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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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sanctions regime and the introduction of secondary sanctions against countries that dare to work with russia. the usa caved in europe. from july 1, the eu will impose tariffs on chinese electric cars of up to 38% of their cost. brussels tried to avoid a direct link to china’s policy in the russian direction, but obviously, anti-russian sanctions and the trade war with china are a phenomenon of the same order. these are attempts to maintain elusive economic dominance. but the monopoly of the dollar... is ending, start the printing press for covering one's own military expenses, waging wars and financing color revolutions around the world is becoming more difficult, and therefore robbery is an increasingly attractive solution. we took three important steps at the g7 summit, which together showed putin that we cannot, he cannot, wait us out. firstly, this is a just signed bilateral security agreement, and secondly , it is historic. the scheme looks like this: the americans
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give kiev a loan of $50 billion, and russian assets frozen in europe - about 260 billion will be transferred to the status of financial collateral; interest on the loan will be repaid using income from their reinvestment. in this scheme it is american.
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can just sit back and hope that he will be able to win this war at some point due to the financial problems in some countries in the world that are currently supporting ukraine. we have agreed on a new loan to ukraine of $50 billion, and it will be repaid not at the expense of our taxpayers, but through emergency revenues that come from frozen russian assets in europe and around the world, this is fair and right. sunok is about to lose the british election. excluded from international politics, he can talk about almost nothing except early parliamentary elections. biden, this one is downright bad. spinal arthritis, progressive dementia. miloni at the summit is keeping an eye on the us president so that he does not go somewhere for another meeting with chancellor adenauer. what was he talking about, pressing himself to the forehead of the pope, he confessed quickly without repentance, which is called sakasia. camera in the background i caught the argentinean’s face at that moment. whether francis absolved joseph
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of his sins or not, he probably did, but it is not known for sure. the biden family has a tradition of singing happy birthday. less than 15% in the european parliament elections, the other two coalition parties, the greens and the free democrats, had even less. but now the same thing should happen, that by and large this government is finished, and in france, there were calls for early elections, and macron announced them, our country needs a new start, with a coalition.
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we talked so much that you learned ukrainian language, this week scholz came up with something to keep zelensky busy so that he wouldn’t have to return to kiev in the interim. the head of the european commission immediately promised that negotiations on ukraine’s accession to the eu would begin before the end of this month, which means before the start of hungary’s presidency of the european union, which will certainly try to block any attempts in this direction. the topic of restoring ukraine came down to promises
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of regular deliveries of weapons and ammunition, but the german side slowed down with the patriot air defense systems. zelensky demanded seven batteries, but germany has already allocated two. the third is on the way, that’s all for now, we don’t have enough ourselves, but the ministry of defense is preparing the country for war, the head of the department, pistorius , repeated this week that russia will be able to attack one of the nato countries in 29, the bundeswehr needs urgent replenishment. on central television they launched a special news program for people with perception difficulties, almost a fifth of them in germany, but among them there may be recruits.
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ukrainian president zelensky is currently moment speaks in the bundestag. this is certainly some kind of sophisticated event, a circus performance with the aim of receiving german money. we germans were robbed again. all this pleasure is currently costing us, along with sanctions, 250 billion euros. the germans know how to count, especially money, especially their own. the fact that scholz’s government has stopped counting them is annoying, but despite the defeat, the chancellor expects to see out the end of his term. until the fall of twenty-fifth. there is little light, in the east there is brandenburg, thuringia and saxony. another defeat is the coalition is unlikely to survive. the political
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storm that began after the elections to the european parliament is still far from over, but it can already be stated that the european elites failed to present russia as the source of all troubles and consolidate around this idea. scholz and macron may hope to tolerate russia, but it is fundamentally impossible to tolerate their own voters. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, gleb napara and andrey putro, lead the week. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. tells his friends yes, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15 rubles for
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each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. what we bring from our travels with avito. cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel is all. goes as booked with cashback and bonuses. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. white friday with cashback discounts - dazzlingly profitable. the premier expert on white technology, your car can purr with pleasure when it has inside is tyboil diamond motor oil. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. the teboil diamond engine purrs with pleasure. only at alfabank. spin
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purchases, get a supercake in rubles every month for free, withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. at the beginning of the week, the final results of the elections to the european parliament, the center-right european people's party, were summed up. which nominated ursula fondeen again won a majority of 185 seats. at the same time, right-wing and ultra-right forces have noticeably improved their positions. european conservatives and reformists, identity and democracy received a total of 131 seats. but this is only a technical result. in france, for example, for macron, the last vote was a political disaster. about why.
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forgotten names, former head of state francois hollande is trying to return to politics, who, in addition to his love affairs , is remembered for being the most unpopular president of france over the last two centuries, with a rating of 11%. i only made this decision because i felt that the situation was the most serious it had ever been, the far right being the biggest danger. macron has a higher rating, but a bet on demonizing the national front, flexing muscles in ukrainian. front, a massive media campaign and personal unspoken participation in the election campaign are repelling the french. he is going to abank too arrogantly, says another former president, nicolas sarkozy, still an influential figure in the ranks of the republicans. giving the french the right to vote to justify dissolution is an interesting argument since that is what more than 25 million french people just did in an election. we
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give the french the right to vote when they don't have been speaking out for several years. is that they will confirm their anger rather than deny it. macron was busy with other issues, issues of his greatness, europe, ukraine, lebanon, worried about israel, about the gas sector. french affairs were going badly at this time. the country's public debt in the first quarter of this year exceeded 80% of gdp. the international agency snp downgraded france's credit rating from 2a to 2a minus against the backdrop of a budget deficit and negative economic forecasts. there was a need for austerity. macron pushed through pension reform with force. prices continue to rise, living standards fall. the situation is reminiscent of ninety-seven. then they also talked about pension reform. the social crisis after the abolition of some benefits and the partial privatization of the national railway company brought down the ratings of jack chirac and his prime minister alain jupé. 2 months
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of strikes caused damage of 0.3% of gdp. dear compatriots, after consultations with the prime minister and the heads of both houses of parliament, i have decided to dissolve the national assembly. attempt to enlist the majority in parliament failed through early elections, the left won, and the left won during the early elections in 1988. chirac was then prime minister and meteran's rival in the presidential election. having lost, he resigned . meteran, instead of appointing a new prime minister from among the right, dissolved it. parliament won as a result of the vote, the same thing happened with charles degaulle in may 1968. france is not left or right, it is all of us. all together in sixty-eight they arranged red may. at that time, france lost the fight for colonial algeria. an attempt was made on degol's life. the economic situation was difficult.
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the student protest grew into a general strike, in which up to 10 million people took part. fifth part. the entire population of france. general de gaulle managed to find a common language with the trade unions, suppressed the uprising, and then announced early elections. i received a letter from mr. president. mr. chairman, i have the honor to inform you that, in accordance with article 12 of the constitution, after carrying out the necessary consultations, i proclaim the dissolution of the national assembly. signed charles degaulle. his party, having won, became a counterweight to the chaos of anarchy. today the left is again trying to sow chaos and anarchy on the streets of french cities. hooligans beat whips and knocked down the doors of establishments that, in their opinion, provided a platform for the far right. the police tried to disperse the rioters, generously using tear gas and batons.
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hopes that at some point everything will change for the better, no longer in fashion, the traditional political barrier has been broken called "all together against the far right." the french want radical changes,
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every third is ready to vote for a national unification, every fourth is for the left, and only 17% still believe emmanuel macron. anastasia popov leah bernatsky denis lesitsin. news of the week, european bureau. on monday at the chairman's meeting. the government and deputy prime ministers discussed important initiatives of vladimir putin at the st. petersburg economic forum. in particular, they talked about the president’s social proposals. on behalf of the head of state, on february 1 next year , indexation of pensions for working citizens will be resumed. today there are over 7,800,000 people, they will be paid salaries and pensions, taking into account annual indexation. just like... those who have retired. another task is to further increase the minimum wage. starting next year, mrod
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will add another 15% and will reach more than 22,000 rubles. per month, well, by the thirtieth year it was no less than 35,000 rubles per month. the president paid special attention and support to families at the forum. for as of july 1, they must provide preferences for the purchase of housing. in small towns and regions, and where the volume of construction in this sector is still insufficient, parents there will be able to take advantage of a family mortgage at 6%, regardless of the age of the children, but the main thing is that at least one child is a minor at the time of applying for the loan. when building their own home, such preferential conditions for families will apply in all russian regions, this is all... the kazan nuclear submarine was welcomed at
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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on tuesday, the ministry of defense announced the start of the second stage of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, where russia and belarus jointly worked out preparations for the combat use of tactical nuclear weapons. so, they released the missiles from warehouses and hung them under the carrier aircraft.


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