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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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development of comprehensive cooperation of african states, protection of sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence, destruction of all types of colonialism, promotion of international cooperation. today , the successor to the work of the organization of african unity is the african union, which now includes 55 states. africa is the second largest.
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the formula of power program will soon be 25 years old; all these years, africa, the leaders of african countries, have been the focus of our attention. we had the honor of talking with more than with thirty leaders of african countries. these were people of different fates, different political biographies, with different views, but they all said the same thing. that today african countries are striving to build a new format of international relations so that africa takes a more worthy place in them. the african union is a continental organization that represents the collective interests of the peoples of africa. we started in the 1960s. the main goal then was.
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we need to develop technology, medicine, agriculture, infrastructure, information technology, so you have a lot of students from africa, the colonization of africa has begun.
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subsequently, the soviet union played an important role in the formation of the young countries of the continent. based on bilateral agreements on economic and technical cooperation, the ussr contributed to the formation of 37 african economies. russia has been cooperating with burundi since the times of the soviet union. i was still young at the stupid time, but an employee had already witnessed this.
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about the livestock that our family kept, about cows, goats and sheep. i have practiced physical labor from 1949 to 1957. in 1957
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, i joined the struggle for the liberation of our country. then i spent almost 15 years in exile. the soviet union provided political assistance to the namibian people. diplomatic and military support, thanks to the soviet union, today we are free and independent, in namibia, angola, zimbabwe, south africa, today there is multi-format development. intensive cooperation with the states of the african continent is one of the priority
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areas of russian foreign policy. this is evidenced by the holding of the second russia-africa summit last summer in st. petersburg, which was attended by 49 countries of the african continent. as part of this summit, tas organized the second russia-africa media forum. they took part in his work. more than thirty managers and representatives of twenty leading african news agencies. this summit was a logical consequence of russia's policy aimed at rapprochement with african countries. russia has always been close to africa, even in the most difficult times for the continent. russia itself in fact, both today and during the soviet union, it has always been a great friend of the african continent. often the leaders of african countries in our conversations complained
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that africa supplies raw materials to other countries, while africans need new technologies, want specialists in these areas to come to africa, so that new high-quality jobs open up, and industry develops. what is human good? on the one hand, normal living conditions. since the beginning of the 21st century, sub-saharan africa is second
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in terms of economic growth rates, the region of the world is after east and southeast asia. on average, its growth is about 5% per year. we try to attract investment during any visit. be it to countries in africa, europe or asia. we open doors, but within the framework of the rules, according to which our friends win, we win, but first of all we work to develop the economy, and we must make sure that all investments in one way or another have a positive impact on the income of citizens. profits should be used to increase welfare of citizens, eradication of poverty. construction of schools, hospitals, development of telecommunications, production and purchase
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of food products. africa is a continent of enormous economic opportunity, rich in flora and fauna, mineral reserves, abundant land and water resources, and a large and rapidly growing population, african countries unite in economic unions to... several subregions: the arab africa union is organizationally divided into maghreb, economic community west african states, central african states, east african union, southern african development community. all this so that we can move towards integration. development of africa with a view to 2063.
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there is a development strategy for africa until 2063 . africa must unite and concentrate common forces to achieve economic prosperity. african leaders think so. in july 2019 , an unscheduled meeting was held in niger. african union signed an agreement on opening of a free trade zone. it is predicted that it will boost the volume of intra-african trade by 2040.
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of these beautiful islands, this is a unique natural phenomenon, i especially want to note the entrance to the bapalmandeb strait. we have two whole seas, or rather, a sea and an ocean. the red sea and the indian ocean, they meet here in djibouti. there are more national parks with wild animals. we have also taken a number of serious measures to protect wildlife. i like animals a lot. for example, garongosa national park has become one of the world's top tourist destinations. the number of tourists has increased significantly, but we can do more.
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the well-known beaches in the south are still open. beaches on... goats, ostriches, crocodiles, the grandiose national parks of the kruger and the vuar table mountain, in the congo there are 22,500 hectares of forest, thousands of animal species, tens of thousands of vegetation species, deep rivers. more than 11% of the country's territory is protected areas and reserves.
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tanzania is famous for its attractions. reserves, mount kilemanjaro, zanzibar island, nature reserve serengetia and ingorangora, rich fish stocks in lake victoria, the second deepest lake in the world tanganyika. to this day. scientists continue to argue about how many peoples, nationalities, tribes with their own unique traditions, languages, customs, culture, and art live in africa; in almost every country there
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are dozens of such tribes, groups, and nationalities. we are modernizing some traditions. but at the same time, we maintain our african identity. we do not intend to adopt foreign traditions that are alien to us. we must maintain national dignity, which leads to respect for our culture. african world heritage day is celebrated on 5 may. natural cultural heritage of the continent, to create more equitable conditions, to develop the protection of the cultural diversity of the planet. in africa, like nowhere else, there are many traditions, customs, knowledge and skills that are passed on from generation to generation. often this is just oral creativity. africa
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is rhythmic and musical. nothing beats the energy of western drum beats. africa, the sound of the maasai flute from east africa, zulu dances from the south. i grew up in a rural area. where my friends and i played sports for a long time, as well as creativity, i continue to do this, i will share with you, i am a drummer, i play the drum with great pleasure, without problems, like many others, my compatriots, what kind of music do you like, i like any music, local music, classical music, but not complex classical music, i also like russian music, by the way, but more local, my ears are used to it, i i love dance music, do you dance yourself?
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yes, i dance our polud dances myself, so i keep myself in a happy state of mind. africa’s potential, and everyone recognizes this today, is inexhaustible, but still. the main value, the main asset of africa is its people, open, smiling, good-natured, as hospitably as you will be greeted in africa, you will probably not be greeted anywhere else. well, how can we not recall the wonderful poems of the poet and statesman, the first president of angola, agustin no, our eyes are fixed on the future, we... merged together in the name of love,
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i'm walking in 2024, why do you fly all the time? past. for my combo. star combo by dasha vreshchagina. for 355 rub. and this will continue for a long time. until june 16. to a tasty point. the legend is back. the same one made from 100% malt. baltika 3 without alcohol. we found out that the phone works even at zero. with a zero account with beeline you are safe even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, enable support for a zero account in the beeline application, beline is the safest operator, keep quiet,
12:54 am
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12:55 am
clean water is a holy source that fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you, for headaches there is ascafen p, at an affordable price. and ascafenultra with an enhanced composition for... pain with headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. introducing the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. feel the perfection of taste. pairs, roman burger and roman chicken burger at a great price. in italian, delicious period. i am something good, the best, and i am useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i am a new program.
12:56 am
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pray, black, it’s also stupid to cheat on the guys, it’s time to pay, i’ll get out of here if i’m alone, so let’s sleep quickly, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, i didn’t do anything bad, there’s still someone who will do it to whom, naughty people, it’s evening for you .
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. a two-day mourning period has been declared in the kherson region. after an attack by ukrainian militants in the village of sadovye, 22 civilians were killed. five people are in critical condition. at with the support of nato specialists, they first aimed a french bomb at the store, and then from the american hymers they attacked those who came to the aid of the wounded. a criminal case has been initiated under the article terrorist act.


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