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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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from footage from kharkov, they are published by local media, judging by the video, the explosion occurred far from residential buildings in the industrial zone, which means that the missile hit one of the critical infrastructure facilities of the independent, or a large ukrainian armed forces facility, with an accurate strike. previously, the air raid alert worked in the dnepropetrovsk, kirovograd, nikolaev, poltava and sumy regions. and in gorlovka, our colleague, ntv cameraman valery kozhin, died, together with correspondent alexei ivlev, he was filming. a report about the life
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of a front-line city when the shelling began. the ukrainian armed forces targeted them with direct fire. according to preliminary information , a drone was operating. doctors tried to save him for several hours, but the wounds were fatal. alexey ivlev has already been operated on, his condition is stable. and vitaly starushchenko has all the details from the dpr. the frontline village today is again under heavy fire from the ukrainian armed forces; a massive blow was delivered to the nikitovsky district. five people were injured, ours among them. colleagues, employees of the ntv channel. as a result of the militant attack, he was seriously injured correspondent alexey ivliev, cameraman valery kozhin escort officer. despite all the efforts of doctors, it was not possible to save valery kozhin’s life. investigators from the investigative committee of russia began an investigation. investigators of the investigative committee of russia recorded shelling of the nikitovsky district of gorlovka, presumably with the use of cannon artillery. valery kozhin worked a lot in hot spots in syria in the combat zone. during the operations in the donbass, he spent
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several months a year on difficult business trips. alexey ivliev, one of the most experienced the country's military reporters. a real role model often happens in hot spots, including syria, where, by the way, he was wounded. since the outbreak of hostilities in donbass, he was among those who showed and told the truth about how the kiev regime destroys civilians and how russian fighters fight against ukrainian nazism. the most important. are under fire from kiev, in the lives of gorlovka residents, who constantly valery kozhin alexey prepared material about this moment he himself became a priority target of the armed forces of ukraine. this time, together with their cameraman , the medics desperately fought for the lives of everyone, but unfortunately, valery kozhin’s heart stopped, the condition of alexey ivliev and the escort officer remains consistently serious. nikita smirnov, news: gorlovka.
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and to other topics: in dubna, moscow region , vladimir putin held a meeting of the council for science and education. the president stated that russia will develop international scientific cooperation, regardless of restrictions from abroad. in addition, the megagrants program was discussed. according to head of state, it will be significantly expanded, funding will increase and new ones will appear. management, what else was in
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the spotlight, varvara nevskaya will talk about it. these four letters, nika, the name of the russian collider, are visible even from space. the accelerator complex is the main pride of the united institute for nuclear research in dubna, which will allow in laboratory conditions to recreate the very special state of matter in which the universe was after the big explosion, the leader of the state inspected. object and started the most important stage of this grandiose project, the technological launch of a superinstallation, we want to unravel the mysteries of the origin of the universe, in fact, what happened to matter and after the explosion, we know for sure that we consist of nuclear matter, protons, neutrons, quarks, gleons, we we know, in the universe, we see these objects, they exist, we are created there in microscopic parameters, volumes.
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i understand, i understand, so - we also understand that the universe is approximately there 8 microseconds after this began the singularity point scattered, began, began to appear. evening, please apply test current to the magnetic system of the niko complex. a fundamentally important project for the entire scientific world was implemented despite sanctions pressure from unfriendly countries. during the meeting with
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the holders of megagrants, vladimir putin especially emphasized: russia is open to scientific cooperation. the president also expressed confidence that it will be mandatory in the future.
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without any problems, in some countries, for example, simply due to various reasons, not even related to today’s external political situation, they just didn’t make a decision, stop research in the field, well, nuclear research, they just stop, close, close nuclear power plants, well, they do a lot of other stupid things, and specialists in these areas simply have nowhere to go, in within the framework of the meeting of the council on science and education held... also in dubna near moscow, the president voiced the main scientific and technological priorities, with all the opportunities that international cooperation opens up for russia, the country is doing focus on our own science, all important fundamental groundwork must be developed, all our scientific, technological,
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educational, production potential in the full sense of the word must be gathered into a single fist, in this regard, it raises questions about the situation when one ... scientific topic, and with dozens of organizations are engaged in varying degrees of success, while other areas that are not important to me for the country remain, as they say, undisguised, so i ask you to once again carefully look at the overall general planning and implementation of neo-crime, of course, it’s clear, we know this back in the soviet period; we used to see several centers working on the same thing.
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who do bloggers want to be, bloggers, bloggers want to be, not scientists, but you know, this is all... essentially about specific tasks for science, the education system and technology
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business. according to the president, fundamental exploratory research should be carried out not only in the interests of russia itself, but of the entire world of science. and, as vladimir putin especially noted, today the contribution of every scientific institute, every research team, every academician, professor, researcher and graduate student. and today, vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the acting president of iran, mahammad mahber. the negotiations took place at the initiative of tehran. according to the kremlin, both sides expressed interest in further developing cooperation. they also discussed the implementation of projects in the fields of energy and transport. let me remind you that the first vice president of iran, mohammad mahber, is the interim head of state after death of ebrahim.
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consequences of the withdrawal of this money, experts warn that if other people's funds are frozen and embezzled in the eu, this could undermine investor confidence and cause an outflow of capital from the already weakened economy of europe. and washington will not send its troops to help kiev, but will supply it with intelligence data, weapons and ammunition, implying the supply of american patriot systems and fighters, and supposedly not only f-16s. he stated this. joe biden comments on the security agreement, signed by the president of the united states and ukraine on
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the sidelines of the g7 summit in italy. according to american media, the agreement is designed for 10 years, and it also provides for joint military exercises, and it is unclear on whose territory, as well as the training of the ukrainian military by the states. at the same time , us president joe biden said that he has not changed his negative attitude towards ukraine’s use of american long-range weapons against targets inside russia. while the kiev authorities are begging for weapons from western owners on the territory of the most independent dissatisfaction with mobilization reached a new level. in response to the radical measures of local military commissars, who catch men on the streets in the middle of the day, residents of the country set fire to the cars of the ukrainian armed forces. a whole wave of such cases swept across the country. messages come from the kiev region and from dnepropetrovsk. local telegram channels write that now ukrovaya is forced to ride with such signs in the ssu. not tck. and a chronicle of mobilization in the material by margarita semenyuk.
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another front is unfolding within independent civil divisions, residents of vilna are on the warpath with the military registration and enlistment offices. the footage shows odessa again. people throw themselves under the wheels of a patrol car to save someone who has been forcibly mobilized. what are we doing? are we running into people? i'm filming, i feel the same way. just like a law enforcement officer.
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is forming a new system of personnel policy, a network of recruiting centers has been launched in the country, there are already 22 of them, and the reduction of the conscription age from 25 years to 18 is probably close, at the front , high-ranking officers surrender, they promised for 10 days, but no one did that for 10 days and didn’t change it, it turned out that we raised it and they were there, if they had warned us that we were going to the first line of defense, we would have been paid as for the first line, they brought us in and said that ours were defeated there, we need to go, look, and pick them up. hundredths, yeah, well, we got there, we were met by stormtroopers, yours, after 2 weeks i was captured, we immediately surrendered, threw away our machine guns, then if we hadn’t been hit, we would have simply been shot, all prisoners were initially promised service far from the front line, but in fact, people closed the gaps precisely in the gray zone. i spent 4 days, five
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even lay in a hole with a wound and on the sixth. i straightened myself out of the hole, began to crawl along the trench, there was such a trench there, well, i wanted to drink water, i thought there was already water there at some position somewhere, crawling through the position, there were some two hundred of ours lying there, i found water, this is already it was dark at night, and there i remained in this position and closer to, well, i don’t know, but it was already light, probably, maybe day, your military were walking and found me, they took the wounded sushnik, provided medical aid with food and things, but in ukraine it was day. .. there is not enough to maintain the army and to somehow earn money, the kiev regime is organizing a sale on the counter of about 20 state-owned companies, and ukrainian men abroad are informed that there is only a week left to register for military service. margarita semenyuk, may alenova, natalya uvarova, news. strike from the earth, sea from the air, all targets are hit. this is a non -strategic nuclear force exercise, the first since
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the soviet union. the russian military conducts them jointly with the armed forces of belarus. electronic targets are conditional, but as the ministry of defense states, the tasks that are practiced during maneuvers have the most important importance for the security of the union state. and alexey konopko will tell you more about geography, goals and tactics. combat alert, ship for battle. belarus is far from the sea, but russia is transferring its joint maneuvers to the water. the ministry of defense did not name which specific water area was in the firing training zone. comrade commander. to occupy the area of ​​firing positions, i propose to set on a course of 340°, the helmsman on a course of 340°, and naval officers too, they receive the goal of the task only on the spot, as it would be in a real combat situation, the goal is achievable the route has been worked out, ready for launch, there are 3, 2, 1, launch, at the same time, a unit
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of the leningrad military district, just recreated by the president, is moving to their training grounds, a whole column of iskanders is walking along... with air cover. k-52 accompanies nuclear weapons carriers all the way. the fairings here are retouched for a reason. warheads can be different. high-explosive fragmentation, cumulative, nuclear, the full range is only in closed offices of the ministry of defense. yarosa transmits data via the database. at the tactical nuclear arsenal in russia, this is the first exercise of this format. the weapons were transferred to the allies in a neighboring country quite recently. today the rockets arrived at the air station for training. the mobile formations of the twelfth main directorate ensured the delivery of training nuclear ammunition, together with their belarusian colleagues, the preparation and delivery of missiles in special equipment and the suspension of aviation weapons under the carrier aircraft were carried out. of course, the belarusian press is also monitoring the provision of general security in a new capacity for its troops. to provide
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for the safety of our su-25 , a unified air defense system from the duty forces is activated. this court. 25 takes off under the cover of the russian su-30 sm. the 4++ generation fighter is called super-maneuverable thanks to its thrust vectoring engine. simply put, its nozzles rotate. at twice the speed of sound. it can fly 3.00 km from the airfield and carries 8 tons of combat load to destroy any targets in the air on land and sea. but this time his task is to ensure the safety of his belarusian colleague. until the last moment.
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political support, in particular macron may choose a larger war in an attempt to sway public opinion in his favor. the fact that the us is apparently behind the use of f-16 bases in romania could be biden's way of starting a war in europe. the united states has about 700 more army bases around the world for such purposes, and they are unlikely to be held back by anything other than a potential military response. according to american analysts, only tactical nuclear warheads. russia has almost 4.0. alexey konopko, alexey mashchikov. news. measures prevention of natural fires and floods in the far east was discussed today by the participants of the meeting chaired by deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev. he is on a working
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trip in the khabarovsk territory. to prevent forest fires and floods, patrushev instructed to strengthen control over the unauthorized burning of dry grass, and no later than july 1, to ensure the proper condition of hydraulic structures. and today dmitry patrushev met with the temporary acting.
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building structure with wooden floors. the united states sent its fast submarine helena into guantanamo bay off the coast of cuba. the us southern command called this move. quote: planned visit. according to the associated press, washington is extremely concerned about the arrival of the russian frigate admiral gorshkov of the kazan nuclear submarine in havana, although the cuban military has repeatedly emphasized. that the presence of russian navy ships in the port of the capital does not contradict the norms of international law, why are western countries so scared? all details in the material by andrey grigoriev and the director
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tas representative office in havana by irina shatalova. from the shore, the residents of havana greet the iskra with russian flags, and from the walls of the medieval fort of elmorra , the cannon battery of the 12 apostles salutes. these shots are all over the world news. what are these warships doing so close to the united states? the warships of the russian northern fleet, according to the american press, tracking the entire route, could have reached cuba through a more direct route, as if they deliberately walked along the coast of the united states, demonstrating their capabilities. in these frames from miami , american military planes and helicopters fly over the vacationers one after another. here the unexpected activity of anti-submarine aircraft off florida is clearly visible, but the pentagon is trying to convince. everyone that he has everything under control, although the russian nuclear submarine kazan was reportedly completely lost for several hours. foreign ships operating near
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us territorial waters. we, of course, take this seriously, but these exercises do not pose a threat to the united states. cnn remembered that they have their own correspondent in havana. us intelligence does not believe these ships are armed with nuclear weapons. however, they are 90 miles off the coast of florida. and only 50 yards from where i'm standing. and he briefly explained that it was the united states itself that was to blame for everything. a few years ago. american cruise ships could be seen moored, but due to sanctions they no longer enter havana. i heard the sailors singing the russian anthem. for cuba, this is another confirmation of friendly ties with russia, in including the military. in the context of american isolation, this support comes at a high price. in my opinion, this is very important for the country, the result of historical friendship between our peoples. we have many years of friendship, it’s very beautiful, it’s nice
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that the ships came to visit us. today, local residents of the country were invited on an excursion, as often happens during friendly visits of the russian navy, and the head of the tas representative office in cuba, irina shatalova, also came on board with them. we are on the deck of our brigade admiral gashkov. today the first day we will have a visit from the public and after numerous security checks and queues, and finally tomorrow, you can see how. the ships are escorted by the tug nikolai chikker on cnn, by the way, it was mistaken for an icebreaker on long voyages and is also used as a supply vessel and the tanker academician pashin. unlike the united states, russia does not have naval bases everywhere; they carry everything they need with them, but they can act completely independently. the main combat unit is the frigate
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admiral gorshkov, equipped with everything. modern weapons, including hypersonic missiles zircon. the k-561 kazan submarine is also the latest nuclear submarine of the fourth generation. at one time , it even underwent a special modernization in order to also be able to shoot zircons. russia is flexing its muscles at the united states. the russians, with this beautiful submarine , can get much closer to america than they imagined. in latin american air from.
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we honor our history, value family, strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. ahead, there is even more waiting for us achievements. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.


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