomorrow the rocket will also achieve it, but they want to conduct a second, two tests.
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