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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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on russia day, vladimir putin traditionally awarded heroes of labor and state prize laureates. the president noted that the large-scale tasks that our country faces today can only be solved together. and talent plays a huge role in this. people who are willing to do whatever they can for the common good. doctors, scientists, human rights activists and artists gathered today in the st. george hall of the large kremlin palace. a report by polina germalaeva about those whose names are already inscribed in the history of our country. the solemnity of the moment is emphasized by the ceremony. each hero of labor and state prize winner is invited in turn to the st. george hall of the grand kremlin palace, and the president greets them. today is a difficult time for us.
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time, we are once again united by patriotism and responsibility for the fate of our homeland. these feelings are near and dear to each of us. they serve as a reliable support for participants in a special military operation. the whole country, our multinational people, supports our heroes. solve large-scale problems that we can only stand before our country together, only together. and the personal example of talented and intelligent people plays a huge role here.
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qualitatively, and this year will not be an exception, more efficiently, more quickly, more i want to report to you that the fleet will receive several more nuclear submarines. the hero of labor was vladimir shchedov, a mill driver, and this profession is one of the most important in mining and processing production. and this is alexey kholmakshinov, he has been working as a driver at the tugnuisky open-pit mine since 1988. last june , its crew set a world record by transporting almost 47 thousand cubic meters of rocks. they just
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can’t, they probably just give a hero’s star to a person like that, reward him, yes, if he’s not a legendary person. eltugan sizdykov, chief designer of the raduga design bureau, one of the world leaders in the field of creating high-precision missile weapons, the latest weapons are successfully used in the special operation zone, the realities of today once again confirm the words that were said long ago that russia has only two allies, the army and fleet. from technological... leadership russia is supported by outstanding scientists, mikhail kovalchuk, evgeny adamov and vladimir osmolov, they laid the foundations for green closed-cycle nuclear energy. we have taken a fundamental step to create a new energy system that will ensure our technological independence and energy security for many years, and we will defeat everyone. sergei gauthier, marina minina, mageli khubutia, the president notes their unique contribution to domestic healthcare. the number of transplantations is growing
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from year to year, and accordingly, it is increasing accessibility, now citizens from our new regions also have the opportunity to receive this help from us. molecular biologist pyotr chumakov has opened a new direction in science, treating oncology with the help of viruses, clinical trials will begin this year. and in tsarskoe selo , the restoration of the catherine palace will soon be completed; director olga taratynova and the head of the amber workshop, boris igdalov, have been awarded a state prize for their contribution to the revival of the palace and park ensemble. a person coming to us, we believe, should experience only a feeling of peace, delight.
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ildar abdrazakov is the golden bass of russia. all the world's stages submitted to him, but at home. this voice, of course, is not heard anywhere. i want to thank my. parents, my dad, my mom, for giving me this unique musical instrument, a singing voice. the youngest laureates, sculptor andrei koravtsov and architect konstantin fomin, are in their early 30s, but this creative duo is already known throughout russia, the authors of the memorial on the kursk bulge of the monument near orzhev, carried away from the battlefield by a flock of cranes soldier in our time , there is a detrimental tendency to demolish monuments abroad.
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they also support orphanages in the lpr and dpr, the guys defend our sovereignty there on the front line, but we are here, and we do not offend our country... nikolai slobzhanin, director of the sos children's villages organization, was awarded a state prize for his charitable activities. in them, orphans find a new home, live in foster families with mom, dad, brothers and sisters in love, respect and safety. it’s impossible to stop reading what we did and how we did it, what we came to and what we achieved. people like our today's laureates and awardees have achieved.
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i'll tell you, i'll tell you, what's beautiful is when the heart starts beating, yes, that's for sure. vladimir putin, in turn , talks about the meeting that took place the night before with the head of the ministry of defense andrei belousov, the chief of the general staff valery gerasimov, as well as the commanders of the military districts. it made a very
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good, positive impression on me; they were all adults, serious, but quite young in age, professionals. fully aware of the fact that they they are doing now what they should do tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, everything is coordinated with them, we have a wonderful galaxy of commanders, at such a high level, at a lower level, it’s just , you know, such a feeling, as our people say, a feeling of hope arises, when you communicate with people of this level of class. another loud chord of russia day. laureans and heroes participate in the ceremony of raising the national flag at the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. polina ermalaeva, alexandra terpugova, dmitry kayster, alexey karpukhin,
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anna kolk and andrey netreba. news. ukraine will be accepted into nato, but only if it defeats russia in the war. these are the minimum conditions. these are the words of the alliance secretary general jens. noted that tomorrow a plan to support the kiev regime in the amount of $40 billion per year will be approved, and everything should be finally approved at the level of heads of state at the nato summit in washington in july. the curators of the kiev regime do not hide the fact that
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they are preparing for the division of ukraine’s natural resources, while more and more ukrainian men are being sent to the trenches, american senator linzi grem, recognized as a terrorist in russia and estimates the reserves of the most important minerals of the square, according to him, is an amount of 10-12 trillion dollars. graham openly states that us authorities should not allow ukrainians to cross over. "the best investment for the united states." and maria kudrevtseva will talk about the true reasons for western military assistance to ukraine. the united states and the united states are sending billions of dollars in support of ukraine for free. on the cbs television channel , an american senator recognized as terrorists and extremists in russia explained why it is important to help kyiv be patient.
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dollars in 2023 it has grown by more than 4 trillion, assistance to kiev needs to be provided on credit, because there are a lot of minerals in the country. to describe the resource base of ukraine, experts often say: there are 120 known minerals that people use, of which 117 are mined in ukraine. for example, america imports 90% of titanium. areas of use from aircraft, tanks and long-range missiles to astronautics. medicine. about 20% of the world's reserves are concentrated in ukraine. in
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2020, the last manufacturer of this valuable metal closed in the united states. and for a long time, titan was not included in any of the sanctions packages, because it was imported, among other things, from russia. in this situation, reserves in ukraine are of particular interest. everything that is allocated to ukraine as financial assistance, and the lion's share of this is nothing more than... repayable loans, naturally, ukraine has nothing special to pay off with, so it will also give away shares in mineral deposits, supplies of minerals and natural resources with a significant discount; experts estimate existing deposits in ukraine at trillions of dollars, for example reserves. coal - this is approximately 40 billion tons, according to manganese, kiev is in second place in the world, another
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20 billion tons are iron ore reserves and 20 million copper, also in ukraine there is the largest uranium deposit in europe with 45,000 tons. traditionally, ukraine exported coal; traditionally, ukraine exported metallurgical products, that is, ores and finished and metal products themselves. a pile of skrivoy rog pool, ferroalloy products were exported, alumina were exported, that is , in fact, we can say that ukraine really has quite large natural reserves of minerals. earlier, a source in congress told the publication that if the united states plays its cards correctly, ukraine could become an alternative to suppliers from russia and china; there are certain problems with transportation through the ukrainian port.
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the united states disseminated data in congress that a number of american states received revenues in the amount of $27 billion from the military assistance to ukraine, and the country's president joe biden , in his address to the nation, noted that the allocation of additional assistance to kiev will bring dividends, the number of victims has increased to 80 people and the number of people detained has increased to 100 people during the riots near the building of the armenian parliament, there were... clashes with by the police of demonstrators who demand the resignation of prime minister pashinyan. and
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olga padomareva has all the details. this is footage of the storming of the armenian parliament by protesters who are demanding the resignation of prime minister pashinyan. he is accused of betrayal of national interests. demonstrators are trying to break through the cordon, police scuffles break out between protesters, and special forces use stun grenades to disperse the crowd. official data. that there were casualties among the police, stones and water bottles were thrown at them, and six dozen protest participants were detained. anti-government activists with tents set up outside parliament at the beginning of the week; these people are unhappy with the agreement on border demilitarization. several forces of azerbaijan are crossing along it tavuzh region. the situation outside parliament
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escalated after a scuffle inside. throw it in the trunk and deliver it to me . during a stormy government hour in parliament, nikol pashinyan announced armenia’s possible withdrawal from the csto when the authorities deem it necessary. according to pashinyan, it is the csto that is to blame for the threats armenia faces. the prime minister accused the organization of failing to fulfill its obligations in collusion with azerbaijan. these words have already been reacted to in russia,
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a high-ranking source in moscow said, that - quote: exactly the same ideas and slogans about leaving the csto. we are talking about privatization and liquidation of the teacher support fund, as well as new regulations that will allow employers to more easily fire employees. protesters went on the attack in response by erecting barriers near the congress building, outraged that they were not allowed
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to reach parliamentarians. a group of demonstrators began throwing bottles, stones and pieces of pavement at the police. participants of a special military operation returned from murmonsk from an extraordinary expedition, organized as part of the educational program time of heroes. the soldiers visited the north pole, receiving not only vivid impressions, but also useful knowledge and skills. during the trip, the icebreaker turned into a training laboratory, lectures, master classes and practical exercises took place almost non-stop, from wake-up to lights-out. and all the details in the unique trip to the north pole on an icebreaker 50 years of victory ended on russia day, participants from the time of heroes arrived in murmonsk, a presidential educational program for military personnel who distinguished themselves in zone of the special operation, from among them future managers are trained to work in the civil service, in departments in state-owned companies. right now, during combat
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operations, these best military men, our heroes , are being prepared for a civilian profession, preparing to lead. country, and here it’s all obvious, because they really are real heroes, we don’t just believe them, we trust them. 12 days in the barints sea and the arctic ocean, all this time the best rosatom speakers read lectures and conducted master classes. the greatest value of this knowledge is that it can be used in any field, my field is healthcare, social policy. with me, this knowledge will go further into the social sphere of healthcare. for the 50th anniversary of victory, this is the 65th trip to the pole.
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indescribable impressions from the path itself, when we walked here, when the icebreaker broke the ice, and accordingly, when we had already stopped, we descended onto the ice, children's joy, for the first time on the top of the planet there were more than 20 heroes of russia and warriors awarded in total complexity of 274 orders and medals, it is these guys who are standing around me now, and those who are another 4400 who have applied, the future belongs to them, as ours said.
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took, took, so to speak, a sample, a sample of snow and a sample of water from the northern city to bring home and give to his son, collected it in thermal snow, asked that it be stuffed in the refrigerator so that upon arrival it would not melt, these impressions and knowledge, the organizers are sure will stay with those who went to the pole all their lives on this beautiful icebreaker, thank you rosatom state corporation is for this, for the fact that we have such an opportunity, because knowledge is perceived much more. are better remembered much deeper if they are combined with strong emotions. it is a great honor for us to host participants in the time of heroes program,
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and of course, we are happy to welcome the guys on internships at our enterprises, where they can try to see how rosatom works. participants in the time of heroes program will continue their training on the mainland, and then return to their official duties. evgeniy nipot, andrey yakovlev, leading murmansk. and the brix games started in kazan. for two weeks , the competition will bring together more than 3,000 athletes from almost 100 countries. according to vladimir putin, the games will show an example of fair struggle and equal opportunities. boxing, badminton, wrestling, equestrianism, showmanship, as well as rhythmic gymnastics and chess. in total, the program includes about 30 sports. and our special correspondent, stas redikultsev, watched the grand opening of the games. the games haven't started yet, but the emotions are already over edge. the abkhazian national team starts dancing, bright brazil gives everyone the flag of the country,
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it is impossible not to notice the venezuelan team, you can clearly hear them. guests of the opening ceremony are immediately greeted in tatar, with chak-chak in russian, bread, and salt. do we perceive this as an alternative to the olympia event, these are new formats, these are additional. honestly, it's a competition, that's what it's going to be like. a colorful light and sound show turns the hall into a time machine and takes the participants of the opening ceremony through eras from ancient times
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volga bulgaria to the present day. from the stage they introduce the viewer to the achievements of russia , already known throughout the world, and generously share the country’s culture. it’s incredibly joyful that quite a large number of countries came to us for international competitions; as always, kazan is at its best. the level of the competition, it seems to me, is off the scale here, as always, everything is verified, everything is precise, everything is on time, that is, of course, it’s nice to look at it all, the culmination of the ceremony is a parade of flags of the participating countries, the russian tricolor presented on equal terms with the flags of all countries. russia, sacred, our power, russia beloved to us. president putin sent a video message to the participants of the games, in which he noted that the competitions would become a model of fair competition and equal opportunities. i am confident that
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this large-scale sports festival will visibly demonstrate the triumph of the universal values ​​of sports, equal opportunities and fair, uncompromising competition. the brix games are hosted by hospitable, distinctive kazan and moscow. cities.
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poking will become another bright star in constellation of tournaments that our country has held and is hosting. the games precede the brix summit, which will also be hosted by kazan in october; now the capital of tatarstan is waiting for 2 weeks of a sports festival, at which athletes will compete for 387 sets of awards. stas ridikultsev, stanislav petrov, anton senchenko and alexander stalmashevsky, news from kazan. and in the kaluga region, the police are looking for a man
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who started shooting on the road near ... optina pustyn. according to the ministry of internal affairs, he fired several shots towards two women, after which he disappeared. according to media reports this there could have been an attempted robbery. however, one of the women received a tangential wound to her leg and received assistance. at the same time, as the abbot of the monastery reported , there was no shooting on the territory of the optina hermitage itself. we are monitoring the development of the situation. what will your summer be like? now let's look at the megamarket. everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, savings of up to 70% on appliances and electronics. the best contribution to sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. introducing the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltic. non-alcoholic. experience
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