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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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but also we will somehow integrate it into all national projects so as not to duplicate, in order to get the maximum effect, in order to understand what is needed for other industries in terms of the development of digitalization, the same artificial intelligence about which there is a lot they have been saying lately and which is definitely the future, we understand perfectly well that it has a different meaning from industry to industry.
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hello, hello, this year there was a session on the form with the support of state transport leasing company with a rather interesting name: a happy passenger not only in the capital, when tell us why you chose this topic , what conclusions you came to, when will there be a happy passenger not only in the capital ? this is perhaps the most important question that we may try to answer at the end, but why, because that several circumstances. we looked at how the renewal of public transport is developing and how much it affects parts of the people in the country as a whole, we traveled, filmed various videos, showed there the public transport that is in our regions still works, but we asked people what they like or don’t like about public transport and compared? with what is available in
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the capital today, what is called the most advanced technology, moscow traditionally experiments, introduces innovations and well, in fact, the satisfaction with the work of the public transport system in moscow, of course it is there at a very high level today, as an avid motorist, i can confirm , well, i’ll tell you this, so to speak, there are periodically there when certain problems with driving in personal transport, although it’s easier for me, i can travel almost everywhere on a motorcycle. also uses two wheels, that’s it, but nevertheless, sometimes it is necessary to get there quickly, comfortably, so to speak, to use public transport, and this is extremely convenient, with integration into the urban space of the electric train, and the moscow central ring, moscow diameters, this of course has become even more convenient, my wife goes to work, so to speak, exactly 7 minutes - to the mcd, so i want this kind of standard... which
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moscow sets the high bar, they were replicated in our region, and stlc is today one of the owners of the largest public transport fleet, since 2009 the company has been supplying public transport, updating in the regions, last year alone we delivered more 3.00 units of public transport, well, in general, this is quite a lot, traditionally, we supply about one thousand and a half, so we decided to ask our passengers in those cities where we supply public transport transport, what they are happy with or dissatisfied with, they opened a hotline, and so 99% of those who called the hotline, they did not say anything about the old, new public transport, they did not say that a light bulb falls off here or the door does not work, they assessed the quality of service, quality of service, quality of service, they didn’t like, so to speak, when the bus arrives at the wrong time, they didn’t like it when...
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using this feedback, i can say that it is by evaluating transport and public transport as a service we can to solve with small, small efforts a large number of problems in order to make the passenger happy, and... convenience of transfers, convenience of contactless payment, and cleanliness, comfort in the cabin, the right climate so that it is not hot in summer and cold in winter, everything these things, they are actually solved quite simply, moscow knows how to do this, and the high quality standards that it puts into its work can and should be replicated in the regions, it is important that they have such standards, so that they constantly tracked and monitored how these standards were met. and people, i am sure,
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will see changes for the better, what needs to be corrected, what needs to be done from an organizational, perhaps financial point of view, well, the first basic task, of course, is renewal. transport, because, despite the absence of complaints, or a large number of complaints, so to speak, of course, there are such copies that, well, it’s probably time, so to speak, to be dismantled for spare parts or simply thrown away, so of course, a new one the bus that pulls up to a bus stop, well, it inspires respect and sets people up to believe that yes, changes for the better are really happening, but besides this, of course, it is necessary... probably to evaluate, so to speak, how the development of urban areas, new districts is going on, in order for public transport to come there, it is necessary to evaluate how the stops look, whether they are located in the places where people are used to, well, remember, i am sure that when they begin
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to asphalt the paths along which people move around the city, often these are the ones spontaneous tubes that arise there, they are planted there, somehow that’s the same thing. they somehow eliminate them, but people trample them all the same, because if it’s convenient for a person, if it’s convenient for people, they will use it anyway, so if we want the stop to be somewhere on the outskirts and people ride the bus, this will never happen, you need to put it in those places where people are most comfortable, creating such a feedback system, constant monitoring and improvement, this is the highest quality standard, maybe i would like to mention one more point, how...
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last year, from what we see, hear, somehow try to implement, we have already outgrown it a little, the role of just a public transport provider, we are trying to look , and what kind of public transport is needed, and ask people what
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they would like to improve in themselves, in the rolling stock itself, what a new bus should look like, and we have direct contact with manufacturers, with everyone who produces buses and trolleybuses in russia . trams, we we can set conditions for them, the formation of new models, supplies, we collect programs that are subsequently passed by the federal executive authorities at the highest level, in order for these programs to become a reality for our regions, there is a feeling that we could act as such a hub for all of these efforts, and well , i’m not afraid of this word, maybe even in some sense a development institution in this bloc, there is quite a lot to be done... and the president in his message announced the numbers that need to be allocated for updating public transport in the next 6 years, specific parameters and indicators are set in the decree on national goals, and there, too, this issue is given great importance, so
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we would be ready to take on this role if our homeland trusts us, i wish you success, thank you for this interview, thank you huge, well , well, we... continue to work at the st. petersburg international economic forum and right now the guest of our visiting studio at the forum is roman starovoy, minister of transport roman vladimirovich, hello, i welcome you, thank you for finding the time for this conversation of ours, first of all, of course, this is your first interview since your appointment as minister of transport of the russian federation, allow me to congratulate you on this appointment, congratulate you on your return, so to speak native.
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this is a huge honor for me, i want to say that the ministry of transport and the entire industry have made significant progress in recent years, thanks precisely to the decisions of our national leader. today focused on solving problems, set by our president as part of
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the message of the federal assembly, and of course may decree number 309, where the president outlined national goals, and for us today it is important to update the transport development strategy, which has been approved and adopted until 2030 and the thirty-fifth year in the future, taking into account national goals time frames, which are indicated in code 309.
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this is an amazing place, because time is compressed here, in literally a short time it is possible to hold many meetings, signings, negotiations, and of course, we use this because today our main task is to win a special military operation, the transport industry is, of course, involved in solving these problems, the economy must work, so international meetings and cooperation are also more important for us.
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and projects in which many countries are involved, and of course, for us in this aspect
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the most important at the moment is the international north-south transport corridor, it is being actively implemented today, in particular, if we talk about the railway infrastructure, an agreement has already been signed, a section of the railway is being built in iran, more than 150 kilometers, which will finally connect the railway... infrastructure of the russian federation and iran with the possibility of access to the ports of the persian gulf. this is a very important project; today my colleagues and i also managed to discuss this. this, of course, is our joint work with the people's republic of china, because today the development of the eastern training ground, the work of international checkpoints, the synchronization of our actions with our chinese colleagues is very important aspect, how to... open additional
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time slots at chinese airports in order to increase the frequency, clock speed of flights, today there is such an extensive agenda, well, tomorrow, of course, the key event is a plenary meeting, where the president of our country will take part. we are preparing for this event, and working with the regions, because as a rule, everything that concerns the ministry of transport, the russian federation, mainly comes to the regions.
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how is this work being done? first of all, we of course, we are concentrating on the implementation of the landmark project that the president outlined, and this will be implemented for the first time in our country, this is the construction of a high-speed highway between moscow and st. petersburg, and for us this will be a pilot on which technologies will be tested, this is very important because to ensure import substitution and independence from suppliers from other countries, well, everything related to the infrastructure of new ones... this is a very important aspect for us, why, because integration should not only be economic, social, but transport, so the repair and construction of highways, repair of checkpoints, bus services, municipal, intermunicipal, this is what we will discuss today and tomorrow
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with our colleagues from the donetsk people's republic, lugansk people's republic, zaporozhye and kherson and which is also, of course, important not only for... the development of these territories, but also for victory, which you said, yes, which is also, of course, an infrastructure component, no one has canceled it, but at the st. petersburg at the forum this year, new mechanisms for financing large government projects are being actively discussed, in this sense , you mentioned that the airport in omsk is being built taking into account the attraction of private funds, how is it possible to attract private investment in the transport sector, at what level do you currently estimate this volume, you know, in the end...
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all over the world, this is one of the priorities, you know that we have a state-owned highway company, which builds on the principle of a state-private partnership, operate highways, including toll roads, and if you look back, in recent years a trillion rubles of private investment have been invested in road infrastructure, of course we continue to discuss the possibility of implementing such... including with the regions, because today those who are working in this field, i mean public-private partnership already has a proposal for the construction of bypasses of capitals, constituent entities of the russian federation, large cities, precisely on these principles, our task is to jointly make sure that the financial and legal model of these concessions
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of these agreements, it was suitable for both the federal budget and... our regions and, of course, for business, so there are a lot of topics for discussion. roman vladimirovich, i thank you for your comments and your time. i am sure that the russian transport industry is now in good hands, there are a lot of topics, of course, that i would like to discuss more, and the transport of the future, well, time, time, time at the st. petersburg forum is the most valuable resource. thank you very much, we now we’ll take a short break, then we’ll return to the agenda of the st. petersburg economic forum. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing for a new building, secondary housing or construction of a house. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers
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eldorado, the main expert on white equipment. meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of free payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. russia-24 continues its broadcast from an on-site studio here at the st. petersburg international economic forum, and now the temporary acting governor of the samara region, vyacheslav ferichiv, has become a guest of our studio. hello vyacheslav anevich. hello. first of all let's let's probably talk about the current goals of the task. stand before you as before the head of the region. the most important task facing us is the harmonious socio-economic development of all municipalities. we have a capital, wonderful samara, there are large cities, but
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the first task is for each municipal entity to have its own development. of course, industries. my region is industrial, in every industry there are the strongest enterprises, which not only need to be helped, but need to be assisted so that they become even more stronger. therefore, the first task is to formulate a development program that would take into account these two important ones. speaking about your previous experience and tula is famous for its military-industrial complex, this is how you plan, maybe to develop it in the samara region, are there such tasks? well , this is an industrial region, so interaction with enterprises and especially the defense-industrial complex was the key to economic development, we began to apply this experience from the first day in the samara region, got acquainted with enterprises that have not yet as deeply as necessary in order to provide assistance, but there is experience, and most importantly, the tasks facing... the defense industry is now the most important, this is one of the key priorities, so there will be the closest attention here. another important factor, again you have experience
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in it, is attracting investment, and it seems to me that not a single forum can do without talking about this. what sectors of the economy of the samara region today need to attract investment, how do you plan to do this? well, what do i plan to do? first of all, i came here to say thank you to investors already working in the samara region. work to show our plans, they already exist, so that they know where else they can invest, but the most important thing is to attract new partners, samara region, very significant, but few people really work there, there are traditional enterprises, but many strong groups, who would like to develop their production, so today i am meeting with various managers, entrepreneurs, talking about the samarov region, where good investment climate, we must pay tribute, good, strong, it was set up by azarov and his team, and we will see what else is possible... the project
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is being implemented, but it was previously already in the region, it has not yet been assessed, i already have today there were two very important meetings with those federal structures that will help implement it, this is the basis of the economy not only of the samara region, of the entire vozvodzhsky federal district, this is a very large-scale project, it is very capital-intensive, but if it is implemented within the time frame that we approximately imagine, we can truly double, triple some areas of our... what economic effect could there be from the implementation of such a project? they exist, but they are preliminary, so i don’t want to give numbers that won’t be confirmed, we generally have this principle, the head of the tuul region aleksandrevich dyumin taught it to us all, don’t say what won’t come true, calculate it, verify it, come to an agreement finally, then voice it, so the economic effect is
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there is, he he is understandable. the samara region has many wonderful cultural and historical places, so my task in this direction, excuse me, it may sound loud, is to open samara for the people of russia on a larger scale, because we have examples of older comrades, there is kazan, there is nizhny novgorod, our neighbors , which receive many times more tourists, and most importantly, conditions have been created there to make tourists feel comfortable there, samara has everything, we need to work on the infrastructure and we will promote samara,
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therefore, i would like to take this opportunity for all residents of our country, pay attention to the samrast region, come and visit us. concluding our conversation, i have another question about international cooperation, after all, the forum is so international, here in st. petersburg, how do you plan to build relations with friendly countries, with regions from these fears, here, too, all the mechanisms are known, we work very well with the ministry of industry and trade in russia by senior missions, a very powerful tool, some torpedoes and i have already talked about how we will invite foreign investors to us. and develop relationships there, in addition, several meetings are planned in the next month with the ambassadors of those countries that are friendly to us and who would like to work more with the samara region, this work is very important, because well, we not only have to deal with our perimeter, our region , what is nearby, but also think about how our products, in the samara region, by the way, everything that is produced with a quality mark is made in samara. quality, so this is exactly what we will offer, promote in
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countries that are friendly to us, thank you very much for the interview, vyacheslav andreevich, and of course, good luck in realizing all those goals and tasks that are facing you today, thank you very much, thank you, and let me remind you that the guest of the russian military studio 24 at the st. petersburg economic forum was the acting governor of the samara region, vyacheslav pedorich. let's stop for a short advertisement and continue broadcasting from st. petersburg. this is sasha. it is important to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. bring friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia.
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