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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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sector, just last year, in 2023 , the volume, respectively, of orders for the development of specialized software - this is software only for the oil and gas sector, the volume of orders amounted to about 100 billion rubles. and the results of this work we see that the peak of technological dependence has already been passed, and in the next 3 years we can say that we will be able to achieve complete technological independence. what does this give us? this certainly gives us the opportunity to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of our industry, what do you see, well, this gives us the opportunity for our allies to set new challenges that certainly await us there, this is the involvement in the development of new types, new classes of hard-to-recover reserves, access to new production provinces, the development of new petroleum products, so there is certainly for us - these technological limitations
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turned out to be such a new opportunity, as for market restrictions, it was already obvious to us some time ago that the asian markets, the african markets, the latin american markets have high potential for development, the population is growing there, the economy is growing there, the demand for energy resources is growing there, and we, of course, planned to gradually increase our presence in these markets, but sanctions and embargoes, including on...
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this is not only logistics, this is not only turbine pipelines, port facilities and tankers, this, accordingly, solves the problems of cargo insurance in solving the problems of calculations, now we see that we have passed a significant part of this path, we maintain our positions in the global oil and petroleum products market, we play, as alexander valentinovich already said, a very important role in ensuring the stability of the world market, and since oil continues to be the most important commodity, accordingly, we play an important role in ensuring, ensuring the stability of the global economy in principle, if we continue to talk about opportunities, then there are certainly many of them, we are confident that , as they have already said about this, that the world economy will need hydrocarbons and oil for more than one decade, and accordingly, demand will grow beyond the horizon of the thirtieth year, in principle, the actions of the west.
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this is an opportunity for the russian federation, of course, because we have a large resource base, yes, this is a base that includes hard-to-recover reserves, the need to extract and develop reserves in a remote manner.
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regions, this is the arctic, this is eastern siberia, but this is a challenge that we are successfully overcoming, the gazpromneft company, if we talk about hydrocarbon production in new regions, this is the arctic, this is eastern siberia, we account for more than 50% of this production, if we talk about hard-to-recover reserves, then this is almost 70% of what this gives us, this gives us technologies, respectively equipment and digital solutions that we can use not only at home. on the territory of the russian federation, but we believe that we will be useful outside our country, since we all know that simple reserves for development are finite, but there are still a large number of complex reserves, and we believe that these are our competencies and our technologies will be in demand abroad. well, in conclusion, we can talk for a long time about our capabilities, but even the transition to low-carbon energy, and how not paradoxical too. gives us an opportunity,
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because solar wind generation requires petrochemical materials, if we talk about batteries, this requires lithium, and lithium can be extracted from formation waters. what oil companies are starting to do accordingly, if we talk about the production of low-carbon hydrogen, then again it can be produced from natural gas, while finishing, extracting and injecting co2 into the reservoir, and this is exactly the competence, the expertise that oil and gas companies have companies, and there’s an amazing section nearby, kirill dmitriev from rdif at this session, in fact, i’ll remind you of the brilliant rdif company to promote sputnik plus in a developing world...
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thought, we’re investing not only in pharmaceuticals, we’re investing in energy, infrastructure, and what we see from the point of view of demand, which we talked about today, is that demand is actively growing in those countries that are friendly to russia and do not impose sanctions, demand is falling quite significantly in those countries that are unfriendly sanctions policy, it has already been said that the demand for oil will increase by about 2 million barrels, again the growth drivers here are china and india, as you know, the chinese economy grew by 5% this year and will continue to grow if you look at demand for gas, it will grow by 2.3% this year, again the drivers here are the asia-pacific countries, which will grow by +4%, africa, the middle
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east -3%. compared to this, in germany , gas demand fell by 17.6%, and as we know, the european economy is stagnating, and here is one... gas, not only that lng is 30% higher there, but these are the investments in the necessary additional infrastructure for lng that are taking place, and most importantly, these are the losses of the industrial sector of europe, and the stagnation that we see is precisely the price for sanctions, moreover, we even asked western artificial intelligence, you can
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also ask, these are the losses of europe from moving away from russian gas, western artificial intelligence, while politicians have not yet interfered with it, gives a figure. trillion euro also losses in europe , so what peter szijarta said here is very important. therefore, i would like to conclude that, of course, these are the efforts of alexander valentinovich novak, prince abdulaziz, minister of energy of saudi arabia, opec, they are extremely important, not just for stabilizing the oil and gas market, but for ensuring economic growth, for ensuring interaction and growth of investment into these sectors, and we encourage you to continue what we are doing. and we invest with our partners in infrastructure, not only siburikhim, not only ours with gazpromneft arab partners are investing with us, we are now actively investing in sugov terminals in order to integrate russia with china, so we believe that joint
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investments in the energy sector, in energy infrastructure - this is what will ensure the growth of our economies, certainly distinguishes very strongly from sanctions policies that lead to... consumption levels, and this is obvious, because energy consumption in general, because sectors such as digital
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technologies, artificial intelligence, large databases are used, all this requires energy, by the way, you can give this figure, we do it every day. ae 281 billion messages are transmitted by email every day, and these are not only simple text messages, but today these are video messages, and this is increasing. speed in the transfer of information and all this certainly requires the use of energy, so oil is a great opportunity, it will be used, it is a great source of energy, let competition develop within the framework of the energy transition, and this is obvious, this is always the case it was true that in this competitive struggle there is a place for every source of energy, and despite the fact that i will give an example, they have long been talking about the fact that the coal mining industry will shrink and stagnate. this is the only industry that over the past 5 years has grown the highest by 12.5%, by 1 billion
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tons, and oil also continues to grow, as part of the energy transition it will be necessary to compete, increase the efficiency of our oil industry, use more modern technologies that are environmentally friendly technologies for production of products, uh higher class of environmental friendliness, petroleum products. use in consumer goods, so i see a great future in this industry, despite the fact that all industries will develop, since energy is the source of life, the source and development of the economy, the highway company... this year is literally turning 15 years, with what results are you celebrating this
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important date, what roads are planned to be built this year, as for the m12 east highway, how is construction progressing there, please tell us, yes, we the fifteenth anniversary of the state-owned company has been a long time coming, july 17 will be just this wonderful day, and until this day we sought to create a framework of express roads, north-south, west-east from the baltic sea. to the black sea west-east from the border with belarus go to vladivostok. and uh, probably the most important event of this year will be that this golden nail in this corridor, bypassing tver, at one time a decision was made, for some reason not to build it, but those were different times and especially now, who comes to forum sees that this was a decision, so to speak, necessary then, but necessary in any case. from
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st. petersburg we get to krasnodar without a single traffic light along the m11 under scud down we go down the m4 and west-east 1520 km from st. petersburg again natskat and evidence, that is, a comfortable summer vacation - this is for you, this is for us. and i can say that recently we can see how our citizens, road users, are traveling south, every year traffic is increasing, and not only freight, and even to a greater extent a passenger car, because well, the black sea, we also have to come to it from the baltic, this is just the golden guest of this entire frame, we will finish it in mid-july, work is going on as planned from...
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super moment, and you know, when we talk about these megaprojects, kilometers are one thing, but the most important thing for us, for users, each of us is a user of the road - this is time, we reduce travel time by hours, even by building the m12, which was for me it’s amazing, for example, i’m telling you all this, here is ulyanovsk, which is 170 km south of the m12 highway, we used to drive everything along... along the highway, now using the m12 highway,
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the travel time is reduced from ulyanovsk to moscow by 4 and a half hours, and now we will arrive in yekaterinburg, if earlier we drove through evsk through perem, then now there will be a reduction in travel time there, also about 3 hours, from small but very important objects, so i mentioned the tsikat, because there is one of... we had a site under reconstruction all the time, well, at one time a decision was also made don’t build a new site, and muscovites, well, who uses this along the highway, he knows that in some areas there are big traffic jams, and there are small traffic jams.
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year, what will this give the country and which regions will be affected? i would divide this answer there into three parts: in the president’s message it was said that we need to do 50 bypasses of large cities in the instructions, these 10,000 are recruited from several parts, bypasses of cities, they may not be very large, but in terms of distance, capacious in price, since reconstruction or construction. new bypass near the city - this is the price there expensive areas, reconstruction of networks , quite a lot, from large such bypasses, it can be said that we have started bypassing krasnodar, completing this, now we are very actively talking about bypassing omsk, tyumen,
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bypassing vladimir, and quite a lot of such objects are being collected, the second is.. here i am talking about the m12 highway, reducing travel time, like the m11 and m12 highways - it’s like a core to which they flock, like a big river and streams flock to it, and the program for bringing up to four lanes from large, primarily from the capital of the regions. russian federation, that’s what i told you, ulyanovsk, chebaksary, which means nizhny novgorod.
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in kilometers, it is important where there is high traffic, where we will reduce travel time, where people will go, and this will make it possible to free up part of the federal road fund, because well , the network is large, these are the roads that are used free of charge, they require a lot of attention, roads they are getting old, god forbid they miss it, then everything will be more expensive, an important question is how the repair and construction of roads is going in...
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a special military operation immediately entered, the roads were restored, it was surprising to me that the roads were in terrible condition, simply impassable, you could really only drive bulldozers and some kind of all-terrain vehicles there, and there was no infrastructure, now we have about 200 people working there, a thousand pieces of equipment were supplied to 16 factories and brought there in this way. year we have a plan to build a total of 640 km in all four constituent entities of the federation, i think that in 2 months we will finish everything there, because the pace is very good, we recruited, this year in the zaporozhye region they said that this was the emphasis we had zaporizhia and donetsk twenty-second twenty-third, now in lugansk we have
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a lot of work and 640 km that we are restoring there, 320 km is... thank you for this interview on the upcoming fifteenth anniversary of the company, thank you very much, thank you. sber has increased the best
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even if it is red, it will come to you itself, dazzling white friday, discounts up to 50%. mvideo eldorado, the main expert on white technology, appetite anywhere, only dad will tame it, sausages, dad will help. it tastes better on fire, burger king. sberbank mortgage on any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or building a house. dmitry vyacheslavich, hello. hello. may 15 vladimir. has appointed you as interim , has some kind of policy already been formed, will you stick to the chosen course or are there any changes planned? well
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, you know, there are probably two key points here, alexey gennadvich dzyumin and i worked for all 8 years, from the moment he came to work in the tula region, in fact, we were in the same team, i filled different positions, starting from the minister of agriculture economy, head of the tula city administration, first deputy alexei. performed different functions, but nevertheless worked together, so, of course, our main task today is to complete what was started back in that period of time, so all those projects that are currently under implementation , of course, we must complete them, bring them to their logical conclusion and not abandon anything, plus everything else, and we have developed the practice of developing a program approval socio-economic development, the first was developed in the sixteenth year for a five-year period, the program is now running...
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they are all aimed precisely at improving the quality of life of people, which worries any person today. this is the state of housing and communal services, this is actually the improvement of the territory, that is, the place where a person lives directly, this is of course healthcare, of course, demographic issues, and of course we will continue to support the participants of the svo and their family members, because we believe that this task is one of the most important and priority today. what kind of support do you provide? and our practice has developed quite well, in my opinion, the tula region at the moment probably looks very decent from this
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point of view, here. more than 60-64 support measures, these are both financial and non-financial support measures, i can say that in my opinion, in our region today the issue of improving the living conditions of the children who are in the zone of a special military operation is being resolved well, here this means providing housing certificates for improving their living conditions specifically to those children who are registered as needing to improve their living conditions, in addition, we have made our own regional program young...
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of course, first of all, the weapons capital, the samovar capital, the gingerbread capital, yes, i can’t say that we, of course, are a purely agricultural region, certainly not, but nevertheless there are certain successes, in recent years we have increased the pace of development quite decently, we have a large the number of investment projects, and not only in the field of agriculture, food processing, as recently as today we signed a number of agreements, also in agriculture in general, in our agro-industrial complex. a good indicator in the field of crop production, literally in 10-12 years we have tripled the production of grain crops, now we are striving for the 3 million tons mark, and the tula region ranks second in the production of second bread, i mean potatoes in the russian federation, so we are moving in this direction, there are a number of large projects in the field of livestock farming, beef cattle breeding, dairy farming, pig farming, poultry farming,
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so the industry is developing quite well. well, again, if you allow me, i can say that at one time governor alexey gennovich dyumin was very sensitive to the peasants in general, always helped them, and this was very energizing, today our agro-industrial complex is about 100 agricultural organizations of large farms, who carry out their activities in different areas, in general and overall they are developing quite well. how is work going to attract new investors? you know, i probably won’t say here that there is some kind of wonderful recipe in this matter , and probably. every region could talk about this, yes, this is essentially a reduction in administrative barriers, simplification of some permitting procedures when processing certain documents, i can say that we have really taken good steps forward in this regard, because everything that related to construction permits, connection energy resources, registration of property rights, but here the terms have been reduced by about half or three times from what they once were, and this, of course, shortens a certain investment cycle in the implementation of the project.


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