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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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the problem of defrauded shareholders in the moscow region has been resolved, a meeting was held between the president of russia and the governor of the moscow region, the main task is the development of social infrastructure, what else was discussed? the new su-34s were handed over to the russian military, the car has the most modern navigation and communication systems, where front-line bombers are produced and how the final flight tests were carried out before shipment. a difficult day, exactly 10 years ago our colleagues, correspondent igor kornelyuk and sound engineer anton voloshin, died in the lnpr. to the bgtrk building the saints carry a memorial ceremony at the troekurovsky cemetery. there are no results at
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the so-called peace conference in switzerland , and the diplomats themselves in bern admit that there is no connection between the meeting and peace in ukraine. at the same time, svr director naryshkin reminds that if the west refuses russia’s new peace proposals, the following conditions will be stricter. will moscow be heard? and in india, a passenger train collided with a freight train. there are dead and wounded. what's at the emergency site now? the moscow region not only supports the families of svo participants, but continues to help new regions. supervises, among other things, the construction of schools and kindergartens in the dpr. this topic became one of the main ones at the meeting between vladimir putin and the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov. they also talked about the development of clinics near moscow, industrial parks and, finally, a complete solution to the problem of defrauded shareholders. more details about everything. anastasia efimova. special attention.
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industrial parks are 87% occupied, which means that to implement new projects , more needs to be built, and work has already begun, in full the problem of defrauded shareholders has been solved; there were 117 of them in the region. a separate program is aimed at modernization; networks and boiler houses must be updated within 5 years. you remember, we helped with a number of issues related to heat supply, and today i also brought a letter, which i consider important to discuss with you, but as for the modernization of housing and communal services, namely heat supply, water supply, otherwise we have a separate large program, the meaning of which is 5 years, but to radically modernize networks and boiler houses and this will affect about 60% of the population, that is, this is... a large program and
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regional budget, and concessions, mainly gazprom and the federal program also helps us here, payments, payments, of course, yes, another task is the development of social infrastructure, a children's hospital has almost been completed, 28 profiles, 14 hospital departments, 420 beds and its own clinical diagnostic center, the opening is scheduled for july, and here at this table... we supported another large clinic that we began to build in balashikha, this is the eastern direction, with a thousand beds, we must commission it at the end twenty-seventh, early twenty- eighth, you said about some large healthcare facilities, andreevich, there are always a lot of questions, one of them is, of course , the polyclinic link, the possibility of visits, it is necessary, of course, to increase the possibility of visits, this, perhaps, may be the most important. for citizens, sorry, it
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is, 100%. the biggest demand is for primary care, which is why we are renovating and building clinics; today we are faced with the problem of a shortage of doctors. many subjects. to solve this problem, the moscow region introduced incentive payments, especially in primary care, which, as the president emphasized, is especially important, because the population of the region is growing, last year alone there were 70,000 more residents. anastasia efimova, lead. if the west refuses russia’s new peace proposals, the next peace conditions will be more harsh and difficult for ukraine. the director of the service stated this in an interview with tas. intelligence sergei naryshkin. let me remind you that we are talking about vladimir putin’s proposals for resolving the ukrainian conflict, which he spoke about at a meeting with by the leadership of the mead on june 14. they provide for the recognition of the status of crimea, the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, the zaporozhye and kherson regions as regions of russia, as well as
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the consolidation of the non-aligned nuclear-free status of ukraine, its demilitarization and denazification and the abolition of anti-russian sanctions. this initiative has already been rejected in kiev. peace with ukraine is not needed by anyone except russia, and a number of western countries benefit from continuing the conflict, so kiev’s refusal of moscow’s new peace proposals was commented in the dpr, even if the negotiations will begin, they will be complex and most likely will be conducted non-publicly. denis pushilin expressed this opinion in an interview with our channel. our president always voices absolutely transparent and clear mechanisms for peace to be established. unfortunately, we too...
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and we are ready to end the conflict, this is the most important thing, so let’s hope that the constructive forces in the western countries and in ukraine will respond to this, we must be given the opportunity to digest everything, that is, what our president said, everything what happened to unfortunately, not very productive, but perhaps fortunately, at the conference in switzerland , time works for common sense. today we remember our colleagues, correspondent igor kornelyuk and sound engineer anton voloshin. they died near lugansk exactly 10 years ago, as a result of mortar fire by ukrainian militants. flowers are being brought to the vktrk building today; relatives, friends and colleagues have gathered at the troekkurovskoye cemetery to honor the memory.
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report by nikolai dolgachev. at the troekurovsky cemetery in moscow, where the dead are buried war correspondents, close friends have gathered today. relatives of igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin, they are part of our large reporter family forever, it really feels like this was there 3-4 days ago, and especially now, when our colleagues find themselves in difficult situations with disgusting regularity, and many, i would even he said that probably the best are no longer with us, i hope so.
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as far as there are no rules in this war, we understand how to treat this, after these 10 years you... you probably understand that everything it was not in vain, the guys then in the fourteenth year, with their reports from the front, saved dozens, maybe hundreds of lives of ordinary peaceful people; they tell the truth that happened then, a heavy stone cross was installed at the site of their death near lugansk on the tenth anniversary of the tragedy, it is like a symbol , years go by, it doesn’t get any easier, today they are bringing flowers here, exactly 10 years ago, ukrainian militants ... struck at our colleagues and at civilians who were trying to get out of the danger zone, the front line was literally completely
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nearby, now, during a special military operation, the enemy has been thrown back more than 100 km from here, this is already a rear area. igor kornelyuk and anton volushin were caring and sincere, that’s how we remember them. the guys could not stay in the country when the fire broke out in the donbass; young and smiling, they went to tell the truth about the hostilities. the death of our colleagues is a strategically important route; in june 2014, ukrainian formations here tried to break into lugansk, the militia defended the city. the aidar battalion launched an attack on lugansk, they wanted to occupy, they fired at the metal worker village, and journalists were hit. the shooting was not accidental; this was determined during the investigation. a ukrainian spotter was working and pointed it at civilians. that morning, it seemed like we managed to come to an agreement not to shoot. so that unarmed people could leave the village of metalist in lugansk, our guys came to talk with
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the refugees. at 11:30, when people left, a ukrainian mortar started working. these shots were taken by the group's cameraman viktor denisov, he was the only one to survive. sound engineer anton voloshin died on the spot. correspondent igor kornelyuk was taken to the hospital, but they could not save him. the truth is the most important thing, so of course the job of journalists is to get that truth. at the cost of their lives, unfortunately, to everyone, everyone, everyone , thank you very much for carrying on the memory of our guys so carefully for 10 years, the school in the village of metalist is named after igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin, here is the military corruption museum, personal belongings, photographs, certificates on one of the stands in the museum the text of messages that anton voloshin’s mother sent him after the news of tragedy, he didn’t believe it, and we, his colleagues, didn’t believe it either; it was the first such loss in the journalistic corps working in the donbass. then there were more, but they were the first, they are our guide. igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin were awarded the order of courage,
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posthumously. in moscow, at the entrance to the building of the all-russian state television and radio company , a memorial plaque was installed. since then, there have always been fresh flowers here. nikolai dolgachev, magomed bashir aliev, roman smagli, alexander khvastov, lead. the situation in the special operation zone was discussed today in the center command of the ground forces. defense minister andrei visited him. the head of the russian military department heard a report on the organization of combat duty and the work of task forces to coordinate and control the combat work of units. the minister was informed about how officers are being trained to interact with defense industry enterprises; they also spoke about the plan for developing the infrastructure of the newly formed saratov higher artillery command school. we also discussed the work of russian peacekeeping units and the commandant service, including in new regions of russia. well, the russian military received a new batch of su-34 front-line bombers. the aircraft are equipped with
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the latest navigation and communication systems to carry out precise strikes against enemy ground air targets. the latest equipment is being assembled and tested at the aviation plant in novosibirsk, from where ksenia klimina reported. seconds jesus-34 rapidly rises into the sky, so that those on the ground take their breath away. it's pouring rain outside, but for them almost any weather is flying, the teachers are cutting through, the testers are demonstrating figures in the sky. in in the cockpit, the pilot and navigator are shoulder to shoulder. at the novosibirsk aviation plant named after chikalov, they have been working together for 16 years to understand each other, even words are not needed. steep turns in the sky, final flight tests before departure. aircraft to the front line in the program to check equipment systems, engines, fly at
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maximum speeds and maximum altitudes, pilots came, they are already my children in age, of course you worry about them, what will happen, so you try very hard to convey everything you can, everything what is possible, how it can be better, they are happy, and this is the biggest reward for us, the car showed itself perfectly, everything that was planned, everything was accomplished, there are partially no comments on the work, any plane is alive. a creature, it was created by people, these are the ones who create the legendary car, sergei has been at the plant for 40 years, officially, an assembler, a mentor for young fellow workers. i put a long rivet shorter, because i can’t stand the rivet, take another one, there are little tricks that no one will explain to them, that is, this is also only with comes with a lot of experience, i also came to the plant, i didn’t know how to do anything, i didn’t know, i was young after the army, well, i started working, i learned, and
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now i’m passing on my experience, tatyana is a controller, responsibly measures... every bolt of parts, making sure that there were no defects, we are proud that we are doing something for our country, a lot of things depend on us as inspectors, we must, let’s say, so that there are no defects, we look at the drawing, check the pins, so that we have everything according to drawings so that there are no gaps between rivets and bolts, trampling, protrusion bolts the novosibirsk aviation plant named after chikalov is one of the enterprises of the united aircraft corporation rostec; it carries out a full cycle of sushi production. parts are made in one workshop, joined together in another, and at the same time they repair and modernize combat vehicles. this is what the middle part of the fuselage looks like from the inside, almost 80% of the aircraft’s fuel is stored here, the design is quite complex, several hundred pipes through which kerosene gets into the engines with the help of pumps. to fulfill
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the state defense order, the company works two hours. 12 hour shifts. they even built mezzanines in the workshops, which... aircraft currently produced are equipped with modern systems, on-board navigation communication systems , the weapon control system allows the use of the entire range of modern missile and bomb weapons, and when using additional attachments with a container design, the aircraft performs the function of a reconnaissance aircraft. the main indicators of the plant's performance are airplanes in the sky. another batch.
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the plan worked, and now he faces 10 years in prison. margarit semenyuk, about what turned into an independent race for conscripts? the man didn’t see either a lawyer or help from law enforcement officers, one guy was being twisted by a crowd of tcc employees and police officers, they were dragging him first, then they grabbed him by the legs and carried him away, 30 minutes passed , i was already thinking.
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on average, up to 20% of workers in exclusive specialties were mobilized, while in large companies of small farmers, this figure sometimes reaches 50 and even 60%. tetsk gangs have acquired an unbreakable reputation all over ukraine, they hide from them, fight with them, set fire to military commissar vehicles, or hysterically ask one question: why aren’t they at the front themselves? guys, why are you sending cameras to the internet, your hands like that? “my husband is fighting in the east, he volunteered, are you laid up, he has two children, you’ve eaten up your hari, our boys go there and fight for 20 years, the zakian puppeteers insist on increasing the pace of mobilization, lowering the conscription age is not excluded , that immediately before the age of 18, arguing that war is a matter for young people, now they are catching boys,
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come like this, that’s it, there’s no mobilization, there’s no demobilization. the warriors are sitting like that. reinforcements at the front are expected not only from forced volunteers, but also from prisoners at the front line. it is known that the prisoners in the units will be less than a quarter of the total personnel , and as the newspaper writes. ukraine releases criminals to fight. more than 2,750 men have been released from ukrainian prisons since parliament passed a law in may allowing some
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people convicted of drug trafficking, phone theft and crime to join the army. armed attacks, murders, as well as for other serious crimes. in the first wave, according to minister of justice denis malusk, it is planned to recruit at least 400 prisoners into the army, they will be sent by assault brigades. from mid-july in... ukraine , mobilization notices will be sent by mail. margarita semenyuk, valeria sapegina, kazbek gogaev, news. nato countries are holding consultations on the deployment of a large number of nuclear weapons and bringing them to a state of combat readiness, the secretary general of the alliance said in an interview with the telegraph publication. by according to stoltenberg, only with the help of a nuclear arsenal will nato be able to protect the world from the russian-chinese threat. it is against this background that the internal split in the united states on the issue of assistance to kiev is growing. trump promises to review the volume of tranches if he wins the us elections. he intends to crush his opponent biden at the debate by highlighting his failures. report by dmitry melnikov.
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from southern italy straight to the west coast of the usa. president biden chose a ten-hour voyage over a short flight to switzerland for a conference on ukraine across the atlantic to los angeles, where he collected donations for his re-election campaign. tickets from two. hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars from guests george clooney, julia roberts and barbara strasen. biden's campaign reports a record $30 million raised that evening, but the cost is yet another public embarrassment for the president. to the sounds of the final chords of the evening, joe biden traditionally hangs in front of the audience. and it’s too late, barack obama, who has come to his senses, has to take the president’s hand and pat him on the shoulder, take him off stage. convicted but not broken, donald trump is leading his election rally across america in michigan. the traditionally democratic great lakes state could be
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key to the outcome of the november vote. at a local church, trump meets with black voters who brought victory to democrats in the last election and whose support biden conveniently lost during his presidency. in the cradle of the american auto industry in the city of detroit, trump criticizes biden for the green agenda within the united states, with the help of the administration on external contour. while the president is disgracing himself in europe, the russian fleet is again in charge in cuba. russian warships and nuclear submarines have surrounded cuba 60 miles off the coast of florida, and that's only because biden's weakness puts us in grave danger. putin doesn't respect him. according to trump, biden is respected today only in kiev, which during his presidency has finally become hooked on the needle of western financing. i think
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zelensky is perhaps the greatest huckster of all the politicians who have ever lived on this planet. every time he comes to our country, he leaves with 60 billion dollars. the best gift for donald trump's 78th birthday was the forecast published the day before by the magazine. economist, according to a mathematical model created on the basis of national polls, biden’s chances of winning the election in the fall of twenty-four are one in three, while trump’s this figure is already twice as high, with less than two weeks left until the main political show of the season election debate biden trump, 90 minutes standing at the podium with two breaks for advertising, recordings and cheat sheets are allowed, but there are no teleprompters, america’s own candidates. we have to see what is called in natural conditions. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington.
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strict power outage schedules will remain in effect in ukraine until the end of july, despite record supplies from europe. with the onset of cold weather, the situation may worsen, ukrenergo reported. about 80% of thermal generation and a third were disabled hydrogeneration. anna lazareva will tell you the details. ukraine's energy supply is switching to austerity mode, the amount of damage is large, power plants and substations are operating at the limit of capacity, lights are being turned off more and more often for longer periods of time, some consumers are already sitting without electricity for 7 hours a day. this week, the situation in the energy system will continue to deteriorate, the return of heat will affect the planned repairs of five nuclear power units, ukrenergo said. ukraine is now undergoing scheduled repairs power units at once at... at several of its nuclear power plants, it probably calculates that it is better to do this now, because it will only get worse, because in july in august, if hot, dry
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weather sets in, then, firstly, this when... it leads to an increase in electricity consumption within the country, that is, people do not give up air conditioners, for example, no matter how much they are asked to save electricity, plus hydroelectric power stations will begin to produce even less. they are trying to stabilize the situation by power outages, until the end of july the schedule will be strict, and the biggest interruptions are expected from 11 to 23 hours, ukrenergo informed, and this cannot be avoided, the population is going to be disconnected from the lines that supply critical infrastructure. porelik optimization work. work on optimizing the list of consumers with guaranteed electricity supply is now at the final stage, it should be significantly reduced, this will make it possible to distribute the limitation schedule even more evenly electricity supply according to the financial times, since the beginning of the twenty-second year, the ukrainian energy system has lost about 35 gigawatts of capacity, with more than nine in recent weeks. about 80% of thermal generation was destroyed. and
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a third of hydro generation. they are trying to compensate at the expense of nuclear power plants and imports from europe. now he is breaking all records. for example, on saturday more than 35,000 mw were supplied, mainly from neighboring countries. also in kiev they are counting on financial support from the west. the united states promised to allocate a little more than $800 million, however, considering the scale of the damage and the lack of necessary equipment, this amount will not be enough, experts are sure. change the situation in a short time.
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which, of course, for such a large territory, which means a country like ukraine, yes, this is clearly not enough. vukrenergo also admits that they will not be able to restore all damaged power plants by winter; moreover, some power units are lost forever. the company plans to focus on the development of small-scale generation, that is, the construction of small power plants, but they will be needed hundreds.
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