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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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in fact, we do not have a fiscal function, only the redistributive functions of the budget and the tax system, namely the stimulating one. there are a number of other changes that our entrepreneurs will support, have already supported, for example, an increased depreciation rate for purchased high-tech equipment, and for companies that carry out research and development experience for design work, they will also now pay less taxes, because. for them the corresponding coefficient increases from one and a half to two for such works, that is , most of these corresponding scientific research works are included in the cost price. as for the mining industry, we are also talking about changes in the tax burden, what is known about this and how will this affect the entire sector? you know, all the proposed changes are now based on detailed, quite serious calculations, over the past few years , profitability in some industries has been rerented. production, let’s say, is
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the extraction of iron ore, in particular, the extraction of relevant substances, minerals, which are used for the production of fertilizers, for example phosphorus and potassium, as well as gas for the production of ammonia, the rental yield there is actually three to four times higher than the national average, that is, new markets have opened, conditions, conditions have changed , and so on and so forth, for the company, this profitability actually reaches 60%, while the national average is 10-12. therefore, it is proposed here that the extraction of iron ore, the extraction of phosphorus and potassium and gas for the production of ammonia will be taxed at a higher rate of 1.15%. here, in
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in this case, too, everything is done in a mutually interconnected manner so that companies can , firstly, invest in the renewal of fixed assets, that is, for such companies there are certain preferences, and secondly , so that companies do not lose on what they could would lose earlier, that is , at the same time, the so-called exchange rate export duties are canceled so that these companies can remain competitive in world markets, that is... we mean the exchange rate export duty, which depended primarily not on financial result of the company’s activities, but simply on the value of the exchange rate in the country, but companies had to pay this duty in any case when exporting their goods, this export duty , simultaneously with the introduction of new rates, will be canceled from january 1, 2025, so a certain damping mechanism and now, of course, there is still a certain amount of discussion... and mechanisms, and in terms of
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how competitive it will now be for each specific enterprise to export this product, how will be reflected in prices and the like, but in this case, calculations from the ministry of finance show that some companies even benefit because the exchange rate export duty was greater than the amount they will now pay under the changes. a... meeting the needs of the economy in personnel is an important task, the solution of which requires an integrated government approach. we are talking not only about high-quality training of specialists in various professions, but also about their demand. in recent years, senators together with the government have developed and adopted laws on the creation of a unified digital platform work of russia. to help people find employment throughout the country, there are employment centers, also called labor exchanges. in addition to helping you find a job, they can teach you new professions. how
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to take advantage of these opportunities? svetlana temerbulatova will talk about this. officially , an able-bodied person who does not work anywhere and does not have any means of earning money is considered unemployed. however, it must be registered with the service employment and ready to start working as soon as a suitable place is found. in order to obtain the appropriate status, a citizen needs to apply in person to the employment center at his place of residence, or online through government services. in this case it is definitely necessary. it must be created after submitting the application. a unified state information system has already been created and is operating in russia. if we enter the site, we will see two clear windows at once: this is the registration of potential employees who. claims to receive
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social benefits for unemployment and registration of those who do not claim. after the application has been reviewed, a specialist from the employment center will call you to clarify your wishes for a new job. and then invite you to a personal meeting and offer vacancies taking into account qualifications and level of education. if a suitable job cannot be found , then within 11 days the person will be declared unemployed. the size of the payment period depends on the category and length of service of the unemployed, past earnings, reason for dismissal and the regional coefficient. within a few months you can get from one and a half thousand to 13 and a half. who can receive the maximum benefit? these are the persons who... have worked for at least 26 weeks during the year before contacting the employment service, who receives the minimum wage? as a rule, these are people who have not worked for a long time, and
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, accordingly, individual entrepreneurs and taxpayers of professional income tax, if they did not also carry out work activities at the same time. to avoid losing your unemployed status benefits, you must respond to the proposed vacancies and register at the employment center. citizens over 16 years of age who do not have a job, do not have an old-age pension, those who are not self-employed or individual entrepreneurs, do not perform military service, as well as other categories can register as unemployed and receive benefits. employment centers today are moving to new work standards. workers from other regions are attracted and job fairs are held. the federation council continues improve the legal regulation of this area in order to solve the problem of personnel shortages, including in the healthcare system. currently in russia there is a shortage of about 30,000 doctors, and about 50,000 mid-level medical specialists.
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the main directions of personnel policy, i believe, are the attraction of the first medical personnel and training. devices for the appointment of unemployment benefits in the centers can offer vocational retraining services, as well as psychological assistance and other support measures. from creating optimal conditions the development of the national economy depends on entrepreneurs, this was discussed by the participants of the international economic forum in st. petersburg.
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let's ask senator vladimir kravchenko about what needs to be done to support small medium-sized businesses in russia. vladimir kazimirovich, what measures of state support for small medium-sized businesses?
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business, high-tech, that is, this percentage is very small, so far somewhere up to 1%, and export-oriented companies, so we just discussed these at the round table support measures and those tools that have already proven themselves, ranging from subsidized loans to business missions in friendly territory, the most serious difficulties associated, of course, with high interest rates, key rates, and expensive loans, this is what business leaders say ... , therefore, returning once again to the instruments that have proven themselves, of course, those loans that are subsidized both through the sme corporation and through the bank of the same name, they are certainly
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in demand today, there is a problem with their availability, including in the regions, we paid special attention to this to representatives of both the ministry of economic development and the corporation. smes, well, we are waiting for a reaction from these departments. at least 100 industrial parks, technology parks and business parks are planned to be created in russia by 2030. therefore, the president has been tasked with increasing this share to at least
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40 by the year thirtieth. an industrial park or technology parks are preferential regimes that operate among the territories of accelerated development of special economic zones, technological innovation type and so on, there are preferential tax regimes in these territories, especially with regard to lower insurance premiums, which, in principle, provide an opportunity for starting a business. develop, acquire equipment and compete with leading companies, including those from western economies. the st. petersburg international economic forum is a platform where the most important agreements in the industrial sector are concluded, and this year was no exception; support for the development of the industry, which has taken the path of import substitution, was discussed at most sessions. let us note that there is practically no area of ​​industrial production that would not be used. diamonds, their production will be discussed further, from the report by oksana patturkina, you will learn how
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one of the hardest minerals is grown and where it is used. i place a diamond plate in a reactor for synthesis; after 100 hours of synthesis, an increase of one and a half mm is expected. this is how electronic quality diamonds are grown, which are then used in microelectronics, the nuclear industry, in the production of ultra-precision optics and others. in high-tech industries, the bright light of the viewing window means that the diamond is now increasing in size; by the way, even the weather affects the process, but this factor is not the main one. these must be pure starting materials, these must be pure gases from which synthesis is carried out, the conditions must be met, and of course the recipe must be worked out and absolutely stable equipment that can work for days, weeks in the same mode. here, at the center of diamond gemology technologies, they study the mineral for further use. so, the crystal has been grown, now in simple terms, you need to cut off everything that is not needed for further work. in this installation, the diamond is attached to special holders using glue, which hardens only under the influence
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of ultraviolet light. at the same time, for accuracy of fixation, an enlarged image of the process is displayed on the screen. this manipulation is necessary in order to then place the artificial crystal in a laser installation for cutting it. the resulting diamond plate is polished, this is one of the final important stages of its production, because in the manufacture the same microelectronics, even the slightest roughness should be excluded. they are removed by a cast iron disc, which completes the task in a minute. it is coated with diamond, where diamond powder is mixed with certain solutions, everyone does it differently, a diamond polishes a diamond, yes, unfortunately, a diamond cannot be cut in any other way, a polished diamond can become a substrate for the synthesis of a new crystal, or can be used, for example, in medical technology. i have in my hands an ampoule, inside of which there is a diamond plate; as a result of labor-intensive and delicate work, it turns into a detector, which is then placed in the housing. this detector is used in radiation. for the treatment of cancer patients, it controls the dose of radiation, and diamond plates are also used to
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diagnose the operation of a thermonuclear reactor, an international experimental project called itr, on the russian side its implementation is coordinated by the rusama project center of the same name, which includes the diamond detector sector, where development and production are carried out and testing of this necessary device. there are several countries europe, japan, the united states, korea and china are participating in the creation of this reactor, this says. the fact is that this problem is not simple, when a thermonuclear reactor is created, then on earth we will receive an inexhaustible source of energy, and the detectors in this reactor are diagnostic elements that measure thermonuclear power, they must withstand long-term radiation loads and operate reliably at high temperatures , strong magnetic fields and electromagnetic interference, which is why each detector contains an invulnerable mineral created in special conditions, here we have a laboratory - in which there are cvd installations for diamond epitaxy, that is, for growth, there, accordingly,
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inside there is a diamond substrate, on which epitoxification of the diamond material occurs at a low speed, then there is gradually increasing its thickness in layers. the next stage after synthesizing diamond and creating a plate from it is cleaning it from carbon dust. we currently clean diamonds in a chrome peak at a temperature of 270°. after that we let's clean it up. in ultrasound in deionized water, in order to apply the contacts, another cleaning of aqua regia is needed, this is a solution of perchloric acid and nitric acid. firing furnaces bring the quality of the diamond to the required parameters, then contacts are sprayed, for example, platinum or gold, which are 2.0 times thinner than a human hair, then the conductors are welded to them, this is a filigree work that is performed under multiple magnification, how microwelding works, here is the coil with gold wire, it fits here in the housing and here is this wire, here it is stretched from here, if you
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look closely, you will see it, as a result , the partial structure for the detector is a plate with applied... contacts, which are placed in a sophire insulator, where the laser under each diamond is shaped by a setting. however, the use of diamond technologies, of course, is not limited to the nuclear industry; they have an important role in the production of electronics and microelectronics, which are of strategic importance for the country’s economy. and the federation council pays great attention not only to their development, but also to stimulating demand for products of the domestic radio-electronic industry. today , about 35% of products are domestically produced, which is already a lot.
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who uses these subscriptions, that is, not impersonally and not uncontrolled, the second bill is a question regarding the identification of products offered on marketplaces using the attached certificates and identification databases, this is very relevant, because there are precedents for the sales of medicines, dietary supplements and
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the like, where, let’s say, even identifying the legality of these sales is quite... difficult, i want to say again that marketplaces today not only offer goods, they are already services, in principle, enough serious goods that require servicing, today they even offer to sell cars, so you can imagine how, let’s say, the developing and galloping market is in our country, tell us what other offers are now are discussed in the upper house to protect the rights of consumers, goods and services, when working in this format, the law on the protection of consumer rights requires constant amendments, but today the issue is even being discussed, perhaps it will be developed, this issue will continue, this is the law about marketplaces in general, i say again, there is still a high concentration of sales through electronic platforms, it forces us to pay attention to it, the point is that this market and
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prescribe the rules of the game that concern will be manufacturers trading. centers for early physical development will appear in russia. the law on their creation was approved by senators and has already been signed by the president. in these organizations , specialists will determine which sport the child is most predisposed to, as well as conduct physical education activities and prepare children to meet the test standards of the gto complex. this year, by the way, the revived complex has been ready for work and defense for 10 years, five of which it has been in place. perhaps the best way to test your agility, endurance, strength and flexibility - pass the gto standards. over the past 10 years , more than 22 million russians have already joined the revived complex,
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gto festivals for different categories of the population have become fashionable throughout the country, many people love family ones, this is an opportunity to test their strength and introduce all their relatives to sports, the alekseev family thinks so, they support each other friend using sign language, this does not in the least interfere with actively engaging in sports. in the mornings, we... also tell the children that they must, well, do exercises, so we always do exercises we do, i play football, volleyball, and i go skiing, skating, i also run, whole teams come to show what they are capable of, this is the final of the all-russian gtu festival among labor organizations with the support of the national project demography, such competitions are held for the sixth time, for this to test your strength, it is not necessary... to wait for mass gto festivals; it is enough to come by appointment to the nearest testing center. you can participate from the age of six, you just need to have a doctor’s certificate, which
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will confirm the absence of contraindications to passing the standard in the trp, and of course, it is better to practice before the judge records the result. 24 times that's for silver. from the outside , this basic complex looks very simple, but when you really start testing it for yourself, it turns out to be a little more complicated. for beginners, the task is to complete your first. complex, and for active participants of the gto program - to improve their personal record. there are no rivals here, everyone has their own race, in which the main goal is to overcome themselves. interesting in general, what am i capable of, and it still motivates later in the future, if you are not satisfied, for example, with the result that you got today, then it motivates you to train even more and, well, try again. gtu testing centers continue to open throughout russia, with more than 300 in the capital alone . there are many muscovites ready to test their strength, especially among young people. i’m applying for a gold badge, this
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will help me when entering college, in principle it’s like checking my body, my opportunities, so to speak, i am applying for a gold badge, because it can help with admission to the university, in addition to additional kieg points for successfully completing the gto, and... tests, tests of choice, every quarter the minister, if for gold, the minister signs an order , issues an order to the entire country where the participant appears in... through there, within 40 days, the signs arrive in the region and, accordingly, after some time, the testing center invites the participant and in a solemn atmosphere they present him with the sign
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differences. the goal of the gto complex is to increase the number of russians leading an active lifestyle. now more than half of the country's population goes in for sports. by 2030, the president set the goal of involving 70% of russian citizens in sports. additional support measures are being developed for this purpose. it will be next year. a tax deduction has been provided to those people who have undergone medical supervision, this time and took part in passing the gto, that is, a very good measure that will encourage people to go in for sports, the state development program continues to work, this means that new sports facilities will be built, new public events will be held, opportunities to prepare for passing the gto standard, and strengthen the level of physical fitness . health will become even greater. the president ordered the construction of at least 350 sports facilities annually in the regions, primarily in small towns and villages, where both children and adults can exercise.
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about 65 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget for these purposes over 6 years. marina pavlova, mikhail chuprasov, andrey litvin, senate program. next week, senators will discuss the results of the implementation of federal projects to improve the health of the volga and preserve unique water bodies. they will hold discussions about the problems and prospects for the development of selection and seed production in our country. they will consider the development of master plans for the integrated development of territories. the topic of innovations in anti-corruption legislation will be touched upon. see you live. see you on the senate program. still my obediences, they are over, not all, forgive me, lord, but all hope for you, completely wild guys, is
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your obedience. you’ll save yourself, i’m just saving others, there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, a miracle, akhalay-makhalay, the demon would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our demonstrator, pray, black, throw the gang too crap, it's time to pay. i will hurt from here, that if one quickly fell asleep, if there is a chance with you, hold on, i ran into you badly, there will be someone else who will do this to someone, disobedient people, i am yours.
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it's easy to get lost in facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a fake depot, change it.
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the west needs to continue the confrontation until the last ukrainian, so putin’s peace initiative was predictably received with hostility. nevertheless, kiev has a chance to stop the war, as the press secretary of the russian president commented on the violent reaction to putin’s proposal in ukraine in the nato leadership. and this is what dmitry peskov said in an interview with the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin. statement completely on their part, clearly they are not going to even consider what is being offered.


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