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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is russia-24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today. russian troops took control of another settlement in zagornoye in the zaporozhye region. the defense ministry reported this. the enemy suffered losses in manpower and equipment and was forced to retreat. a subdivision of the vostok group of troops liberated the village. the mountainous
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zaporozhye region occupied more advantageous positions. the manpower and equipment of the fifty-eighth motorized infantry brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, the 123rd teroboron brigade of the fifteenth brigade of the national guard were defeated in the regions settlements of novoselovka, zaporozhye region, urozhaynaya and vladimirovka of the donetsk people's republic. the suu lost up to 135 military personnel, an armored combat vehicle, four vehicles, an ac-90 bravehard 155mm self-propelled artillery mount and a 155mm fhc howitzer.
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near uzhgorod, the actors were seized by military commissars on the way to the theater; they were on duty on the road to the city. the administration announced this on social networks, the ukrainian authorities, it seems, are going to send everyone they can to the front lines, reports appeared this week, that many enterprises are already on the verge of stopping due to a lack of workers. in agriculture, the number of workers in some cases has dropped to 20%, ukrainian journalists talk about this. there are already calls to lower the mobilization age, so that at least. somehow saturate the ukrainian armed forces after the losses suffered. evgenia petrukhina is monitoring the progress of mobilization in ukraine. this is how lvov military commissars pack for the front. it is possible that the employees of the tsk could have already broken the fingers of a potential soldier, but will the medical commission pay attention to this? or kiev, even the dog seems surprised by such bestial attitude towards ukrainians. that’s why the boys have to transfer to wheelchairs. for example, this man reached...
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and in parallel with the rainbow march in kiev , there was a march of nationalists who tried to break through the police cordon and prevent the march of those who certainly have one foot in europe. well, how can you not attend such events of the ukrvoenkom, there are so many potential soldiers there. here is a meeting of employees of one of the kiev shopping malls. the boss sets the task to work on gay pride parade, catch at least someone. everyone has heard, i think, another miracle.
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and we are told that the performance was canceled because at the lower gate tsk took the artists away. but if tcc actors are already being raided, then why be surprised that there is no one to build houses in ukraine? developers are forced to hire migrants from pakistan, nepal, india and african countries. so, there are still combine harvesters in ukraine, or visitors will also do the harvesting. here is the acting minister of agrarian policy of ukraine taras vysotsky says: that there are problems with personnel in the agricultural sector of ukraine. of course, if the farms were raided by the tsk battalion. well, guys, if the state doesn’t need victory, the people do.
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russian guys lived, they said, do you want to live, we said, yes, we gave up our weapons and surrendered, surrendered to the russian army without much thought or regret, because kiev didn’t just abandon its people, they kicked them out. evgenia petrukhina, maya alenova, anna povetyeva, news. vladimir putin’s peace initiative was drawn up taking into account the realities on earth, it will be carefully viewed in the west. these are the words of the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, but while the participants of the conference in switzerland were unable to agree on any peace plan in the absence, of course, of russia. elizavita khramtsova will tell you all the details. if the swiss conference has a more or less
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clear result, it is a change in the rhetoric of a person with an expired shelf life, who forbade himself to enter into dialogue with russia, and zelensky did not rule out that the next similar event would be moscow is also represented.
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to ensure the implementation of the agreement, but nevertheless, if the kiev regime somehow shows sobriety, then this will have to be done, the bubble that the ukrainian authorities tried to inflate from the swiss event burst without even approaching the expected volume, on sunday morning, several hours before the end of the conference, us vice president harris and chancellor ferge scholz left bürgenstock. the representatives of the collective west who remained at the forum continued to pour out aximarons, like the prime minister of the netherlands. frute called russia's absence from the forum an absolutely correct decision. the head of the italian government, miloni, speaking about the peace proposals of the russian president , said that peace is not capitulation and thereby refused to recognize the sad situation of the ukrainian armed forces at the front. however, there was still some meaningfulness at the forum and
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it came entirely from countries friendly to russia at the last moment, who decided to give at least some chance to the event. on sunday , a representative of the united arab emirates said that russia should also participate in such a summit. the president of ecuador called for an adequate assessment of the importance of the dialogue between moscow and kiev. the day before, the head of turkish diplomacy spoke about the same thing. in my opinion, there is a serious risk of conflict escalation. therefore, the announced conditions of russia, it seems to me, are an important step and a glimmer of hope. the theme was continued by another influential player. saudi arabia insists: negotiations are impossible without russia and must take into account its proposals. we encourage peaceful negotiations rather than escalation. we also offer a solution that can lead to peace so that there are no losses. both sides are needed here. the world community should encourage any peaceful steps, even if compromises need to be made, so russia's participation is necessary. and analysts who rely on facts, and not on political
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slogans, note: the decision of the russian president to seize the initiative and voice peace proposals before the start. the swiss conference deprived the event of any meaning. know what they hope to achieve without russia. russia does not want to negotiate with zelensky because he is not legal president of ukraine and does not have any legal status at all. i think president putin spoke clearly, concisely and convincingly. yes, in kiev they doubt the legitimacy of those who represent the country at the international level. thus, one of the deputies of the verkhovna rada was outraged by the fact that in addition to zelensky, the head of the president’s office, eermak, who has long been called the true ruler of ukraine, also took part in the general photographing ceremony in bergenstock. from the conference, kiev expected the signing of a document that could become important argument in his policy, but it was not possible to reach an agreement even with those who came to switzerland. only 80 of 92 countries have signed.
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in front of china, to which zelensky insulted on the eve of the forum, the ukrainian president once tried to justify himself at the final press conference, saying that we respect beijing very much, but he still could not restrain himself and demanded respect in return. kamennik, which has nothing to do with kiev’s previous demands, turned out to be a phrase that may imply the involvement of russia in negotiations at a new peace conference. but it’s unclear who would want to waste time on another round of meaningless gatherings. and moscow. despite the rapid refusal of kiev and its puppeteers to discuss russia’s peace initiatives, it nevertheless does not exclude that people with
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the banking sector still realize the importance of dialogue, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov noted, a politician who values ​​his homeland would think about vladimir putin’s initiative about world. elizaveta khramtsova, ekaterina shamaeva, news. next on our broadcast, the results of the government’s work for the week, about the most important issues that the cabinet of ministers discussed about the decisions made. watch it now. from february 1, 2025, on the instructions of the president , the indexation of pensions for working citizens will be resumed, so more than 7 million people will receive both a salary and... a pension , taking into account annual indexation, just like those who have retired. the process
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of resuming indexing should proceed smoothly and as conveniently as possible for people, without any additional statements on their part. will continue to raise the mouth. from 2025 it will be linked to the median salary, which the majority of employed citizens receive and will be almost half of this. families living in small towns will be able to receive a preferential mortgage at 6% per annum , regardless of the age of the children, the main thing is that at least one child is a minor at the time of applying for the loan. when building their own home, such conditions for families will apply in all russian regions. for free medicines. and more than 1.8 billion rubles will be allocated for products and medical nutrition for privileged categories of citizens. like this
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veterans, chernobyl victims, people with disabilities, including children with disabilities, receive social support. in total , almost 58 billion rubles are allocated for these purposes in the federal budget in 2024. the president emphasized the importance of maintaining such support. emphasized that saving the people and strengthening people's health is a long-term priority for us. mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on national projects on means of production and automation and infrastructure for life. they will allow solving a number of system problems in part of the development of the country's technological and economic potential, as well as in the social sphere. industrial development program for machine tools.
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opportunities and russian companies produced high-quality products with much greater localization, in demand both within the country and abroad, and if necessary, they could quickly replace those... foreign suppliers who left our market. the government is working on the formation of a new national project infrastructure for life. it will include comprehensive development settlements, as well as measures for housing and road construction, creating more comfortable living conditions for citizens, modernizing housing and communal services,
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and providing modern public transport. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, bionic prostheses, it’s very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open an account for...
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is not a country of gas stations, russian digital re... waltz, hip-hop, minuet, rock and roll, folk and many other genres have come together to form his majesty pop-sports dance, essentially a new dance language. despite
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the young age of the students, the approach to classes is as mature as possible, because the level requires the group to include more than 50 dance numbers in the repertoire and perform them at serious venues, for example, in the kremlin. how in school they move from class to class with their age, and naturally master the dance program every year more and more difficult.
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more than 500 people attend classes in the numerous studios of the zil cultural center every week, and the number the number of people wishing to touch the enchanting world of dance continues to grow. more than ten directions for literally every age for every, even the most sophisticated taste of classical choreography. to the modern understanding of dance. silk road studio is a study of chinese culture and chinese dance. we have an irish dance studio where an adult can come and learn it professionally. for a long time , irish dance was a local art form, but at the end of the 20th century it became part of mass culture, winning hearts.
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irish dancing differs from other dances in that there is a lot of stress on the legs, and remember these movements, they need to be practiced very quickly, practiced a lot, so that in competitions, for example, you don’t stumble; when the first step is mastered, the dancer is faced with a task to hone the art of rhythmic blows on the floor, creating that very characteristic sound, already in special hard shoes, however, the features of the original genre do not end there. i would say the main feature is that they are not are based on classical choreography, like many other dances, that is, most often there are a lot of directions, one way or another
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they are based on classical choreography, there are modern dances, folk dances, the same ballet, yes, they more or less speak the same language same language, irish dancing speaks a different language, and people who come from other directions, they are forced to relearn, and the cultural center of zil is the legendary dance evenings on thursdays, even... from soviet times, which have become a place of meetings and acquaintances, since 1948 year with us here on thursdays in our column hall there were and are dance practice evenings, now they are also working, our ballroom dance studio bruna belousova, they practice more than once a week, but on thursdays you can come, try, dance, factrot jai. cha-cha-cha, rumba and, of course, waltz, the main classical dance for hundreds of years, always standing apart from other dance styles.
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the ensemble and school of ballroom dance bruna belousova are honorary residents of the village, leading their history within the cultural center with 1976. over these almost 50 years, the team has trained hundreds.
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original plasticity, expression and extreme self-expression, as well as elements of gymnastics and even acrobatics, all of this intricately merged in the directions of hip-hop breaking; absolutely anyone can join the team that has been teaching modern dance for 10 years at the meridian cultural center, even those who has no idea at all about... choreography , an individual approach to each student, this includes detailed study of technique and improvement of general physical fitness, and of course, the revelation of artistry. we always put a lot of thought into how we stage, what we do, we put a lot of thought into the costumes and the technical component of the performances. each performance is an independent spectacular show with carefully selected costumes, musical accompaniment and stage special effects. the junior team
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of the team entered the top.
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body, but also emotions, culture, ethnic identity. in our team we have dances of the peoples of the world, this is russian dance, oryol region, mataniya, as well as adjarian dance, there is kazakh dance, komazhay, bulgarian dances, italian, mexican, tatar. choreography is rightfully one of the most popular trends in the capital's cultural centers and cultural centers. many ensembles and creative groups in moscow have brought up...
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dance floors, gathering dozens of couples, plunging into the rhythms of dance. you can learn dancing from scratch, or hone your dancing skills, in the capital's parks. here, in izmailovsky they teach classical ballroom dancing. there is a latin american lesson going on at the moment. and all ages are obedient to dancing here, together with young people, learning chacha and rumba, and muscovites of the silver age are increasingly coming. moreover, in my dance practice. achieves results no less than younger colleagues in the section. over the course of four years of training, we have probably progressed quite well, because there are really positive emotions here. the dance studio in izmailovsky park has been giving free lessons to everyone for 7 years now; about 400 people regularly attend classes. in the summer time...


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