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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 6, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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together the appetite, only dad will tame it, there are door appetites, sausages, dad maybe, in the russian lotto we will draw country houses in honor of the anniversary of the golden barrel, an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw, tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores, what about nature, oh, what is this, and this is a scheme, there are different cards with cashback, why, you need one card. vtb. vtb. transfer to it for free from any bank, without any commission restrictions. and get cashback up to 25% for your purchases. rubles. vtb. everything will work out together. and where are you? are you at the pillar? i'm looking for you. don't switch off. so many people, communication can be interrupted. uncle on the pole for the signal. there is something more convenient than a pole. smart network so that communication is not interrupted. beeline smart network. you remain connected with her even where there are a lot of people. belain is the best.
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naturally, i had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about that now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in in the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of state policy; in our country, if sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, what awaits us ahead. even
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support is required for its development states, national demography project, all measures to support families with children, appetite anywhere, dad can, dad can, only dad will tame. the third project we will talk about is the modernization and construction of airports. we will talk about the implementation of this project with dmitry andreevich ortyukhov, the governor of the yamalo-ninets autonomous okrug, please go through the stage. and with evgeniy aleksandrovich chudnovsky, general director of the company. dmitry andreevich, a very memorable project for the novy urengoy airport, some absolutely incredible chalet houses. what changes in the life of the city and region occurred with the construction of this airport? we have it turned out to be a very beautiful airport, i am convinced that it is the most beautiful in the world’s arctic, and of course
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for the north aviation, for the far east, for the north, for our remote regions, this is always the most important thing, we did not yet have a railway or a road, aviation worked like clockwork, the most powerful gas production complex in the world was created in our far north, and today for northerners , aviation is also the key, our president has set a task to increase for national purposes. all reconstructed strip, all platforms, lighting equipment, the entire complex, which provided
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over 1 million passengers at the end of last year, of course, a fundamentally different comfort appeared for our residents, how we came to this result, this is a well-executed concession, we got very good competitive conditions, colleagues, let’s put it bluntly we grabbed onto the competition, as a result, we went from 4 billion in regional co-financing to zero, everything that was built, everything you see was done without... a penny of the federal or regional budget, elongated financing, and how it was possible to build such a model, at the expense of the development institute, rbrf, a syndicate of banks, they provided long-term money on favorable terms, and we received both infrastructure and the absence of direct budgetary costs, in fact, a very small effect on the tariff, for residents , we calculated approximately a ten percent share in each ticket for this entire infrastructure, but we understand that the level is different for a decade.
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a fair amount of force. nevertheless, this experience today, it is, as it were, replicated by us together with
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web to other regions. today, igor ivanovich, you and i are signing an agreement on financing orenburg, this is the construction of a terminal complex, this is not a concession, this is a factory, but this is also a very convenient mechanism for financing the qualitative improvements that our citizens will see. orenburg is another project that we are doing together with the web, with the factory, with sberbank, in this regard. the web is our long-time partner, to whom we are grateful, and indeed, given the web, we can make long-term infrastructure investments, thank you very much, do you have anything to add? yes, i should add that airports are important not only from the point of view of infrastructure, but i still insist that these sayings are met by clothes, so when i arrived, i just remember the old novy uryungoy airport, i was, i wasn’t in the new one, i’m jealous, i think i should go, because in the picture it
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looks amazing, but the attitude itself is certainly formed upon arrival in the city, right from the first step there, when you leave from a plane or from a train, this certainly matters, sometimes you know, you arrive here, well, everything is all wrong, cramped, uncomfortable, then as if all this was no longer real, well, as they say, here this first impression is very difficult. no, with federal money, but the money came from somewhere, of course, federal money, here too, omsk, orenburg,
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i understand all these projects, igor ivanovich also needs to sit down, maybe think, maybe there’s something else in parallel or run trams for regional money or stops, but i'm kidding, i actually would like to highlight the following as the second point, here it is also important with airports, of course, each one is individual both geographically and stylistically, but... this is also a set of standard solutions that would very much, well, if we could allow us to reduce the speed of airport launches by increasing the speed, shorten the launch time and... before execution, we begin to come up with some unique solutions, when often, especially as you rightly said, everything that screen, all these processes were invented a long time ago, you just need to implement them in modules, that’s what concerns the web as
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a project office, in general as a platform, in this regard it is of course a big plus. because those solutions that have already been applied somewhere else, they are simply designed, scaled up, where possible, greatly reducing the time frame, making projects cheaper, thank you, yes, of course, we are launching these projects only because we have capital from the russian federation, and this capital is constantly replenished, we have there are sources that are targeted, for example, everything that concerns the arctic and the far east, this is this, these are direct expenses of the federal budget. therefore, of course, to say that this is without federal money is wrong, this is a concession and the project financing factory uses federal sources, but we are always in dialogue with both the government and regional authorities, which is what we, at least we want on the internet so believe in this, that spending a budget penny through web mechanisms is much more effective than direct budget financing for the creation of the facility,
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by the way, we are often criticized, we acknowledge this criticism and improve our procedures. making the decision that our procedures are longer than in commercial banks, this is partly true, but we give an explanation, because we are ultimately responsible to both the people and the federal government for proper spending, that this money will not be spent it’s in vain that they will definitely be returned as a credit resource, but we understand this task, we have our own procedures we are adapting everything, i hope we still need a year and a half so that we... work no longer than the credit procedures of sberbank vtb, gazprombank, gazprombank, of course, works the fastest, and as for money, we ask for everything - after all, our procedure, our syndicate, and the project financing factory, and other models that will appear, what we discussed in the previous block, we expect that this will be general confidence, spending
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funds, budget funds through web mechanisms this is the most effective way to attract money from... other participants, thank you very much, colleagues, it seems to me that the implementation of such large-scale projects is in many ways similar to sports, the project is completed, the competition is completed, the victories, of course, are exhaled, let's move on, what are the tasks facing development organizations in the new economic cycle? we expect that the summer will be spent in discussion not only on the web site, but that all development organizations will work out their individual blocks on strategy. we are working with a consultant, i must say frankly that these months we are all the previous ones were actively involved, because we understood how thought develops in the government, we are constantly invited to strategic sessions held by the chairman of the government, we are constantly participants in any other discussions in the government at the level of deputy chairmen, that is, we are always in dialogue,
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we are in including helping the presidential administration in this expert work, when a decree on updated development goals was being prepared, that is... we were in dialogue all the time and we were already preparing in advance for what will be our corporate strategy in order to fit into this work, in general, i rely here all the time in my daily work on the support of the chairman of the board, dmitrievich constantly supports us here, without a compliment, and i’ll say again that we had a lot of tough discussions with the ministry of finance, they are trying, they must behave responsibly about this. expenses, but they are trying to block our projects twice, this is in progress when the size of the subsidy or the portfolio that we can afford is announced create, second, when we begin to discuss specific transactions, and i hope we will improve this procedure a little, but here all the time both dmitrovich and mikhail vladimirovich support us, thanks to this we have an additional 12 new
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projects in our portfolio, now the minister of economic development , i hope that in the coming hours he will also talk about new projects, he agreed at the government level, we are launching them on web, we will already have more than 40, 50, 60 of them, and this portfolio will grow, moreover, as soon as commercial banks see that the project is already quite safe, they do not need the support of the development bank, they will buy out our participation, will leave this project, and in general we do not strive to give money to the project in the next 5 years, for example, we must learn to reduce even our participation and, most importantly, how our participation, even... half as much as, for example, what we do today, will bring twice as much money from commercial creditors and individuals. we are launching funds share capital, the president spoke about this. at the st. petersburg forum, we formally created them, which means we are starting to work while there are no deals, but nikolai vitichim and i, who is responsible for the web business, ourselves understand this responsibility in order
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to provide share capital as quickly as possible to launch such deals , and in our country, in principle, in terms of parameters, if you look separately at smes, at ret, i always return to these blocks, because this is a classic development agenda, support for exports, insurance of export transactions and development of small medium-sized businesses. we probably in the near future need to learn how to work more closely corporately, and here, since such complex management through national projects that are carried out by deputy prime ministers, our corporate procedures, i think that corporate procedures for achieving national development goals should prevail, we will then more flexible and faster, but everything related to the innovation block, we probably had more energy put into it... when we updated dmitrievich’s strategy, it was 2021 year, yes, then remember, this innovation block appeared, it didn’t exist at all, i must say that we paid so much
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attention that we succeeded in this part more than in others, that’s the traditional agenda - small medium-sized businesses, maybe there may even be a micro-business, and for this the web must provide protection for these transactions with its capital in the form of large guarantees, this is export support, export insurance, the mrf does not apply to us, it is a separate corporation, but for example, here we may have a separate competence, we discuss with the council modernization of housing and communal services, this is a multi-trillion-dollar capital need, in order to launch reform in this entire industry, and this is interesting both for equipment manufacturers and for launching models, these are service ones, and people will feel why, because today almost no one has services i’m happy, whether it’s moscow - a first-class city, or it’s some small town, but how it adds up...
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in general, we have these goals, as soon as we formally approve our new strategy at the supervisory board, we’ll announce it, we’ll do it in a down-to-earth manner,
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simplified, in order to still show the effects for cities, towns, and families, this is the most important thing, as for the trillions, the total contribution or contribution of the web group in the coming years according to our strategy, which we have prepared together with our, with all partners, should amount to at least... trillions of rubles, so we are ready for this figure, if the government launches us here in terms of capital for these ambitions, we will participate in this process, i am more than confident that we will achieve all these goals. dmitry yuryevich, what tasks are set by the government for development organizations. well, it seems to me, first, we need to continue what we are doing now, you saw it yourself and i would probably note two or three such moments, uh.
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based on this, the attitude towards everything changes , that is, when you look at a tool for money, as a tool, an important tool, of course, you need to approach this carefully, but... well, specific
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projects, results, 80% of polyethylene in russia - these are projects launched with the participation of the russian federation, 70% of lng with the participation of the russian federation, every fifth airport in russia with the participation of the vprf, 40% of passengers, which means at the regional airports of the vprf, and so on and so forth, and let’s say there are the same schools for 11.00 children. and accordingly, from the point of view of investment and selection of projects, yes we have a strategy, yes we have an industry focus, yes we have a link with the goals that are with the national goals that have been set by the president, but the approach is exactly this, that is, how much in pieces specifically, which means it will give and to whom and what value will be in the end, that is, we even invest in schools, that’s what today we discussed, we considered the number
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of schools, the number...
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we cannot refuse, well, probably the most important thing is that we must understand that with all the complexity of these words, subsidized rate, syndicated loan, it means there and so on and so on, without the participation of the state in the person of the russian federation and development institutions in general, we simply, banally, for every ruble invested or spent,
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i’ll say this, we can get in the classical, which means, in the classical model, for a ruble of invested funds, we get, which means result per ruble, with participation in the brf, per ruble of funds spent on the part of the state we get an effect there, conditionally, of 5 rubles. because all social facilities, all such facilities with a long payback period without the participation of the state, well, they are difficult to implement, well, no, business will not go into the social sector, well, you won’t earn money on... for 100 rubles we are building, relatively speaking, 100 schools , either we attract 100 rubles more from business , as in the examples from schools, or we attract 300, 500 rubles. 700, and we are building here, accordingly, yes, we will have to pay some interest, yes, we are stretching it all out over time, but today we
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really get the opportunity to do just that. to teach a generation under completely different conditions, with a completely different result, that is, this is an investment that is measured not only in money, well, i still can’t, well, since the web is still a development bank igor ivanovich, i can’t say about money, but igor ivanovich gave an example, in the form of a project financing factory, this is a certain tool, which means project financing, to put it simply, but i i was driving too, that means we were stuck in a traffic jam, i just wrote it down, today we have 28 projects, 2 trillion worth, of which half a trillion web rubles, half a trillion rubles is participation, well, now there’s a live broadcast from konstantinovsky palace, thank you, thank you.


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