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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we...
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marya andreevna, hello, hello, moscow, leader in economic development, tell me how you assess the potential for further growth and what do you see as the main drivers? indeed, moscow is a very rapidly growing economy; today we account for 1/5 of the country’s economy. in recent years, moscow has been growing very quickly, dynamically, the growth rate of the moscow economy significantly exceed national indicators. and what is important to us?
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it is important for us that recently the moscow economy has become very stable. and recent years have been rich in various kinds of crises associated with the pandemic, with sanctions, and what is very important, during these years moscow continued to grow steadily. what are we looking at now? the key industries that made the greatest contribution to economic growth in recent years were industries related to the manufacturing industry. here we are talking mainly about high-tech industry, about the pharmaceutical industry, the production of medical devices, a large block is associated with the growth of the it sector, which is currently growing significantly more and faster than the economy as a whole, and such a traditional sector for the moscow economy is construction, everything that ensures growth offices, and housing, a large number of industrial facilities,
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industries that are growing today, what priorities do we see for ourselves as a city? our key task is to create comfortable living conditions in the city, comfortable conditions for doing business, so we are primarily focused on creating conditions and balance, this includes developing the transport system, increasing the investment attractiveness of moscow land, moscow territories in general, creating conditions for comfortable business here. these are probably the key factors and priorities, but what experience do you think can be replicated in the regions? you know, almost all of our developments can be replicated, you probably know that the axis has a smart tech project, and where are the regions and companies post their best practices, moscow has about 200 practices on this portal, half of them are actively used by the regions, these are practices in different areas, in the social sphere, in the economy.
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and the role of migration is high in the labor market in moscow? if we are talking about external migration, then we must say that it has certain limitations. today, foreign migration is mainly concentrated in those sectors that require low-skilled labor, such as construction, housing and communal services, trade, and services. and foreign immigrants occupy professions that are not of interest today.
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are there any changes planned here? and most of the budget expenditures will be directed to the social sphere. moscow has historically fulfilled all its social obligations to its citizens. i want to say that in general we have two key ones in the budget...
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revenue of at least 400 million rubles, that is, part of the small business is already in the project, and if we talk about the industry as a whole, the effect of the project is labor productivity, then of course the first and most active became participants industrial enterprises, for whom lean production technologies are understandable, they understand the advantages of increasing labor productivity, but now we are actively involving other industries, these are enterprises in the sphere.
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priority not only from the point of view of the quality of life of our citizens, but from the point of view of attracting investment. investors in hotel complexes have already been confirmed. this year we are commissioning the first five-star hotel in petropavlovsk, construction of the second large hotel begins. uh, construction of the airport is being completed, this is a long-awaited an object that is also being implemented with private funds. today we have already checked with investors that the first flights will be carried out in december. also coming to an end. such long-awaited projects as the construction of a greenhouse complex and projects related to the development
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of cable cars within the city, we are used to thinking of the cable car only as a ski lift, but within the city, as an observation, sightseeing cable car, it will also have its effect on attracting tourists and creating added value . i repeat once again, complex a development plan, a master plan, allows them to be systematized to provide confidence for investors that land plots will be available in a timely manner, and infrastructure will be... people's raw materials, ending with issues of development of creative industries. can you name any specific agreements or is this
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a trade secret? well, some i can’t, but i highlighted some, so we, on instructions from the president, are now starting to implement master plans for 25 far eastern cities in the far east, including two yakut cities, these are yakutsky and nerengre, yesterday and today we signed two agreements with the participation of the largest russian banks, gazprombank, moscow credit bank, which. provides for their active participation in the implementation of the master plan for the city of yakutsk for the most important objects of this plan on the terms of a public private partnership under concessions. i consider the most important agreement, the agreement with feska rusat, to be investments in the restoration and further development of the fishing port in magadan in nagaina bay. we are very glad that the government.
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now we are already implementing a new stage in the construction of cooperation in the field of security and elements of video control, video surveillance, with elements of artificial intelligence, this agreement that we will sign will just consolidate our work, relationships with banks, the banks, it should be noted, want to work with us , this speaks about...
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we met with those companies who work in the primorsky territory, who plan to expand big work there, companies like ladbury, they are now building... a large terminal, here is the system internet trading, i think, will take its rightful place in the primorsky territory, there are about 700 new jobs there, and of course these are the suek companies, which have confirmed their investment projects related to the modernization of the primorsky mining industry, the expansion of the opportunity to obtain
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a coal mine in the gorsky, these are companies that are now investing in danegorsky. creates such a cluster, in general, for the production of boric acid, the interaction of all enterprises that are located in the center of the russian federation, of course, this energy sector, that’s who we also met with, rushydra, we discussed issues of increasing the reliability of the energy system, modernizing electrical equipment, this is one of our partners, ptb bank, andrey lenich. kostin, with the tasks of developing the shipbuilding industry, they already have an enterprise, this is the eastern ver, where shipbuilding is taking place, expanding its capabilities and, as it were, creating conditions for wider shipbuilding, so those meetings are taking place that today allow us to see the prospects for business development in primorsky krai and the opportunities that
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the region can imagine so that business can feel comfortable in our region. in recent years, i have worked in the team of sergei evenievich tsovilev, who took over the post of minister of energy of the russian federation, all the plans that were implemented in recent years, a lot was done, a lot of groundwork for the future, we worked on together. a development strategy for kuzbass was developed, all the main directions were outlined for industries such as industry, chemistry, metallurgy, coal industry, light engineering, agro-industrial complex, so depicted. in the field of development of the social sphere, construction of kindergartens, both new and reconstruction of buildings built during the soviet period, the program my kindergarten, my new kindergarten, my new children's clinic was initiated, i talk about this for a long time, because all these plans are in demand residents, they, of course, will be continued, we place great emphasis on the development of sports, two complexes were built in the city of kemerovo,
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one was reconstructed in the city of novokuznetsk, this immediately led to this.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on june 7, 199 , the crusaders embarking on the first crusade began the siege of jerusalem. pope urban ii called for the campaign. the idea of ​​​​protecting eastern christians from byzantium from the seljuk turaks and liberating the holy land of jerusalem from muslims found support in all christian countries of western europe
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at that time. peasants and knights gathered. the campaign began in 196 and was a success. having won several victories along the way, the crusaders a month later sieges captured jerusalem and carried out massacres, killing both muslims and christians. the success of the first crusade led to the formation of several extreme states in the east, including the kingdom of jerusalem, which lasted for 2 centuries until it was captured by the egyptian mamluks. there were seven more crusades, but there was a lack of unity among the crusaders, and then a decrease in the influence of the holy see on the rulers in europe. led to the fact that the crusader states disappeared under the onslaught of the muslims, while the crusades in the east had an impact huge influence on the development of the western world in all areas, especially in the field of science and culture. on june 7, 1654 , the coronation of one of the greatest rulers in history, king louis xiv of france, took place. it
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took place in the cathedral of the city of reims; at that time he was 16, but he became king at 4 years old after the death of his father, and ultimately ruled for more than 72 years, this is still a world record. the era of his reign, the heyday of absolute monarchy in europe, it was louis who is credited with the phrase state. it's me, it's dawn time france, its consolidation, strengthening of military power and political weight in the world, louis 14 was the most influential ruler of his time. he was called the king of the sun. he loved to perform as apollo, the ancient sun god, in court performances. his versailles amazed him with its luxury. his etiquette, his cuisine and outfits set the fashion for all of europe, but the wars that the king constantly waged were not always successful and very costly. louis hated protestants and after his repression hundreds of thousands of huguenots left france. as a result, by the time the sun king died, the country was ruined, but it was louis xv who created the
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france that writers and artists sang about. on june 7, 1950 , the soviet memorandum on antarctica was announced. it was directed against us plans to decide the fate of the continent in a narrow way. and mikhail lazarev reached the shores of antarctica for the first time. a memorandum later handed to us deputy secretary of state james webbow directly stated that the soviet government did not recognize as legal any decision on the antarctic regime made without its participation. the west wanted to use resources of the sixth continent for commercial purposes, and the ussr advocated conservation. antarctica is as untouched as possible by science. the negotiations that moscow insisted on lasted for 9 years. and finally, in 1959, the antarctic treaty was concluded. soviet diplomacy
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won. it was decided to use the continent only for peaceful purposes in the interests of all humanity. nuclear testing and the storage of nuclear waste were prohibited there. later , the extraction of any minerals in antarctica was also prohibited. on june 7, 1993 it was formed state space research and production center named after mikhail khrunichev. it unites many enterprises producing, launching and servicing space technology. the base for the center was the khrunichev machine-building plant, which has specialized in rockets and space for many decades, and the salyut design bureau. also included in it.
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angara. the center created the zarya, zvezda and science service modules for the iss. it was its scientists and developers who determined the first basic element of the iss and how in the future it must be built. the price of zarya was that it was both the first module of the station and a transport ship. enterprises have been working in the global space services market for over 25 years, participating in large-scale projects and helping other countries implement their space programs. this is what this day in history was like. the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using
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artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness with the supply of americans, of course, ukraine is very active, new you can’t think of anything, it’s new in technology, naturally i had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me. we’ll tell you about this now, it’s not the intelligence agencies that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight with each other, but in the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policy. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records; if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions and honor our history. we value family, strong relationships
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, we admire how the country is flourishing, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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sina, go play with the kids, okay, dim, not dima, but dad, and you said it would be boring, yes, dim, super, dad, not dima, i want to go home, dim, not dima, but dad, too.
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competition of ideas and money, a sensation occurred, and what a sensation, it tensed inside america and beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about the country, which is difficult to understand.
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there was a major road accident in transbaikalia, three people were killed and 25 were injured. ministry of health of the region. six brigades with a chicken, as well as state traffic inspectors and police, went to the scene. according to preliminary data, a car with guards flew off the road on the territory of the aleksandrovsky mine. the reasons are being investigated. the investigation is being carried out by the prosecutor's office. and now about the fires: more than a hundred forest fires are being extinguished throughout russia. most of the outbreaks are in the trans-baikal territory. almost 100,000 hectares were burned there. 16 forest burns are being eliminated
6:01 am
in buryat, in


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