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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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and i went to this website and it gave a pretty short definition, but it also gave examples of what is considered anti-semitism, and some of the examples are new testament verses that would be banned under this international definition of anti-semitism, e.g. , to say that the jews killed jesus, which is actually written in the bible, his own people did not treat him very well.
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i’m trying to avoid any conflict in the senate, and you’re trying to drag me into this, of course i love you, and i’ll answer your questions, but for 12 years now, my strategy is to fight only in the house, smart, let, let rant paul, mike lee, ted cruz, and jaydee vance, rick scott, let these guys deal with the senate, i ’m not doing very well from the house, so it’s unlikely that i’ll also succeed in the senate, but i’m just curious, okay, forget about mcconnow. and about the senate, but even,
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for example, some chairmen of the committee in the house say that ukraine is the most important thing for them, and yes, of course, there is what you talked about, money from logheath and from others from the military-industrial complex, but there is also something messianic, something from the pure heart, something very sincere in the fact that they believe that the most important thing is to win this war against russia, you know why they even think so, i don’t know , the hardest people to understand are... like mike johnson, who was against sending money to ukraine, but now, having become speaker, he, as you say, has become very convinced that we should send money there, it's like what -it's very religious, they really believe it, it's not like they're faking it, i i heard this argument, i think it is immoral, but i heard that this is a great idea, we are just spending money, but this reduces russia's ability to introduce war.
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it is especially important that russians are dying and they think that this is very good. from the very beginning of the cold war, we were told that the weakening of russia was a good thing, that it was simply wonderful, that we needed to continue in the same spirit. and i answered this. why don’t you tell us the combat losses of ukrainians? after all, i attended secret meetings with the cia, the secretary of state, and the minister. the americans were never contacted, that is , they were fed propaganda about this war, not only did they say that they would contact me later, but also the congress was fed this propaganda coming from our gas department. the ministry
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of defense of our intelligence services, you just need to ask a couple of questions at these secret meetings, so at least my colleagues are guilty of lack of curiosity, they sit there and believe what they are told, after all, these are authorized people, they know what what we don't know, but they are easy to shoot down literally with a couple of questions, like how many ukrainians died, they will refuse to answer why there are no more anti-war democrats, given that they have been an anti-war party for the last 40 years. i don't know, many of them are no longer for freedom of speech anymore. as for russia, and you already asked about this, there is one point that i did not mention, for them it is something like opposition to trump. the fact is that in their heads trump and russia are in the same folder. yes, even though it's a false narrative that was debunked long ago, they still have it in the same folder, so when they see that ukraine is fighting with...
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this is an object of bargaining, even if you are a republican and are not against sending money to ukraine, but you can bargain, do something for our country first, let this be a condition for that , what do you want, but he didn't bargain at all, and i posted this video on twitter 3 days later, an armed sergeant tracked down one of my
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assistants in kentucky, the congressional session was already over, and he said that this video should be removed from twitter, or from his salary a fine will be deducted for this. and my assistant, he knew what i would do, he told me about this situation, and i was like, well, it's time to retweet this post, retweeted, yes, the post got 8 million views, went from 4 million to eight, listen, sometimes i have to stand my ground and the speaker had to say that i won’t be fined for this, but no one thought about fining congressmen waving foreign flags in the house of representatives, right? they took selfies with this foreign flag, but no one called them, they called only to me, since i showed humiliation, it was not just a humiliation of our congress, it was a humiliation of our entire country, one of the most corrupt countries in the world, they gave
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them everything they wanted, and the democrats with these flags with the flags of ukraine, and yes, they are the majority, and we have to sit there and endure. all this, it was terrible, you think, someone, the head of ukraine, is no longer elected, his term has ended, he did not hold new elections, he is not elected, concentration of power, in other places we call it dictatorship, but they are still they tell us all these things about democracy, do you think they even thought about it, or are they just lying that this is all, they are lying, yes, and they know about it, but what’s good is that some republicans are beginning to understand this. remember when all these resolutions on ukraine began. at the very beginning of the war, i was the only one against it. all these promises, everything, and resolutions to give them whatever they want. and there were only two
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republicans with me, but now most of the republicans in congress are saying, wait a minute, they're not using this money. just like us. it’s hard not to notice the legendary
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alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories guaranteed. if you don't have a card, order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable! this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello! joe biden is the oldest president in american history at 81 years old. re-elects for a second term, then... at the end of it the head of the white house will already be 86. is the united states ready for this and is he
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himself ready? apparently, not very much, since evil tongues in the republican camp are already calling the upcoming elections a vote for president kamala haris. seventy-eight-year-old donald trump , of course, does not bother them. 5 months before the elections, both biden and trump, as they say, were put under stress. first forty-five. the president of the united states began to be called the first president in american history to be convicted of a crime, but less than two weeks passed, and joe biden's son, hunter, is now also a convicted felon, the jury decided , adding further stress to the already unstable biden, who by the evening of the verdict was announced, flies to delaware to support his only son. the trial of hunter was not easy, and naturally, all media,
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including republican and liberal ones, assessed how all this could affect the elections, on the condition of biden himself, the assessments sound different. over the past few weeks , president joe biden has been gripped by security concerns. about the trial of hunter biden. he began calling family members more often to check on his son’s mood. the topic of the criminal case dominated family gatherings in delaware last weekend. all this speaks to the important place that biden jr. occupies in the family orbit. hunter's business dealings and struggles with drug addiction and legal troubles have become fodder for the president's critics and a source of political uncertainty for his father. of course, there is talk about the connection between the upcoming sentence or the guilty verdict against hunter biden and the mental, if... cognitive state of joe biden, they are not out of nowhere, yes, biden’s blunders have been talked about for a long time, yes,
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the internet is abuzz with compilations, but this topic has never been heard in such serious publications as the wall street journal , in the wall street journal, a very respectable, respected newspaper published by tycoon rupert murdoch, although a person with conservative views, he still tries to adhere to it. open to a pro-trumpist position, it is much less right-wing, for example, than the fox news channel, in this publication a huge material is being released based on the testimony of 45 people who watch joe biden’s behavior not on tv, who come into direct contact with him, including on duty, this material talks about a real coma of problems with joe biden’s condition. when president biden met with congressional leaders in january to discuss funding for ukraine, he sometimes spoke
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so quietly that some meeting participants could barely hear him, reading from a piece of paper while... making very obvious arguments, took long pauses, and sometimes closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time, which is why many participants felt that the president had passed out. during a one-on-one meeting with house speaker mike johnson, the president said that policy changes initiated by the administration that had already jeopardized some major energy projects were still being worked out, and nothing more, johnson was alarmed, it seemed to him that. ..
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that they even called from the white house, asked what they were talking about, the newspaper men asked, well, they later admitted on condition of anonymity, and the liberal press, as always, began to engage in what in america is called abautism, that is, what about trump, what about the republicans and so on, that is, specific refutations or some kind of then
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concepts that can destroy the anxiety that is growing among americans, and it is really... intensifying, the liberal press, of course, does not have such answers, like the white house. anyone who has ever interacted with biden knows that he is wonderful. speaker, he has a sharp mind, he is involved, he can control, any of us leading a public life sometimes makes reservations. we judge by what we see on tv and if anyone keeps talking about what a dynamo biden is behind closed doors, then they need to get him out from behind closed doors because. i don’t see this, but if such information redoubts are built around biden inside the united states, then when he goes abroad, the american president finds himself in the focus of attention, so to speak, not under the control of the democrats and the white house of the press, right here, and this is already an unkind tradition for the forty-sixth
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president of the united states, all sorts of incidents happen, right after the sensational wall street journal article, biden... went to europe , landed in normandy on omaha beach and the first accidents happened there he is embarrassed. apparently, the interview with the abc tv channel, which is friendly to him, was supposed to somehow support biden’s image, but it all worked out. very bad, biden did not pass this test either, the question about the upcoming debates with trump could have scared the headquarters democratic candidate, because the us president spoke too ambiguously and too openly on this matter. what will you need to achieve on stage during
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the debate? say what i think. well, naturally, trump is ready for such a biden, with such a biden is trump? really wants to meet, for trump the topic of this intellectual weakness of biden, it is now becoming almost key, especially since for him it is a good weapon of defense, at a time when he himself is in the focus of attention in connection with the approaching verdict in the case of secret payments to storme daniels on july 11. remember how joe said he was glad to come to idaho even though he came to aya. excellent, although times were not the easiest. biden must take such a test, absolutely. they say it violates the constitution, a convenient excuse, but he
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must take a cognitive test and a drug test before the debate. donald trump made this statement in las vegas, nevada. in general, the republican now travels a lot around the southern states, trying to hold on to this wave that has raised him and is carrying him forward. the thing is, that...
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the president, rather, she is entrusted with such protocol functions, she makes sure that biden moves and does everything that is prescribed by the protocol, but of course, there are more influential, money players, this is exactly what worries the american voter, this worries the republicans, this worries everyone in general, because if the us president is in such a state, then what is happening behind the scenes, who decides, in the end, who can slip?
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it seems like no one controls trump, and how can you control him, but nevertheless, about him there are also concerns, he is also not getting any younger, and he is also no longer in the same shape that he was in, for example, 8 years ago, when he was just entering his first presidential term. of course, the liberal press pays attention to this, but they are in this case, he is not... inventing, but also pointing out the problems that the republican candidate has. trump also confuses names and places. in recent months, he has often said obama
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when he meant biden. he repeatedly confused nicky haley with na insipilosi. he has difficulty pronouncing polysyllabic words, anonymous origin infrastructure. he periodically jumps from one thought to another, making false or meaningless statements, such as biden's case. victory will rename pennsylvania. however, there is an important difference between trump and biden. trump is just trying to get into the white house, and biden is already there, in his hands is a nuclear suitcase with a red button, and if you imagine that behind the scenes there is a group or groups of secret players who are trying to pull the blanket over themselves, then who can guarantee that one of these groups will not want to push biden. to making some catastrophic decision with the sole purpose of then simply shifting responsibility for such a decision onto him, which
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could... biden and his administration. this reality will become increasingly difficult to ignore as the election approaches. our country is under enormous threat of the outbreak of the third world war. just look at what is happening with ukraine. now there is already talk about nuclear weapons. this was never discussed in the white house in front of me. nobody even said a word "nuclear". with this guy biden, we'll end up with world war iii. interestingly, the average life expectancy in the united states is 76.3 years. that is, both donald
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trump and joe biden, this threshold. have already overcome it, now will their voters overcome it, on whose heads the rise in crime, and rising prices, and inflation, and all other problems, including the threat of the third world war, are pouring down. this was america. all the best. the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies intelligence, for manipulating public consciousness, with the supply of the americans, of course , ukraine is very active, you can’t come up with anything new, new in technology, plans to be
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recruited from me. naturally it wasn’t, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about it now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in the end , the result of everything is determined the quality of state policy, in our country, if it’s sports, then with records. if it's a holiday, then people, we love traditions, honor our history, value strong family relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us.
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fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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we continue our news review. russian troops took control of another settlement in zagornoye in the zaporozhye region. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the enemy suffered losses in manpower and equipment and was forced to approach. a unit of the vostok grouping of troops liberated the village of zagornoye, zaporozhye region, and occupied more profitable frontiers. the manpower and equipment of the fifty-eighth motorized infantry brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, the 123rd teroborona brigade and the fifteenth national guard brigade were defeated in the areas of novoselovka settlements in zaporozhye. urozhaynaya and vladimirovka regions of the donetsk people's republic. the ssu lost up to 135 military personnel, an armored combat vehicle, four vehicles, an ac90 bravehart 155mm self-propelled artillery mount and a uk-made fh-70 155mm howitzer, as well as two bukavel ad electronic warfare stations.


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