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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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concerts and open-air performances, which once again confirms the axiom. st. petersburg is the cultural capital of russia. on the eve of the forum, the russian museum presented for the first time an exhibition dedicated to russian entrepreneurship and merchants. secular portraits of the stroganovs, demidovs and sopozhnikovs, patrons and benefactors who played a key role in supporting russian art. the exhibition included more than 200 works, not only paintings, but also graphics, nomismatics, household items and porcelain made by nalu. figuratively speaking general director of the russian museum, collectors of cultural property had not only deep knowledge in the field of art, but a certain business intuition. by purchasing works by unknown artists, they revealed new names to the public. addressing the choices that business makes today. to support or not to support culture, art, native language, if you support it, why they do it.
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perm, kazan and kirov, for large families, teachers, doctors, participants in a special military operation. as part of the award golden mask, the union of theater workers of russia will bring the winning performances not only to moscow, but to the regions. and tabakerka will launch an educational project. oleg
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tabakov theater region, which will search for young talents throughout the country. the uniqueness of this school is that we recruit children from all over the country, after the ninth grade, a small number, 23 people, we bring the most talented children, they study with us on full support, this is free education, we rely only on talents, they... . study with us for 5 years and receive a diploma. higher education, from the first year of study they go out together with their teachers, acting theater actors on the stage of a professional theater; only next to professionals can a young person study and learn faster and more effectively. this year, russia and china are celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, the anniversary will be celebrated on a grand scale, at the initiative of the leaders of the countries, 2024-2025 have been declared... years of cross culture,
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over 230 events of a wide range of profiles are planned, from musical and theatrical arts to librarianship and museum exchanges. the geography of the initiative covers almost 90 cities. the moscow kremlin, the hermitage, the tretyakov gallery and the state historical museum are already preparing exhibition projects in china; in russia, an exhibition of works by han yuchen, a contemporary artist who devoted his life to the study of tibet, has already been successfully held. according to the minister.
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they think it's a chinese project. by the way, chinese children in some provinces loved our smeshariki so much that their creation had to introduce panda pandi, the bear’s niece, into the series kopatych. on the sidelines of the forum, the parties also discussed the joint production of the film red silk. judging by the ratings, this is one of the most anticipated films of next year. several scenes have already been filmed in st. petersburg and the leningrad region. the action takes place in 1927. the main character is the young red army. and the former tsarist agent will have to translate secret documents across the country on the trans-siberian express that will determine the future of the ussr and china. she doesn’t listen to guests and curses their leisure time, their unexpected arrival is long sit down during the forum , another significant event was celebrated in st. petersburg, the birthday of the sun of russian poetry. a musical and poetic performance took place on the palace square in the very heart of the northern capital. dedicated
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to eugene onegin, a work in which, according to belinsky , pushkin’s whole life, his love, soul and ideals were reflected. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum, have time to open it before the end of june. we reveal the secret of an excellent grill. when you buy pork shish kebab, you will receive miraratork extra pork kupaty for 1 ruble. magnet - the price is what you need. what we bring it back from traveling with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. dazzling white friday, discounts up to 50%. tefal iron for only 3.499. evdio eldorado, chief expert on white technology. introducing the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100%
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the russian national football team beat their opponents from belarus with a large score. the friendly match took place in minsk and gathered 2,200 spectators in the stands. belarus had not played in minsk for a quarter of a century, so before the match it was immediately clear that there would be it was a full house, the queues to enter stretched far beyond the arena, there were also fans of the russian national team, who didn’t have to travel very far for such a trip, all this created an atmosphere of great...
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during the break, this particular goal was not discussed with valery georgivich, that everything turned out so perfectly in touch? no, no, no, we didn’t discuss it, on the contrary, we wanted to add that it worked out, so i’m glad that we played a good quality game and... and so to speak, we closed the season on a positive note. after the break on the field the russians had another striker, fedor chalov, who scored a double in just 6 minutes. at first, he successfully found himself alone in front of the goal, and a little later, he got away from the defender and shot into the far corner. first of all, i’m probably pleased not with the result, but with the game today, because today everyone was determined to do their best, everyone worked, everyone gave their all, and i think that... we played a pretty good match. as a result, at the dynamo minsk olympic stadium, the russian team
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wins a confident crushing victory with a score of 4:0 over the national team belarus scored two goals in each half, with oblikov, tyukavin and chalov scoring twice. daniil makhalin, andrey ganykin, alexander stalmashevsky, umar tuskaev, conduct minsk. the investigative committee has completed its investigation into the murder. igor tolkova. according to investigators, concert director-artist valery shlyakhman in 1991. a conflict arose between him and the representative of the artist aziza, igor malakhov. shlyafman tried to shoot his opponent with a revolver, but accidentally hit talkov and the wound turned out to be fatal. shlyafman fled to israel, but was was brought in by investigative authorities in absentia as an accused for committing murder by negligence. the investigation resumed in the twenty-first year throughout russia they were kinder. more than 150 witnesses, a whole series of genetic studies were carried out, when i
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saw that the kiev regime claims that all the atrocities of the ukrainian military commissars and the round-ups of potential conscripts are depicted by russian propaganda, and the mobilization of cannon fodder into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is supposedly going strictly according to plan, but why then, but draft dodgers are seriously suggesting setting crocodiles, we’ll tell you more about this about... the enemy’s virtual victories right now in the stopfake program on russia-24. so, the kremlin is conducting a grandiose information and psychological operation against ukraine, the task of which is to discredit tcc employees and create the illusion of widespread non-compliance with the rights of men of military age. the corresponding temnik is now being fully worked out by knowledgeable resources at the suggestion of the speaker of the armed forces of ukraine pletenchuk. a series of videos is being prepared, there will be a stink.
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the media has finally taken shape, but as usual it is spoiled by an important nuance. and if this such fake videos where they are being beaten with vendetta, but you tell it to the guys who are there now, your guys, go tell it. and the rallies that are now taking place near the shopping center, when women come there with pitchforks and torches to smoke from there. these robbers who captured them from the men, and then demand an answer: why did the
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one you took die there, and ttsk is a three-letter word that can already be called obscene in ukraine, it evokes hatred, such fierce energy from inside a person raises, which will soon force them to take up arms and shoot en masse those who come after them, but this is like the horseman of death, in fact, you don’t have to look far for examples, only from the recent one, firstly... an absolutely ugly scene on the streets of odessa , where a guy who did not want to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine was literally dragged along the asphalt, fourthly, frightening footage from kharkov, where passengers of an ordinary bus are mobilized right on the move, all this was found in... the ukrainian segment of social networks after spending a few minutes, and if desired, there will be enough shocking clips for
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an entire film. however, now zelensky’s armchair troops have prepared a universal response to every such publication. the ukrainian media space deals with any negativity towards itself in a rather classic way; as a rule, they try to shift responsibility, they try to say that this is the work of russia, to say that this is the work of the russian mosfilm, it is mosfilm that shoots videos there about how the seizures are going on citizens, civilians, you can even... recall the famous article from financial times, a classic american publication, which published an article that ukrainians are sitting in the cold, without heating, and even blamed the kiev regime. the fact that he works directly for moscow, that he spreads russian propaganda, however, serious doubts arise about the effectiveness of blatant lies, not least because the ukrainian defenders themselves clearly refute it, he runs away with a bullet in his head, and will not run away again , and it would be nice if this fiery monologue were an exception to
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the rule, but no, a whole a tendency in the performance of characters who advocate as aggressively as possible. they have tightened border security, and we know that they are even setting up mines in some areas, although it’s hard to believe, and shooting to kill, and before that , those dozens of corpses in question, who allegedly drowned, well, based on these reports of shooting, most likely they did not drown themselves, and of course the danger, the danger
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of intersection is growing. this very yew, however, still, of course, in the advanced units at the front the danger is disproportionately higher. however, the statements of boris ovcharov, who is a so-called veteran of the banned right sector, and also a generator of valuable ideas for the fight against hijackers, provoked especially much noise. i would also let crocodiles into tisa, that is, they are not afraid to dive in as many as they drown, but they are afraid to protect their family, their home. the proposal is extremely bloodthirsty and most importantly, it was apparently made absolutely seriously, so it’s impossible to do without lekbez. summer water in tisza warms up to more or less comfortable values ​​around 20° celsius, but for crocodiles, regardless of whether they are nile or indian, this is not enough; they begin to feel unwell if the water is colder than +25 and are guaranteed to die when the thermometer readings are less than + 5.
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american alligators are much hardier and can easily survive even in winter, literally freezing to death. for hibernation, although people are attacked extremely rarely, which means that the borders are only relatively suitable for the role of guards, so it would be more correct for the border guards to stop their choice on other representatives of the fauna of the united states, water snakes, such snakes love to settle near regs, swim well and are consistently included in the top five species, which account for 95% of all snake bites in america, their venom causes severe pain, swelling and tissue necrosis, in just right so that a desperate swimmer doesn’t get to the ukrainian. in ukraine there are enough poisonous snakes, alligators, which are no match for these animals, there are such poisonous vipers that destroy all living things around, and - the banks of the tisza river, they are already mined, people there on tripwires get blown up when they try to go there, and why is an alligator needed there, there is enough of one
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tower with a machine gun that will shoot everyone who comes there, that’s all. that is, to save the budget, they will not buy alligators, cartridges, be that as it may, the recruitment of personnel for disposal somewhere near volchansk is going much slower than the leadership of the junta would like, and therefore the illegitimate team is clearly counting on help from abroad , let’s say widely circulated articles, according to which germany intends to drive as many as 900,000 people under arms, everything is presented as if berlin announced mobilization measures out of solidarity with kiev, who will soon have experience of military service there, with the exception of former soldiers of gdr officers, and this is a purely bureaucratic procedure, very far from
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reality strengthening the armed forces. in recent years, the bundesfer has been rocked by a number of scandals related to... the business situation in which the german army found itself. in the current situation of escalation in the world, yes, which we are seeing, the bundesfer is trying to resolve some problems, one of which has been critical for a long time, this is not the recruitment of personnel in the army, which has already led to the fact that foreigners who, in general, are not very good, very easily get into the bundesfer. ..and their souls burn for germany, service in the army has little prestige, it is rather neglected, in addition, it should be noted that it is de facto. there simply would not be enough resources for an army of millions. today the association of reservists of the bundesphere has 115,000 people, but only 34,00 of them regularly participate in training and
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maintain some kind of combat capability. this is despite the fact that the german command considers a minimum of 60,000 reserve soldiers necessary, who can be called up if necessary. at the same time, the current personnel of the german armed forces cannot cope with their own supplies. over the past year, the military received only 58,000 sets of uniforms, out of an order of 72,000. similarly, helmets and body armor were not received, the cumulative shortage of these signs of equipment amounted to about 45 thousand units, but not everything is going smoothly with the personnel, out of 200 thousand soldier officer positions, about 10% remain consistently vacant, all these 9000 that are walking around germany and which are shown on ukrainian tv, this is propaganda, this is this picture is so that a person sitting in front of the screen will relax a little and think, well, yes, here’s hans at... with regards to people, here the matter is more complicated, because when they go
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now they will protect us, but even if they send someone, then this it won't be these ones here are the main regular armies to expose europe, there they can send their weapons, everything related to business, here are the coffins, when all this rises with such stinking smoke to the skies, they will not disentangle themselves there, on the other hand, i can completely overcome it. one can also draw, from the indirect participation of nato countries in the conflict, a striking example of sweden, whose authorities either have already handed over, or are about to hand over to the gang from the bank, a pair of early warning systems complete with their aircraft, carriers of the saaf. according to ukr tv, scandinavians were generous with literally unique cars that ukrainians didn’t even dare to dream about. well, apparently, the thirst for new terrorist attacks among the neo-banderaites is so strong that the power of the american global hawk drone for reconnaissance of targets is no longer enough. however, even the agency. another episode when ukraine is given something
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unnecessary, but absolutely anything will do for a wunder waffe to the zombified audience. and in this case, the supply is quite profitable, because sweden is getting rid of its junk, sweden is getting rid of its old planes, they are delivered to ukraine and they are there will be disposed of quickly enough. in place of the old one. sweden will receive new modern weapons from where, of course, from the usa, they earn a lot of money, and just after the disposal of old equipment, and sweden and swedish taxpayers, most importantly, will be forced to purchase modern american aircraft. in addition, the technical characteristics of these flying reconnaissance aircraft are not at all sensational. in the absence of a rotating device, the visibility of the swedish radar does not exceed 120° from left to right, so huge blind spots appear in front and behind. detection range. but it seems to be quite good up to 400 km when rising to a height of six kilometers, however, at such a distance the radar is capable of detecting only large and preferably static objects, like moored ships, and
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stealth combat aircraft, for example, the russian su-57, glow on radar screens much less , that is , they may well approach saab at a distance of 300 or 250 km, here nothing will prevent you from exchanging longer-range r-37 missiles, their limit the radius of destruction is approximately 33 km. in itself, such an aircraft was generally created and was created based on the concept of complete air superiority, and even that the enemy against whom these blows are being carried out is, as it were, no longer able to counteract this aircraft, which is a very large vulnerable target, therefore either most likely these aircraft will be lost quickly enough, or... they are generally intended to be transferred after the end of hostilities to restore the combat effectiveness of the ukrainian army. next to another interesting topic,
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promoted at the instigation of the publication strana ua. its authors, in particular, found out that a criminal scheme for the export of human anatomical materials, including human organs, was uncovered in ukraine. and here, of course, we cannot do without a reminder of how black transplant surgeons were repeatedly denounced as an invention of the russian media. there were also unwanted foreign agents from the jellyfish, and directly ukrainian schemers who tried to find some semblance of a logical justification, they say, while it’s going on armed conflict, there is not enough time to engage in illegal surgery, but now not only the existence of underground operating rooms has been revealed, but also the concealment of their work by the entire ex-deputy head of the ministry of health. but all this can rise to the level where ulyana suprun’s team was located, who are behind these blacks. and dirty deeds, this is also a separate horror, when ukrainian medicine was dealt with by a death doctor who has nothing to do with ukraine there, she is an american, she got hers
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when... ukraine turned into not just there into a country of medical tourism, but turned into the main donor, despite the fact that this did not happen at the request of the people, well, there is a person lying around, and he is recorded as missing, and where he is later found inside some french-italian, because it was dismantled into pieces and transported all over the world, be that as it may , it was not traditionally possible to catch russia lying, even if they admitted it later than they should have, but the scale of lies of western politicians is constantly... beyond the bounds of reason and often leads to inadequate consequences take, for example, the recommendation of british deputy prime minister oliver dowden, that in the face of some kind of threat, which clearly means russian, the citizens of the kingdom must take measures and a special website has been created specifically for this, where they are asked to purchase a set of products for 3 days, as well as water, batteries and medical supplies, but the people, as you might guess , interpreted the advice of the authorities in their own way, when the public begins to ask the question, what
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is actually happening in this in case it is necessary to use manipulation, including against one’s own citizens, the most important manipulation is, of course , manipulation on emotions, and fear is the strongest emotion that a person has, when the authorities say that the conflict is getting worse, which is possible escalation, including into direct confrontation, that it is necessary to urgently prepare, prepare your food supplies, of course, for an ordinary person who is scared, whom you scared on purpose, he rushes to the store, he buys everything that is possible, he spends his savings in order to prepare some kind of strategic food supply, in a word, if someone needed another confirmation that russophobic hysteria does not lead to good, then they got it, and the chances of preserving mental health, perhaps, remain only with those who assess the situation soberly, do not succumb to total propaganda, are able to separate the truth from the ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the rossiya24 tv channel.
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it was announced in the lugansk republic. mourning for killed as a result of a strike in the ssu on june 7. during the night, the bodies of two more people were recovered from the rubble. in the kherson region , 22 people were killed as a result of yesterday's attack. a happy rescue in the serdlovsk region found children who got lost in the forest 3 days ago. our correspondent in the region will tell you how the search went. let's sum up the results of the st. petersburg forum. what is the total amount
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of contracts and? are there any records? today!


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