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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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and we begin production from private enterprises in kemer. a criminal case has been opened there regarding the accident with trams, the prosecutor's office and the police are conducting checks, and as the regional authorities reported, 67 people were injured, four of them are in serious condition, one is now undergoing surgery. 10 people turned to doctors on their own, the accident was caught on cctv cameras, you can see the tram rushing along the rails at full speed, the doors fly off, passengers are thrown onto the roadway, after the collision there is a stop, the reasons are being investigated, according to one of the versions arose.
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technical problem. at about 7:30 minutes , a report was received of a traffic accident that occurred in the basque town of temerovo involving two trams. in this regard, the management of the committee of the russian federation has opened a criminal case against futbas. russia's relations with the countries of the world, the upcoming elections in the united states, western support for ukraine, these and other topics were touched upon during vladimir putin's conversation with the heads of the world's leading news agencies. the meeting took place in st. petersburg. and that's it my colleague anastasia efimova has details. for the st. petersburg international economic forum. this is a traditional
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format, the head of state answers questions from the editors-in-chief of the world's leading news agencies. however, perhaps never before has this meeting taken place in such a tense atmosphere of relations between russia and the global west; today it is in an obvious crisis, perhaps, no one at the table has any doubts about who exactly russia is confronting today, or rather, who exactly is achieving.
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it’s happening in the states, you’re doing great you know what is happening there, in the course of the internal political struggle, they are burning themselves from the inside, their state, their political system, and uh, i must say, whether it’s pleasant or not, but they are also burning their imaginary leadership in the sphere of democracy right at the root. the ukrainian conflict predictably became, perhaps, the central topic of this meeting, and vladimir putin was once again forced to remind journalists about how this conflict actually began, not at all with a russian special military operation, with a coup d’etat in ukraine in 2014 year, everything that moscow did strictly complied with the norms of international law, the russian president reminded this several times.
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didn’t want, didn’t think, didn’t notice, no one wanted this, when they realized that the peace agreements in minsk were not destined to be implemented, what did we do, i ask for your attention, please, everyone, we recognized the independence of these self-proclaimed republics, we could do it or not, from the point of view of international law, as article one of the un charter says, they could, these are the rights of a nation to itself... in the current conflict
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the united states does not support ukraine at all, but its right to unilaterally decide who and how to live on one big one. well, first all this needs to be done, because this is not an easy story, a law needs to be adopted there, certain steps must be taken, now we have june 2000 24, so to do all this, it seems to me, it takes
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a year, this is before spring, until the beginning of at least next year, they will tolerate him, when he has done everything, they will say goodbye. considers it possible to supply such weapons to the combat zone to strike our territory and creating problems for us, then why don’t we have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where strikes will be made on sensitive
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targets of those countries that do this in relation to russia, that is, the answer may be asymmetrical.. . we reserve the right to act in a similar way, well, in general, this is the path to very serious problems. and one more question, which the head of state has already repeatedly answered in his public speeches. we are talking about resolving the ukrainian crisis peace treaty, which moscow
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is supposedly not ready to sign, although in reality the situation is exactly the opposite, what needs to be done to stop the bloodshed. "if you want to stop hostilities in ukraine, stop supplying weapons, these actions will stop within two, but maximum three months. the ukrainian side, its officials, publicly stated that if they signed this agreement definitively, the war would end at the end of 2022, we didn’t say it, it was ukrainian officials in kiev who said it. publicly, i have a rhetorical question: why was it necessary to prevent us and ukraine from signing this agreement? well, i can only assume that someone wanted to achieve
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the goals that they set for themselves in the russian direction of their foreign policy, namely to bring the matter to... the destruction of russia to the point of achieving its strategic defeat at any cost and so on and so forth. today russia is forced to guard the gas pipeline, which is laid along the bottom of the black sea, because ukrainian drones have repeatedly tried to attack him, and russia repelled these attacks, which would be nice for turkey to know, ukrainian drones undertook. an attempt to attack a gas pumping station, which is located on the black sea coast, from which gas is supplied to turkey. by the way, we draw your attention to the fact that in some areas turkey is cooperating with ukraine, and at the same
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time ukraine is trying to strike at gas pipelines that carry gas to turkey. this is not a joke, this is not an exaggeration, it’s just that two drones were suppressed by forces. systems the soldiers of the russian army fell next to this gas pumping station on the black sea coast, i’m not making anything up here, i’m not inventing anything, that’s the way it is. just please inform our friend, president erdogan, about what is happening in reality. a reporter from japan, the head of a news agency, asked whether a peace treaty between moscow and tokyo was possible today. in other words, to put it simply, is it possible for the kuril islands to return, in the context of the rhetoric that japan adheres to regarding ukrainian crisis.
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well, let's not lead to not only
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use, even the threat of use, for some reason in the west they think that, uh, that russia will never use this, we have a nuclear doctrine, look what is written, if someone's actions will threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity. we consider it possible for ourselves to use all the means at our disposal. it is obvious that the journalists came to this meeting with a certain established opinion, looking for symbols, signs, and clues. for example, seeing outside the window of the lakhta center, where this meeting took place, there were three flags, the russian trikalor, the soviet and the flag of the russian empire, one of the journalists asked the president which one. about russia, there is no need to form an image
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on these ideas, which means forming the opinion of the enemy from russia, you are only harming yourself with this, with this, you know, you came up with the idea that russia wants to attack nato, you have gone completely crazy, or something, stupid, in general like this table, who came up with this, is this nonsense? you know, it’s bullshit, but it would be, it would be nonsense, yes, if there wasn’t an idea in order to fool its own population, he says, and the guard, soon russia will attack us, and we must urgently arm ourselves, urgently, that means, send weapons to ukraine, in fact, why is it doing this, to keep our own imperial position and greatness, that’s what this is done for, that’s what these threats are for. and scarecrows for the burghers in germany, france and other parts of europe. this is why such
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a threat does not exist. it is obvious that at this meeting, which lasted more than 3 hours, was as open as possible, informal and very detailed. the conversation was very specific, in many ways friendly, and on the part of russia, we are not talking about any threat to the western world, which vladimir putin made quite figuratively clear. elections to the european parliament are beginning in the eu, which will determine the policy of the european union for the next 5 years. voting will take place in all 27 eurozone countries. almost 400 million people will take part in it. representatives of about 200 parties are vying for 720 seats in the european parliament. analyzing the situation in
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the european union, experts predict the success of the right forces with an anti-globalist agenda. and this is according to opinion. st. petersburg international economic forum, this year its theme is the basis of multipolarity, the formation of new centers of growth, the grand opening will be held at 13:00 in moscow. during the day, among other things , the prospects for achieving national goals of cooperation within international organizations will be discussed. already on wednesday the agenda was busy, the so-called starting day
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dedicated to the development of small medium-sized businesses gathered more participants, than the entire forum in 2019, noted. advisor to the president of russia anton kobikov. an agreement was signed in the areas of robotics, information technology and video analytics, as well as coal mining and cosmetics production. according to experts, the volume of contracts concluded at the end of the forum could reach 5 trillion rubles. based on the results of the first quarter, investments in fixed assets in russia increased by 14.5%. according to rosstat, they are close to 6 trillion rubles. at the same time, the share of profitable organizations in the country has increased and... exceeded 69%. turnover retail trade in january-april grew by almost 10% and approached 17 trillion, and public catering turnover added about 5%, the result of more than a trillion rubles. for every ruble invested , the russian
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direct investment fund earned more than two rubles for the state. the emphasis was on key industries for the country, the general said. for the first time we are talking about the fact that rdif, due to received dividends and exit from a number of portfolio companies, has already earned for the state more than twice as much as the state invested in the fund, and if you look for the taxes that rdif portfolio companies paid, then rdif increased the state funds by more than four times, and if we also add here the portfolio that still remained an rdif investment, then rdif...
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passengers were thrown onto the roadway at full speed, after this tram crashed into another, which was standing at a stop, the victims were in the hospital, four of them are in serious condition. after western countries began openly calling for attacks on russia with their weapons, moscow requested a meeting of the un security council, in the russian foreign ministry warned the united states against
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making mistakes that could become fatal. st. petersburg is the official opening day of the international economic forum. the program includes dozens of thematic sessions: digital security, logistics, within the framework of brix, geopolitics of a multipolar world. vladimir putin will hold a number of bilateral meetings. the israeli air force attacked a school in the nusiyarat refugee camp, xinhua reported. at least 30 people were killed, including women and children, and dozens were injured. and as stated in the idf's target was a movement camp. hamas. moscow will once again be hit by heavy rain of cargo. the night before, in some areas of the capital, 20% fell in less than an hour. monthly precipitation norm. due to bad weather , several metro stations and underground passages were flooded. people took off their shoes and walked at a brisk pace. in the east of moscow, part of the road had to be closed due to flooding,
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and a large traffic jam formed. and near the okrugnaya metro station, bus passengers were trapped, and water began to flow into the cabin. people got out through the hatch on the roof, where they waited help, they were evacuated by a rescuer. now almost all the consequences of the bad weather have been eliminated, but today, according to weather forecasters, heavy rain will fall on moscow in the afternoon. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, flew over areas in the nenets autonomous okrug that were at risk of flooding. there, a sharp rise in water in the pechora river began, and a mark above the unfavorable level has already been reached. the authorities have set up temporary accommodation centers, there is a supply of food, water and medicine, the governor of the region, yuri bezdudny, informed the head of the ministry of emergency situations about measures taken: explosives specialists have already arrived in maryanmar and explosives have been delivered in case of ice jams.
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new forest fires have been recorded in three regions of yakutia, the territory is being patrolled from the air, six helicopters are involved in extinguishing, inna udovkina will talk about the fight against the elements. a high class of fire danger exists in the territory of yakutia. over the past 24 hours, six forest fires covering an area of ​​535 hectares have been extinguished, but they have been replaced. three new fires were discovered in the aldan region. total in yakutia 26 forest fires were registered. the total area covered by the fire already exceeds 46. an extremely high fifth fire hazard class has now been established in the south of the region. there is currently no threat to populated areas and economic facilities. in the alekminsky district , a municipal emergency situation related to forest fires continues to operate. please note that the special fire regime continues. lekmensky district,
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oldansky district and neyuringlinsky district together with rosleskhoz we will decide on additional forces that will be involved. firefighting is complicated by powerful gusts of wind, according to forecasters, in most parts of the republic in the next 24 hours. yak 40 of roshydromet. there are already first successful results. increased precipitation was observed in a number of areas. the main causes
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of forest fires, experts say, are burning of dry grass, unextinguished fires and dry thunderstorms. a total of 385 professional firefighters and local residents are taking part in the firefighting effort. 22 units of equipment are working on site. inna udovkina, sergey zaborovsky, news of yakutia. in the rostov region this night they put out a fire at an oil refinery; the fire broke out due to a drone strike, eyewitnesses write about this. there are videos from the scene, bright flames against the backdrop of the dark night sky. governor vasily golubev also wrote about the drone attack in novoshakhtinsk. according to preliminary information from the head of the region, there were no casualties. the area of ​​the fire is approximately 100 m2, it has already been localized, the data is being clarified. aminodefense russia.
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in general, the preparation was carried out at an accelerated rate, so that they would not teach anything necessary and to quickly send those mobilized to the front line, some were promised that they would have to act in quiet sectors of the front, but in reality they were thrown into the thick of it? review. ours was bad, because the position was bad, we had already begun, well , there were a couple of bursts at the door, and we give up, we give up, that’s it, well, they shouted, they took us out, the attitude was good, well, there was no chance there, by the end of this shootout, the chances were already reduced, they threw grenades at us, everything started smoking, for the wounded, this is it, well, in the end finally... they shouted: give up, they saw that there was no chance left. cruise missiles and artillery shells are shot down by denitschiki from
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transbaikalia. they work in ugledar. sections of the front inflict painful blows on the enemy, so they act carefully so as not to fall under return fire, our war correspondent eduard punigov will tell you in detail about this. vostok factions are always in full combat readiness. a standard shift lasts 3 hours, after which the crew is given another 3 hours to rest, during which time they are replaced by another crew. in these frames, the buk anti-aircraft missile system, the crew takes a position in ugledar. sector of the south donetsk front, a few minutes for deployment , continuous monitoring of the air situation begins. the rocket flies up at great speed. this is footage of high-precision combat work against another aerial target. anti-aircraft gunners from transbaikalia are relatively new to this position, but the essence of their work has not changed. crews shoot down high-speed cruise missiles and rocket artillery shells every day. main
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beech's trump card is almost sniper-like shooting accuracy; it is almost impossible to fly past this air defense complex unnoticed. they shot down two hymers, the intensity was very high, there were a lot of drones, the same kamis. american hymarc missiles are perhaps the only target you need to tinker with. it is really difficult to intercept it; missiles fly quickly at high altitudes, over 20 km. if the crew is the most prepared, we work for all purposes.
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all were injured. the bug anti-aircraft missile system covers army units, key industrial and administrative facilities, and most importantly, peaceful cities that are subject to regular shelling. the sky over donbass is always protected. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. and now urgent news from hemerovo, where the accident occurred, two trams collided. according to the mayor's office, one person died in the hospital. and on other topics, donald trump harshly criticized biden. he said that the american president was dragging the world into world war iii and made it clear that he suspected him of using, a quote from some substances. now is the most dangerous moment in the history of our country - the power of nuclear weapons. there is a chance that, due to us provocations , world war iii will happen. the chairman of china, the leader of north korea, the president of russia
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are all at the top of their game in terms of mental understanding. this word, but they are dealing with someone who has now practically become an idiot. biden hasn’t been smart before, it looks like he’s accepting something else, you know what i mean.
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