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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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the states of america literally require even more blood; they need to flood the european continent with it. they are pushing the europeans from their western end to the edge, to the cliff, to something that will help them survive the current internal political collapse in the united states, economic, which is obvious even from one indicator of the us national debt. i’m not talking about ideological ones at all, now let’s move on to what’s happening now in ukraine and around the surrounding territories. literally just became aware of another terrorist attack by militants the kiev regime against russian journalists. they were in the performance of their official duty and professional duties. according to currently available data, as a result of targeted, this is the key word, targeted shelling.
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some information and the dropping of ammunition from a drone, but this will be confirmed by law enforcement agencies based on the available facts. ntv correspondent alexey ivliev and his fellow ntv cameraman valery kozhin , an employee of their escort, were seriously injured. victims in taken to the gorlovka hospital in serious condition, doctors are fighting for their lives right now. once again , representatives of the journalistic community of the russian media find themselves in the crosshairs of the nazi kiev regime, while not a single authoritative international structure, first of all unesco, and now last of all the osce, because this structure has completely removed itself from any professional field , she discredited herself, but first of all, still. so none of these structures before
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has not yet called the kiev regime to account for these terrorist attacks, for other atrocities, the silence of such institutions or the general arguments sounded from time to time on their part , without an adequate targeted response to each such terrorist attack, without taking comprehensive measures to stop this... monstrous nationalist hunt for our correspondents, means only one thing: those people, those employees, those bureaucrats who are responsible in these very international organizations for this area, wittingly or unwittingly become accomplices of these crimes, thereby pushing the ukrainian nazis to commit new atrocities. the blood of russian journalists is not
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only on the hands of the ukrainian armed forces militants, but on their consciences, if true, they still have international officials in vienna, geneva, paris, and let’s say even in new york, i hope, at least now at the briefing of the representative of the secretary general un, mr. dujarik, this topic will not remain without comment, they will find the strength to say who carried out the blows, and this... to condemn, not just to give an adequate reaction, but to condemn. we pray for our journalists, we wish them strength so that they can recover, we hope that they can be saved. now about who is behind these same kiev people. terrorists, we
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in the west are continuing efforts to seek out , and we see, i said this at the very beginning, of the conflict; moreover, the emphasis is placed precisely on the terrorist activity of the kiev regime, on the war with the civilian population by any means. the anglo-saxons are openly inciting the kiev regime to commit barbaric terrorist attacks, apparently destruction... it’s not enough for them, they demand from of the kiev regime, they encourage direct strikes in the depths of russia, and even this is not enough for them. now washington and london have begun planning large-scale sabotage. look, on june 8, the british daily express wrote that in the event of any military success or victory of moscow in ukraine, the zelensky junta, a direct quote. wants to conduct
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terrorist activities inside russia, and this will consist of bombing schools and other civilian targets. western media are already writing this. media, everything this is noted by the author of the material, by the way, he is an expert on defense and security issues, nicholas drumont, a direct quote, will have much more destructive consequences than what is happening at the front today. the author is confident that preparations for such actions are already underway, and a direct quote could serve as a catalyst for their implementation: the imposition of some kind of peace agreement on kiev. end of quote: what, in fact, is this very newspaper writing about, which is definitely not a fan of any, i don’t know, countries associated with russia, not to mention our country as a whole, this suggests that the newspaper, the authors, we already see, many
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public figures and journalists, state the terrorist activity of the kiev regime, the last thing left for them to do , is to admit the obvious that all this is possible, all... the terrorist activities of the kiev regime are possible exclusively only with the money of the collective west, what kind of money is this? this is the money that the regimes of the so-called unfriendly countries that stand in solidarity with terrorist activities, but the kiev regime, it is not the regimes of unfriendly countries that take this money from citizens, from ordinary people, from businesses, from corporations in the countries of the european union.
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the perpetrators of such terrorist attacks may be punishers from the unknown nationalist azov battalion. let me remind you that president biden’s administration lifted the previously imposed restrictions on
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the use of american weapons. and the publication reported this on june 11, citing the us state department. what are they did they say? that this very nationalist azov battalion passed, a direct quote, i say again, this link goes to the state department, a thorough check, and after it, supposedly the us state department came to the conclusion that the azovites, from the point of view of the american state machine, no longer violate human rights, and do not adhere to racist, xenophobic and ultra-nationalist... views, you know, after all, the us state department should probably make this position public, and not just leak it to the newspaper or through anonymous opportunities, to publish it in the american media, but should publish it
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as one’s position, because it is monstrous if american experts, which is exactly what they consider themselves to be, working in the state department, believe that... the nationalist azov battalion, which joined ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, but at the same time did not abandon anything, neither symbols, nor ideology, nor the methods of its implementation, ceased to be ultra-nationalist. at the same time, almost 7 years ago, american congressmen who declared azov extremist, anti-semitic and neo-nazi organization and prohibited providing him with any assistance, there was no doubt about it, i mean that this battalion... nationalist, that's what they called them, outright nazis, even the most inveterate thugs can become, well its own, it turns out for washington, if it meets current american geopolitical interests, but could it be
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otherwise? well, let’s answer this question honestly, but it has never been different in the united states of america, it has always been like this, i won’t even quote all those now. even more funds for their elimination, although it was already too late, because these same
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terrorists destroyed, first of all , the citizens of the united states of america themselves, but that was later, after washington’s momentary geopolitical impulse was realized and satisfied, as today’s banderaites know how to use in practice , the carte blanche received from the western masters to kill civilians in russian regions, we know well. i just gave several examples, here is another one on june 7, as a result of monstrous attacks on residential buildings lugansk and a store in the village of sadovaya, kherson region, with the help of missiles, atakoms and khaimars supplied by the united states and its allies, guided bombs and other weapons, 28 people were killed, including a child, 75 were injured, including three children. june 7 in staromoskol, belgorod region,
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end of quote, but of course, there is no nationalist background in these statements, apparently from the point of view of washington, no, this is not said about america and not about israel and not about other close allies, but accordingly and it’s normal, russian law enforcement agencies carefully record the crimes of ukrainian neo-nazis, not a single atrocity of the kiev regime goes unnoticed, the persons involved are identified and brought to justice. by the way, many did not believe that for washington this
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is not just a question, i mean what is happening under their supervision and with their direct participation in ukraine, this is not only a question, so to speak, of some kind of political agenda, what is under this just costs classic theft classic neocolonialism, simply the need to replenish its reserves with new resources.
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will emphasize once again, because it is spoken by millions of citizens of ukraine. there was no place in this law. at the same time, article nine of the bill contains a ban on discrimination in the field of preschool education; apparently, infringement of the rights of russian-speaking people in ukraine has not been considered discrimination for a long time. acceptance date project, of course, was not chosen by chance, what is june 6, what are these days in general in principle for the russian language, for our culture, we are talking about the fact that it is at this moment that...
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monuments dedicated to him, bas-reliefs, monuments, which is why the poet did not please the kiev regime, but obviously, firstly, because he is associated with the modern russian language, with our culture, and secondly, because he also wrote about poltava, remember, regarding hetman maze, who is now declared national in ukraine hero, then pushkin wrote that he does not know what is sacred, that he does not remember goodness, that he does not love anything, that he is ready to shed blood like water, that he despises freedom, that there is no homeland for him. well, then it was pushkin who wrote about mazeppa, but as if he was peering into the x century, how accurately these lines can
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describe the current kiev regime. the great russian poet very vividly and truthfully described the unenviable fate of the traitor that mazepa was, apparently this is true and stings the eyes of zelensky’s gang, i think that it’s not that it’s not mediocre to them, it is unlikely that they have read or heard or know anything like this, but those who are ideologists, who do everything in order to undermine the foundations of ukrainian statehood, in order to rewrite it. history, precisely with history, with culture, i want to say again, not only russia, but ukraine itself, is fighting by adopting similar laws that force ukrainian citizens to forget their native for...
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on may 22 of this year, the kiev international institute of sociology, in fact, it turned out to be a summary of the five-year presidency, the so-called zelensky, according to the study, almost half of ukrainians, 49%, believe that the situation in the economy has worsened since 1919, 43% of respondents noted the degrading situation with democracy, and most of them believe that the reason for this is the erroneous actions of the kiev regime, well...they call them authorities. zelensky’s own assessment is eloquently evidenced by his party’s servant of the people rating. the activities of this structure are perceived negatively by 55%
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of respondents. has a positive attitude towards her only 7% of respondents. such data, in the conditions of an all-out fight against economic dissent and the most severe censorship, speaks for itself. i ’ll just remind you that these are the same 7% who support zelensky’s party - the servant of the people, based on the fact that others. there is currently no news except good news about this party in ukraine; there is no alternative information broadcasting. residents of ukraine are tired of the endless thievery that literally dominates the country, they are tired of legal lawlessness, rampant corruption, well... as a matter of fact, the result and effect from... the final telethons in banking and rabid propaganda are less and less. now about what
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the citizens of ukraine feel, feel, who, like literally cannon fodder, are used to mold this most nutritious product in favor of zelensky and his ambitions at the front. to be honest, i was shocked to see this information, i saw a lot of things, but this really struck me, an asu fighter who decided to build his life differently, and not as he was prescribed zelensky, made a fruit from empty bottles in order to swim across the dnieper, surrender to the russian army, i think that the person probably had others. opportunity to somehow manage his destiny, but he chose what he apparently considered the most important thing in his life; on the ukrainian-hungarian border
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there was a massive escape, for example, 32 ukrainian citizens in a truck with fake military license plates drove into territory of hungary and were discovered in the village of barabash, you know, this is not...
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who became their guardian angel, thank you very much allahalovna for everything you did for them. i was also present at the meeting, although the meeting was between the minister of foreign affairs of russia and the guys, but the minister of foreign affairs of cuba was also present at it, with whom sergeevich lavrov had literally during the same hours the negotiations ended. i encourage you all to watch it, we will definitely post the link in the text. briefing footage of this communication, i will not retell what the minister talked about with the guys, this is not classified information, on the contrary, it is open, and you can hear everything they talked about, the same case when, probably, the phrase “the meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere", although...


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