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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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the world has become more dangerous, europe may no longer be able to count on america, we must be able to defend ourselves. the fonderline faction, which is predicted to win in the polls, supports the european commission's new plan to strengthen the european defense industry and transfer the european economy to a war footing. the eu is moving.
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sber has increased deposit rates, now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only until june 30. hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive. and three sberbank shares as a gift, deposit, best interest rate. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. in the united states, immediately after the
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conviction of former president donald trump , an equally scandalous trial began. above the son of the current head of state, hunter biden. how both cases are covered by the american press and how they can do so. position in the election race, our own us correspondent, valentin bogdanov, will talk about this. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. when opening pandora's box, you always need to think about its depth, but joe biden was in such a hurry to get even with donald trump that it seems they didn’t even measure approximately. from the jury in new york, the democrats dreamed about him so much, launched an escalation scenario, which for the democrats themselves may turn out to be very unwinnable, and the first troubles are already here, coincidentally, just 4 days
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after the jury in a new york court found donald trump guilty, in delaware wilmington, a loud scandal for president biden began. trial of his son hunter biden. in fact, there are two cases against hunter biden, the second concerns not paying taxes, but this is the dirtiest. the point here is that hunter, having lied in 2018 about not taking drugs, illegally acquired a colt cobra pistol, which was found by chance by his then mistress hallie baydon, additional and also more disgraceful. the detail is that hallie biden was the widow of his older brother beau, whom biden sr., the president of the united states, always had more sympathy for, that is, hunter again brings trouble to the family, but the family, at least in public, pretends that she
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stands behind him, the most high-profile event of the first day of the trial was the appearance in court of jill biden, his stepmother, the first lady. addiction, moreover, among these same whose relatives themselves suffer from drug addiction , members of the jury, for example, there are people who were once stopped for drunk driving and so on, that is, the goal here is for them to treat the hunter loyally, however, the verdict anyway, if they find him
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guilty, the judge will appoint him, here hunter has a big problem, because the maximum term in this case is very very serious, the maximum term provided by law is up to 25 years. in fact, he's likely facing around 2-4 years depending on on what charges he will be convicted and whether any other additional measures will be applied. so the reality is he could go to jail, but he could also get probation. biden sr., president of the united states, of course, did not go to wilmington, but he did not remain silent either. biden's comment looks very strange, but it is what it is. he even said he was proud of his son. i'm the president, but besides that, i'm a father. jill and i love our son and are proud of him. as president, i will not comment on pending federal affairs, however, as a father, i express my boundless love for my son, confidence
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in him and in his abilities. well, the most important thing is what is happening now, because the thesis of the biden campaign and biden himself after the jury’s verdict against trump was that he... is the first criminal president in the history of the united states, it turns out that in a matter of days the palm may be seized by his own son, because in this way... he was thinking about how to turn all this in his favor, because there was still quite a bit of time before the verdict, he
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will be pronounced only on july 11, literally the next day after the announcement of the verdict that same evening, in fact , a poster with his image appeared on trump’s website, he calls himself a political prisoner, even though he is still at large, this is a powerful argument that biden does not know how to work with how, here... the reaction of the american president himself is typical, who is simply forced to remain silent when he is asked a direct question about this. mr. president, please tell me, sir, donald trump calls himself a political prisoner directly accuses you. what is your reaction to tssr? trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in the case of secret payments to his ex.
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the attitude towards donald trump and joe biden has not undergone fundamental changes. just under a third of americans have a positive view of trump. in march, that number was 29%. joe biden's popularity has remained unchanged. 32% versus 33 in march. half of americans still believe the charges against trump were politically motivated. it is necessary to understand that from the point of view american legislation, from the point of view of the american constitution, even an accusation by a jury cannot... be an obstacle to a person being nominated or participating in the presidential
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race, such precedents actually existed in the twenties, the head of the socialist party of the united states was nominated even from hard labor, but stormy daniels, who probably considers herself the injured party here, that same former porn actress, is outraged by this, she doesn’t like that trump still has a chance of being elected and in order to... arguments against this lead, she draws on her personal and professional experience in the very field where she made a splash in her time, so to speak. what do you think about trump still running for president? what's that word like? loophole? i view this law the same way as the law that prohibits walking alligators on sundays in some state, or the law in texas that prohibits having more than six falamimitators. there really is such a law. and this needs to be corrected. on
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the day the verdict was announced, our film crew the group also worked at the manhattan court. it was restless there, there were almost no direct clashes; after all, the police separated trump supporters and opponents. the world , of course, went around the footage of trump’s supporters crying, but in fact, we were talking about only one woman, most of them were. are encouraged because they consider trump now even closer to the common people, they are confident that this decision of the jury will only increase his popularity not only among them, but among those most important for the presidential race who are undecided voters. now he is one of us, we saw how they behave towards us in new york, they brought all these migrants here, littered the city, released criminals. people are thrown onto the subway rails, we see what they do to us, and now to trump, now you will see a red wave,
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the rightness of these people is confirmed, if not by the poll numbers, as we already understood, they do not yet indicate any big turning point, but the fundraising, colossal, this trump phenomenon, it worked again, as it did before, when they nominated him... the people expressed their opinion and voted with their dollars. even though our economy is in terrible shape, they donated $70 million to us after the verdict. a third of that money came from people who never donated to donald trump. well, donald trump gave his first interview at his golf club in new jersey in badminster, on his favorite fox and friends program. the interview is long, 90 minutes, the questions
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only at first glance seem random, especially. i think it's important is a fragment where trump argued that ordinary americans have less and less faith in institutions that once seemed to be the pillars of existence and the state itself, so what’s the point of drowning the deep state, the so-called deep state, trump mentioned the cia, trump mentioned the fbi, trump mentioned the ministry of justice and journalists asked him, what kind? he took practical steps to increase confidence in these destroyed or dilapidated institutions, then trump gave out, if not a sensation, then something close to this, he promised to declassify information on the most secret and most scandalous political affairs in america
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of the twentieth and 21st centuries, which certainly turned him against himself even more... it was after the terrorist attacks on the twin towers that the global war on terror began, which then turned into the arab spring, including the current events in ukraine. jeffrey epstein is a blow to the democratic party elite. it is known that the banker hosted pedophile
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parties on his island. among the guests were lohr, bill clinton, and many others.
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trump must be confirmed as the party's candidate. evil tongues are already saying that it was not in vain that this date of july 11 was chosen, it was chosen specifically to prevent the republicans from coming to their senses, but the republicans promise to close ranks, not to hesitate, they are already sure that everything will happen on july 14. the way they plan. donald trump himself demonstrates confidence, he does not sit still, for example, he went to a fighting tournament, well , it is clear that this is also a message to his opponents, that the gloves have been dropped, and he ready to go to the end. of course, the word battle itself
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should probably be used in an allegorical sense, but that’s the problem. after the jury delivered their verdict in new york, even more in the american press they started talking about the anxiety of voters in relation to the future, it is no secret that the figures of opinion polls show that many americans, about 70% there, predict they are afraid of an outbreak violence that may accompany disclosure. election results on november 5th, they're pouring in fuel for the fire on both sides, biden keeps remembering the events of the storming of the capitol on january 6, 2025.
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it is already being heard on american television channels. the civil war in this country, to my regret, is turning into a race war. this is the sad truth about this country. if they put him in jail, the first thing his supporters will say is, oh, okay, the da is black, all das are black, the judge wasn't white either. that's what's happening. billros spoke about racial issues, but in reality it must be said that trump is his... his popularity among african-american voters has been increasing lately, in general he is using such moves, creative ones, for
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which his rivals are clearly not ready, what is worth and the rally he held here in new york, this ad in the political language of trump , this is called spoiling the electoral system, what does he offer to his voters, what is his... know-how, it is known that trump was an active opponent of postal voting, preliminary voting, this is what the conflict unfolded around in the last elections, but now trump decides to beat the democrats with the same weapon, he launches a website, on this website everything will be done so that republican voters, in turn, have the opportunity to pre-vote and win over to their side. more supporters on the eve of the elections on november 5, that is, together , both these accusations and the use of new political
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technologies that are not standard for trump, are the very contents of pandora’s box, which was caused by the irrepressible desire of the democrats, at any cost, for the republican candidate to elections to sue, it's hard to think trump will stop, obviously. he has other solutions in stock that could baffle his opponents. this was america, all the best to you. what if the bank only has banking ones. people without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like this, ural
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sip bank, nothing more, you see how rapidly the world is changing, the future of millions of people is under threat, your... language, your culture they want to cancel and tear their homeland into pieces, how to find a foothold and defend what you want expensive, become a force that will restore justice, become the support of the country, protect your future and the future of your children, they will not forgive if you stay in... serve under a contract. the intelligence services
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of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness. according to the americans, of course ukraine is very active, you can’t think of anything new, it’s new in technology. naturally, i had no plans to be recruited; i somehow didn’t even suspect that what could happen to me, we’ll tell you about it now, it’s not the intelligence agencies that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in the end , the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policy. in our country, if it’s sport, then it’s with records; if it’s a holiday, then
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it’s people. we love traditions, honor our history, value family, strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more. at the exhibition russia.
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the general elections have passed and the narendra mode party has passed unexpectedly lost to competitors. also, now that the final counting of votes has completed, the south african congress party is also forced to compromise and seek support from political rivals. voting continues in europe, where a common european parliament is being elected. for more information about the pre-election and post-election scenarios, see the international review program immediately after the advertisement. this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never force himself wait, start a cool career at alfabank, bring your friends and get it.


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