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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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the chickens collected everything that you, everything that you raised, gathered a truly ideal family. in this photo, miroshi is 2.5 years old, natalya says quietly, pointing to the smiling little boy, in this photo, daughter marya is still quite a baby, the kolenins have a rich photo and video archive, birthdays, walks, they tried to capture every happy moment, on the next shelf with photographs there’s a sneaker lying there; seven-year-old miron was wearing it during the accident. i left only with him, everything i had in my hands, i was sure that i would take this sneaker that he will survive, a very strong boy of that day was still struggling with death, this sneaker will go with me to the verdict in court. july 2023, in this video there are two suvs on tow trucks, or rather what is left of them after the accident, a black renault, the car of sergei and natalya kalinin, the entire left side, which received the impact, is practically missing, the hood was also crushed in the dark hugh, by the car the probable culprit of the accident, judging by... the footage from the video recorder, at first he
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moved in the middle of the road, then drove onto oncoming traffic, where a gray foreign car barely managed to avoid a collision with him, and natalya and sergei with their children were driving behind it. thirty-six-year-old sergei, seven-year-old miron and two-year-old maryana, the probable culprit valery basharrin, former head of correctional colony number 16 in the city of onega, arkhangelsk region, died. he rose to the rank of colonel of the internal service, now retired. while the criminal case is being considered in court, bashari is being held. at home, but the knock on the door did not answer our calls, although he was definitely in the apartment at that moment, here he is he carefully draws the curtains on the windows and looks out of the window; soon basharrin nevertheless went out into the street. russia 24, lead the duty unit, can you generally tell us the circumstances of the accident, basharrin began to rush about, then decided to return to the apartment, angry neighbors unexpectedly rushed to his defense, just tell us yours, wait, we are working, it’s our job, ask questions, valery.
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after the accident, some local media reported that basharrin was drunk at the time of the accident, but a medical examination did not show the presence of alcohol and other prohibited substances, however , it turned out that... collisions basharrin spent a lot of time behind the wheel, that summer he took his relatives to chelyabinsk and from there drove by car to arkhangelsk, a distance of more than 2.0 km, he planned to overcome it allegedly in a day. at this time, the kalinins traditionally went on vacation to relatives in the village of seltso. they crossed paths with basharin at km 1014 of the m-8 highway. federal highway m-8, length more than a thousand km. you can use it from severodvinsk and arkhangelsk to the capital along this road. every summer the kalinin family
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went on vacation to the village to visit relatives, but last summer only natalya returned home. investigators found out that on the same day, shortly before the tragic collision, the former head of the colony was involved in another accident, hitting a uaz. while a number of traffic police officers were working on the spot, the following accident occurred, which resulted in a victim. this case was initiated under article 264, namely part five, violation of the rules.
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no. valery basharin underwent two psychological and psychiatric examinations. he declared sane, but it is rumored that the former head of the correctional colony was treated in a psychoneurological dispensary. after therapy he was declared healthy. the so-called forgetting can be caused by completely different factors. for example, a person may really not remember, suppose, because he was in some kind of mental state. the emotional state is a certain list of states that...
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repented and even wrote a letter to the heartbroken at the last court hearing, basharrin still natalia, and after a meeting with the journalists of our program, he transferred 20 thousand rubles to her. this is the same letter that valery basharin wrote to natalya kalinina, here are his words of repentance, in particular regret that he caused this family the irreparable pain of loss that he committed a great sin. i’ll just note that it was written a year after the accident; this is a letter that basharin’s wife asked to include. natalya did not read these lines about repentance; during the entire hearing of the case in court, she was not present at any meeting, says that he doesn’t even want to see the defendant, gathers strength before the verdict, goes to the cemetery, promises himself every time not to cry, but every time he breaks this promise. galina khungureeva, andrey ivlev, alexander
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mostovaev, vladimir bazov and denis novozhilov, lead the duty unit. on thursday, the ivanteevsky court in the moscow region sent a hereditary witch to the isolation ward, as the social activist and blogger called herself.
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according to the scenario, saboteurs staged an explosion at one of the fuel and energy enterprises in the region and disappeared. in search of conditional all law enforcement agencies and emergency services in the region took part in the crime. in the end, we completed all the tasks. when self-defense without weapons, it is not only fashionable, but also promising. the village of krivtsova-plota, arlovsk region, became the center of the final games of the all-russian sambo tournament among youth. participants from different regions also arrived from the president of the all-russian and european sambo federation
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sergey eliseev, as well as the president of the sambo federation of the novgorod and astrakhan regions. competitions of this level are held on initiative of the president of the oryol samboto federation. yakunin help in the development of rural sports, guest participants even discover a new tourist route, because the tournament takes place in truly legendary places, near the city of livny. since its foundation, it was considered a trade and craft center, a city of merchants and philanthropists. the rains also gave the country many outstanding personalities, among them the famous doctor rashal. now the city is actively developing. but let's get back to it. armor without weapons from the oryol region report by fedor eliseeva. in the maslenkin family from the village of nikolskaya, oryol region, the house is full of worries, while the head of the family works as an agronomist in the fields, sons zhenya and yura help their mother with housework. we need to weed the garden beds and feed the animals. the family has piglets,
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a huge bull, and also turkeys and chickens. i help feed ducklings, piglets, a bull, a dog, my responsibilities include feeding them and watering them. the paper itself. because the strength appears to carry buckets of water with flour. in their busy schedules, in addition to homework and studies, the children find time to play sports. eugene is going to a competition where he will have to compete for his native village, the entire oryol region. athletes from 19 regions compete in the preliminary stage of the all-russian sambo competition among rural areas. each of them wants to be in the finals and take first place, the prize for which is a ticket to the russian championship. the first fight went well for our hero, but unfortunately, according to the overall results, he failed to make it to the finals. in total , 160 athletes from different regions of the country took part in the tournament. these are boys and girls 12-14 years in several weight categories. sambo, probably for rural children, is a social
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lift, a definite one, yes, since our sport samba is in our orbit. and, probably, sambo is the most applied sport that is needed in life. qualifying fights in orel, final fights in the village of krivtsova plota, in the small homeland of anatoly yakunin, president of the samba federation of the arlovsk region, anatoly ivanovich previously served as chief. capital police headquarters, and then was deputy director federal penitentiary service, but despite his high positions, he never forgot about his small homeland. i tell us once again that it is important that rural and urban children have equal conditions, that they have the opportunity to engage in our national sport, especially since sambo is an olympic sport. the rural sambo tournament in the oryol region takes place in picturesque unique places; next to the dovzhansky district is the ancient city of lievny with a rich history and traditions of russian merchants. this is where they were born economic foundations of the russian state. by the beginning of the 20th century, livny was a powerful
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industrial center. plants and factories operated here. and the urlovsk land has given birth to real talents, many of whom are now working for the image of the country. the city is actively developing. the first krevtsova polota sambov tournament was held in 2019; in 2020 , athletes from all over the region took part in it. and last year the competition received status.
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thank my colleagues, heads of regional federations who sent teams and personally came to support their guys on the mats. every year, the small village now becomes a place of attraction for hundreds of sportsmen of honor. the current tournament was also attended by the former director of the russian academy of sciences, alexander kalashnikov, and journalist eduard petrov. two dozen young sambo wrestlers won the competition, each of them representing their region. at the russian championship. following the results of the tournament, the organizers will hold a large video conference, in which
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presidents of the sambo federation from different subjects of the country and officials responsible for sports in their regions. the main goal is to accelerate the development of samba in rural areas, so that thousands of children from the outback, like children from krivtsov plot, can regularly engage in sports. fyodor eliseev, mikhail verdiev, ivan paevsky, lead: duty unit. more than 150 witnesses, hundreds of examinations, an investigative committee. announced the completion of the investigation into the murder of rock musician igor tolkova. his concert director valery shlyafman was accused of the massacre. as follows from the materials of the criminal case, in in october 1991, behind the scenes of the jubilee sports palace in st. petersburg, shlyafman quarreled with singer aziza’s representative igor malakhov, took out a revolver and tried to shoot malakhov, but instead mortally wounded talkov. a significant amount of investigative actions were carried out throughout russia. more than 150 witnesses were requested, including pop artists, sports palace workers
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, police officers present at the scene , a number of genetic studies were conducted, experts who conducted examinations in 1991-92 were interrogated years, from one of them, cutouts from the nobleman’s shirt with traces of blood were seized, which were essential for establishing the defendant’s involvement in the murder. our program has been following this case for several years, as we managed to find out, valery shlyafman, after the death of talkov, went to israel, changed his last name there, became vysotsky and finally gave up music, now allegedly selling apartments, it is not known whether israel will extradite igor’s probably killer onlyova. about other notable legal events and incidents of the past week in denis’s review novozhilova. on monday it became known about the detention of siberian media manager alexander zarianov. according to investigators , he received.
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convicted of a fatal accident with several victims and theft. in his apartment , law enforcement officers found an air rifle. a criminal case of hooliganism has been opened. why did they shoot? shishkan's last word. on wednesday , a regular hearing was held in moscow on the case of the odious group of criminal authority oleg medvedev. there are almost two dozen people in the dock. according to the investigation, they
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dealt with people, engaged in extortion and robbery. the trial is being conducted with the participation of a jury. the jury was held behind closed doors, and the verdict was announced on june 10. on thursday in moscow, a killer lying in wait with a machine gun shot and killed thirty-four-year-old it specialist and formerly famous skateboarder konstantin balishansky. to apprehend the probable killer, the police had to engage in a shootout with him. andrei demin took up defense on the playground and was wounded. now he is in the hospital. demin turned out to be a former friend of balishansky. both are courting. for one girl, it is possible that jealousy was the motive for the murder. on friday , footage was published of the arrest of possible drug pawnbrokers who wounded a police officer in the moscow region. employees of the anti -narcotics department noticed two suspicious cyclists in the forest and decided to check their documents. one of the attackers grabbed a traumatic
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pistol and fired several times towards the police, after which the accomplices fled, but did not hide for long and... were found on the territory of a garage and construction cooperative. denis novazhilov, andrey ivlev, lead. duty department. good news from the sverdlovsk region : two children who were considered missing for more than three days were found alive here . the whole country was following the fate of eleven-year-old vika and thirteen-year-old grisha. police, rescuers and volunteers were looking for them. the schoolchildren got lost, and there were two dogs with them. the animals were driving away predators all this time. nearby, the children said that they ate quail eggs and were waiting for rescue, in the end they heard the noise of an atv and went to him towards us, drove out of the forest, saw the children, the children screamed, stopped, the children asked to take them to the city, we said that we had come for them, so they sat the children down, dressed them right away, they were all bitten,
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they were barefoot, they were dirty, they were all hungry, they were two dogs, they gave water to drink. after the miraculous rescue, the teenagers were sent to the hospital for examination; according to doctors, their condition was normal; the volunteers who found the children will be presented with a reward in the very near future. the windy rides ended in the isolation ward izhevsk trash blogger received 7 days for hooliganism in the city center. the cyclist rode through the streets, provoked passers-by and created. revelation of the izhevsk hooligan in the report by vlada egorova. this guy is impudent on social networks, in the presence of the police, all the singing
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suddenly suddenly disappeared. for subscribers, he is archie brutal. in real life, arthur sahib karamov is the same extreme bike blogger. became famous online for hooligan videos, and then ended up in jail, please, what do you want, in pursuit of quick popularity he clearly miscalculated the content, in response to the remark of passers-by that one should dismount at a zebra crossing, the cyclist swore at them, and then caught up and continued the squabble, who are you not to make a remark that you are shouting, are you nervous or something, i very nervous, were you not raised by your parents or are you a savage, like i am a savage, a savage, right? this video , as expected, caused a wave of indignation among residents of izhevsk. the police also paid attention to him. the minister of internal affairs for the uudmurd republic maxim tikhonov instructed establish the identity of the scandalous cyclist and detain him. currently , protocols on administrative offenses have been drawn up against him under the second part of article 1229 of the code of administrative offenses and the first part of article 20.1 of the code of administrative offenses. petty hooliganism. the blogger was placed
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under arrest for seven days. after serving a couple of days in a cell in a temporary detention center, the cyclist started on the path to reform. not so much. at the national level, so yes , such moments occur to me. the blogger had slips in compliance with traffic rules, judging by to these shots, bike paths are clearly not his element, but stairs, curbs, pedestrian crossings,
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this is another matter, but this did not go unnoticed by the police. the traffic police officers compiled administrative materials regarding the offender, conducted a preventive conversation, and brought the cyclist to justice. the city center is a favorite place of attraction for local residents, not only, by the way, pedestrians, but, for example. cyclists, apparently, and such as cycling blogger archie brutoli, for example, his friend is not riding either dismounting, like archie, he violated the traffic rules, by the way, archie was just rushing here, he was reprimanded, but this seemed to only provoke him, this is exactly the same pedestrian crossing where he filmed his hooligan content, and then drove off , or rather, no, he flew down right down these stairs, because what a shocking content this turns out to be, this is the place to do dangerous stunts, but they don’t think in vain that such a trip could sooner or later be their last. since the beginning of the year, in udmurtia there has been there have already been more than 30 accidents involving cyclists. inspectors regularly conduct
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raids to pacify reckless drivers. what was the problem with dismounting before a pedestrian crossing? as a result, the violator was fined 800 rubles and was given a notice about compliance with traffic rules. they will also be useful for other local cyclists. there is a pedestrian crossing in front of you, what should you do? dismount, yes. do you do that? never. we asked local residents about how they feel about bike blogger archie brutali, or more precisely about his daring antics. why is it like you do you think he behaved like that? perhaps it can gather an audience? aggression is always bad. if a person is a blogger, then of course he bears great responsibility. arthur sakhibkaramov lives in this five-story building in one of the residential areas of izhevsk. usually from here he began his cycling journey, filming all his adventures along the way, which he collected...
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such content is against my tactful and safe, perhaps i’ll start with a pedestrian crossing, you don’t need to cross it, but cross it, that is, dismount in order your friend’s two-wheeler was just nearby, so you will be safer and pedestrians will be much calmer. cyclists need to ride on bicycle paths, those who have reached the age of 14 are allowed to ride on the right edge of the roadway, it is better not to go off the right path, especially to do this, by the way, for those who are not in the know, this is also... but , if you really want adrenaline or bright emotions, here you go, a skate park, here you can perform any tricks or, for example, film entertaining or even educational
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cycling content. the only question is whether they will collect such videos get a large number of views, because this is not a crazy show that is put on by all sorts of bloggers. by creating such content, the kings of social networks pursue understandable goals, however, in the pursuit of dubious fame, they forget that at any moment they can turn into anti-heroes, breaking the law and ending up behind bars. vlada. lead the duty department. the nicotine epidemic, despite the prohibitions and warnings of doctors, vep is becoming increasingly popular among young people in our country. no wonder. newfangled the device is faster than regular cigarettes, hooking children and teenagers on nicotine. who is giving young people an old medical habit in a new bright wrapper and what is expected in the near future is a booming market for so -called electronic devices. about this in a new investigation by dorda petrov. film zap. or the vepidemic will continue legal broadcasting on the russia 24 tv channel. that’s all for us, follow the legal news in telegram channels,
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an honest detective is on duty, we watch all episodes of our investigations on the platform, in the studio there was andrey ivlev, see you, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday... then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there’s more to come more achievements, fall in love with the country. at the exhibition russia.
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still, my obediences, they are over, that’s all. forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, these completely wild guys, this is your obedience. i only save others, former disobedients.
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it doesn’t happen that you wanted from me, a miracle, halay, mahalai, i wouldn’t know how this is assemble in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, pray, it’s also a sin to abandon the gang, it’s time to pay, i’ll water from here, if i’m alone , therefore, we’ll quickly sleep if there’s a chance with you. hold on, i didn’t do anything bad, there’s someone else out there who will do it to someone, they’re not novices, you’re having fun.
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water enters the houses and floods the first floors of the building. the orenburg region is in the grip of bad weather. the alexandrovsky district came under attack. there are thunderstorms and hurricane winds in places. lighted candles and minutes of silence in the kherson region, two days of mourning for the victims of the tragedy in the village of sadovaya. as a result of the ukrainian armed forces attack , 22 people were killed. another tranche of military aid for ukraine. kyiv will receive air defense systems.
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despite the prohibitions and warnings of doctors, vaping is becoming increasingly popular among young people in our country. this is not surprising, because newfangled devices get children and teenagers hooked on nicotine faster than regular cigarettes. what awaits the market of so -called electronic devices in the near future? this is discussed in the investigation by eduard petrov immediately after the advertisement. order.


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