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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the west's economic war continues unabated and this week it announced additional sanctions. the main blow fell on the financial infrastructure. we are talking about a ban on trading, well, essentially in dollars and euros on the moscow exchange. this is not the first attempt to harm the russian exchange structure. about the consequences of another attack.
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the second year, when our largest banks were cut off from swift and from correspondent accounts in american banks, well, in european ones, since transactions were also carried out in euros. and then he was much less a strong, but still very important, so to speak, from a negative point of view, blow to the national settlement depository, where , in fact, all securities are taken into account from... that sanctions against the national clearing center are possible, and as a consequence, among other things moscow exchange, the wall street journal already wrote about this a year and a half ago, so in general they were expected and we must understand that in general they were, so to speak, when they were planned, interesting in this regard is the press release that published the us treasury on the eve of the announcement of these sanctions. in fact, there is no word
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for currency, the main blow was dealt after the statement of our president that the development of the economy requires the development of the stock market and attracting investments from citizens , including the stock market, and this is precisely what is stated as the motivation for sanctions against the moscow exchange, not to allow funding for investment in russian companies, they say that it’s all for war, it’s all for war, the whole economy is for war. secondary is such a surge of emotions that happened here, related to the currency, it is still not the main thing, in fact it is not as catastrophic as it sometimes sounds from the lips of some experts, yes , i read catastrophes, i was tired of reading, i sat smiling when it happened in the evening, well, of course, that some of our colleagues like to promote themselves, hype, all this is necessary to induce panic, someone does this on purpose, shows the queue for...
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that is, there is a spot market, there is an over-the-counter market and there is, of course, a derivatives market, which there are two, in fact, even three markets, yes, regarding settlement futures contracts, as far as i understand, they are and have been carried out, yes, they are trading, yes, as for the spot market, yes, it is suspended, today there are no spot transactions on the moscow exchange neither the dollar nor the euro are carried out, and they are not carried out including... transactions between the dollar and the yuan, which was also a fairly important segment of the spot market, but at the same time, if we even look at the ncc website and we see in which, so to speak, which correspondent banks are used to transfer , for example, guarantee funds to the ncc, where, in general , only for rent from the ur bank of new york, all the rest are not american at all. so that we
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have one main exchange and so on, this was an important period, it was in demand, today the situation seems to be pushing for our market, primarily in this case the foreign exchange market, to be increasingly restructured, i would say so according to distributed principle, diversified a little, namely by not so much diversified as became, you know, so horizontal, if it was vertical, the central bank, the moscow exchange and the formation of the exchange rate, now it is formed on the basis.
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and there may be several organizers, absolutely right, that is, we actually return to the question that now in the current conditions there may be several organizers, and in our central currency exchange, it can quasi introduce some kind of trading there, but call it somehow differently, here there are some digital assets to enter that will be tied to some kind of russian dollar dt, as some do, or something like this, or is this just a fantasy for now.
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and moreover, so to speak, truly alternative platforms may appear, including even in friendly countries, i do not exclude it. vladimirovich, our special conversation with you is clear to many not very ordinary citizens in the sense that what should we do, we can buy a dollar, we can go on vacation to another country and so on, but what would you advise here? well, nothing has changed here since then the moment when all those restrictions and requirements were introduced to banks back in the twenty-second year - the same amount that can be received in cash, the same amount that can be withdrawn, all deposit operations that were in banks, they continue, those people who had deposits, kept deposits in dollars, these deposits are preserved, yes, they are less profitable, yes,
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the central bank has done a lot during this time to disincentivize people to save in dollars, because low interest rates are, so to speak, inconvenient and complex processes associated with... transfers, because there is simply, so to speak, a devolutization of bank balance sheets, which i think is correct, but overall nothing has changed, as of today, compared to a month ago, three months ago, in principle, it doesn’t change anything, to the exchanger, to the exchanger, especially now it’s better not to go, because there really was some kind of excitement, either from the exchangers themselves, or yes, it was done from scratch absolutely in fact people did not give in yesterday . sberbank said that they have everything is calm, and so on, after all , there is something to fear in the future, maybe after all , the dollars and the euro will slowly run away, no, well, the americans are doing everything to ensure that we follow the direct path to de-dollarization, it’s just now, as they say, obviously,
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because all their actions are aimed at making the dollar truly become a toxic currency, which in general it is better not to touch, yes, this is so, well , it is natural that some people who are... abroad there on vacation there in the same turkey or egypt, they need the dollar simply as a way of exchange in this part, yes, but so to speak, everything is changing, you know, everything is changing, and today many citizens of our country are beginning to master the direction of the arab emirates, there is a different currency there, they are already appearing in that including digital assets, that is, this system is gradually being reworked, and of course there remains june, which is becoming.
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as for our market and the exchange rate, i already said that a year ago, when the first rumors of possible sanctions began, the bank of russia published a draft of his instructions on how this... will act if, well, actually they implemented it, but yesterday was the first time when the central bank published at 16:00, everything is very balanced, everything is very approximate, to real market rates and so on, it seems to me that now the main task of the central bank is to prevent the ruble from growing too much, and yes, i agree with you that there is a possibility that on the interbank market this could happen in the other direction , yes vladimirich, thank you very much, i i understand that we need to invest more within the country, then everyone will be calmer. we need to invest our russian stock market today is still
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becoming a means for millions of people to invest their money. thank you very much. let me remind you that we talked with the head of the federal service for financial markets in 2007-11, vladimir milovidov. vladimir putin was informed of the reaction of kiev and the west to his peace initiative for a ceasefire after the withdrawal to the ssu from the dpr and lpr. after emotional remarks from kiev and the nato leadership. according to peskova, the united states and a number of european countries want to continue to fight with russia at the hands of the ukrainians, so they refuse moscow’s peace proposal. but sober heads in kiev can think about it before the situation for the ukrainian armed forces gets even worse. boris ivanin has all the details. the most important statement of vladimir putin
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in the foreign press was dismantled into quotes, but even the stinging headlines could not change the essence of what the russian president said. the washington post admitted the obvious. putin's comments marked a rare occasion in which he explicitly laid out the terms of the end. conflict in ukraine. at the same time, the hard- line maximalist position reflects the confidence of the russian leader after recent successes on the battlefield. the west is responsible for the continued bloodshed. at a meeting of nato defense ministers, pentagon chief lloyd austin
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outlined a new goal. we need every country to do a little more in terms of supply. this conflict has reached a key stage, and ukraine has done very, very well. they need to go forward, restore some of their combat effectiveness, gain more forces, to equip these forces. we are making every effort to provide ukraine with f-16 aircraft this summer, and i am optimistic about this. the norwegian press is much less optimistic; they especially noted vladimir putin’s words about the collapse of the western security model and accusations against the united states, which itself has withdrawn from disarmament agreements and is inciting europe to increasingly escalate. the selfishness and hypocrisy of western countries have led to a dangerous turn of events, the american magazine newsweak quotes the russian leader. how to negotiate in such conditions, the head of the russian diplomacy sergei lavrov explained to the author of the moscow kremlin-putin program pavel zarubin.
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the public, which, in the spirit of the g7 summit , called moscow’s peace proposals unacceptable in advance, and the now illegitimate zelensky , also, while in italy, considered this an ultimatum, an attempt to seize the initiative before the peace summit in switzerland. but now there will be something to discuss there, european publications write. the timing of the russian president's statement is not accidental. a summit starts in switzerland on saturday, where more than ninety countries' organizations will discuss a possible path to peace in ukraine. by the way, in the foreign press, many headlines duplicated each other as if they were carbon copies. here the belgian vrt echoes the french-speaking orientlejour, and she, in turn, repeats line by line paragraphs from
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the parisian figaro, that the conditions of moscow supposedly mean the capitulation of ukraine. and if in kiev itself they did not appreciate another gesture of goodwill on the part of russia, then the british curators, the judge in the financial times article, took it seriously. the demands of the russian president are the most specific during the entire conflict, the conditions he laid down for a possible cessation of hostilities. he made it clear that it would happen with...
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another round of history, our presence now in cuba is simply a visit to a friendly country, and so he asked, yes, good afternoon, well, the historical parallels suggest themselves, and the events are developing, asking themselves, of course, they are the most important thing, what is happening virtually every day, yes, because on june 10, 62 years old,
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when the presidium of the central committee approved the plan presented...
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beyond the arctic circle, that and, of course, with on the part of the security agencies, but i had the opportunity to touch with my own hands, so to speak, materials related specifically to ensuring the safety and secrecy of the transition, and from the military counterintelligence agencies, it seems to follow from them that a colossal amount of work was done, and to
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ensure , first of all, secrecy and the first stage for... the state security agencies was the verification of the contingent, yes, that is, 50 people were checked, for example, yes 50,000 and 320 of them were assigned to various, so to speak, compromising materials, including , so to speak, some kind of low moral business quality, what was the point then, to scare the americans, because of which, or here , as it were, khrushchov resolved two issues in my opinion, yes, because well, it's so fashionable now.
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benefit, that is, on our part it was an act to protect our own interests, it was not something like them, we were solving a dual problem, on the one hand, but we seemed to give fidel certain guarantees of security too, but with him, without his permission, without his sanctions it is would not have happened, he agreed, for him it was also such a difficult decision, he was shocked by this proposal from khrushchev, but nevertheless, how would he go for it, that’s how khrushchev said. speaking to a contingent of senior officers who, so to speak, went there, he said, we in the central committee decided to throw a hedgehog at america, and this hedgehog was in the form of medium-sized missiles.
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there around september 9, the americans noticed the presence of our troops somewhere in the last days of august, but these were anti-aircraft missiles, that is, they were defensive missiles, so they didn’t seem to cause such hysteria, yes, as they did in october, when aerial photography confirmed the already deployed r-12 missile. with a range of 2.0 km, i think there were already about 24 missiles there already on combat duty and they were ready, that is, they could reach washington, no? yes, they reached as far as washington, almost to
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the north, almost to the border with canada, they reached, that is, for them it was of course a shock and hysterics, so here goes this famous kennedy correspondence, and kennedy’s correspondence is again the role of the committee here state security was key, because washington resident alexander feklisov became a key figure. to create such a secret channel, we are not revealing military secrets now, it is known that for this work he received the title of hero of russia only in 1996, that is, he, that is, his contacts with nbc, abc journalist john scali, who had access to state department and administration.
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not id, but there were about 100 warheads there, the americans found out about this only in the ninety- second year, when general gridkov, speaking at a conference dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary
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of the cuban missile crisis, he said this, that is , for them it was a shock, this is another touch to the issue that is related to ensuring the secrecy of the delivery of nuclear warheads there, that is, there is order there. with a range of 200 km, that is, being tactical, they finished off as far as florida. and oleg konstantinovich, after all, what then, if we go back, yes, to those times and, as you say, analogues, but what then still helped to move away from the edge of the abyss? well, probably not just a meeting of ours resident with a journalist and so on, this is understandable, this is technology. but what, where is the line when it’s time to stop? the heads of state realized that they were half a step away from a nuclear war, they had enough
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determination, enough courage to compromise somewhere, maybe take a step back somewhere, make some concession and resolve this process, that is, it taught a lot, it was after this story with the caribbean crisis that the so-called red telephone appeared, when the heads of state at the time of the most acute crisis can directly.
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its elites were shredded, you look at the quality of these elites, you remember who led, well, relatively speaking, france, yes, so to speak, remember degaulle, méterand, pompedu, look at today's leaders, and this applies to any country, any that is, they reduced it to the point of impossibility with whom to talk, and this is probably the biggest problem now, because there is even the same reaction to the peace initiative of our president.
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our program will continue to be broadcast by the duty department, and i am alexander krievsky with you i say goodbye, all the best.
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