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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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this is a program of facts, we are working from our on-site studio at the st. petersburg international economic forum, in the studio of natalya and yuri bogdanov, and today we will be summing up the results in our studio. the second day
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of the st. petersburg international economic forum here in our on-site studio of the main meaningful politically and economically important day, in which a huge number of meetings and negotiations took place, which held a plenary session with the participation of the russian president, when the rating of the investment climate of russian regions was announced, we’ll tell you all about this in detail in the next hour, look, the day really turned out to be very busy ... natalya and i also took part in several sessions, there were a lot of interesting topics, they also related to the development of cooperation within the framework of brix and investment contracts cooperation within russian regions. what kind of session did you have? i had a session on the development of brix, on the development of science and education within the framework of brix. and i had some free time, i was able to see the exhibition, a lot cool, really excellent stands that caught my attention.
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speeches of the president, which talked about internal development about the development of russian regions, but not only, there were a lot of interesting signals to our international, well, i don’t know how to say it correctly, now partner, those with whom we are not very friendly now and... a couple
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i will say a few words about the organizational part, how it all happened, the welcoming speech of the russian leader lasted exactly an hour, during which time vladimir putin managed to touch on many important topics, we will now talk about them in detail, but also a little more about the format after vladimir putin’s speech, the presidents of bolivia and zimbabwe got the opportunity to speak to the forum participants, well, then the session lasted. in the traditional question-and-answer format, it seemed to me that it received special brightness due to the moderator of this session, this is the emeritus professor of the higher school of economics, sergei koraganov, well, now let’s take a closer look at all the important statements made at the plenary session by vladimir putin and his colleagues about what international issues in basically rose, our colleague anastasia efimova will tell you, she is joining our broadcast, anastasia. hello, so
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what do you need to pay attention to? i will try to concentrate on the most important thing, although this will not be easy, the speech was really very information-rich. 10. structural shifts and a new economic model, in fact, the central theme of vladimir putin’s speech at the plenary session of the st. petersburg international economic forum, and these shifts concern very different industries, but most the main thing is that they are aimed at one change for the better, which every citizen in a variety of areas should feel. while most of the initiatives were announced at the plenary session for the first time, one became known a little later.
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would still consider the possibility of indexation, the head of state supported this initiative, moreover, he immediately said that he would voice it during the plenary session, which he actually did, presenting it as a ready-made solution with a specific implementation period. due to financial, budgetary constraints, in the past there has been no indexation of pensions for working pensioners for years. during this time the question that concerns. millions of our citizens, as they say, is overdue, and today we have the resources to begin solving it in the interests of the people. i propose to resume indexation of pensions for working pensioners starting next year. from february 1, 2025 onwards
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there will be annual pensions. promotion not only for those who have already retired, but also for those who continue to work, this will be truly fair if the speech at the plenary session was predominantly concentrated on economic issues, then within the framework of communication with the moderator and with my colleagues, and i will remind you that in addition to the russian president, the heads of bolivia and zimbabwe also took part in this meeting, and so within the framework of this communication...
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from that, what the general staff, the ministry of defense proposes, speed is important, but even more important is concern for the life and health of our guys who are fighting at the front, so
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combat work and only since the beginning of this year , 40 settlements there, in my opinion , have been liberated, 880 -to me. kilometers, we we are gradually pushing out the enemy from the territory of donbass from other adjacent territories, the general staff, the ministry of defense have plans for the implementation and achievement of all our goals, we are acting according to this plan, i am sure that all these plans will be realized. another question that was very actively discussed on social networks, sometimes sounding like a real... threat, like a stuffing, which is a new wave of mobilization, which the russians were actively pedaling, including russian enemies from abroad, is the question of a possible president i confirmed this again, it won’t happen, because there is simply no need for it,
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we do not have any need to mobilize, we are not planning this, because last year, the mobilization that we had, we called up 3,000 people, but last year without any mobilization, our men volunteered , our people are patriotic. when we see what the russian character is,
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what the character of a russian citizen is, we understand this, we rely on this, we do not need any atomic weapons for final victory, atomic or nuclear weapons, the russian president mentioned, of course, not by chance in the context of permission to carry out strikes in... the use of nuclear weapons is heard more and more often today, but the head of state today was very specific and asked that this quote about nuclear war not be remembered, if god forbid it comes to of some kind of strikes, then everyone should understand that... in russia there is an sprm system, a warning system, early warning of a missile attack
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, the united states has, there is no such developed system anywhere else in the world, we have it in europe developed there is no system, they are, in this sense, more or less defenseless, this is the first, second, second, the power of strikes, our tactical nuclear weapons are three times more powerful than the ones used... think about it, this is certainly true, but, but - i
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still proceed from the fact that it will never come to that. it is obvious that the current concept of the world order is in the deepest crisis, which is why the topic of the world order, which must change, is probably one of the key ones, and definitely important at the st. petersburg international economic forum, what will the new multipolar world be like? in all the details, of course, it is unknown, but absolutely for sure, according to vladimir putin, it should become harmonious, and russia in this harmonious world will take its rightful place, colleagues, yes, in another word, it will be where russia will occupy that very rightful place. our colleague anastasia told us about how the plenary session, the main event of today in st. petersburg, went.
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the president also touched upon the social sphere; he announced that from february 1 of the next year pensions will also be indexed for working pensioners, this is how finance minister anton siluanov commented on the question of whether there will be enough funds to implement this measure, there is money and...
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traditionally, many contracts and agreements are signed at the forum, for example, today there was a solemn ceremony of signing an agreement to start work league of funds, the creation of such a league was...
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we did it in such a way that we used all the data that the state has to evaluate companies, that is, companies do not need to do anything, and the state, the data that there is a tax service, a government department, other structures allow them to be correlated with each other, and most importantly, it gives the state a reason to support this business, india
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expects an increase in the number of business missions from russia , according to the results of the previous year there were more than twenty, about this... i would like to emphasize that we need to create opportunities for more joint ventures between india and russia so that more manufacturing can be set up in india within these joint ventures. we plan to promote such enterprises in every possible way, i am very i am optimistic in terms of our mutual.
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the volume of investments until 2030 will be 70 billion rubles. the new investor will bring something new to the city and that will actually make the city even more convenient for living. today , work is underway to support the ural trubnik today team. a hockey academy has been created, today companies are investing huge amounts of money in the social sphere, for our part, together with the municipality, we will develop the microdistrict, repair roads, schools, clinics, hospitals, we agreed that contributions to tax revenues will go
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to social projects of the particular microdistrict and city, yes, in which we work, this is... the best conditions for doing business, do you think, i think that in moscow, i know this, you just read everything already, the agency for strategic initiatives knows this better than anyone, which today here in st. petersburg at the economic forum presented the results of the national rating, the state of the investment climate in the regions, and it’s quite interesting that the presentation format
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for this rating has also changed, if this was before took place in the format of such a business session, then... and the heads of the regions did not hide their emotions, the president also spoke about the results of the national investment rating today at the plenary session. i would like to note that the launch of the regional investment standard allowed many federal subjects to make a breakthrough in the national ranking of the investment climate. by tradition, its results are presented at our forum. i'll tell them. a little more detail. over the past year, thanks to the exchange of experience and the replication of leadership practices, its integral index improved 74 regions. russia, this is much more than a year earlier. i congratulate my colleagues on the results achieved and wish you further success. well, who's in
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first place, should there be a drum roll? trigu, you've already ruined everything. in first place, of course, is moscow, and for the sixth year in a row, the russian capital occupies the first line of the investment climate rating. the second place is shared by the republic of tatarstan. and the nizhny novgorod region, well, in third place is the republic of bashkartastan, the moscow and tyumen regions, three at once in third place. we see an absolute correlation between the rating values, places in the rating of regions and the volume of investments that are attracted to the constituent entities of the russian federation, despite the fact that the indicator of the volume of investment itself is not included in the rating methodology, but we certainly look and analyze it every year. the connection and correlation of these points, as svetlana chubsheva noted, in the current ranking the difference between the positions of the regions is one or two points, but the first place
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is beyond competition, moscow with a gap of as much as 17 points. the mayor of the capital, sergei sobyanin, said that this has never happened in moscow, with the volume of manufacturing industrial production growing by 18% per year. this includes pharmaceuticals and mechanical engineering.
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we see the specific indicators themselves, which lag behind the leading regions, according to this manual, in fact, we have been working all these years, and indeed by last year we
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rose by 67 positions in 5 years, there were record periods of growth in general in the entire history of the rating, let’s let's look at the other leaders in the rating, fourth place was shared sakhalin and novgorod regions, fifth - st. petersburg, republic of crimea, tulsk. lipetsk, voronezh regions and perm territory, the top ten is closed by chelyabinsk and leningrad regions. well, of course, let’s tell you a few words about how exactly this rating is formed. so, experts evaluate 70 indicators in four directions. the first is the regulatory environment. this takes into account, of course, the quality of government provision. services, for example, issuing building permits, registering property rights real estate, connection to the electricity grid, that is, all such, well, household services that everyone uses, the second direction:
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institutions for business, the presence and quality of legislation protecting the rights of investors, mechanisms for supporting investment activity are assessed, of course, the level of corruption is taken into account, where without this , well, today it became known on the forum that the national rating. changes are expected, deputy head of the presidential administration maxim oreshkin spoke about this, let’s listen to what changes, which will now be included in the rating, they are precisely connected with the fact that agencies with business associations have worked very closely to analyze international rating practices, we will actively propose this agenda to the brix countries, because if you look at what we started with, andrei sergeevich started from the doing business rating, these are only one or two cities in each country. yes, we want to be able to measure both india and china not in shanghai and mumbai, but across the entire territory.
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what else? about the social agenda forum, separate session today we devoted ourselves to traditional family values, where we discussed programs to support families, the participation in this process not only of the state, but also of the people's commissariat of ukraine, and also, of course, of business, and at the forum they showed a model of the new branded aurora train, which will run between moscow and st. st. petersburg. our colleague margarita semenyuk will now tell you about everything in more detail; she is already joining in with the facts. so, margaret, we give you the floor. yes, colleagues, hello.
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and the federal passenger company, i note that the trains will already begin to run towards the end 2024, and today at the forum they told us about the number of flights and the cost of tickets, now i suggest listening to the commentary, the train is supposed to run daily. twice a day, departures from moscow and st. petersburg are mirrored towards each other, morning departure is approximately at 6 am and afternoon departure is approximately at 14 o'clock, the cost is expected to be around 2500 for accommodation in a standard carriage with standard seats. the train, designed for 1.00 seats, will have 15 double-deckers. option
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one carriage and i suggest you look at it together, this is a first class design, new interior solutions have been used here, everything, as you can see, is done in new calm colors, the first class seats have the ability to turn 180°, and of course, i can try and demonstrate this. that is, you can turn around like this, yes, if you turn around together, or someone prefers to always go in the direction of travel, this is such an opportunity, i would also note that this is the second time that the st. petersburg international economic forum is taking place an exhibition of science in the faces, where people from different regions of russia are presented who have made scientific research discoveries, now i propose to listen to the commentary, we can state that has changed... the attitude
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of our business to science, now, if at the beginning of the mishustin government, the share of business in scientific research it was around 15-20%, now it is about 40, which is about 200 billion rubles per year. i am very grateful to our business, which relies on russian science. 24 stands presented human, and today i visited the exhibition... i suggest you listen to her comments: one protein kills cancer cells, the second attracts cells of the immune system to them in order to develop an anti-pollen reaction, and when i started this development, it was within the framework of my dissertation and just it so happened that we received a molecule that had a therapeutic effect, and then
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my mother died of cancer and... now i really want to complete this drug so that other mothers do not die and can live a long time. also on the forum a number of questions were devoted to support for families, including large families who find themselves in a crisis situation, the focus now is not to limit these families, but rather to motivate and support them. i suggest you listen to the commentary. it is very important here that regions, public organizations, government bodies concentrate, exactly the phrase that you said, ah,... focus on the family, yes, that we concentrate on supporting families, that we remove this taboo attitude that if the family is alcoholic, if there is a problem in the family material or everyday nature, then we definitely need to take the child away and separate him from his mother, these are the social issues and topics that the day was dedicated to today, colleagues, and margarit.


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