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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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in fact, the central axis, first of all, is the improvement and rehabilitation of the sokolniki territory, which is being implemented in 2024, the entire implementation is divided into three stages, the second stage is planned for implementation in the twenty-fifth year, completion of all work in the twenty-sixth year. another huge moscow park, kolomenskaya, 255 hectares of territory, museum reserve. recently celebrated its centenary, there are 17 architectural monuments here, the task is to preserve the spirit of this park and at the same time make it even better, after all, there is certainly something to work on, the recreational load is unevenly distributed throughout the territory, the embankment is deprived of many basic amenities, such as jogging tracks, and this will be corrected, this is an area of ​​27 hectares, the length of the embankment is 3.5 km, and first of all, why to her?
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we started, so we divided it into stages, there is a great demand among residents, especially in the summer , to be near the water, and despite the fact that there was a large infrastructure of the park already landscaped, otherwise, of course, residents now have a great need for some kind of sports small areas, children's playgrounds, yoga areas, areas where you can sunbathe, stroll along the embankment, space for life, the joys of happiness, kolomenskoye has, perhaps, always been a favorite. a place where newlyweds come for a wedding photo shoot. the museum-reserve is well aware of this, and now a separate place will be created for those who are starting a new family. in this part of the park in tsarist times there were several gardens, but only three have survived to this day, and behind me there is a wedding garden, and here there will be a ceremonial pavilion with a capacity of 200 people, in front of the wedding pavilion there will be a regular garden with plantings, and there will also be... a green labyrinth, just like we
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see it now, inside the green labyrinth there will be an art object , dedicated to lovers, going down below there will be an amphitheater, this small garden, an aquarium next to the massovet theater on bolshaya sadovaya street, work has also begun here, this garden is also called theatrical uazisis, but where from such a reputation? just imagine, this entire 1-hectare plot played a huge number of roles. it was the vegetable garden of the novodevichy convent, then workshops were built here, which later grew into workshops of a mechanical plant, after which everything was demolished here and an entertainment garden called chicago was built, where there was a summer theater, restaurants, and attractions. now this territory is better known to people as a quiet relaxation area, where spectators gather before the start of performances, and after the performance they come out and... discuss all the scenes that they saw.
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and the time has come to rethink it globally. the colonnade with the figures of the muses will be cleaned, the grotto with a mini-fountain in the form of the head of a gorgon jellyfish will be put in order, the tiles will be rearranged, more than 300 different shrubs will be planted, and street lamps will be installed that resemble ancient gas lamps. the garden is undergoing an important reboot, which will end this fall. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum, have time to open it before the end of june. we learned that the phone works even at zero, even at zero. with belain you are safe even with zero count. calls, instant messengers and cards work. enable support at zero in the beeline application. biline is the safest operator. magnet - the price is what you need. oil
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your money will not fly away, there are gigantic minutes left, we return rubles for them every month, you can . hello, this is our weekly program the church and we are on russia-24, i am alena berezovskaya, today we are talking with the deputy chairman of the synodal department for relations between the church, the community and the media , vakhtankomshidze.
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his holiness the patriarch sent a greeting to the forum participants in the form of an interview for the magazine, in which he answered pressing questions of economic ethics, the basis of this ethics on orthodoxy, gave spiritual advice to orthodox entrepreneurs and once again emphasized that this forum is a truly great event, which is unthinkable without taking into account and taking into account the moral value of...
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you want believers to say in these conditions: about , yes, what a good goal, how, how we should treat it well, we are kind of neutral, we are for peace, but how can we be for peace if they want to do away with us, here we remember our saints, starting from alexander nevsky, ending confessors of recent times, who carried out their military service on the battlefields, who defended their country, defended their... all the same, including from the intentions of those people who want to defeat us, all people of good will
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who bear for themselves what - this is an imprint of the christian worldview, they must look for ways to peace, it is clear that the path to peace cannot imply - refusal of compromises, a christian, he must always look for compromises, this is downright satanic pride, the exaltation of some political leaders of the western world, i will come very... these completely unacceptable decisions will be made here on the use of this or
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that weapon against russia. it is a pity that those politicians who are moving on this side do not understand this, and at the same time they also accuse us of lacking some kind of peacekeeping mood. this is the obsession that you are talking about, pride - these are such rather subtle facets, spiritual, yes, but how can we, the russian people, not slide into hating our enemies, like we do to preserve this... the best guarantee not to become a copy of those people who are obsessed with these, say, desires, is to always see in our affairs the finger indicating the finger of god, that is , if in our value system there is a god to whom we offer prayers, with whom we communicate in the sacraments, then only this can keep us from... turning into haters of the human race, into haters
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of certain peoples, of certain people personally, humanity has not come up with any other guarantee, i know that the synodal department charity provides assistance to the residents of donbass, offers and invites volunteers to go to donbass to help these suffering people. could you tell us more about this activity? firstly, here we can remind you that for charitable institutions. the department
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has developed very unprecedented programs, for example, for church charity, social service , it collects volunteers from construction professions who simply go to those villages and cities that have suffered, for example, they are repairing the roof of some grandmothers who... i know that there, well, hundreds of people register as volunteers so that a certain amount of time, usually a shift lasts 2 weeks, can be spent with those people who need help. the activities of st. alexy’s hospital have also become very noticeable, when people gather there for sure also , in shifts, doctors, whom i know have been very active in the lugansk region, travel
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to other regions, where they perform complex operations, provide primary... medical help to those people who are deprived of it, there are many other equally important programs, which, as i will emphasize once again, testify to the solidarity of believers across all divisions; when volunteers provide assistance, they do not ask what political views a person adheres to , they are just helping him, this is the most important thing, we will come to ukraine, 45 people, according to official data from the state border service of ukraine, died in... swimming across the tisa river in transcarpathia, and trying to escape mobilization in this way, probably this data is much more above, probably millions of people have already left ukraine, trying to escape from the events that are now happening in their country. zelensky understands that he is killing his own people, what do you think? here is the case or case that you cite, they are
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of course terrifying and we can only pray for those people who simply do not want to.
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the atheists of the first years of soviet power acted, the attitude is absolutely the same, that is, they want to basically turn the lavra back into some kind of museum, i don’t know what the museum is, sectarianism or atheism or something else, if you put yourself in the place of a believer, who all his life went to pray at the kiev-pechersk lavra, worshiped shrines, suddenly some kind of commission appeared, some kind of ministry of culture, which began, it means ... actually prevent this, well, how can this be perceived otherwise as fighting against god, otherwise as a desire to end the life of the church. those who fight with god, they cannot win, they have never won and will never win, because only a crazy person, this is what king david said in a psalm, speech of their own madness, there is no god, there is no god, yes, these are god-fighting regimes, god
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-fighting people, they are mad because they fight with god and... but the lord god has his own judgment, and we see how literally there, i don’t know , in a few years
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the situation changed to the opposite, everyone who fought with the church, everyone who destroyed its shrines, everyone was forgotten, condemned, let’s say, those who died, those who are alive, and i think that the same fate awaits. ..those atheists who now consider themselves winners in ukraine. for other news, in a so-called hereditary witch, the head of the occult organization empire of the strongest witches, was detained in the moscow region; she is suspected of extremism and insulting the feelings of believers. this lady not only offered witchcraft services, but also called for reprisals and violence against the priests of the russian orthodox church. it is clear that the legal assessment is its action.
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to everyone, both witches and non-witches, he is not like those witches who are doing some business with him there, they will therefore receive some kind of compensation, they will have a fate, so to say, the same as their victims, it is very important that in the public space in the sphere, and television, the media, there is a very sober conversation about the dangers of all kinds of forms of the occult, no less dangerous are these various courses for witches and everyone else, that is which...
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uses manga for this purpose, this project has appeared quite recently, i know that there are those who express concern about its development, there are those who support it, but this is a private initiative, and the church is official, of course
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is in no way associated with this project, as it’s quite new, provocative, perhaps requiring some more sober assessment, let’s see what will grow out of this, if manga fans start going en masse... to church to confess and take communion, then god grant that this happens. russia plans to ban the registration of trademarks with religious symbols. a corresponding initiative was developed by the russian orthodox church together with rospatent. you know, i am also outraged when i see soul wine on store shelves a monk or the confession of a sinner, there are also cigarettes, hygiene products and other various products. you agree that such trade names are not only about morality, but insult the sense of faith. i don’t yet know all the provisions of this law, but it is very important that religious symbols do not turn into
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a business tool, that is, not... symbols in order to make a profit. the church has nothing to do with this commerce, and those businessmen who exploit the trust in religious people use religious symbols, they are well in most cases, they have nothing to do with the church, religious symbols need to be protected, they are not a bargaining chip in commercial circulation, so the law, i think, is designed to exclude just such risks, of course, if any... sinners, this is generally some kind, honestly speaking, but in most cases, as in those that you cited, it is quite possible to write some kind of confession about it on the packaging, it is not clear how an alcoholic drink can have a product produced in a monastery, for example, then the relation to confession, and yes, and a sinner just like the soul of a monk, it would probably be very strange to drink somehow, there is something incomprehensible there, that’s why it’s necessary, probably the time has come, thank god society
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is before this. bring order here and prevent people from being misled by these quasi-religious symbols on goods, including alcohol products. thank you very much for the interview. thank you, it was very nice.
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9:00 pm
the russian army successfully repelled 14 attacks in the ssu, zelensky’s formation lost almost one and a half thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers, two tanks and eight other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 25 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems, the deployment points of foreign fighters were hit, 66 combat drones were shot down, mi-8 helicopter and 13 shells from american haimarc systems. about promotion in the kharkov region, egor grigoriev. fire, fire! the crew of the m-46 howitzer only manages to bring the shells to the targets that day from the artillerymen of the north group of troops. about.


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