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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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17,000 participants from more than 130 countries, about 3,000 journalists and one and a half hundred thematic sessions, in st. petersburg for... the seventh annual international economic forum, the leading platform for communication between representatives of the business community and discussion of the most important economic issues. the main theme this year is formulated as the basis of a multipolar world, the formation of new growth points. they will discuss the transition to a multipolar economy, technologies that ensure the country's leadership, as well as the health of society and traditional values. the president takes part in the work, according to the assistant to the head of state.
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today vladimir putin will talk with the heads of world news agencies, tomorrow he will hold separate meetings with the leaders of bolivia, zimbabwe and the president of republika srpska, as well as with the head of the new development bank, dilma rusev. on friday , the russian leader will speak at the plenary session. russia and burkina fasso are fully exploiting the potential of cooperation, including in the military-technical sphere. this was stated by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, at a press conference on...
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an agreement on military cooperation with france, stated that they are now committed to interacting with russia. the russian military has improved the position along the front line and taken more advantageous positions in several areas of the special operation. the ministry of defense reported new data. within a day , warehouses with weapons and military equipment of the khortytsia armed forces group and militants of the foreign legion were destroyed. in addition, the storage area of ​​unmanned boats was damaged. air defense systems destroyed 55 within 24 hours drones, 10 missiles were shot down. the kulibin popular front club has assembled unique vehicles for the front line, these are buggies equipped with machine guns and protected against kamikaze drones. the author of the development is a crimean engineer who assembled the vehicles right in his garage and hopes that now the miracle car will be put on the conveyor belt.
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maximum in second 80-90 place 120 i overclocked it here at dololrukovskaya 120, well, on the crossroads, bugs are a very universal tool that fighters need, since it is very mobile, fast and convenient to use for solving certain problems, such as sending a group of pilots there. for pv or for the evacuation of the wounded , the thermal imaging blanket is made of special materials that cover the main area where the motor is located, most likely of a robotic platform, and thereby protects it from the visual spectrum in the thermal imager. and now we are returning to our site in st. petersburg, joining the broadcast. maria, traditionally one of
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the key topics at the st. petersburg international economic forum is the development of regions and the development of international cooperation between regions, what do they think about this in the far east? good afternoon, right now in our studio is the governor of the sakhalit region, valery limalenko. valery igorevich, hello, first question, we all know that sakhalin is an oil and gas region, will you discuss this topic at the forum this year and what exactly, what are the priority areas? great, i remind you that we have sakhalin 1, sakhalin 2, sakhalin 3, we are preparing hydrocarbon processing, we may talk about this a little later, we will work with gazprom sign an agreement - with a subsidiary of gazprom, with a subsidiary of gazprom , we will sign an agreement on the transition to natural gas motor fuel and we will
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do a lot of work to create a network of gas stations, gas stations, there will be stationary gas stations, there will be gas stations on special vehicles, the so-called paksah. we will completely change municipal equipment, we are now purchasing buses, we have already replaced more than 50% of the bus fleet, and in the next 3 years we will completely replace municipal equipment, we have special preferences for the population in order to switch from gasoline engines to gas, there is a special device that allows you to do this through special services, you said about the population, i immediately want to ask you... the question is, what is the level of gasification now in the sakhalin region, as far as i know, there are record numbers there? look, literally 3 years ago it was 14%, now 61, in the next 3 years it will be 100%. this is the decision of the gazprom management, i bow to alexey borisovich miller,
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thank you very much, as soon as gazprom, well , let’s say, turned around on sakhalin, this happened after the companies left, shell, exon, the first one right away. shah, this is the concern of the population, for us now it is an impetus for the development of industry and an impetus for the development of towns and villages. valery nikolaevich, you said a little later about deep processing of hydrocarbons, so let’s talk about this now, what are the key projects here, what are you looking at and how will they develop? the main project is the processing of hydrocarbons so that there is production fuel, this is aviation kerosene, this is...
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from the processing of hydrocarbons, deep-sea ports, new industrial areas are appearing, which give impetus to the development of industry, valery nikola igorevich, question, we talked about the fact that there are so many investment projects in the region, and
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why do they all come as investors to sakhalin, what attracts them? well, you probably know that a year ago the results were summed up here, we were in fourth place, in fourth place among. russian regions in terms of investment attractiveness, look, we really respect businessmen, we treat investors with great love, we create conditions when we hear feedback, and if there are any difficulties, we understand this, we clearly see it, we literally follow this client path of an investment project, we literally lead hand in every investment project, we...
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the federation council at a plenary meeting prematurely terminated the powers of the first vice-speaker of the chamber andrei turchak. this is due to his appointment as acting head of the altai republic. the corresponding presidential decree was published yesterday. let me remind you that andrei
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turchak represented the pskov region in the federation council, the head of which he was from 2009 to 2017. must register with the military, local publics conclude, obviously, that immediately after this those detained at the border will go to the front line, and also publishes a video where passengers are removed from the flight right at the checkpoints. the kiev regime introduced new mobilization rules in may and further reduction of the conscription age is being discussed. there are already dozens of videos on the internet where people they are caught right on the streets. here, for example, is fresh footage from kiev-controlled kherson, where market workers... but threw vegetables at the police and shopping center employees when they tried to grab a potential soldier. the verkhovna
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rada of ukraine did not call presidential elections, which violates the constitution. the chairman of the council of the other ukraine movement, viktor medvedchuk, stated in an article for komsomolskaya pravda that this is an abuse of power and an attempt to retain it. the illegitimacy of zelensky, according to the politician, is obvious, obvious and does not require any evidence. medvedchuk emphasized that zelensky, having lost his legitimacy, will no longer be able to legally extend martial law, lead the armed forces of ukraine, or receive financial and military assistance from the west. all this, as medvedchuk writes, is destroying before our eyes the entire system of supporting military operations, the money laundering scheme and the disposal of outdated weapons , hundreds of billions of dollars, which has been done in ukraine for years. the special operation zone has one of the most difficult areas. now this is the volchansk region, a unit of a group of troops operates there north, sappers are preparing places to accommodate
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our troops, and the infantry is being consolidated in more advantageous positions. from the leading report of our correspondent egor grigoriev. he's a downed american. the sappers of the north group are returning from volchansk, helped the attack aircraft pave the way, and cleared several buildings to equip our positions. volchansky, we are no longer interested in him, we have already been there, they walk with humor, without encouragement in volchansk it is difficult to understand what is going on in the city, it is worth looking at it from above, constant artillery shelling, buildings are burning, in an open area not a soul will be immediately hit by a drone, in such conditions sappers and scouts move to positions, infantry moves, at the location in a safe place we communicate, the company commander gives advice.
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the deposit was to liquidate everything, but the overhead charge destroyed the unexploded ammunition on the spot; for the experienced sappers of the north group, the task was for 15 minutes, and as a result, they saved someone’s life among the civilians. buskri says that wolchanski, of course, has to work somewhere more circumspect and even more resourceful. they always remain. gifts from the enemy, anti-personnel mines, they leave tank mines, set traps, lay them on top of each other,
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if the top ones are removed, the bottom one explodes, there are those that we meet for the first time, anti-personnel mines that react to vibration on, well, magnetically, if you approach to full equipment, it can work from gravity, in a surprisingly comfortable and thorough camp, sappers rest and prepare for combat. kyiv has no chance of victory or joining the european union and nato. the founder of the world economic forum in davos, klaus schwab, stated this in a conversation with russian pranksters vavan and lexus. schwab shared such revelations, thinking that he was talking with the french economist and
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politician jacques athalie. much of what was said was what is called not for the ears of others, but such statements were made.
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and none of this will happen. the conversation was sparked by the legacy of another influential man, henry kissinger, who died last year. he was schwab's mentor in school in government at harvard in 1950 and then went on to a distinguished political career. in the 1970s, he headed the us state department, and in subsequent decades remained one of the most authoritative players, entrusted with complex behind-the-scenes negotiations. schwab, like...
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he advocated freezing the war, i bring everything to a compromise, with this, with this everything should end, schwab proposes freezing the conflict according to the so-called korean scenario, but believes that it is too early to do this, the ukrainians can still get out of breath and continue.
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they are still extinguishing, this is data from the security air forest. about a quarter of all fires are located in transbaikalia. the situation is also difficult in buryatia and yakutia, where the fire has already covered 29,000 hectares. 20 outbreaks were recorded in the amur region, seven in the khabarovsk territory. natural fires were reported the day before in the rostov region. according to experts, the cause there could have been a lightning strike. 4,000 people are involved in extinguishing the fire throughout the country; the flames are being poured in from the air. almost 90 planes and helicopters are monitoring. in transbaikalia, where a state of emergency is in effect, fines for violating fire regulations in forests have been increased.
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now it is 5,000 rubles for individuals and 50,000 for legal entities. almost 90,000 hectares are burning in the region, that’s three dozen outbreaks. natural fires are fought, including by paratroopers and airborne security guards. pyotr paschenko will tell you how the work is going. today 25 paratroopers and airborne paratroopers from the altai republic arrived in chita. the reasons for the strengthening of the group are clear; transbaikalia is today at the top in terms of violence and the situation is complicated by dry and hot weather. to the region more than 470 firefighters from five regions of the far eastern, siberian and northwestern districts were brought together to fight. in total , more than 1,800 federal aviation fighters are fighting the fire. security guards from five regions of russia, including from the arkhangelsk region, the guys are familiar, the guys go every year, last year we worked in seven regions, in the trans-baikal
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territory we now see everything on television, and on the internet it is written everywhere that the situation there is very difficult, now, there are a lot of thunderstorms and fires over large areas, so they you won’t be bored, this is true, the situation in the region is steadily deteriorating, for more than... two weeks in a row , the entire south and center of the trans-baikal territory is in the emergency danger zone today. the most difficult situation is in the tungokochinsky region of the region, where the largest fires are located, this is due to the fact that this is a hard-to-reach taiga. in chita, today there is strong smoke again , all because of the fire that is operating in the chetinsky forestry, nearby on the lands of the ministry of defense. there is a group of four in beirut. usa, on for half an hour they fired at the diplomatic mission building. the embassy guards, as well as lebanese military personnel, entered into a firefight with the attackers. soon they
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wounded one of the criminals, shot another, and the rest were able to escape. army patrols have secured the embassy area and are searching for the attackers. vehicles are being searched. lebanese security services have already established that the shooters were connected with a group banned in russia. joe biden arrived in france, the american president's plane landed in paris at his airport was greeted by the head of the government of the fifth republic, gabriel ottal, other officials, as well as an honorary guard. biden is expected to take part in ceremonies tomorrow to mark the eightieth anniversary of the allied landings in normandy. i would like to add that representatives of our country were not invited to the celebration this year. however, as the krem press service reported. in moscow, in any case, they did not plan a visit. dmitry peskov recalled that next year will mark the eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war patriotic war, and the russian leadership
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is focused on preparing for the celebration of this memorable date. now footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues, on behalf of the president, we continue to work on forming a sustainable network of partnerships with foreign countries. yesterday the visit of the government delegation to belarus ended, together with our colleagues from the eurasian economic union, we took part in the plenary session that took place. exchanged for food security opinions on the further development of the agricultural complexes of our countries, which is necessary to strengthen independence in this sector, to
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provide for citizens.
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economies of the member countries of the union, and of course, the expansion of ties between states. business, help structural transformation dear colleagues, please monitor in your areas how agreements with partners in the five are being implemented. now about helping the fishery complex, about the need to use special solutions for... the development of coastal regions, the president has repeatedly said, including during his address to the federal assembly, that a decree has been signed that will allow support for seven russian entities in the azov-black sea basin, these are crimea, krasnodar territory, sevastopol, donetsk people's republic, zaporozhye, and rostov and kherson regions. many enterprises located there have been fishing or breeding fish for years,
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but... recently, for obvious reasons, fishing in these regions has been carried out with restrictions, including due to failures ship navigation equipment, there are difficulties with entering and exiting ports, forcing them to change routes in order to help fishing organizations reduce costs, it was decided to compensate part of their costs for current expenses, namely , for the payment of workers for social contributions, including compulsory medical contributions.
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we will also allocate over 1,200 million rubles. they will be used for the construction of a high-voltage power line in the magadan region, an anti-tuberosis dispensary and a medical building of the central regional hospital in khabarovsk territory and for the improvement of courtyards in the chukovsky autonomous okrug. we will also continue to provide assistance to new constituent entities of the russian federation, we will allocate about 5 billion 800 million rubles to balance their
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budgets, first of all. to support the operation of boiler houses, water treatment plants, treatment facilities and other housing and communal services facilities, so that local residents are provided with all basic utilities without interruption. the head of state in his message emphasized that our regions must become economically more self-sufficient, we will continue to do everything necessary to create equal conditions for the self-realization of citizens, and a comfortable life throughout the country. these were.


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