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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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for an even greater turn of the economy towards asia, for the development of our own territories and the creation of new centers of development for our huge country. well, it’s worth adding that bam is also our song heritage and an invaluable contribution to the demography of the country, so let’s build bam, i’ve already built it, thank you very much, it was konstantin churikov with a story about the opening of new facilities for the fiftieth anniversary of bam. for the sake of khabirov, he submitted documents to the cec as a... candidate for participation in the elections of the head of the republic of bashkatastan. he leads the region with eighteenth year. his term of office expires this year. vladimir putin met with him in april. the president supported khabirov’s desire to run for a second term. let me remind you that the elections for the head of bashkiria will be held on september 8 on a single voting day. it is important for me to understand whether people will support me, because after all, we have been working for 5 years precisely for this purpose. so that people
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evaluate properly and are satisfied with our work, so it is always very exciting and always very responsible. now let's take a break for just a couple of minutes.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do, we will expose all the fakes. in moscow 9:33 onwards, briefly about the main thing. a powerful explosion occurred in the suburbs of kharkov. according to ukrainian publications, the crash and detonation were heard against the background of air raid sirens.
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russian scientists and volunteers are saving a humpback whale, a huge mammal is entangled in fishing nets, the gear is tightly entangled in the animal and because of this it is almost unable to feed. they came to help specialists. sakhalin, they will be at sea in the near future. and again to the news of the last hour. by decision of vladimir putin , the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces began in the country. the military of russia and belarus will jointly work out preparations for the combat use of this type of weapon. according to the ministry of defense, the main goal of the maneuvers is to maintain the readiness of fighters and equipment in order to guarantee sovereignty and territory. we worked on obtaining training special ammunition for iskander complexes and installing them on carriers. also the military secretly moved to the position area, where they prepared for the launches. the aviation unit
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, in turn, equipped hypersonic dagger missiles with training warheads and other weapons, after which the aircraft flew to patrol areas. the russian envoy to the un called the security council resolution on the truce in gaza a “pig in the bag”, as vasily nebenze emphasized, the hastily adopted document consolidates the deal between israel and the hamas movement, details that are unknown, while the guarantees are vague. the resolution sets out israeli initiative for the release of hostages and a ceasefire in gaza in three stages. the document also calls on hamas to agree.
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undermines its authority as the main body for maintaining international peace and security. we did not block the resolution only because, as far as we understand, it is supported by the arab world. china's permanent representative to the un called the american resolution ambiguous in many aspects. according to the diplomat, the document cannot guarantee the conclusion of a truce agreement. the palestinian hamas movement turn greeting. security council resolution. members of the group emphasized that they are ready to enter into indirect negotiations with the israeli government for the sake of a permanent ceasefire in the gaza strip. meanwhile, us secretary of state antony blinken met with the israeli defense minister. this was reported by
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the press service of the american state department. according to the department, officials discussed the ceasefire plan in the gaza strip and the issue of releasing the hostages. our boss will tell you what else is known about the negotiations.
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week led to the release of four hostages, israelis kidnapped by terrorists on october 7. israel waited for the return of its captives home from the gaza strip, waited and set a festive table for their return, waited daily, holding rallies in the center of tel aviv, in front of the general staff building, demanding that the government do everything necessary to return the hostages home. and here are the military...
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the head of american diplomacy arrived in israel from cairo, washington is still trying to persuade the israeli leadership to a ceasefire and an exchange deal with hamas, is trying to achieve a sharp increase in the supply of humanitarian aid to the destroyed battlefield sector. we see the prospect of an immediate ceasefire, the return of all hostages home and progress towards a lasting resolution to the conflict in gaza. exceptionally high. hamas, according to
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participants in the rallies, protests that have become almost daily. it’s great that we freed four hostages, but there are still so many people there, we need to do something quickly, return to negotiations, and perhaps stop the war. without a ceasefire in gaza it is impossible count on a ceasefire to the north. the lebanese border, the armed confrontation with the lebanese shiite group hezbollah is only increasing, the intensity of mutual shelling is intensifying, on the dutch heights, on mount carmel , the fight against forest fires that arise in dozens of places from rocket explosions has not stopped for a week. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. the jury was unable to reach a verdict in the son's case. us president hunter biden, cnn reported. the hearings lasted a week before, the panel began to
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agree on a verdict, but soon the judge released the jury. it is reported that the discussion will continue this evening. let me remind you that joe biden’s son was accused of concealing information about drug use when purchasing firearms. he faces up to 25 years in prison. now let's talk about the weather in the european part of russia. let's start with the european part of russia, the residents of bryansk were awakened in the morning by a powerful thunderstorm, there was a lot
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of precipitation, the rains had not yet arrived, by 6 o'clock in the morning, the landing camera of the local veterinary station was hit 4 mm of moisture, the spectacular appearance of the elements the night before was in lithuanian palanga, a waterspout approached the coast, although the whirlwind disappeared quite quickly. vivid footage of the consequences of bad weather was posted by residents of kusbas in the vicinity of novokuznetsk, the river overflowed, the bridge and summer cottages were flooded. they rescued people in the irkutsk region today. and the plantings were caused by hail, and ulan ud street was flooded after a powerful overnight downpour. as i said earlier, cumulus rain clouds also reach yakutia, as evidence that the rain in the vicinity of the city is peaceful, but often clouds bring only dry thunderstorms without showers; the republic notes their unusually early start this season, which quickly led to an increase in the number of forest fires. their total area has reached 83. the situation is aggravated by overheating of the earth. on the surface in one of the areas the day before , a dust whirlwind even spun up, a vast north atlantic whirlwind intensifies the onslaught on
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the russian plain, another small whirlwind is circling over the caucasus, two active cyclones are also moving over the steppes of kazakhstan and the baikal region, at the same time, most of the naptic map is occupied by a giant fine an anticyclone that stretched from the southern urals through western and central siberia and to the uluses of yakutia. in yakutsk today partly cloudy with no precipitation up to +25, tomorrow a short-term urban downpour is possible in the city, but it will barely wet the ground 1-2 mm, the thermometers show the same +25. the same weather is forecast until the end of the working week . on saturday, the intensity of rain may increase to 4-5 mm. in the european part of russia, the peak of rainfall will occur today; the heaviest rains will occur in the center of the country, the upper volga region, in the blagovshchina and the south. glare in in total, up to 10-20 mm of rain will fall there on tuesday, and in some places on the banks
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of the upper volga, showers may be twice as intense and bring over half the monthly volume of moisture. the vertical thickness of a heap of rain clouds will reach 10-12 km, in such a situation there is a risk of a tornado. today, optimal conditions for their formation will develop in the vladimir, yaroslavl, ivanovo, nizhny novgorod and kostroma regions. dangerous. the north of the ryazan region and the east of the moscow region will also be affected west-mordovia. let me note that such phenomena are local in nature and the chances that a tornado will hit any populated area are negligible. in moscow, the intensity of the showers will increase maximum in the middle of the day in 6 hours, up to 10 mm of precipitation may fall, a total of 22 mm by the end of tuesday, but this will only be a rehearsal for bad weather on russia day in the second half of wednesday, according to preliminary forecasts, 27 mm may fall in the capital precipitation, a total
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of 35 mm will fall on the altimeter by the end of the day. in total , 85 mm of rain will fall in the metropolis on friday, that is, more than a month norms, at night it will be no lower than +12-17, during the day +20-25, the weather will improve only by the weekend. these are the forecasts. tanya, thank you. it was tatyana belova with a story about pikin and nastya in the european part of russia and the weather in other regions of the country. a unique rescue operation takes place in the barints sea. marine biologists and volunteers are trying to rescue gorbatov from the red book. whale, he is entangled in fishing gear, his movements are limited, and because of this he cannot eat fully, without outside help, the rare animal will die. the whale was accidentally discovered by tourists during a boat trip near teriberka. the coordinates were passed on to the military. all this time they watched the animal and tracked its location. specialists from sakhalin flew in to help. they are preparing to go to
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sea to assess the state of china and understand how to act. already for the injured animal. they gave a name, the whale was named stanislav, this is a very good practice, because we really give names to whales, we can distinguish them, distinguish them, we do this by their tails or by some special marks, so of course this whale, if we succeed in this operation, it ends successfully for everyone, then the whale will become a very big celebrity in russia. let's take a short break now, and after the commercial there will be sports news. great audience, bye everyone, you owe the bank,
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it’s easier with this, heartburn from food, take it, it extinguishes, fight heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, active from the first minutes, extinguishes the stomach, extinguishes, the best contribution in savings up to 18% per annum, have time to open before the end of june. and now the news is that in the last minutes the security forces detained in korachay-cherkessia a gang consisting of high-ranking officials and law enforcement officers. according to intelligence services, they stole about 60 million rubles. aimed at the development of agriculture in the republic. material evidence indicating their illegal activities was found and confiscated from a member of the group. a criminal case has been opened, now let's talk about sports, ilya kostin will introduce us to the latest news, ilya, hello, another canadian
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hockey player asked for a russian passport, as far as he is known, well, to call him a star, in fact, it’s hard to say, absolutely sidric paquet is the name of this hockey player , he plays for dynamo moscow, showed himself well last season, but is not a star, and by the way, dynamo already has one such hockey player, a canadian, but with a russian passport. in kazan, everything is ready for the start of a big sporting event. the opening ceremony of the brix games will take place on russia day on june 12. competition participants arrive in the capital of tatarstan; the venezuelan delegation was one of the first to appreciate the local hospitality. the brix games will be held on such a large scale for the first time. medals will be awarded in 27 sports, only two less than at the paris olympics. big some disciplines are olympic. 90 countries showed up, more than 90, even 96, if my memory serves me right now, they showed up, moreover, that is, this is not a story from the category
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of we will come, we will send applications there later, that is , these are family lists of people who are on each specific the sport has already been announced in every weight category there or in every team in this round-robin system, that is, this means that, well, that is, we are really waiting for them, we have actually already visited 10 countries. well, not not in full, but, as it were, representatives of ten countries are already in kazan. the brix games will be held in seventeen stadiums in kazan, this is how the legacy of the 2013 world university games works. the organization will involve 2,000 volunteers from all over russia, from the arkhangelsk region to the primorsky territory. for many, this is their first experience, but there are also those who have long connected their lives with the volunteer movement. glad to be back here. ra to share my experience, it is really great, and this is such a legacy of the olympic games for me, it is a great honor, well,
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that is, to broadcast this experience, to energize with your fire, positivity, to help make this scale come true, to continue to energize the guys who came for the first time, because we have great opportunities in our country, the gazprom yugra club evened the score in the final series of the champion. russia in mini-football against ukhta. the main time of the match ended in a 2:2 draw, the winner was determined only in a penalty shootout. an interesting moment occurred in extra time: the goalkeeper of ukhta from the brazilian national team, gitta, first saved his goal, and then launched a counterattack with a pass, which he himself completed with an accurate shot at gate of gazprom yugra. but this did not help his team win. the final series score was 1:1. in the first meeting, the teams were also unable to determine the winner. at regular time. this season, the final of the russian minifootball championship is being played for the first time until four wins. the next third match between gazprom yugra and ukhta will take place on june 15 in yugorsk.
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the draw for the rpl russian football cup route took place; its start was postponed by almost an hour precisely because of the prolonged broadcast of the final minifootball match. so, dynamo moscow ended up in group a. and spartak, dynamo from makhachkala and samara wings of the soviets. group b included lokomotiv, rostov, orenburg and khimki. quartet c is made up of krasnodar, cska akhmat and pari nn, and the current winner of the national cup, st. petersburg zenits plays in the same group with kazan rubin, voronezh torch and talyatin akron, which became a participant in the rpl for the first time in history. teams in groups will play two matches against each other, taking first and second positions.
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florida's russian goalkeeper sergei bobrovsky's saves helped his team win their second game in a row in in the stanley cup final against edmonton, the score was 4:1. bobrovsky missed the only puck after his first shot on goal, but gave no further reason to doubt his reliability. for the russian goalkeeper, this victory was the forty-third in the nhl playoffs. therefore, his indicator came in second place among domestic goalkeepers. the first position is... the next match will take place in canada at the edmonton site on june 14 at 3:00 am moscow time. that's all, our goalkeeper bobrovsky has only two games left to
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to lead his team to...
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goli, you see archival footage, now he is already a two-time champion, the main thing was to do everything clearly, quickly, accurately, just show your level, and complete everything without mistakes, by video link with the closest people, to our tv channel yegor’s mother promised that you will cook for your son, first of all, whatever you want, naval-style lavsha, naval-style noodles, naval-style noodles, whatever he wants. all his goodies will be on the table, and daria meets her brother, for lyosha gashpar this is the first time an olympics of this level, insane pride for brother, for the country, for the children, right at that moment we were recruited by parents who are waiting for their son already in the krasnodar region, here we have all the pains, the whole krasnodar region, we are happy, just tears of joy, but i can’t control my emotions, honestly, we are very
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pleased that our team... has once again proven its high level, but while my parents are waiting at home, lyosha has already decided that he will enroll at the moscow institute of physics and technology. and how could it be otherwise, the russian team trained for a whole year at the mipt base, well, training camp took place at the sirius educational center. according to the coach, the victory was achieved not only by knowledge, but also by character. the guys are actually very well prepared and very well motivated. they went through a year-long training and selection course. they show those.
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and maxim bustrov even came of age in malaysia, he went there with the consent of his parents, but back without. now, based on the results of the asian olympiad , the coaching staff will determine the five best schoolchildren who will represent russia at the international physics olympiad in iran. alexandra perfileva, dmitry malyshev and vladimir klimov, lead. in the capital 10 we continue to broadcast the morning news, this is what we have learned by this hour. a powerful explosion occurred in the suburbs of kharkov. according to ukrainian publications, the roar of detonation was heard against the background of air raid sirens declared in the region. the consequences have not been specified at this time. and in the dnepropetrovsk region, local authorities announced that
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an object in the region was damaged.


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