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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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not allowed. mikhail ivanovich, as for the work of magata directly in iran, tell me, is magata present in this country now and how does the agency assess the risks of escalation in the region and threats to nuclear security? well, despite the fact that the joint comprehensive plan of action, the so -called nuclear deal, de facto, it seems to still exist, but it is not functioning, despite. however, the volume of the agency’s verification activities in iran is constantly growing. iran continues to be the most audited country. the only thing is not there is such a strong instrument as the additional protocol in the safeguards agreement with the iaea. this additional protocol provides the opportunity for very in-depth surprise inspections. now it doesn’t work, again it’s guilt. lies with
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our western negotiating partners, during the vienna negotiations on the restoration of the sap, an agreement was reached that the iranians would resume the application of this protocol, but the negotiations were not completed, they were actually blocked by the united states, great britain, france and germany, and the additional protocol is not in effect, but this is not the fault of the iranians, but...
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of pandering to the political interests of individual states, in your opinion, is this a justified accusation and does the organization have sufficient influence for this? well, you know, vladimir ilievich lenin said that it is impossible to live in society and be free from society, of course, any bureaucratic structure, international, is influenced by the member states, which...
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the magats are definitely playing along with someone, i i would n’t dare, it’s probably all more complicated. michael ivanovich, allow me one more question, according to magath’s latest report. over the past year , 168 incidents involving radioactive materials were recorded. in your estimation, how large is this number and how serious incidents are included in these statistics? this is an average . the database on such incidents was created in 1993, during all this time, over 31 years, about 4,000 were reported by states.
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people were injured in belgorod shibek , and our colleague, vgtrk cameraman yaroslav borisov, was wounded, he was promptly taken to the hospital, doctors are providing all the necessary assistance, we are waiting for a report from the scene. western equipment is burning and exploding along the entire front line; in the donetsk direction, our military liberated the village of staromaiskaya; in the kherson region, intelligence officers liberated it. 87,000 citizens received it, tatyana moskalkova’s report in the kremlin. detailed conversation about
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the protection of human rights, conditions of detention prisoners and prisoner exchanges, how work works in new regions, what problems are addressed most often there. political humiliation or complete failure, defeat of macron and scholz in the european parliament elections. right-wing parties are gaining majorities in other eu countries. what's next? a new one in a week. parliament will meet for its first plenary session. will the national upheaval change the policy of the european union as a whole and how will this vote affect the course of brussels? foreign ministers of the brics countries meet in nizhny novgorod focus, transport, climate, sustainable development and medicine. what other priorities have been announced? and when will platforms for payments in the national currencies of the association state appear? statement by the minister of foreign affairs of russia. lavova. and,
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of course, the weather in the center of russia is again stormy. let's find out why weather forecasters predict this week to be the stormiest week of the summer. our colleagues will tell you what tropical showers are like in central russia. so, four people were injured due to a mine explosion in belgorod shchebekin, including ours colleague, cameraman of vgtrk yaroslav borisov. he was taken to a local hospital in serious condition with shrapnel wounds to the abdominal cavity and left shoulder. and it is known that right now doctors are providing yaroslav with all the necessary assistance. we, of course, wish him strength and a speedy recovery. three more victims are self-defense fighters. they were also injured. one of them was sent to the second belgorod hospital. two after rendering. care will be treated on an outpatient basis. details from alexander korobov. militants of the kyiv regime attacked
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another vile attack on civilians. they visited one of the private residential sectors of shibekin from a drone. explosive devices, most likely anti-personnel mines, were dropped. they scattered here over a fairly large area and fell in vegetable gardens next to private ones.
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defense provided him with the necessary first aid and took him to the hospital, literally two meters from the place where that mine exploded we found another one, so of course we left, well, at a fairly safe distance, now the sappers are again they will check and most likely they will have to detonate it here on the spot, because taking it somewhere, pulling it out is very dangerous for life, but the territory is being checked , all residents were warned to be...
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the line, but here is the result for us, in addition to the fact that this a village on the border of two subjects, it is also a commanding height, there is also a wet yaly river - an excellent place for fire control of the adjacent territory. after the loss of staromaisky, the tactics of the ukrainian armed forces will obviously change here, otherwise the losses will only increase. operational-tactical aviation,
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unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery, groups of armed forces. the forces of the russian federation hit the command post of the tactical aviation brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, a field artillery warehouse, as well as temporary deployment points for foreign mercenaries, accumulation of enemy manpower and military equipment in 147 areas. now the north group continues to gain a foothold where militant positions were just yesterday. in the kharkov region, the expansion of the sanitary zone, divisions of the armed forces of ukraine does not stop move towards kharkov in the volchansky environs. fierce battles. the commanders clearly made it clear to zelensky’s fighters that they must fight to the death here, which is why the counterattacks do not stop, but as you can see, the results are zero. another 300 people per day, minus. on all fronts, since yesterday, losses in the ssu have been under 2.0 people. looking at such figures, it becomes clear the unbridled desire of the kiev authorities to mobilize everyone everywhere. they
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say that they are sent to carry out combat missions, to fortified positions, but this is what actually happens: one. teroborona brigades in areas populated by 72 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, 123 and 128 points of velikaya novoselka, water, neskuchnoe, harvest and carbon of the donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to up to 140 military personnel, two
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vehicles, and a 15mm fh-70 galubis made in great britain. d-20 gun and 122-mm d-30 howitzer. and these are the last seconds of the russian drone’s operation when it meets the baba ega drone in the air. no time for unnecessary thoughts. our uav operator directs the drone directly to the target. the ukrainian military always relies heavily on baba iga drones. they have an impressive carrying capacity to visit and carry serious ammunition for attacking russian positions. and... one drone of different types, and a ukrainian mik-29 was also shot down. long-range projectiles from hymers to anti-radar harmons are also constantly intercepted.
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four western-made air bombs, hamer and jidam, also failed to reach their target. now there is news from the fighters of the southern group of forces: in the donetsk direction, the ivanovo paratroopers inflicted a serious defeat to the militants around the hours of yar, the american bradley was destroyed there, and could not withstand our drones again. and the russian tricolor is already flaunting in the kanal microdistrict, it was befriended by our attack aircraft, who are systematically clearing the streets of chasofyar from ukrainian armed forces formations house by house. the successes of our military were appreciated by the ministry of defense. minister andrei belousov visited the vishnevsky hospital and talked with the soldiers who are currently undergoing treatment and rehabilitation there. he also presented state awards to distinguished servicemen. this. details we’ll find out from varvara nevskaya. varvara, how is the minister’s visit going? what did he talk about with the soldiers? artyom, olga, greetings.
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first of all, andrei belousov visited the surgical building, where soldiers of the special military operation who were seriously injured are currently being treated. and as part of his visit, the minister of defense presented them with state awards, he thanked them for their service. by decree of the president of the russian federation, for courage, courage and dedication shown in the performance of military duty, they were awarded the order of courage, private volkov alexander nikolaevich, only 12 people were awarded the order of their husband. one serviceman, his name is ruslan bidzhev, he is a senior sergeant, received the insignia of the order of st. george, fourth degree, he
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has been at the very front line since the first day of a special military operation, the commander of an assault group, and a week ago he was wounded by an enemy drone and miraculously survived , he had severe injuries at the time of admission to the hospital, this is a combined gunshot wound. chest abdomen, limbs, damage to the lung, diaphragm , shoulder, forearm, a fragment stuck in his heart, only thanks to the truly incredible competence and professionalism of the doctor at the vishnevsky hospital, his life was saved, only a week has passed since such a difficult operation, he is already on his feet, and moreover , swears at the doctors that they don’t allow him to walk or move much, and is already saying that very soon after his recovery, after rehabilitation, he will definitely come back. to the front when i was wounded and people arrived quadcopter, clarified ours, not ours, they said,
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not ours, started looking at it, well, i wanted to work on it, to find it, and it hovered over me , threw off a homemade vision device for me , thereby, as they say, wounded me, i was lucky that my comrades were nearby, they quickly gave me... bandaged, tightened, tourniquet. each fighter has his own story, his own heroic feat, but each of them is happy not so much with the award, although it is of course very important, as with the professionalism of the doctors who really gave them the opportunity continue their journey, they all thanked each of the doctors who were caring for him, who operated on them. each of them has a really long rehabilitation ahead of them, but there was no person we talked to today who would say that he did not want to go back to the zone
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of a special military operation to join his comrades in defending their homeland. andrei belausov also highly appreciated the work of the doctors of the central military clinical hospital of the ministry defense, during the visit he was shown a unique hybrid operating room, this is an operating room in which different teams and...
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a miracle, a real miracle, of course, thanks to high-tech equipment and, of course, the art of surgeons, during the entire period of a special military operation, more there have been 300 such complex heart surgeries, and many of the operated military personnel have already returned to duty. technologies that now exist in russia...
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the nursing staff of the hospital celebrated their professional holiday and also presented them with state and departmental awards. comrade minister of defense of the russian federation has arrived. congratulations. andrei belousov expressed gratitude to all medical personnel, noting the special role of military doctors and nurses in providing assistance. assistance to the wounded during a special military operation, the head of the russian defense department also spoke with the management of the hospital and the medical staff about the state and prospects for the development of the treatment and diagnostic base of the medical institution, he noted the need to increase rehabilitation capacity for the speedy restoration of health of each of our military personnel. studio, yes, varvara, thank you,
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our correspondent varvara nevskaya was in direct communication from the vishnevsky hospital, where the minister of defense presented awards to the soldiers. still, my obediences, they are over, they are all alone. forgive me, lord, you have all the hope, you really wild guys. this is your obedience. you will save yourself. i'm just saving. there are no other former disobedients, what did you want from me, a miracle, akhalay, mahalai, demonstration i knew how to assemble this in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, pray, black one, cheating on the gang is also a sin, it’s time to pay,
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i’ll water it. i’ll break up, if there’s a chance with you, take it, i was a little bad, there’ll be someone else who ’ll do it to someone, naughty people, i’m still on you.
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we are transported to ukraine, where in chernivtsi a citizen who was only 21 years old was forcibly mobilized. ukrainian media reported this. let me remind you that even according to the new law of mobilization, the age limit is 25 years. well, on the internet, meanwhile, they have been appearing for several weeks now reports that the authorities intend to lower this threshold to 18 years, allegedly under pressure from the americans, but at the end of such a total mobilization in ukraine.


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