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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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medical worker's day in russia is much more than a professional holiday, it is relevant to every citizen of our country, because the protection of people's health is entrusted primarily to medical workers, they are with a person from the moment of his birth, prevent and treat diseases, save and prolong lives, today's holiday is celebrated and...
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authority in the world is actively developing every year, medical institutions are being modernized and built in the regions, advanced technologies and medical practices are being introduced, of course, we still have many tasks to solve here, but what has already been done and achieved is a solid basis for the confident implementation of new plans and programs. the importance of medicine cannot be overestimated. we all deeply realized this during the coronavirus infection, when russian doctors courageously and selflessly fulfilled their medical duty, fought for the life of each patient, regardless of modern times, extreme fatigue, and risks to their own health. this period will remain in the history of our country. health care, as a real feat of thousands and thousands. doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants,
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junior staff of all our hospitals and clinics. and today, in the context of a special military operation, medical workers show their best qualities, save the wounded on the battlefield, treat, nurse, carry out complex operations, master new methods of rehabilitation, and do everything possible to support the fortitude of our heroes. i thank all military doctors for the highest professionalism, courage, perseverance and constant responsiveness. of course, medicine is the most humane profession. at all times, the personality of the doctor, his sensitive attitude towards patients, his readiness to immediately come to the rescue, have always been highly valued by people. as people say, at least apply a kind soul to a wound. in
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the medical community itself , his decency, mercy and compassion are placed on a par with the skill, knowledge and responsibility of a doctor. the vast majority of russian medical workers possess such qualities; they are passed on from generation to generation. and it is very important that in medical universities and colleges paid attention to instilling devotion to their chosen profession so that graduates. were ready for the fact that their work, as anton pavlovich chekhov wrote, was a daily test of humanity. once again , i congratulate you on the holiday, success to you, and all the best to you. today, muslims around the world celebrate one of the main holidays of islam - kurban bayram. it marks the end of the hajj, the annual pilgrimage to the shrines in meko. believers on holiday.
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the head of the spiritual administration of muslims, mufti sheikh ravil gainuddin, called on believers in these days to pray for peace and an end to conflicts. the peace proposals put forward by vladimir putin are a glimmer of hope. this statement was made by the turkish foreign minister at the summit on ukraine in switzerland. the diplomat emphasized that the conference could have been more effective if russia had taken part in it. the head of the saudi arabian foreign ministry spoke about the same thing. in his opinion, peace.
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representatives of europe and the united states predictably attacked russia with criticism; state vice-president kamala haris said that vladimir putin’s peace proposal a direct path to the capitulation of ukraine, and german chancellor olaf scholz called for an immediate ceasefire, but exclusively on kiev’s terms. the summit was attended by representatives of 92 countries, although the organizers initially announced 160. most of the delegates had already left switzerland, not staying for the second final day of the event. the general mobilization in ukraine left agriculture without working hands. a local tv channel , citing the relevant ministry
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, reported that in some specialties only a fifth of the employees remained. first of all, they take away representatives of professions that are in demand in the army, tractor drivers, machinists, and engineers. those who have not yet fallen into the hands of military commissars often hide instead of working; still, videos from different cities appear on the internet every day, security forces seize men, as if they were taking dangerous criminals with them. the new law allowed four more people to be drafted into the army than before. an ancient icon was returned to the novgorod museum of the reserve, it was taken by the germans from the temple on volotovo field back in the years of the great patriotic war. a masterpiece of 15th century painting on debt. disappeared from view for years, but art historians did not stop searching, only last year the icon suddenly turned up at an auction in dusseldorf, zinaida kurbatova learned how they managed to return the relic. this story can only be called a miracle, and there is no pathos here; the icon of the crucifixion, a masterpiece of novgorod
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painting of the 15th century, the central part of the festive rite of the assumption church on volotovo field, was considered lost during the great patriotic war. art critics knew her by description only. there were no photographs, so she came back, it seems to me that these are the brackets in the sixteenth, yes, but this is later already the eighteenth, nineteenth. in october 2023, sergei brun, who had just been appointed general director of the novgorod museum of the reserve, received news that the crucifix was being put up for auction in düsseldorf. the reaction of the young director, a specialist in ancient russian painting, was lightning fast. contact the minister of culture olga lyubimova. we have a minister of culture to whom we don’t need to explain value. similar things, and who do not delegate this to the department, assistants, actions were taken with lightning speed. the next day, coincidentally, on the eve of the auction, the day before the auction, i had an official presentation to our head, the head of our
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board of trustees, maxim stanislavovich oreshkin, then the assistant to the president, now the head of the administration himself, the supreme one, and i also put it to him ... a table, this petition, a note, although the last hours were already passing before this icon went up for auction. if not for these actions, the crucifixion could have gone into the hands of a western collector, the museum began to prove that the masterpiece comes from volotov and was in the novgorod museum in the 1930s for restoration along with other icons of the volotov holiday rite. there is plenty of evidence for this. the condition is practically no different from those icons that we have. exposition, that is , this is an old pre-war restoration by our famous restorer, nikita egorovich davydov, who revealed these icons, and by the way, these are the control areas of the disclosure, that is, those layers that he removed
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from the surface of the author's painting are left here in the form of control areas; the same control areas are on those icons that are in our exhibition. auction version of an icon from the volta church. the german priest ludwig volk allegedly bought it legally in 1930. and here the novgorodians were helped by their german colleagues, who preserved the honor of a museum worker who was not influenced by political european trends. ulrike shmigeltritik, she is an expert on the province, and she just managed to find out the first owner of the icon, this is ludwig fol, yes, that during the war he served in the army north group in novgorod. once it was established , there was no longer any doubt that the icon was taken from novgorod during the occupation of the city. church of the assumption on volotovo field from the 14th century, the masterpiece was destroyed during the war and restored in the 21st century. the miraculously found icon
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of the crucifixion comes from here from the assumption church on volotovo field. the germans had art experts who decided which things were more valuable and which should be brought to germany as. they wrote letters on the stolen icons from the novgorod museum, but there are no letters on the crucifix, which means that the german fascist chaplain, an expert in christian archeology, snuck away and... got away from this temple before it was done centrally. the crucifix was recognized as a war trophy of the nazis; it would be possible to sue, but in the current political situation it is useless; the masterpiece was bought by a russian philanthropist. the volotovo holidays are the fruit, of course, of the genius of novgorod icon painters, the appearance of the crucifix, which will take its place among sisters, after so many years, for the first time since the early forties, since the great patriotic war. wars are a rare, rare, of course, acquisition. the return of the crucifix to its homeland is solemnly announced on june 12 at
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an exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of veliky novgorod from the nazi invaders. zenaida kurbatova, yuri gonchar, gennady karniev. news. the prosecutor general's office approved an indictment against the former concert director, popular singer igor tolkova in the early nineties. will he appear before the court's trial of the artist's probable killers, this is not only discussed in the summary.
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special conditions, especially relationships, touch the croc star. where is burger king, vatter, on fire in the know! this is sasha. it is important for him
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we start with news from the amur region. on saturday, the blagoveshchensk city court arrested the alleged culprit of the terrible accident for 2 months, a taxi driver. being drunk, he flew onto the sidewalk at high speed and killed pedestrians. what did he say in court? report by dmitry stepanov. he obediently enters the defendant's cage blagovechensk city court lowers his eyes. taxi driver evgeny bokaryukin, the driver of a minivan, who got behind the wheel drunk last friday, flew onto the sidewalk and hit a group of pedestrians.
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there are several abrasions on bokaryukin’s head and face. he got off so lightly as a result of a terrible fatal accident. it seems that he... has now begun to understand what he has done, i am very sorry, a terrible crime committed, probably already, probably, i have to live with this all the time, let them forgive me, at least in my soul, not physically, not morally, but even though would be in my soul, and i will pray for them because of their angels who left because of me, what punishment do you think is the most severe, that’s all that is provided 15-15 the moment of the accident was captured by a video surveillance camera: here a dark minivan at high speed passes the intersection and flies out onto the sidewalk with people from a powerful blow throws pedestrians several meters away, three people died on the spot, a few more died later in the hospital, these are the first shots after the terrible accident: a man in slippers sits next to the body of a dead child, and this
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girl survived, but was left an orphan, a mother with her father came to her in blagoveshchensky from another... for reasons we cannot show him here is a video from the scene of the incident, poetic non-computer retouching, mutilated bodies lying on the asphalt, relatives bending over one. there are the parents, that’s where the white one drove by, there are the children, they are lying right on top of them, all sealed in plastic, next to the dead victims, the probable culprit of the accident is evgeniy bokaryukin, a native of the krasnoyarsk territory, previously worked as a security guard, now a taxi driver, this did not stop him from driving steering wheel drunk, covered in blood the driver of the minivan was found to have more than two ppm of alcohol. at first, bokaryukin tried
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to justify himself and stated that the car’s brakes had failed, but later admitted that he had drunk a bottle of vodka. eyewitnesses. by a court decision , bakaryukin was sent to a pre-trial detention center for the duration of the investigation, he faces up to 15 years in prison. at the site of a fatal accident in blagoveshchensk, people organized a spontaneous memorial, local residents bring flowers here, toys light candles in memory of
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the victims. all public and entertainment events have been canceled in the city. dmitriy stepanov, daniil sukhoruchkov. singer and composer igor tolkova. will the probable killer appear in court ? the prosecutor general's office approved the indictment against the former concert director-artist. we found out where
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the fugitive defendant is hiding and why it is beneficial for him to return to russia. russian corrupt officials exchanged gold and fur. look at stone and wood, in what conditions do embezzled officials live today; together with fsb officers, we will look into the houses of those involved in high-profile cases and see how their tastes have changed. traffic officials siberia is burning on corruption. a high-profile arrest in the novosibirsk region, where the deputy head of the regional highway department came under investigation. investigators. that for many years he sold his patronage to local businessmen, they say he took money, a house and even an expensive crossover, what this cunning scheme looked like and why... the socks of the road are considered one of the worst in russia, klimina found out. the criminal
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case is high-profile, but in the hall of the novosibirsk central district court it is surprisingly quiet, the hearing is held behind closed doors, the issue of approval is being resolved by the deputy head of the regional territorial administration of highways, konstantin gromenko. according to investigators, he sold to businessmen for several years. her patronage, maybe while the judge is not there, express your position regarding the charges brought. gromenko was silent, nervously twitching his leg, and tried not to notice the journalists. according to investigators, he also calmly turned a blind eye to the poor quality work of the road workers. the official was detained on thursday on suspicion of receiving a large bribe. in these footage we see gromenko being taken to the investigative committee for questioning. according to the investigation during the period. from 2015 to 2023, the deputy head of the territorial department of highways of the novosibirsk region received two directors of limited liability companies
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, cash and property in an especially large amount as a bribe. the funds were intended for assistance in concluding contracts and general patronage of commercial organizations. investigators it is believed that gromenko received so-called gifts from the directors of at least two companies. among the generous offerings is a car. mvx5 this is a country house, on a spacious territory, several buildings, a gazebo, a bathhouse, neatly trimmed lawns, flower beds, lilac bushes, there is even a children's playground. a large mansion in one of the elite districts of novosibirsk, according to some sources, is registered in the name of gromenko’s daughter, and was probably built with money paid by a company located on the same street. her office is two doors down. houses. fsb operatives descended on this one. its siberia company, former head oleg sidarenko, he is also now a defendant
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in a criminal case, he is accused of fraud on an especially large scale, we are talking about the theft of budget money allocated under the national project for safe and high-quality roads, millions of rubles were supposed to be spent on equipping automatic weighing points and dimensional control on highways in the novosibirsk region. but instead of expensive complexes, contractors allegedly installed cheap homemade fakes of dubious quality, as a result, drivers received incorrectly issued fines, and the regional budget lost huge sums. high-precision equipment that is installed on regional highways must undergo mandatory certification, but resourceful entrepreneurs themselves drew confirming quality marks and seals. the gis company was supposed to maintain these same complexes. the expert and its head, andrei kazakov, are now also under investigation. over the years of such criminal cooperation , businessmen allegedly brought konstantin gramenko at least 100 million
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rubles. and this is not the first criminal case of bribery in the territorial administration of highways of the novosibirsk region. our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program spoke in detail about corruption schemes in the department. in 2020 , the now former leader went to jail.
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they put money in their pockets, the asphalt collapsed, as a result chumanov ended up behind bars, followed by sergei stavitsky, at that time the deputy minister of transport and road infrastructure of the region, was arrested, it is noteworthy that after all these criminal cases, the defendant was already temporarily performing the duties of the head of the highway department. 70% is not confirmed and we have not paid about 20 million rubles. this contractor. vengerov minin did not carry out very many types of different works, we understood what
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it was. the marriage cannot be accepted, of course, only a few years have passed, but ogramenko himself ended up under investigation, and the roads in the novosibirsk region have not changed much. you don't need to be an expert to determine the quality of a road surface, but quality is the word here, perhaps, it is not entirely appropriate, there are huge holes in the road, literally every meter. this is what the roadway looks like in the leninsky district of novosibirsk, not far from the southwestern station; hundreds of cars diligently avoid potholes every day. and this is the collapsed asphalt near the thirty-fourth hospital, there are hundreds of such examples in novosibirsk, cunning road workers and corrupt officials continue to roll millions into asphalt, and siberians ruin their cars on broken roads. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, lead, duty unit, novosibirsk region. investigators are looking into the means of
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the helicopter crash near pervouralsk. private robinson crashed on wednesday evening, the pilot, local businessman igor chistovsky and his passenger were taken to hospital with serious injuries. the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs stated that the fatal flight may not have been approved, and the pilot allegedly did not have a flight license at all. in addition, as the media write, several months ago igor chastovsky independently carried out partial repairs of the helicopter. whether this is so remains to be determined by investigators. in general, with the onset of the summer season. the number of accidents involving private aircraft is increasing sharply. many amateur pilots homelessly use rotorcraft as air taxis. today , it is almost impossible to provide commercial transportation of passengers and cargo on light aircraft. and this naturally leads to the formation of a black market and people going into the shadows. one way or another, all of this together forms a general legal nihilism among light aircraft operators . and this leads to an increase in accident rates. in
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case in the omsk region. here last monday, a helicopter pilot descended from the skies to pay attention, shop at a village store and also unexpectedly disappeared, crazy aerobatics near houses and power lines could lead to tragedy, police investigators are checking to establish the identity of the pilot, for some reason sometimes this is not easy to do , in kamchatka, for example, the police have been trying to find out for the second month who took part in... in a scandalous air safari, unknown, until people barbarously shot bears, and then hung him by the ropes of a helicopter and lifted him into the air, footage of this terrible poaching raid was leaked to the internet, apparently, under public pressure , the police had to quickly initiate a criminal case, although the incident occurred back in april, initially the ministry of internal affairs did not find any grounds for this, but despite the investigation , nothing is officially known about the persons involved in the case; apparently they have disappeared into thin
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air. we went for a big ram to stop little violators, one of the most discussed news of the past week came to the attention of journalists and the head of the investigative committee of russia in the city of novouralsk, svetlovsk region, two brothers, one 13 years old, the other eight, took a pit bike that was standing in their father’s garage without asking, it’s a mini-motorcycle, they went for a ride, the guys were seen by employees of the local department of the tps and they set off after him. in pursuit, as if they were not schoolchildren, but armed repeat offenders. as a result, according to the parents, the inspectors caused an accident, collided with a pedestrian, the children fell to the ground and hit a concrete fence. an eight year old boy serious bruises and numerous abrasions. the force of the impact is evidenced by the fact that the child’s shoes were knocked off his feet. helmets saved us from serious consequences. a patrol
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car was damaged. here in this photo there is a dented bumper of a police car, confirmation that the collision with a motorcycle really was not a minor one, this is what the father of the injured boys told us on the phone: the patrol just rushes by like a pillar, the sound of an impact and just a wild cry of our youngest child, i run up too, i look, oh my god, there’s almost half a motorcycle underneath a car under patrol, and then the inspector drove away, the scene of an accident, as it were... look, you ran into him, so what? why did you leave, and what? the pitbike the boys rode is a model of a mini-motorcycle designed for training children and teenagers. it is not officially considered a vehicle, it is sold as sports equipment, and a license is not required. the pit bike has a small engine capacity from 50 to 190 cum. for.


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