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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in france, president macron had to dissolve parliament, and the party of german chancellor olaf scholz also counted defeat. experts talk about the fatigue of european union residents from the confrontation with russia. in the northern military district zone , the russian military launched a precise strike on enemy fortifications. the combat mission was carried out by the crews of the multiple launch rocket system. hail. the artillery effectively covered the area indicated by the scouts with rockets. and... the drone operators confirmed that the stronghold was wiped off the face of the earth. presidential plenipotentiary envoy to siberian federal district anatoly seryshev introduced the acting head of the altai republic, andrey turchak. the ceremony, to which government leaders, deputies and journalists were invited, took place in the regional government building. the former head of the altai republic, oleg rokhordin, left his post due to a transfer to another position. heavy hail
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hit the western region of georgia, in some villages orchards and vineyards were completely destroyed, residents posted videos of people hit by hail online crops, damaged trees and cars, glass was broken in some cars. in the old world, the results of the elections to the european parliament are being summed up, according to preliminary data. the european people's party retains first place. the faction of the current head of the ec, ursula fondelaien , receives 184 seats out of 720. socialists are in second place, liberals are in third. vonderleen promised to begin working with these parties to create a coalition today. meanwhile, the elections were marked by the success of right-wing forces in several countries, which has already led to serious political changes. all details from our european.
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who has the right to present this alternative today? under no circumstances will we be in a coalition with emmanuel macron. chancellor olaf scholz also suffered a defeat and is in third place. the right-wing opposition, the conservative bloc of the cdu, csu, having gained about 30%, demands that he also dissolve parliament following macron, but he is unlikely to agree to this. the second place, having increased compared to the results of five years ago, is taken by the alternative for germany. we have achieved great things. takes second place
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in italy, prime minister miloni wins, in hungary , orban’s party in austria has 27% over the party that criticizes sanctions against russia. in belgium, the liberal party of alexandre de cros, who advocated strengthening nato and supporting kiev, is defeated, and the prime minister resigns . right-wing forces in many countries are gaining weight, but... the european parliament remains the same, the largest faction remains the european people's party, which has already called on both president macron and chancellor scholz to support the candidacy of ursula vonderleen as quickly as possible the post of head of the european commission in order to cement the current course of the eu for another 5 years. otherwise, they fear, europe will face great political upheaval. anastasia popovleya bernadskie vesti, brussels, belgium. final preparations are underway in nizhny novgorod.
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meeting of the heads of misstran brix. it will be chaired by sergei lavrov. ministers will gather for the first time since the expansion of the association last year. what will be discussed and what other events are planned? let's find out from my colleague anna voronina, she joins me, anya, good morning, tell us what topics you plan to discuss? hello, colleagues, but today the most important thing will be a discussion of global governance, the system of global governance, its changes, the departure from hegemony, the transition to a multipolar world, and tomorrow we will talk about increasing the role of developing countries on the world stage, which will certainly be discussed. such important issues as energy security and food security will be discussed; they will certainly not be left without attention, but i will note that now, at the moment, the minister of foreign affairs is arriving here at the brix site, where the negotiations will take place, where the session will be held, a little earlier than everything
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arrived, naturally sergei lavrov, he represents our country, which chairs the brix this year, also arrived minister of foreign affairs of egypt. and the minister of foreign affairs of belarus, any minute we are expecting the arrival of the minister of foreign affairs of china, wang, he has bilateral negotiations planned for today with sergei lavrov, where there will be discussed, in particular, the expansion of interaction between china and russia. let me remind you that sergei lavrov arrived in nizhny novgorod the day before, he was met at the chkalov airport by the governor of the nizhny novgorod region, gleb nikitin, well, on sunday , chinese foreign minister wangyi also arrived here, he was greeted traditionally with russian hospitality, i’m talking now , of course, about bread and salt, and it should be noted that the diplomat did not refuse this treat and thanked him for it, right at the airport
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he was greeted with bread and salt, just a meeting of the heads of foreign policy departments within the framework of brix, according to the most conservative estimates, is expected to arrive. 25 foreign ministers , foreign ministers, these are not only brix members, i would like to remind you that after the expansion of the union, it now includes nine countries, we are talking about representatives of friendly countries who, among other things , want to join brix, many are actively expressing this the desire, in particular, his participation was previously confirmed by the minister of foreign affairs of turkey, hakan fidan, who earlier stated: that istanbul is interested in to join brix. let me remind you that the country is a member of nato and applied to join the european union. thailand and sri lanka are also interested in becoming part of brix; their foreign minister is also present at the meeting in nizhny novgorod today.
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i would like to note that the city itself was very well prepared for welcoming the guests, just the day before, they organized, so to speak, an air show especially for them... about a dozen balloons were launched, they flew over the volga, and everyone, both guests of the city and residents, of course, could admire , foreign delegates foreign missions, they also had a laser light show with illumination on the building of the mayak academy; today it is planned that after discussions within the brix, the ministers will not only be shown the city, but... will be able to take them along the volga so that they can admire views of nizhny novgorod. colleagues. anya, thank you. anna voronina was in direct communication from nizhny novgorod, where the meeting of the heads of midcountry brix will be held. now let's return to a short
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hands. when the main trophy of 20 million is right in front of you. every 15 minutes. for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. table. in public there's no appetite, dad, only dad will tame it, eat sausages, dad can, one of my friends. i went into the wrong area, uh, boy, there is a call, but i myself have zero account, you have a megaphone, mega strength communication at zero is already included in the tariff for free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, the word of the megaphone, comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things, buy a kofi dishwasher on the yandex market, which does not require a connection to the water supply, it extinguishes heartburn from food, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness. high acidity in the stomach is active from the first minutes and extinguishes the cramp
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now it has corrected exactly to this level, the euro is trading around the 96 ruble mark. and ui costs 12 rubles and 32 kopecks. moscow exchange index 3.245 points, this indicator is growing and rts 1141 points. the state duma is already on this. solutions. the speech about such important things for people meant specific goals for them and proposed
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issues such as indexation of pensions, increasing the family line and expanding family mortgages. the president began his speech with the general global economic situation and assessment of russia’s role. despite western sanctions, our country remains one of the key participants in world trade, increasing trade turnover with the middle east, africa and latin america. ability of the railways, plans for the development of the north-south corridor have been approved and azov-black sea direction. the northern sea route is becoming a global transport artery. last year , 36 million tons of cargo passed through it, but in the future, transportation may exceed 150 million tons. but an important question for the international.
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i note that last year the share of payments for russian exports in the so-called toxic currencies of unfriendly states was halved, while the share of the ruble in export and import transactions is growing. today it is approaching 40%. a separate head of state focused on the possibilities brix. this year , five more countries joined it - saudi arabia, iran, the united arab emirates, and egypt. and ethiopia, now in total brix accounts for more than a third of global gdp and almost half of the world's total population. the economy's share of brix in the world is growing. last year , our country's gdp increased by 3.6%. in the first quarter of this year there are already 5 and 4. all these rates are higher than the world average, and growth is ensured primarily by non-serial industries.
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as a result, the goal was completed ahead of schedule russia's entry into the top four. in formally reaching fourth place, we are somewhere nearby, russia, the federal republic of germany, japan, the difference is small, we are ahead, but the difference is small, but we understand that leadership positions need to be constantly confirmed and strengthened, other countries too don't stand still. russia needs to reduce its dependence
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on imports. the dynamics here, the president said, are good, now the task is to reach... 17% of the share of imports in gdp by 2030. this and other large-scale problems cannot be solved without changes in the labor market. as vladimir putin said, 15-20 years ago, the main question was how to find a job, now where to find personnel. to qualitatively change the situation , new approaches are needed. it is necessary to reconfigure the vocational education system to meet specific market demands and predict in advance where, when and what specialists will be needed. at the same time, the economy needs not only. young personnel, but experienced older employees, here vladimir putin announced the decision to resume indexation of pensions for working pensioners. i offer from next year resume indexation of pensions for working pensioners. from february 1, 2025
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onwards, pensions will not only increase annually.
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will lead to positive changes, that is , the labor market will receive additional labor, and this must be understood from each ruble additional revenues to various budgets of about 40 kopecks, that is, the same fund... of social insurance due to the return of non-working pensioners to the labor market - may receive additional income. positive changes in the economy are impossible without attention to new technologies. during his speech, the president spoke about digitalization, the introduction of domestic software, robots and support for it companies. one of
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the most dynamically growing sectors of the economy, it, will have a reduced income tax rate of 5%. she will act. until 2030 inclusive, and this sector is one of the strategically important for the russian economy, despite the fact that despite the fact that its share in the economy is relatively small, it is nevertheless a strategic asset for the russian economy, which provided quite large tax breaks, so from the twenty-second year the income tax of an it company was updated, now it is zero until the end of 2024, from the twenty-fifth year to... another initiative of the president touches on three issues at once: construction, development of the outback and support . families, vladimir putin proposed providing families with two children with mortgages in small towns at a preferential 6%. there is only one condition: that at least one of the children
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be under 18 years of age at the time the mortgage is taken out. head of state asked the government to launch the program from july 1 this year. well, another socially important change will affect calculations, and most importantly, the size of the mrod. vladimir putin has repeatedly emphasized that wages should grow faster. gdp, well, here’s the decision made for this: starting next year, the ratio of the minimum wage to the median salary received by the majority of people employed in our economy will be established. in 2025 , mrod will make up 48% of the median salary, so it will exceed 22,000 rubles per month, then there will increase by about...
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of the region was also present at the ceremony. let me remind you that he left his post due to a transfer to another job. in his speech, turchak clearly outlined what he plans to focus on first. in the near future, i will definitely travel through all the districts, dive into the problems of each of our districts, and today we will gather with the heads of our municipalities, we will discuss the schedule of the task, formulate our medium-term, short-term, long-term goals for the task, and plunge into work. protests continue in the center of yerevan; thousands of people spent the night near the parliament and do not intend to leave. the protesters blocked bogramyan avenue and set up tents. people are demanding pashinyan’s resignation, as well as an end to the process of transferring territory to azerbaijan. there are skirmishes between the law enforcement officers gathered, but serious clashes
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have not yet come to a head, the leader of the movement, the archbishop bagrab galstanyan called on the opposition to convene a parliamentary meeting tomorrow, raising the question of the resignation of the government. three israeli hostages died during the liberation operation from the gaza strip, representatives of the hamas movement reported. the idf press service did not confirm this information, but announced the evacuation of four people. they were rescued from the palestinian pren and loaded into a helicopter.
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if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, honor our history, value family , strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more awaits us ahead... fall in love with the country more deeply at the russia exhibition.


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