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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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let me tell you briefly about the main thing for this moment. in the solidar area, tula paratroopers struck the enemy using the heavy flamethrower systems of the sun. deep shelters and observation posts were destroyed. ammunition depots, as well as artillery pieces and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. the american military man gordon black, detained in russia, did not admit guilt in threatening to kill his girlfriend, but black partially confessed to the theft, noting that there was no intent. the kiev regime is trying to make up for losses in its army by sending those convicted of serious crimes. washington post journalists found out that there are already more than 2 thousand in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. the 750 men who have served sentences for
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murder, armed robbery and drug trafficking cite military officials who do not believe such mobilization will succeed and fear that such recruits will simply desert. nato members are actively discussing the addition of nuclear warheads to combat readiness, as stated by the general secretary of the alliance. stoldenberg noted that this would be a direct demonstration of force, and gave his prediction that in the near future nato will have to confront two potential opponents. with nuclear weapons in russia and china, now the footage of telegram channels is china, there are heavy rains in the south of the country. it is reported that three large rivers in fundaan province overflowed their banks at the same time, roads are flooded, flows of water are demolishing cars, and many houses are flooded. and in moscow.
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today there are heavy rains again; according to forecasters, up to 20% of the monthly precipitation may fall. and all the details about the weather in the capital and other regions are from evgeniy teshkovets. moscow is preparing for another natural disaster. throughout the past week, the european part of the country was tormented by thunderstorm fronts. and the new will begin with the same thing. how much rain will fall on central russia today and what other regions will be covered by downpours? when is the weather on the russian plain. will finally stop being hysterical. time for meteorological news on channel russia 24. i, evgeny teshkovets, leading specialist of the fobas center. hello, the european part of the country will remain at the mercy of thunderstorm cyclones this week. the last one was extremely difficult from a weather point of view or hysterical, like sometimes they say. the russian plain was tormented by atmospheric fronts. thunderstorms and showers were extremely powerful, but localized. it was almost impossible to predict who would be flooded at what moment. on the weekend. for example,
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the southern regions of our country were unlucky. in the footage of novorossiysk, in most cases the city is included in weather reports due to hurricane winds, but this time it was not the main cause of the problems. during saturday day and sunday night, almost half of the monthly precipitation fell here, although some residents tried not to notice the consequences of the disaster, they were quite serious. the streets went under water, to the sea... heavy rains occurred in rostov-on-don, workers at one of the construction sites managed to film the edge of the livn approaching the city. oh, i’ll add that bad weather
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also raged in the east of european russia over the weekend, from the kama region to the middle volga and southern urals there were local hail showers, on sunday the epicenter of the storm shifted even further east in the trans-urals, that’s what was happening in kurgan, there was also intense rainfall here , but the main source of problems was wind, according to local weather stations, gusts reached 17-20 m/s. the weather in the western half of russia is still determined by active cyclones, one of which flooded moscow several times last week is now moving into siberia, its power is still great, so in the tomsk, novosibirsk, omsk regions in kusbas there will be strong rains. tomsk, for example, is expecting a prolonged downpour, during just today, the amount of moisture that fell could reach 20 mm, and this is a third month. norms tomorrow precipitation
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will continue according to forecasts and will even increase, which as for european russia, the weather here will also remain difficult, due to the cyclone that caused a massacre in novorossiy over the weekend. now, under the pressure of the anticyclone , it has moved north to the middle latitudes. today the central and western regions of the country will bear the brunt of the disaster. and including the capital, as in the case of tomsk, in moscow it will rain without stopping for several days. today about 16 mm of precipitation will fall, but despite this, the temperature will remain above normal -25. in general, the next cyclone will have little effect on the temperature regime. in the center in the north of the country today there will be an extra one. it will be a little cooler due to cloudiness, but in the south, due to the departure of another whirlwind , the heat will even increase. in some places it will be above 30-35° during the day. the power of cyclones in the atmosphere will remain unshakable until about thursday, but as i already mentioned,
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an anticyclone is gradually beginning to make its way into our country from the southwest, and in the second half of the week it will be able to displace the cloudy fields of the vortex into the white sea and will form an atmospheric block over european russia. will no longer be able to penetrate the region, and a period of thunderstorms will finally end, it will thunder in moscow today and tomorrow, although on tuesday the rains will weaken, on wednesday the disaster will give the residents of the capital a short respite, on thursday it will strike again, there will be heavy rains in the city again, on friday the sky will again clear of clouds, but this time for a long time. that's all for me, goodbye. we have 1,500 branches, more than 7 million clients and financial. solutions that suit everyone. rosselkhozbank, more than you think.
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in your hands, when the main one is right in front of you trophy from 20 million, every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. stoloto pure water is a holy spring, fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned and with cashback and bonuses. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue. langidase against prostatitis. the city of tynda in
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the amur region is preparing for the fiftieth anniversary of the baikal-amur mainline. in honor of this , courtyards, roads, house facades were renovated, and sports, cultural and social facilities were overhauled. there have never been such large-scale transformations here... in modern history; my colleague victoria sytenko has all the details. workers brush dust off the fresh concrete at bam stadium, a sports facility that is the face of the northern capital, which 2 years ago there was a flood. we are now pioneers in many areas, and in such volumes of work, that is, these are high-level materials used both for sports facilities and for , respectively, the recreational areas that exist here. it will house nine sports areas for passing the gto, playing football, volleyball, basketball, long jump, as well as
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outdoor strength training equipment, a playground, and running tracks. bam stadium will appear before residents at almost twice the size of what it was before. we we hope that this bam stadium will allow us to host the spartakiad of the cities of the amur region in 2025. the tynda palace of culture rus is also preparing to welcome guests in an updated form. major renovations have begun. in march, more than half was already completed. work is simultaneously going on in the foyer of the first and second floors, as well as in the auditorium, designed for almost 400 people. we bought a burgundy-colored chair, and our stage clothes are also new. the town of tyndy-bogulnik park is also flourishing. already at the entrance , vacationers are greeted by a new arch. on territory with fresh lawns, paths made of paving slabs, asphalt, soft crumbs, modern lanterns, trash cans, benches. ledum, a place for mass celebrations. for all the main holidays, and what it should be like, they asked the townspeople themselves.
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the design project of our park won the all-russian competition for the improvement of small towns, in the form of a discussion, in the form of a vote, yes, we worked on all the needs of the population, then the design project was drawn up. the tendin residents are happy, children's slides and a town have appeared, we are wonderful here. we spend time, we come every evening. an unprecedented road campaign has been launched in the capital of bam. sections of nine city streets are subject to repair. the transformation of social, sports, and cultural institutions in tendy is part of the large-scale preparation of the city for the celebration of the grand anniversary of the baikal-amur mainline, to which the northern capital of the amur region owes its existence. in honor of bam's anniversary, the labor feats of the builders were immortalized on the facades of tynta houses. last year, the end walls of nine-story buildings were decorated. stories of giant the paintings are dedicated to the strength, hard work and courage
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of builders. public and private funds from railway workers made it possible to implement these and other transformations. and in the twenty-third, twenty-second year , this year they allocated money for repairs to the network of budgetary institutions and social institutions. these are kindergartens, first of all, schools, thematic classes, of course, such funds and such a volume of work... we have not been here for a very long time, it is very pleasant. most of the facilities will be completed by the anniversary of bam, so that the builders who will come from from different parts of the country and former soviet republics, we again saw our native tynda in all its glory. the development of the city will not stop here; the modern master plan, approved by the president, opens up new prospects for the northern capital of the region. there are plans to create gas boiler houses, develop a ski resort, transport and logistics centers along the baikal-amur mainline and others. promising projects so that the city can flourish again. victoria satenko, leonid kasavan,
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news, amur region. latest designs drones and electronic warfare equipment were presented in the nizhny novgorod region. designers and manufacturers from more than 250 enterprises and volunteer associations from all over the country took part in the event. they provide drones to our fighters in the area of ​​special military operations. shooting. the most important question regarding.
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don't lose people, and now it's time for economic news. alexandra europe has increased gas purchases from russia, the financial times reports. tell us, what share do we now occupy in the european market? tatyana, in may it was 15%. now i’ll tell you more. for the first time in almost 2 years, russia has overtaken the united states in gas supplies to europe. as the financial times writes with reference to the consulting company icis, the state. came out ahead in this indicator in september 22, but last month our share exceeded the american one by a percentage; we took 15% of the total volume of gas supplies to the european union, great britain, switzerland, serbia, north macedonia, as well as bosnia and herzegovina. it is surprising to see how the share of russian gas in the european market increases after everything we
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've been through after all the efforts to reduce risk in the energy supply. according to the newspaper, the picture changed due to a malfunction in one of the large lng export enterprises in texas. it also said that russia has increased pumping through turkey ahead of scheduled maintenance in june. from july 1 , it will be possible to import foreign tobacco products into russia only with excise stamps. according to the government decree, this measure also applies to products from eu countries. required markings importers will be able to receive. at the customs authorities at the place of their state registration. at the beginning of june, restaurants in st. petersburg increased sales by a third, and hotels by almost one and a half times. this is reported with reference to intex check data. experts note that this jump is associated with the st. petersburg international economic forum. in particular, the average check for accommodation in hotels
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and holiday homes increased by 12% and exceeded 23,500 rubles. in addition... let me remind you that this year more than 20 thousand people and 139 countries, over a thousand agreements were signed totaling about 6.5 trillion rubles. rising prices have had a noticeable impact on the lives of americans, the ministry of finance admitted this. according to the head of the ministry, especially strong inflation has accelerated in the last 3 years, and although the figure is approaching the norm, too expensive products and services are now one of the main problems that the presidential administration has yet to cope with. even before the pandemic, many american families were struggling to cope with health care costs.
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electricity, education, child care. in many parts of the country. they felt that housing prices were prohibitive for them. i think the inflation we've had since the pandemic has only added to the feeling that life is unaffordable for them. the west paid ukraine $100 billion less than it promised. rionovosti experts came to these conclusions after analyzing data from the kiel institute of world economics. at the end of april , the planned amount reached almost $320 billion, but in fact kiev received only. 206 billion. the main part of the shortfall is 64.5 billion. this is financial support for solving macroeconomic problems. another almost 42 billion in military aid and 6.5 billion did not reach humanitarian needs. that's all i have for now. tatiana. alexander, thank you, my colleague alexandra
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nazarova was with the economic news. and now a short advertisement. further about the most significant events of this day in history. in the selection of ekaterina burlakova, stay with us, travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive a superkick on air tickets up to 30%. buy profitably in the bank app or on alpha travel website, not just profitable, alpha profitable. comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things. kitforрд equipment with discounts up to 31% on yandex market. millions of russians choose. warm comfort with rehau windows. be brave about your expenses. with yota, your money will not fly away. there are gigs and minutes left, we return
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this day remembered in history? let's tell you right now. hello. on june 17, 362, the roman emperor flavius ​​claudius julian issued an edict on numerous prohibitions for christians. from now on they are prohibited.
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military leader jovean, who abolished the previous the persians elected anti-christian reforms as a new ruler and returned all privileges to the christian church. since christianity had managed to take root among the people, and the roman empire was bursting at the seams, it did not need religious strife. julian was cursed forever and began to be called julian the apostate. soon adopted christianity as the state religion and banned paganism. on june 17, 186, austria declared war on prussia in retaliation because prussia had invaded its territory. for chancellor otto von bismarck, this was the first step towards unification germany with iron and blood, in his own words, according to a strategy that was later given the name “fire and sword.” this was already a war of a new type with general mobilization, rapid-fire long-range artillery with increased mobility thanks to the telegraph and railways. the war lasted only 5 weeks and austria capitulated. thanks
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to his diplomatic talent, bismarck managed to redraw the map of europe in such a way that prussia became the recognized leader among the german states, and the loser austria was removed from german affairs. a new state, the north german confederation, arose in central europe. but bismarck wanted more. having made peace with '. he provoked a war with france and for this purpose ensured the neutrality of russia in order to take away from france the rhine regions inhabited by the germans and unite everything into a single state, what did he soon do , the german empire appeared? on june 17, 1953 , there was a workers' uprising in the gdr, which went down in history as the marmalade riot. on that day a general strike began in berlin, caused by the economic crisis.
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the uprising quickly became nationwide, and demonstrations against communist power began. the youth tore the red flag from the brandenburg gate and tore it to pieces. soviet tanks stationed in the country helped put down the riot, killing about 50 people. east german authorities declared the unrest the result of foreign intervention. the expression marmalade riot itself appeared due to an incorrect translation. among other things, prices for preserves and marmalade, which made up the bulk of the german breakfast, have increased. worker, traditional coffee, bread and a bun with jam, but translated as marmalade, despite the fact that many germans had no idea about real marmalade; it was extremely rare in stores. on june 17, 1982 , a prototype of the future k-50 combat helicopter, the famous black shark, took off on its first flight.
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the car was developed at the kamov design bureau. under the leadership of chief designer sergei mikheev, the bureau is now part of the national helicopter manufacturing center. nato called the helicopter a werewolf or a deceiver. its screws are located on the same axis, therefore, it is more compact, more maneuverable and more stable than machines with a traditional layout. can change direction of movement in seconds. at speed, unexpectedly for the enemy, go sideways and even go full backwards. the k50 became the world's first helicopter with a catapult system.
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models k-52 alligator and its marine version katran. this is what this day in history was like.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. unique footage of the assault on staromayskoe from our war correspondent, we will show how our fighters took positions in the ssu. the results of the so -called peace summit in switzerland.


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