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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:23pm MSK

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we wrote here, just think about it, 60, more than 60 interviews, then well, and besides, this is where the inclusion comes from, direct inclusions of our correspondents, several stand-up positions, as we call it, and in general, in fact, our platform has become such a meeting place, this this is already a good tradition, but our colleague svetlana chmykha will tell you about other interesting stands at this forum and interesting expositions. the st. petersburg economic forum is not only a platform for negotiating deals, it is also an exhibition where an area of ​​100,000 km contains stands of regions and businesses, every time there is an unspoken competition for ingenuity and the ability to show oneself, now let’s go and find the most stylish and unusual stands. ural chem has not changed its traditions; the company has been doing business for many years now.
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brings a composition of fresh flowers to the forum, i don’t know how fertilizers affect the intensity of the aroma, but the flowers smell amazing, by the way, this year the composition is dedicated to the year of the family in russia, we went out from the pavilion to the street, there is also a lot of things here interesting, for example, an exhibition of new products from the russian automobile industry, this is a completely new lada spark, made in such a deep cherry color, it seems to me that cherry color for avtovaz is also a kind of tribute... and this is an arctic fox at the gazprom neft pavilion, in general the pavilion is a state corporation it has some kind of meditative effect, it’s hot outside, and here you can endlessly stand and enjoy the beautiful nature of the russian north. if you want to attract attention, choose red, that’s exactly what alfabank did and it didn’t fail, this the stand is one of the brightest on the sidelines of the forum, it is important, of course, not only the color, but also the shape, these are eight-meter figures of dragons, the dragon is a symbol of wealth, wisdom, and... china, and
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here they also treat you to chocolate yuan and pour out popcorn, and red why is it red? because we add a special additive with spring flavor so that our guests can enjoy this wonderful wonderful popcorn. well, let's take this wonderful cherry popcorn and follow the events of the forum. ilon mironovich, hello, thank you for came, and usually we do.
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we will defend and fight to the end, there is another practical side, you will probably hold some negotiations at the forum with our entrepreneurs, bankers on the issue of cooperation, are there already some developments or the forum has just started, it’s probably too early to say, no , we are working, we are currently negotiating with promsvyaz bank, i want to say a big thank you, a sincere thank you to the leadership of the russian federation, the leadership of prosvyaz bank for what they did. ssuuzia project on
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our request and today more than 25,000 pensioners from gaguzia are already beneficiaries of the additional pension program from, together with promsvyaz bank. today we want to increase this program and expand it to other regions of moldova. it is very important. i am grateful to the russian federation for giving us, despite difficult relations with official chisinau, the opportunity to export goods from gagauzia. because today is unfortunately. our agricultural producers are simply collapsing, thanks to the absolutely absurd, stupid policies of the current regime, our farmers find themselves in a poverty-stricken situation, and today we are trying to help by buying goods from them, we will bring them here, we will sell them, we will give advances, we will help them get out of this situation, today the implementation of projects is very important for us in many social spheres, because indeed the country today is in pernicious complexity.
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country and we will be very happy if the russian consumer eats our vegetables and fruits, this will be the greatest gift for us, and we we will be incredibly grateful. are there any other areas of possible cooperation in the near future, or are these also just plans and negotiations? look, i'm a big supporter.
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they simply forget history, they forget the 70 years that we were together, today i will tell you that, unfortunately, moldova lives with the infrastructure that was built then, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and much more, nothing new has been built in 30 years, no dependence for 30 years nothing, nothing,
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just where private hands were, there are private schools, yes, there are private hospitals, but there are no state hospitals, and this is clear, this is... an indicator of the lack of possibility of independent movement, we must go together, we must be together, we must build a single platform, a single platform for the future, we have the same values, our people don’t want to go to gay parades, our people want to go to church, our people want to live in peace, our people want to develop and move towards progress, i’m sure that together we must achieve this, but what about the official chisinau says that negotiations are about to take place the retreat to the european union will begin, let's take an honest look. it’s a lie, what official chisinau is, these are people who came on deception, because official chisinau, the current maisandu, her entire party, told people during the elections that guys, if you elect me, i will build you germany with the same roads, with pensions of 5.00 euros with factories and
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enterprises, in fact, for all 4 years of their rule, and today, in fact, external management of the republic, we received the lowest indexation of pensions for all 30 years. the most the worst indicators in the field of economy, terrible, they, of course, it is convenient for them today to push everything on the war, but this is not true, today their defective management has had a terrible effect on the population, they came, told us about european values ​​​​in quotes, freedom of the media, only in a year we have closed 13 opposition television channels, in just one year, they talked about freedom of democracy, the right to choose, what kind of democracy, what rights elections, we had local elections in the fall...
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eu: now there is a lot of talk about creating new associations, or rather they are being created, but their creation process, such a creative moment, are there any hopes that you will nevertheless strive for moldova to join someday, at least in
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this association , we set, this is our one of, this is our main goal today, moldova should, we talk about this publicly always and everywhere, that moldova should become. you took another 40 so that we would buy raw materials from you for your grants, well, let’s put it this way, and you stole another 30 along the way, the question is, what reached people was zero, let’s calculate it differently then, 30 years.
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format, which, russia, the union state of russia, belarus, maybe this format will expand, and here, i believe that there is a field and place for consideration for dialogues, this is important, because i believe that only by uniting, we can resist, because the west, well, in simple words, why does moldova, well, just why, by the way, that’s why, and i’ll tell you, this is a testing ground, this is a free-hands training ground for war, this is a training ground that you can mock.
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do you expect any sanctions for participating in the st. petersburg swim? well , sanctions from the whole world have already been imposed on me, i think that i’m ready to argue with anyone regarding sanctions, i’m almost a world champion in this sport, so i think that you already know how, these sanctions don’t mean anything to me, because that i don’t need me, i don’t need to go to a europe that is ready to support the chaos that the moldovan regime is doing today? i don’t want that kind of europe, let them stay and live on their own, we will somehow live without them, we have everything the same,
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what they have is even better, so let’s develop our countries better, better visit each other, better observe traditions, respect each other, with this we can achieve a lot, ilan mironovich, another very important topic, of course , you voiced this question, i will give in... i want to formulate the question correctly: will chisinau succumb to these provocations and still try to resolve the same issue of transnistria, for example, by force? how do you think? unfortunately, i do not rule it out, because the west today for the west is a very important tool that they want to use, for a reason, in moldova today, in fact, two military bases are being built, for a reason in a low country.
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my team, and my people, my supporters, that today we have a battle for us, we have very little time, and i warned moldova, and we will fight in the streets, we will fight to the end, we have no law today, we have no legal regime, we have no democracy, we have nothing, so we will fight. and what are the prospects for cooperation within opec plus, i thank our partners,
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who held a ministerial meeting in order to discuss and make certain decisions for the near future on setting up the market, and today there is also an opportunity to discuss in detail our actions, our plans in this direction to stabilize the market, i want to say that the fuel and energy... of russia , despite all the problems that have arisen in the last few years, has shown its stability and dynamic development. and we see this in our production indicators, we see this in export volumes, we see this in the work which our industries have carried out to diversify and change logistics chains and supplies, we see on issues related to increasing the efficiency of
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the industry, i would like to emphasize once again that the challenges that existed. associated with the pandemic, a drop in demand for 20% of world markets, challenges associated with sanctions pressure on our energy sectors, and this is unprecedented pressure, we have already lost count of the number of sanctions that have been imposed on our energy sector by unfriendly countries, and we are talking about a ban on the supply of oil and petroleum products. coal, coal products, on the introduction of the so-called ceiling on prices for energy resources, on sanctions regarding transportation, insurance, regarding payments for supplied energy resources to world markets, that is, these are all the illegal
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sanctions that were introduced against our energy sector and our sector really showed... that after all, global energy is subject to the fact that, uh, despite turbulence and direct restrictions, it is still balanced for some time, this was shown in 2022, 2023, during which the russian economy, russian energy industry adapted to the restrictions and challenges that... are present in the energy market, our task for today , this is the strategic task, it was defined by the president of the russian federation in his speech at the russian energy week, last year, in the fall, he outlined four main directions for the development of our energy sector, which i will now list and remind you once again,
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first of all, this is ensuring... our domestic market, reliable, safe provision of energy security, supply of energy resources for the domestic market, market development in terms of higher added value, new directions, petrochemicals, liquid natural gas, development of gasification, development of gas pipelines infrastructure within russia in order to provide our consumers and our economy with reliable supplies. energy resources in all practical areas, an important direction, which the president spoke about is related to the diversification of export supplies, and this is a task that has been solved over the past two years, i would like to note that we
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have redirected approximately 80% of energy resources to our friendly markets, mainly... friends, colleagues are engaged in and a lot of work will be done and we, together with ours , will work in the long term to ensure our production, the needs of our energy industries, domestic production, technology, oil and gas sector, in the electric power industry, in the coal industry, there are ambitious tasks for
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diversification and modernization and the introduction of new modern digital technologies. robotization of artificial intelligence, and this is a key area that should ensure reliable development and investment in the energy sector. and finally, the important direction that the president spoke about is that our supplies of energy resources to the domestic market should be at affordable prices that meet the needs of the russian economy, and we are also working in this direction job. once again, i want to emphasize, sergey, in answer to your question, that. russian technology has retained not only its stable, dynamic work, it has met the needs of the russian economy in full; today, the leading role of energy has once again been confirmed. in the economy of our country, we have about 20% of the domestic product last year, the energy sector accounted for about 30% of tax revenues
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of the budget, yes, this is somewhat lower than before, diversification is underway, other sectors of budget revenue from non-resources are being developed sector, and this is about 50-60% of exports, and a huge volume, of course this is... investments that are made in the industry, about 7 trillion rubles per year, which provide orders for other industries, for the development of science, industry, and for that to ensure, among other things, the task associated with the development of technological sovereignty, human resources and the financial market, so i repeat once again, we have ambitious tasks outlined by the president in his message to the federal assembly, appointed by the president in the russian energy sector week, and we will implement them, i want to say a huge thank you to everyone who is participating
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in today’s session, as well as colleagues who are not here today, who are participating in the opec plus deal, over the past few years there has been a very, in my opinion, harmonious work that leads to positive results in balancing: issues and proposals in energy markets, primarily in the oil market, and this creates opportunities for energy development and meeting the needs of the world economy for energy resources, ensuring investment, and this is in the interests of both consumers and producers, it is complex work and decisions are indeed made practically. there once every 3 months, a ministerial meeting takes place once every six months, today the main directions of interaction have been determined by the end
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of the twenty-fifth year, which decisions were made in ariad, they, in our opinion, have an absolutely correct vector, which allows us to provide a certain perspective, create certainty to energy markets, we understand how we will act in the third quarter, we understand what the actions of manufacturers will be until the end of 2025, while we are saying that we have the opportunity to always quickly respond to the current situation, to what is developing in the market, to those uncertainties, that arise, and for this purpose a tool has been set up, a mechanism has been set up. interaction within the framework of the opec secretariat, within the framework of interaction between our countries on a permanent basis.


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