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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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a two-day mourning period has been declared in the kherson region. after a strike by ukrainian militants in the village of sadovy, 22 civilians were killed. five people are in critical condition. with the support of nato specialists, they first aimed a french bomb at the store, after which the american hymers attacked those who came to the aid of the wounded. a criminal case has been opened under the article of terrorism. mourning has also been declared in the lugansk republic. the day before.
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american atacoms missiles hit residential areas of mirny lugansk. six people died, more than fifty were injured. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations are still clearing the rubble. from the scene of events, mikhail ermishkin. emergency situations ministry specialists use bulldozers to remove collapsed concrete floors. during the night, rescuers dismantled the building of the destroyed five-story building down to the first floor. work is currently underway in the basement.
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the owner of this apartment in the building across the street went out to the market to do some shopping half an hour before the shelling. i approached, while my mother was expensive, she wasn’t home, well, that is, but how to get in, everything was twisted, people were screaming. they took the girl away and there was a lump in her neck, and then later that was all cordoned off, we didn’t hit, that’s it, the children took it, thank you, from the height you can clearly see the damage caused by the missile from the ukrainian armed forces, first it hit this sixteen-story building, then it went tangentially further, here on the roof you can clearly see massive destruction, that’s the biggest one crater, it was left by an enemy shell. fragments
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of western missiles hit at lunchtime, when there were a lot of people on the streets, something went crazy, i fell, woke up, there was noise in my head, i couldn’t hear anything, i was covered in blood, there were fragments from my head, blood was pouring out. republican doctors hospitals are working in an intensive mode, all patients have injuries of varying degrees of severity. five people have been operated on, they... as of this morning with positive dynamics , although their condition remains extremely serious, the patients have been brought out of shock, people go to the operational headquarters, which works around the clock, all day long, bringing food and things for the victims, so those who lost their housing, the authorities provide temporary housing, contacted us directly, to date 112 people, 55 contacted by phone, this is to solve various problems relating to: today
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, mourning has been declared in the lugansk people's republic, flags have been lowered at all government buildings, and all entertainment events have been cancelled. mikhail ermishkin, nikolay pyrkh, jaana aleshina, conduct lugansk. to stop such attacks, the russian army is systematically pushing back the enemy. the ukrainian armed forces successfully repulsed 14 attacks, zelensky’s formation lost over 1,600 more soldiers and mercenary officers. seven pieces of armor were destroyed. self-propelled gun, shot down over seventy combat drones, five unmanned boats, a mi-8 helicopter, four american missiles atakoms and seven rockets. france, germany, the usa and other western countries crossed the line when they decided to fire their weapons at russian territory. this was stated by austrian defense minister claudio tanner, but did not talk about the consequences, citing austria's neutrality. the red line has been
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crossed, so i am glad that nato secretary general john stoltenberg has clarified that the alliance will not send troops to ukraine after all. the israeli military released four hostages in the gaza strip, including russian citizen andrei kozlov. in these shots, he is wearing a white t-shirt; in particular , prime minister netanyahu spoke with him. kozlov worked as a security guard at a music festival that hamas attacked on october 7. the idf carried out a liberation operation in the nussirat refugee camp in the gaza strip. special forces attacked two buildings where the hostages were located, and then they were evacuated by helicopter. hamas says some of the hostages died. gaza authorities said more than 200 people were killed and 400 wounded in the refugee camp. in israel did not comment on this. the head of european diplomacy called this quote: a massacre of civilians. presidential advisor anton
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kabyakov summed up the results of the st. petersburg international economic forum. this year, 21,300 people came from 139 countries . at the forum, 982 agreements were signed for a total amount of 6.430 billion rubles. this is just something that is not a trade secret. we announced numbers that are not a commercial secret. well, i would like to note the keen interest in the world media forum. the events are covered by 4,216 media representatives from russia. from foreign countries. in denmark , a man who attacked the country's prime minister was detained for 12 days. this is a thirty-nine-year-old pole, he, as it turned out, was drunk, and also on light drugs. this is what the press writes about. this man himself
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said that he just jokingly, not forcefully, pushed the prime minister with his hand on the shoulder, but the danish press came out with headlines that mette friederksen was severely beaten and was taken to. hospital, all events were cancelled, but the opposition notes that the story was clearly inflated before the parliamentary elections; in denmark they today. for more than three days in a deep forest, children who disappeared in the urals were found alive. a brother and sister went fishing with their grandfather and got lost; almost 700 volunteer rescuers were looking for them. ksenia usoltseva found out how the children managed to survive. found! these are the moments of the happy rescue of schoolchildren, ten-year-old victoria and twelve-year-old gregory from tyumen. yes, i'll take off mine now, dogs, dogs, don't worry, your children, your children. the teenagers spent several
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days and nights in the forest, getting food and water for themselves. of course, we had to fight mosquitoes, and besides, the forest is fraught with such danger as... the guys were found at around 6 am in the forest near the village of baikalovo, slobodoturinsky district. back on june 4, grisha and vika went with their grandfather to the local river; they wanted to walk to the nearest store, but got lost. i lost my voice because they were shouting all night, help, save. the guys told how their dogs helped them escape; they drove away the wolves at night.
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grisha comes out, the schoolchildren were hospitalized , followed by a doctor, limping slightly by the hand moderate condition with signs of dehydration. the mother came to the hospital to visit the children; she believed until the very end that grisha and vika would definitely be found. everything was fine, i knew everything was fine, i was led into you, i was led into russia, i was led away that they would not abandon you. at the request of the mother, it was decided to transfer the children to tyumen. a disaster medicine helicopter from the sverdlovsk region took the children to troshchina airport, where they were met by an ambulance and now vika and grisha were taken to the emergency department of the regional clinical hospital number two. tyumen doctors were already looking at the children. the children are in a state of moderate
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severity, that is, at the moment their lives are not in danger. the children's mother elfiya had worn her feet down to calluses; she also took part in the search for grisha and vicky hardly slept. they said that they were very worried about her and her grandfather, who had recently suffered a stroke, in fact, that’s when roki and red appeared in the family, the children managed to escape in many ways thanks to the dogs, i knew. that my children are smart, and i knew that the dogs wouldn’t abandon them, well, it was just raining, time was running out, i didn’t i was afraid that they might panic, after all , even adults panic, now vika and grisha are regaining their strength, and the volunteers who found the children were awarded for their efficiency and professionalism. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, elena galeeva and albert musin, host tyumen. three decades later they are revealed. one of the most high-profile cases of the murder of singer igor tolkova. according to investigators, his
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concert director, valery shlyafman, is to blame for the artist’s death, so why did it take so long for them to find the killer? elizaveta khramtsova will tell you. here, here, here, the director, valery mikhailovich shlyafman. hugging valery shlyafman, in his last interview , igor tolkov says: this is my friend. a few hours later, the friend will become a key participant in the tragedy in which the musician will die. witnesses, including estrada artists, sports palace workers, police officers
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present at the scene of the incident, a number of genetic studies were carried out, interrogated experts who carried out examinations in 1991-92, one of they seized cutouts from the nobleman's shirt with traces of blood, which were essential for establishing the defendant's involvement in the murder. igor tolkov was not going to perform at a group concert of the stars... on that october day, but he still had to go to st. petersburg, he had to make an agreement about equipment for the upcoming series of performances in moscow. the event at the jubilee theater was already approaching its climax when a brawl broke out behind the scenes. security guards and concert director talkova quarreled with the singer's bodyguard and companion aziz. because of the artist’s desire, she did not go on stage before talkov, as originally planned, and after him it was considered more prestigious. it was ninety-one and... the conflict quickly turned, in the language of that era, into a showdown. gas pistols and firearms were used. one of
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the shots hit talkov in the heart. all the police present in the hall urgently unhook the jubilee house of culture, since they had just shot at igor talkov. initially, suspicions fell on igor malakhov, who was called the provocateur of that brawl. 10 days he was in wanted, but came to confess. during the investigation, he claimed that he did not shoot the person. and when i was already falling, falling, i fired a shot somewhere. in this area, during the same interrogation , the shlyafman also testified, he said that he snatched the weapon from malakhov, and then ran into the rattle, i saw that igor was not there, i ran to the toilet room, put it like this, the murder weapon, the investigators like this and were not found, the murder charge against malakhov was dropped in december of the same year, the investigation soon came to the conclusion that tolkova was shot by shlyafman, but by that time he had left for israel, where in recent years he has been living under the name of his second wife, a highlife, his guilt in talkov’s death was a former concert...
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it was beneficial, in fact, it was beneficial for everyone, because igor onlynov was absolutely inconvenient for any authorities, but the conclusions of the investigation are clear:
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radical environmentalists and 1,600 police officers staged a real battle in the south of france; activists tried to block the construction of a highway. authorities banned a two-day environmental protest in the tarn department from the outset. because they knew that riots could not be avoided. anarchists specially equipped to confront the police came to the south of france from all over europe.
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meta of his detachment, also known as a pass to the tent camp, set up a base on the lands of a farmer who opposes the construction of the highway. the special forces tried to block this area, but it didn’t work. groups of protesters filtered past the barriers and attacked the construction site synchronously, from four sides at once. the anarchists burned several police cars, and there were casualties on both sides. the reason for the riots is the area highways castres toulouse. construction costing almost half a billion euros began last year. supporters of the project claim that the road will be beneficial and will reduce travel time by 20 minutes, which means harmful emissions into the atmosphere. opponents of the route are sure that the construction was pushed through by a large pharmaceutical company, and the new route is needed for its plant.
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a road is being built that duplicates an already existing highway, and you will have to pay for it. the police knew about the joint action of anarchists and militant environmentalists, but could not prevent riots. french experts are asking the question: are the authorities of the fifth republic capable of protecting the summer olympics in paris from the same radical environmental activists? you have an audience of 11 million game guests and maximum attention from the country.
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era, history, design, and for me it seems, and even space, for me this theater has always been very close, for me this is a big event in my life, a great responsibility to galina borisovna, volchika, to oleg nikolaevich efremov, in front of oleg pavlovich tabakov,
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an exhibition of the poet and the king was opened in the tsarskaya selo museum reserve, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of his birth. unique exhibits were presented, the exposition was seen by zenaid kurbatova. the original cylinder of alexander sergeevich arrived from the museum of pushkin’s apartment on the moika to tsarskoe selo. the poet and the tsar exhibition took a long time to prepare. the topic is clear, it has been covered many times, but the current joint project of the all-russian pushkin museum and the museum of the reserve, tsarskoe selo is non-trivial, it looks like a theatrical staging. in which, which is very important, only genuine things are involved, two halls, black and white, talk about the dark, bright days in the life of alexander pushkin, in the first there are mysterious shadows, black leaves underfoot,
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the white hall talks about those kings who are depicted in the works pushkin, boris godunov, catherine the great, but still the main character here is tsarskoe selo, engravings, watercolors, busts from the park and an authentic cockerel, a weather vane, pierced by a german bullet in 1941, a hint of one of pushkin’s fairy tales, the exhibition opens. and views of the romantic and fantasy royal village by a decree signed by alexander, which he granted to the lyceum in 811, and thus equated the newly created educational institutions with russian universities. tsarskoe selo, we want to believe in it, is such a happy point in geography on pushkin’s geographical map. the new exhibition occupies the entire second floor of the tsarskoye selo lyceum. here he is.
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in 1941 it was badly damaged, it opened after restoration in 1949, it was a grandiose celebration, even the entire presidium came...
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if we look carefully, we will understand that ivan ivanovich pushchin was sick, and he was diagnosed by a doctor like alexander pushkin, so he wrote there on this tablet, here lies a sick student, his fate is inexorable, take away the medicine, the disease love is incurable, then the teacher’s room from a painting by repin, depicting the very exam in which pushkin read his memoirs in tsarskoye selo. alexander's poetry. formed the tsarskoye selo park, its classical spirit, which echoed the ancient literature on which they were brought up lyceum students, without this park, the monumental arch of the lyceum, the surface of the reservoirs, there would be no
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pushkin’s lyrics, at least the early lyceum. in tsarskoye selo, the golden age of russian literature is adjacent to its silver age. at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, nakenty aninsky, nikolai gumelev, anna akhmatova from anna akhmatova’s tsarsko-selo cycle lived here. the dark-skinned youth wandered along the alleys, along the sad lake shores, and for centuries and lilies the barely audible rustle of steps. to paraphrase, we can say that now we have been cherishing the rustle of alexander sergeevich’s steps for two centuries. pushkin remembered the tsar’s village all his life and always met with friends on october 19 , the day of the lyceum. he came here in the spring of 1831 with his young wife natalya goncherova. they rented kitaeva’s dacha for the poet’s current anniversary. it has also been restored. zenaida kurbatova, yuri gonchar, gennady korneev, news. i have a question for you: do you have a clear
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picture of your future? do such thoughts scare you? you can just close your eyes, but you know what the outcome will be. open your eyes to your future, start with a long-term program. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in
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their apartment, someone will go. on a long-awaited vacation: sellers at the megamarket are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. who said that only cats can purr? your car can also purr with pleasure when it has tyboil diamond motor oil inside it. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long , strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. how?
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12:29 am
on may 25, the whole world celebrated the day of liberation of africa. it was on this day, in 1963, that the first conference of african countries took place in the capital of ethiopia, adisaba, where the heads of government of thirty african countries established the organization of african unity. the uae listed its goals as strengthening the unity and solidarity of the countries of the continent, coordinating actions and developing comprehensive
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cooperation. after eurasia, the area of ​​africa, including islands, 30,221,532 km. population - 1.46 million people, this is more than 18% of the world's population. according to the un classification, african countries have developed, transition or developing economies.


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