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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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the slogan of strategic autonomy, take a look at what is happening in real life. mr. ben from sky news, the peace proposals that the president set out are based on conditions that ukraine must follow, but shouldn't it be russia that makes the first move here and pulls back its troops, since russia were the ones you've been listening, you've been listening to the president. twice in the middle of his speech and at the end, he said, "i want to repeat the sequence, the speech is going to be circulated, so the sequence is there, and i think if you read it for the third time, you would understand that russia has been doing everything possible on the basis of deals reached and broken by boris johnson and quite..." number of other
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politicians, and just to one follow up please, um, it say ukraine does meet these conditions, what's to say russia stops there, why should the west trust you? no, we don't ask the west to trust us, trust is not something which is illustrating the western positions, the western actions, and today there were many..." examples i don't want to recite those failures to deliver on the promises, those failure to deliver on the legal obligations, frankly i don't care whether the west trust us or not, the west must understand the real situation, they don't understand anything except real political, let them go to the to the people, are you democracy right?
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of course we can’t, therefore, that’s why everything was formulated the way it was formulated, we are ready to resolve this issue on the terms that putin formulated, only when we understand that these conditions carried out at that very moment, he said, we will stop hostilities. interfax agency, ksenia chernyaeva, sergey viktorovich. and you are all here, do we plan to send the initiative to the un in any form.
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through what channels will the president’s proposals be transmitted to ukraine, if any? well, i think that everyone is already reading these sentences, everyone knows jean. the accession of the president does not imply the publication of this document as an official proposal of an official initiative, well, this is a technique, it is completely uninteresting to me how it will be it’s common, everyone already knows this, let’s see the reaction, let’s have a couple of questions and that’s enough, otherwise it’s already telezed, sergei viktorovich, if i’m not mistaken, the last contacts with the head of american diplomacy were at the beginning of twenty-two in january, then according to you americans in general. ignored all our proposals for 2 years of a special military operation, now at this moment, are there any needs or desires on the american side at the official level to contact ours? i can't find out about desires, so more about the needs of the american side, excuse me for god's sake, in every sense of these
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words. good afternoon, kommersant newspaper andrei kolisnikov, sergei viktorovich, don’t you think that the proposal to start peace negotiations is more similar? well, you know, correct, because the proposal and the question are not very specific, the president is not very specific, i want to emphasize once again, he specifically drew your attention, before he finished his speech, that he once again wants to reproduce the whole picture when we supported the document that saved territorial integrity of ukraine within its borders. 1991, it was february 20 , 2014, when all of europe guaranteed the territorial, guaranteed the implementation of the agreement between yanukovych and the opposition, when obama called putin, asked not
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to destroy this agreement, when we supported it, the next morning a coup took place. if it were not for him, ukraine would now live within the borders of 19. the agreements according to which ukraine and the germans and french were concluded in minsk retained its territorial integrity, but without crimea. i can go on for a long time, putin i laid it all out. extremely correct, so i already think, well, you are an analytical person , you will probably already be able to draw conclusions whether this is an ultimatum or not, only if you write that this is an ultimatum, this history of the transition to this
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stage, please do not forget, otherwise somehow, in your reports , cancel culture very often manifests itself when you draw some conclusion about something, but about the root causes... well, well, i understand, forgetfulness. that's it, thank you very much, i'm running away. this was a live broadcast from the ministry foreign affairs after vladimir putin's speech, which lasted more than an hour, made his comments on this large-scale.
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unacceptably close to the point of no return, calls to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrates the extreme adventurism of western politicians. they either do not understand the scale of the threat that they themselves create, or are simply obsessed with the belief in their own impunity and their own exceptionalism, both of which can result in tragedy. obviously we are witnesses of the collapse of the euro-atlantic security system, today it simply does not exist, it must actually be created anew, all this requires ... together with partners, with all interested countries, and there are many of them,
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to work out their own options for ensuring security in eurasia, then offering them to the wider international discussion. according to vladimir putin, the idea of ​​​​creating a new security system, a global security system, is supported, including by beijing, but it must be created throughout the entire eurasian space, due to the fact that. geography cannot be changed, of course, european states are also invited to this dialogue, but here, the head of the russian state emphasized, we are faced with another problem, only officials of a very large scale can make such global decisions about changing their policies, and unfortunately, this cannot be said about those politicians who now head the state of the european union, the danger to europe does not come from russia. the main threat for europeans is the critical, ever-increasing
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, almost total dependence on the united states in military, political, technological, ideological and information spheres. and europe is increasingly being pushed to the margins of global economic development, immersed in the chaos of migration and other pressing problems, and deprived of international subjectivity and cultural identity. one gets the impression that the ruling european politicians and representatives of the european bureaucracy are more afraid of falling out of favor with washington than of losing the trust of their own people, their own citizens. the recent elections to the european parliament, this too shows that european politicians swallow humiliation and rudeness, scandals with surveillance of european leaders, and the united states simply uses them in its own interests. if europe wants to preserve itself as a civilization, it
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needs good relations with russia. moscow is open to such dialogue, but unfortunately there is an obstacle that the russian president called aggressive messianism. as for the united states itself, there are ongoing attempts by the liberal-globalist elites ruling there today to spread their ideology to the whole world by any means. to maintain its imperial status, its dominance, only increasingly depletes the country, leads it to degradation, comes into clear conflict with the true interests of the american people, if not for this dead-end path, aggressive messianism, implicated in its own chosenness and exclusivity, international relations have long been would be stabilized. speaking about the creation of a security system that will meet global interests, vladimir putin
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noted that he supports, among other things, the idea of ​​creating a multipolarity charter and security of the 21st century, and this project may include, among other things, such an item as the abandonment of foreign bases on the territory of eurasian states, and of course, a new security system should. is aimed at ensuring that all states that are part of this system are economically successful and that the people of these countries prosper, well, economically, we now see how trade wars are being waged, we see what measures western countries are taking regarding russian assets, that’s what the president said on this occasion, western countries froze some russian assets and foreign exchange reserves, are now thinking about how to lay at least some kind of legal basis in order to... finally appropriate them, but despite all the chicanery, theft will certainly
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remain theft, it will not go unpunished on the other side, but the question is even deeper : by stealing russian assets, they will take another step towards destroying the system that they themselves created, and which for many decades ensured their prosperity and allowed them to consume more. what they earn through debts and obligations attract money from all over the world, but now it becomes obvious to all countries, companies and sovereign funds that their... next in line for expropriation by the us of the west could be anyone. and the cornerstone of the new system, the new world order should be the principle of indivisible
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security. it means that one state cannot protect its interests. we believe that the time has come to begin a broad discussion of a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security in eurasia. at the same time, in in the future, it is necessary to move towards a gradual reduction in the military presence of external powers in the eurasian region. we understand, of course, that in the current situation this thesis may seem unrealistic, but this is now. but if we line up. a reliable security system in the future, there will simply be no need for such a presence outside of regional military contingents, and by and large, to be honest, today there is no need for it, occupation is just that. ultimately, we believe that the state and regional structures eurasia themselves must determine specific areas of cooperation in the field of joint
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security, based on the fact that they themselves must build a system of working institutions. mechanism, mechanisms of agreements that would really serve the achievement of common goals, stability and development. well, then the part of the speech began, quotes from which, i am sure, are already scattered throughout world news agencies, quoted by all world channels, vladimir putin dwelt in detail on the topic of resolving the ukrainian crisis, but of course he began the head of the russian state from what brought us. to the current situation, to the beginning of a special military operation, to the events of 2014, the president of russia today emphasized that the conflict around ukraine has certainly affected the whole world, he specifically emphasized that this is not a conflict between moscow and kiev, certainly not a conflict between two peoples, because russians and ukrainians could agree among themselves to resolve all
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controversial issues if there were no gross interference from so...
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rejected by the west, a special military operation began, and today the head of state told a lot of details that were even previously unknown to us about the negotiation process at the beginning of the northern military district, that is , back in the spring of 2022, so today the head of state focused, for example , on the story that was not publicly known was not voiced before by the kremlin, he said that on march 5, 2022 , an intermediary came to russia; vladimir putin did not mention his name today, but he emphasized that it... was on march 5, 2022, on the official website the kremlin reports that on this day ftali bennett, the then head of the israeli cabinet, was actually in moscow on a short working visit, he later went to kiev, it is known that only after benet’s visit zelensky left the bunker, and so vladimir putin today i talked about negotiations with this western mediator, among the conditions that may
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be in place to stop the hot phase of the ukrainian conflict, including the discussion of the withdrawal of russian troops from those parts of the zaporozhye and kherson regions where ours came troops, this issue was indeed discussed, but we know that then... in the west now the thesis is constantly heard that russia started the war, as part of a special military operation, that it is an aggressor, therefore, including on its territory, it is possible to attack
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strikes can be carried out on its territory using western weapons systems; ukraine is supposedly defending itself and can do this. once again i want to emphasize that russia did not start the war, it is the kiev regime, i repeat, after the residents of part of ukraine, in accordance with international law. declared their independence, began hostilities, continues them, this is aggression, if we recognize the right of these peoples living in these territories to declare their independence, but how, and what then is it? this is aggression, and those who over the past years have helped the military machine of the kiev regime are accomplices of the aggressor, an agreement on permanent neutrality and security guarantees for ukraine.
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military alliances, not to allow forces at home, accepted the obligation not to join foreign military bases, not to host them and contingents, not to conduct military exercises on its territory, we, for our part , agreed that ukraine, without formally joining nato, would receive guarantees almost similar to those enjoyed by members of this alliance. this was not an easy decision for us, but... we recognized the legitimacy of ukraine’s demands to ensure its security and, in principle, did not object to the formulations proposed by kiev,
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understanding that the main thing was to stop the bloodshed and war in donbass. tomorrow the so-called ukrainian conference, but of course, it is absurd to hold at least some event without the participation of russia . i specifically addressed this today.
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children, tomorrow people. well, actually, that’s what we wanted to call our program, that’s what we called it, i think you’ll understand why we did it that way, but as usual, first i want to report on how you, dear viewers, watched our previous program, on channel russia 24, on channel russia 1, on ruble, on all platforms of our channel. gon on vkontakte, in odnoklassniki , in zen, in the telegram channel, on the circle, as a result, more than 11 million people watched our program, almost 12, so, thank god, we are still maintaining this level and for that we thank you very much. first of all, i want to return to the reaction to our previous program. the fact is that we received a lot of
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responses to... this program of ours.


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