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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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in the second year, kiev was completely demolished by eastern fuses, leaving not a single person alive. the princes fled to the north. then this deserted land was captured first by lithuania, then by poland. but did the people living on this land become poles? no. it was a conquered, conquered land. and 350 years ago, the people themselves living on this land... joined the russian kingdom, to the brothers and for 350 years it was russia, my compatriots and i wanted the explorer to remain so for 350 years, this is the original russian land, i feel it on my skin, believe me, the majority of our people think the same, and this is 150 people, but what
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happened is separatism, what separatism looks like, let the spaniards talk about it, mentioning barcelona and the basques, or even the british, talking about scotland and the chinese, recalling about taiwan. separatism must be fought, especially when there are no grounds for dividing the people.
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or will fight until the 1939 border, but not all of our people will ever make one decision: to return back, to give up crimea and donbass. i am sure that this thought is shared with me the people of the country, and even the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation. everything that i said there was repeated to you, thank you very much, goodbye, let's hope, see you next time, the best deposit in the savings account is up to 18% per annum, have time to open it before the end of june, one of my friends is preparing
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your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely and conveniently with sberpay, select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look into the camera, receive cashback as with a regular payment, pay with your smile with sberpay. welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and we keep our finger on the pulse. today the program includes the current state of relations between russia and kazakhstan. the struggle for spirituality in uzbekistan clergy were advised to refrain from using social networks. in tajikistan they are discussing
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how to return people who have fallen under the influence of extremists to normal life; how successful this experience can be called in other countries in the region. and let's start with immersion in reality, a reality that not everyone seems to like, hence the endless attempts to distort it, so there are things that need to be repeated in order to prevent speculation. so, russia and kazakhstan do not have any issues that would cloud their bilateral relations. we have very close, not just close, allied, strategic relations, this is also what as for russia and kazakhstan, this can be said in full. in the sense of the word, and this also applies to trade and economic relations, they are growing, growing confidently, every year, and the level of trade turnover, this is evidenced by
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the growing level of trade turnover, we have a lot of areas of our interaction, i can’t even list them all now just. a couple of figures, now our countries unite 135 projects worth more than 26 billion dollars, and these are industrial projects, that is, real production, technologies that’s all, this is exactly the format of relations that moscow is building with all central asian states; cooperation on gas is especially worth noting. now, if we talk about energy, you know, we will now not only supply gas to uzbekistan, but we will do the same. in relation to kazakhstan, northern kazakhstan needs our energy resources, yes, kazakhstan produces it itself, but nevertheless there are entire large areas of kazakhstan that need gas supply and it is easier to receive from us and cheaper than to lay
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there are new routes that will cost billions of dollars. vladimir putin made these statements in an interview with editors of the world's leading news agencies; they have already been sorted out into quotes, but why is important. let us dwell on it again in our asian context. once again, this is an interview with the leader of the state. but, excuse me, for the slang of an interview with a smoker or whatever he has? remember, last week we told how zelensky gathered several journalists from central asia for an interview. interview, which, however, for example, in the mid kazakhstan was called a dubious undertaking. an official representative of the republic's ministry of foreign affairs noted the ostentatious nature of the conversation.
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by the way, i would like to say that this whole idea with the interview seems very doubtful to us, it turned out to be more emotional than irrational, which would have been much easier to handle. zelensky’s courtship of opposition journalists from central asia is obviously aimed at involving the countries of the region to participate in the so-called swiss format, which is unilaterally order is organized by kyiv. but it should be noted that the countries of central asia are not eager to participate in this production. today , unprecedented pressure is being put on central asia, and its goal, of course, is not just to lure it into some dubious events, it is about sowing discord between today. allies. in particular, this was discussed at
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the csto parliamentary assembly held in almaat. the unity of position regarding the role of the organization as a key security factor throughout the eurasian region was noted space. the three main threats - drug trafficking, extremism and terrorism today are of a pronounced cross-border nature, therefore, in order to effectively counter it, it is necessary to synchronize national legal systems. we carry out all work solely in the interests of. this makes it easier for us to confront all challenges and threats together, and in this regard, the role of parliamentary diplomacy is extremely important; we believe that it is necessary to invite representatives of new countries to work on issues of global security. parliamentarians from each country, forming a single legal field, the russian delegation specifically focused on relations between russia and kazakhstan. of course, our former western partners, they... are trying to shake up the situation along the entire perimeter of our border, but at the same time,
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last year on november 9, our president vladimir vladimevich putin, when he was on an official visit here in kazakhstan, he said that kazakhstan is our first ally, we have very broad ties with kazakhstan, we have a long land border, today, if... we take all the countries by trade volume in the world, kazakhstan takes fifth place, all these things are mostly insinuations, when some absolutely private everyday case begins to be inflated, and they inflate it precisely in order to shake up the situation in our country. kazakhstan is a multinational country, a lot of people live in it, and they live absolutely calmly.
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and to other events of the past week. kazakhstan hosted the summit of heads of tourism administrations of the sco countries. they approved a joint development plan within the framework of organizing a single tourist space with equally high quality services provided, and also agreed to develop new travel routes and simplify visa procedures. russian proposals consist of four key blocks. the first is promotion accordingly. tourism products, we paid special attention to training personnel in the tourism
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industry, and paid special attention to the safety of tourists and, accordingly, the convergence of standards. period september 8-13 this year, the fifth nomad games will be held in our country. world nomad games - it is also the largest tourism event that will bring more than 100,000 tourists to the capital of our country. the results of the pushkin language competition were summed up in kyrgyz talas. in aitmatov’s homeland, who helped identify among local schoolchildren the best experts in the work of the great poet, as well as those who have an impeccable command of the russian word. the winners from among high school students are automatically enrolled in the humanities faculties of ruden, and younger children will go on an excursion to st. petersburg. meanwhile, the traditional pushkiniade took place in kazakh cities, organized by rossotrudnichestvo. everyone could take part in the readings of the immortal poems of the sun of russian poetry and join in. stage productions based on his works. pushkin's stanzas about bashgabat were read at the monument
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to the great poet. hundreds of residents of the turkmen capital laid flowers at him. in the capital of tajikistan, employees of the russian house conducted a spontaneous street survey, which confirmed that dushanbe residents of different generations are very familiar with pushkin’s masterpieces. the sky is covered with storms, twisting snow whirlwinds. the president of turkmenistan joined a large-scale bike ride on the occasion of the world cup. bicycle day, this holiday was established by the un 6 years ago on the initiative of ashgabat, well, this year not only about a thousand amateurs took to the start line, but also 50 professional athletes who... a little earlier covered the six-hundred-kilometer marathon route. when a like is haram. in uzbekistan, the imam was banned from speaking on social networks. this happened against the backdrop of controversial speeches by some clergy on the internet, after which all imams received instructions not only not to leave their own
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posts on social networks, but also not to like others’. the measure was caused by concerns about excessive activity of spirits. individuals on social networks could become the subject of speculation by religious extremists, who are considered a serious security threat throughout the region. at the same time, the policy of the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev in the field of religion deserves special attention. the country has created an international center named after imam bukhari in samarkand, a grandiose center islamic civilization in tashkent. the state stands for moderate, tolerant , enlightened islam. in kazakhstan too. and information from kazakhstan, aida balaeva relate to destructive ideas, the minister of culture stated that content that threatens national security will be blocked. social networks that distribute illegal content that threaten national security and ignore the recommendations of the ministry of information will be partially or completely blocked on the territory of kazakhstan. this
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same week, state counselor administration of the president of kazakhstan, ireland karin , published in the publication kazakhstanskaya pravda. program article: conceptual foundations of the political course of president takaev. in the article, karin also outlined red lines to which the state will necessarily respond. in particular, karin notes that the state will strictly suppress any attempts aimed at rocking and splitting society. the main principle will be the unacceptability of extremes, for spirituality, but against fanaticism and obscurantism, for patriotism, but against xenophobia. nationalism, for liberalism, but against permissiveness and nihilism. and in tajikistan, in search of its balance. a program for the reintegration of former terrorists is currently being discussed here. at a government meeting, a draft program for the rehabilitation and reintegration of persons with an extremist or terrorist background was considered. details and details of this program are not
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published; the presidential press service only states that an appropriate decision has been made on this issue. in general, such experience in one form or another all central asian states have it. let's look at it in more detail. the kazakh authorities have been conducting the humanitarian operation zhusan since 2018. it is aimed at returning to the republic former fighters of international terrorist groups, as well as their relatives, who are mainly in syria. according to official data, in just a couple of years , more than 600 citizens, including 413 children, were taken from the middle east. all of them underwent filtration and rehabilitation. in a camp near the city of oktau, as stated later, none of the evacuees did not return to illegal activities. a similar program called mehr was launched by the government of uzbekistan. within its framework, anyone who wants to return to peaceful life can leave an application on a special portal, and after a thorough check by the special services, they will be taken to their homeland. in the period from the nineteenth to the first twenty years, this
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made it possible to rescue over 500 people from conflict zones in syria, iraq and afghanistan. they got help. documents, scheduled consultations with psychologists, and then provided either work or education depending on age. well, a repatriation mission has been operating in kyrgyzstan for 3 years. its efficiency is also quite high. according to statements by the country's foreign ministry, the number of those returned to date has reached half a thousand. immediately upon arrival, they all receive qualified medical care and are required to take part in courses not only on social adaptation, but also on religious ones in order to avoid relapse. we will discuss the features of such programs, pros, cons, pitfalls in more detail. in the senses first of all, the humanistic character of any state is concern for its own citizens, yes, and secondly, this consumption should act on people who are thinking about whether they should reorganize the world on the basis of some kind of religious doctrine, if these are entirely
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young children, then naturally no deradicalization is required there; the situation is more complicated with teenagers; it can and should be used not during rehabilitation, but during prevention. i know about the degree of russian participation only in the sense when services were provided of a logistical nature, if it’s russia. controlled part of the territory and took part in some operations there, naturally, without the participation of russian authorities and special bodies, they could not
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simply withdraw their people, but in addition, russia is also interested in this because russia has its own programs of this kind , we have our own requests in this direction, the exchange of information on this part may help russian specialists understand. uh, and the experience of other countries will be more useful or more important. what else do you remember about the past week in asia? new militant training camps have appeared in afghanistan, where extremists from iraq and syria are being transferred, posing a threat to the entire central asian region. sergei shaigu stated this at a meeting of the committee of secretaries of the security councils of the csto countries in almaat. another topic of his speech was issues of financial security. which are relevant for the states of the organization in the light of western sanctions pressure. shaigu added that it is the west that quotes uses a wide an arsenal of means to transform eurasia into
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an arena of geopolitical struggle. an international flower festival is taking place in namangan, uzbekistan, and millions of different flower arrangements are being planted throughout the city. and this is not counting 65 types of ornamental shrubs. the spectacle is impressive. the festival is underway. annually and attracts hundreds of thousands of people. the former head coach of the russian national football team, stanislav cherchesov, took on a new challenge again at the level of national teams. now he will work with kazakhstani footballers, and the task was set very ambitiously, to surpass the achievements of the previous mentor magomed adiev, who, let me remind you, almost brought the guys to the euro. accordingly, cherchesov is expected to take a step forward towards mandatory participation in the final stages of international tournaments. and a unique find, in the east from the sykul region in the floodplain of the zhirgalan river,
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local residents discovered the remains of a mammoth. the tusk and lower jaw were found during quarrying in sand and gravel deposits at a depth of 3 to 5 m. in place archaeologists left immediately. bones do not remain in their original form for very long; they quickly crumble under the influence of the sun, which is why experts... the finds have been cleared and preserved, now they hope for other discoveries in the area, but if mammoths are for connoisseurs, then uzbekistan is becoming a truly popular place. the country could attract 11 million foreign tourists this year, earning up to $2.5 billion. such figures were announced at a meeting with the president of uzbekistan on the development of the tourism industry. more details let's talk about what... uzbekistan attracts tourists so much, please tell us what recreation options are in uzbekistan, in uzbekistan, of course, this is the main vacation, it is
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cultural, excursion, we also have eco-tours, you can go to the aral sea, you can go to remote villages, to mountain regions, you can also go to lakes, we are also now developing a resort on... body complexes in the winter we have a resort ski holiday, this is chingan, but tell us more about the logistics, which options are preferable go alone, take tours and what are the prices? yes, of course, in terms of logistics, when you come to uzbekistan, of course, these are the most important cities, these are tashkent, bukhara, on average people spend 2-3 days in bukhara, 2-3 days in samarkand and... you can already go to khiva, that is, it turns out that there are flights both to tashken and to samarkan, direct flights from russia, from moscow, st. petersburg, you can
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come on your own, there are no problems with this, since they speak russian fluently, like taxi drivers, like in hotels , you can also buy ready-made packages through a travel agency, according to i can tell you about the prices, if you buy some kind of tour packages, it can be... the most budget one is from 500 dollars to 2,000, well, in order for you to definitely want to get to know uzbekistan better, let's take a look at the true pearl of the east, ancient samarkand, and local resident gulbahor abdurrahmanova will tell us about it. the attention of tourists today is attracted by the mausali of amir timur; a mandatory visit for our guests is considered to be the famous samarkan square of ragestan and, of course, the personification of the ceremonial monumental style. you need to see
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the remains of the ulukbek observatory, besides this , there are a lot of holy places, historical places in samarkand, and one of these very visited ones is the mausalum of st. daniel for christians, the mausalle of hajj daniyar for muslims and the mausalum of st. daniel for jews, there are of course numerous ones in samarkand theaters, and in order to leave a memory of samarkandi in your home, you can visit our famous colorful market , the so-called seab bazaar. that's all for us, see you as usual in central asia. on next week, take care! the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial
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intelligence technologies. to manipulate public consciousness, with the help of the americans, of course, ukraine is very active, you can’t come up with anything new, it’s new in technology, naturally i had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me , we’ll tell you about this now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state, intelligence and counterintelligence fights among themselves, but in the end the result of everything is determined by the quality of state policy. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history. we value
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family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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mourning for the deceased has been declared in the lugansk republic. as a result of the attack by the ukrainian armed forces on june 7, six people became victims of the attack and 60 were injured. in the kherson region, as a result yesterday's strike killed 22 people. a happy rescue was found in the sverdlovsk region for children who got lost in the forest three days ago. our correspondent will tell you how the search went. more than 980 agreements totaling almost 6.5 trillion rubles. in
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the orc committee. summed up the results of the st. petersburg international forum. guests from 139 countries took part in business events over 4 days of work. four-day elections to the european parliament are in full swing in the european union. and most of the seats, according to forecasts, may be occupied by right-wing populist forces. which is stronger voters are worried about everything in a special report by regina sevastyanova. let's start with breaking news. which is now coming from israel, as it became known, the israeli military freed four hostages during a special operation in the gas sector, including russian andrei kozlov. according to the press service of the israeli army, all the released hostages are healthy and have already been taken to the hospital. according to tsahal, all the released hostages were captured during the musical.


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