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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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without an orphanage six, go to one place, even bad people, naughty people, are corrected there. in the elections to the european parliament, a significant part of the votes were received by the rights, for example, germany, the alternative for germany came into second place, beating chancellor scholz’s sdp party. well, europeans are clearly tired of politicians who are actively destroying the economy so that the united states can earn good money. our european correspondent regina sevastyanova will tell you how everything went. now she is in direct contact with us.
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and at the same time, for example, in germany tomorrow tagamina will come out with the headline that approximately 80% of germans are still partially sane, thus the publication will comment on 16% and, accordingly, the second place of the far-right alternative for germany, beating, among other things , supporters of olaf scholz, who gain 14% of the votes - this is the most the lowest result of the social democrats since the creation of this party and the greens, who are part of the government coalition, an alternative for...
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we are again the strongest political force in germany, the people have punished extremists on both the left and right of the political spectrum. however, there in germany , after the elections, the socialists confirmed their intention to block ursula vonlaen’s candidacy for a second term. as president of the european commission, unless she refuses to cooperate with right-wing parties. in france, the national right rally won more votes than the second place - supporters of emmanuel macron - and the third place - combined, more than 30%. this unprecedented defeat of the ruling party marks the beginning of the first day after macron's country that we face build. i am grateful to the supporters
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of national unification for their incredible mobilization. i thank all the french people who voted for us. our goal is to gather all citizens who want to rebuild the country and restore hope. in the same speech, the leader of the national association already called on french president emmanuel macron to call the next elections in france. the president, in turn, although this was not planned. tonight he will speak to the nation. in belgium, two right-wing parties have taken over society.
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day, the representatives of the red cross had to heat, which suddenly settled in this day, to distribute water to people, here voting is not a right, but a duty, in austria, the winner, judging by the results of exit polls, is the far-right freedom party, in spain , the right-wing centrists from the people's party won, which bypassed the ruling socialist party, in greece the rightists pulled votes away from the government from the opposition party in romania, the police carried out almost received, i apologize, almost... a thousand cases violations of the law, including, by the way, cases when a thirty-year-old man tried to bribe people who came to the polling station with cash. in croatia in poland , voting took place with record low turnouts, in poland, for example, only 28% of those eligible to vote came to these polling stations in the czech republic, a turnout
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of just above 30% is considered historically high, but the final election results will still be after 23:00 local time due to italy. how events will develop, thank you, our well, let's wait for the italians and see, european correspondent regina sevastyanova, that in the elections to the european parliament a significant part of the votes are right. the russian army successfully repelled 14 attacks in so. and missile systems, mainly produced by nato countries. the locations of foreign fighters were hit, 66 combat drones, 8 helicopters and 13 shells
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from american haimarc systems were shot down. about promotion in the kharkov region egor grigoriev. gun shot! the crew of the m-46 howitzer only manages to load the shells; the targets on this day for the artillerymen of the north group of forces are very a lot of 86, one shot, in minute breaks we communicate with the crew, a fighter with the call sign simon reveals his secret of handling a gun, i’m 45, 45, and she’s probably already close to 70, well , yes, almost older than me. like mother. the gun is still soviet, but it opened up to its full potential in the northeast military zone. a 33 kg projectile can easily be sent up to 30 km. even the artillerymen themselves did not see these shots of objective control. accurate strikes against the enemy entrenched in the industrial zone of volchansk. ready.
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high-explosive fragmentation projectile. if we don’t respond in advance with fire, it means we’re ahead the infantry will suffer, the boys are also waiting for us, it is impossible to advance without the support of artillery and volchansky’s attack drones, the enemy is hiding in buildings in the basements, the losses are huge, we even had to pull elite units of the main directorate into the city for defense... including the brotherhood battalion . in just a week, three militants from this extremist organization banned in russia were captured by our attack aircraft from the north group. i just wanted to make money. wait for revelations from a twenty-one-year-old intelligence officer of the armed forces of ukraine, of course not necessary, but in general terms he describes
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the picture of what is happening in gur. in intelligence there are so many young people, what is the percentage now, more older, younger, well, usually from 18 to forty. here. improve camouflage, m46 howitzer, the gun is far from new, but very reliable, perhaps
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the main disadvantage is, of course, its dimensions, its weight, it is not easy to move from position to position, so camouflage must be thorough. yaroslav borisov, news. germany is not an independent country, so the policies of chancellor scholz contradict national interests. the president's press secretary pointed this out. in russia, this is what dmitry peskov said in an interview with the author and there, the host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarobin. it is important here that this is the german minister of defense, announcing preparations for war with russia. and how should we approach this in general? well , look, again, in light of what putin said, germany always after world war ii had big problems in terms of a lack of sovereignty and independence. and within the framework of this deficit, of course, the german authorities they are trying to distill, they need it.
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sergei lavrov has arrived in nizhny novgorod; a meeting of the foreign ministers of the brix countries will be held there on monday. russia
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is chairing the association this year, and this is the first meeting of ministers since the expansion of the bloc. on january 1, egypt, iran, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, and ethiopia joined the brix work. in moscow , a truck crane burned down on the third transport ring. a huge column of black smoke was visible several kilometers away in the area of ​​the accident. already the third prime minister in his career oath. the ceremony takes place at the presidential palace, in the presence of the president, along with
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the oath of office, mode also takes the mandatory oath to keep state secrets and addresses the people of india. i narendromodi solemnly affirm that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of india as established by law, that i will uphold the sovereignty and integrity of india, that i will faithfully discharge my duties as prime minister of the union and... that i will do right by all people in in accordance with the constitution law, without fear or favour. together with mode, members of the new cabinet of ministers, about thirty people, took the oath of office, and here is an interesting point: the national democratic alliance won the elections, the main role in which the mode fharatiya janata party plays, but the ruling party itself did not gain an absolute majority for the first time in 10 years , so the cabinet will also include members of the allied party in fashion. however, as indian political scientists say, leadership positions in key mini.
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this is a historic day, on the side prime minister modi has about 300 mps, he
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will form a strong, capable, stable, dynamic and progressive government. in newdelhi today, increased security measures have been taken, the city center is blocked off, thousands of police officers are working, and land and air patrols are underway in the indian capital. today , businessmen, bollywood stars, representatives of all political forces who took part in the elections gathered together. thousands of guests, including leaders of some south asian countries from bangladesh, bhutan, maldives, sri lanka, sechelles, mauritius and nepal, after the ceremony a gala dinner was held for the guests of honor. evgeny davidov dadonov and matvey popov news from newdeli, india. for headaches, there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. what will
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your summer be like? with free shipping, summer will be carefree. everything for your summer. at the megamarket, for example, discounts on clinic cosmetics are up to 35%. mom, write us a message, for what? well, or we’ll call, we found out that the phone works, even at zero, we rejected the bill, you didn’t listen to the end, but how is that? it's safe, with beeline you are safe even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, connect support for zero in the belai application, girls, let's talk about security, right here? the safest operator anywhere appetite will help only dad will tame dad can eat animal sausages dad can that we are united by bright emotions, good traditions and our favorite lottery, in the russian lotto we will play in
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country houses in honor of the golden barrel anniversary are an additional chance. become a millionaire in every draw, buy tickets on the website and company stores, book your holiday among millions of hotels apartments, if you are, be the first, the first, whoever you are, g-drive fuel reveals the potential of the engine and those who strive to be the first, tested in racing conditions, driv, be the first, what do we bring back from savito’s travels?
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registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free with full control of my expenses payment sticker apply now for a children's sber card - an adult approach, collect a car vacation without extra expenses on avito . mikhail mishustin paid a working visit to the republic of belarus and took part in a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council. the focus was on a wide range of issues of deepening eurasian economic
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integration. separately, council members discussed the development of transport infrastructure. routes, of course, will help us ensure the sustainability of production and logistics chains, and the consequence is to speed up the delivery of goods, simplify the conditions for doing business, we look forward to strengthening active cooperation in the field of transport, which fully meets the interests of all states of the union and the eurasian region in in general. the chairman of the russian government took part in the plenary session food security of the eurasian economic union, which was held as part of an international specialized exhibition. belagro 2024. the task of ensuring food security without exaggeration is of key
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importance for both russia and all participants in the eurasian economic union. it is very important that citizens have access to high-quality, healthy, and of course, varied food products. russia and the eac play a key role. in ensuring global food security, this is facilitated by a favorable geographical location, resource availability, development own production, including fertilizers, the level of provision of yas with its own agricultural food is growing from year to year. russia plans to significantly increase the production and export of agricultural products. we have always been and remain a responsible international company. partner and conscientiously fulfill all commercial and humanitarian obligations and will continue to adhere to the same principles in
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the future. mikhail mishustin also visited the international specialized exhibition belagra 2024 in minsk. at the exposition russia presented its national stand with domestic products. the exhibition is dedicated to the tastes of russia and presents brands from agricultural regions. the country's government has allocated funding for the implementation of projects to create comfortable living conditions for citizens in the regions. more than 1 billion rubles will be allocated to implement plans for the social development of centers of economic growth in the regions of the far east. over 5 billion rubles will be allocated to new regions to ensure uninterrupted provision of utility services to local residents. chapter the state in his message emphasized that our regions must become economically more self-sufficient, we will continue to do everything necessary to create equal conditions
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for the self-realization of citizens, and a comfortable life throughout the country. roman couples. and a roman burger with chicken at a bargain price in italian, delicious and full stop , we found out that the phone works even with zero, with zero account, with beeline you are safe even with zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, connect support with zero in application, beline is the safest operator, appetite anywhere, dad, only dad will tame, dad will help, dad will help, beastly sausages, dad will. what is real football to you? this is to play one level higher, no, no, two levels. real football is about taking
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your own. book your holiday on the island, where millions of hotels and apartments are waiting for you. it starts with o. what unites us? bright emotions, good traditions and your favorite lottery. in russian voto we will draw a golden barrel in country houses in honor of the anniversary, this is an additional a chance to become a millionaire in every draw. buy tickets on the website in company stores in stooto. magnet daily. pensioners from opening until 13:00, a 10% discount, as well as a 20% discount on brands. to the lists. you are silent, like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only
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yota your money will not fly away, gigs and minutes remain, we return rubles for them every month, you can yota, our friday is white white, because only we have white discounts on white equipment, even if it is red, it will come to you itself, dazzling white friday, discounts up to 50. for 355 rubles and for a long time this will continue until june 16 to a tasty point.
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one variety of wheat lives for a maximum of 20 years, which is why we do not feel the taste of the bread that our grandmothers baked, current varieties can withstand any drought or frost, are resistant to many diseases, and are grown in the krasnodar research center for seed growing real field soldiers, you see how productive the ears are,
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i read that doladimir has been awarded, i call my mother, my soul is in this profession, in principle i was especially nervous, we are not working for rewards, we are in a breeding field where control nurseries, this is the middle of selection, these are
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experimental and separate for the work of biotechnologists, in this case, and here are insulators in order to isolate the ear and remove the anthers from it and purposefully determine, and pollinate with another variety, i i am creating new forms, ones that did not exist before. and those that will give greater success to our production will feed a larger number of the population, the krasnodar national grain center is the oldest institute in russia for the creation of elite seeds and hybrids, samples are stored in 200 g bags in a special room at a temperature of +4°, a gene pool of several hundreds of thousands of samples, i came across, as you might think, the tanya variety.
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tanya is the oldest variety in the stock. it is 20 years old and is the standard for all cereals. newcomers. this is what it looks like in real life, grown in the field. it has everything at its optimum, including frost resistance, drought resistance, and attitude to the return of frost, resistance to pathogens. the national grain center is 110 years old and has bred 291 varieties of wheat and 170 of them. under the leadership of lyudmila bespalova, look, there are two ears, one without awns, but there are no these outgrowths, but additional ones, and this one with awns, this is clearly visible, in our region, most commodity producers love awnless varieties, because they do not prick , grows kuban awnless...


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