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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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transmit radiation to the antenna and, accordingly, the battery, which powers all these generators. when developing the gun , the shortcomings of similar products were taken into account. our engineers were able to achieve minimal radiation while maximizing product efficiency to cause as little harm to the operator as possible. ordinary standard products that have filled the russian market, they work at high power, it is possible that a person can become disabled in a few months. the enemy was afraid of domestic development. us we were included in the us sanctions lists, before that we were only on the ukrainian sanctions lists. whoever finds out, everyone congratulates us. zelenograd guns have already proven their effectiveness in the special military operation zone. a lot of products have already been planted, many captured drones. with the start of a special military operation , an enterprise near moscow volunteered to help the front.
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opens, everything is mixed inside, the package is opened, a sponge is taken out, with a soap solution, applied to areas of contamination of the body, which is then included in the kit we remove excess foam with a towel, your hands and body are clean and dry, as the manufacturers assure, the composition of the product, unlike western analogues, is hypoallergenic, and the water is completely drinkable, something that was brought to us from outside. yes, various
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aggressive chemicals are used, some have skin irritation, others have different side effects, so to speak, despite large orders from the armed forces, manufacturers of dry showers regularly supply tens of thousands of products to the front absolutely free of charge. well, every month we perform about 200 million units, according to the contract we always have a reserve in order to transfer this as humanitarian aid. today we received a supply of plastic for the guys. sergey grigoriev is a former military man who has been involved in 3d printing for many years, at first. special military operation realized that his hobby could help the front. the soldiers were faced with the fact that the same wogs with printed shanks flew into their trenches and asked for help. in 2 years, we established the production of not only shanks for ammunition, but also several dozen various devices for fighters. machines for loading magazines, housings for flashlights, a case for medicines, probes for searching and much more. the movement, which was called the front, spread throughout the entire
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territory of russia, and also went beyond its borders. there are several people who are located outside of russia, for example, a wonderful guy in lithuania, there are a couple of designers in the uk who help us put our models in order. over the course of 2 years of work, the craftsmen were able to establish the production of more than eighty different and such devices needed by the front. we can come up with some new thing to introduce into the troops within a month. yes, and no large production can do this. sergey, thank you for this equipment. there are never many such products at the front. sergei receives not only numerous words of gratitude, but also orders in anticipation of the upcoming offensives. but they tell us guys, it will be hot here soon, please send us more. so, of course, we try to satisfy such requests, everyone says, you just can’t imagine how you help. the product of the craftsmen was appreciated on that
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side of the front, now the ukrainian special services are trying in every possible way to disrupt the work established by the volunteers, planting things that look like grenades, threatening notes, even in mailboxes, but this is done by those who are actually afraid that russia will win. sergei grigoriev and a group of volunteers are counting on orders from the armed forces and hope that they will soon be able to deliver even more products to the front. this is the russia 24 tv channel, right now the main facts of this day, in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya litovka, this is what we are going to talk about: nato is preparing to bring nuclear weapons to a state of combat readiness, at least such discussions are underway, according to stoltenberg, how far from discussions to orders and what to... is involved in
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the restoration of new regions. these and other topics were discussed in the kremlin, vladimir putin held a meeting with andrei vorobyov. how are problems solved in the moscow region, for example, with a shortage of doctors? batulism in moscow, more than 120 people sought medical help after symptoms appeared. 55 of them are in serious condition. all of them were poisoned by ready-made food. the turnover of some companies' products has been suspended. who supplied? poor quality product and what actions will the authorities take? in moscow, the sultry heat has been replaced by rain, and by the end of the week we are expecting a noticeable cooling. what is happening to the weather in other regions? forecast from meteorologists of our channel. and we’ll also talk about how
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sport connects the world, at least that part of it that follows a fair path and is committed to the principles of a multipolar world order. the fourth one is taking place in kazan game day brix, how much? the moscow region not only supports the families of svo participants, but continues to help new regions, including supervising the construction of schools and kindergartens in the dpr. this topic became one of the main topics at the meeting between vladimir putin and the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov. they also talked about the development of clinics near moscow, industrial parks, and finally, special attention to families whose husbands and fathers are defending their homeland today, the priority of the work of the moscow region, which the head of the region reported to the president, as andrei vorobyov emphasized,
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to support the families of heroes , a set of measures is provided, both systemic and targeted; we provide a whole block of activities with families and support for kindergartens. vouchers, various things that cannot be written down in decrees or orders, and unbundling gives us the opportunity to try to fulfill all the family’s requests, we understand that this is important, in new territories we also participate at your order; regions of russia are doing their bit, we have the novoazovsky telmanovsky district , donetsk region, we are there, together with federal projects, implementing all the most important, schools, kindergartens, everything. what is important for life, it’s nice that a large number of people return there at a meeting with the heads of these districts and the governor, we also discussed this. the governor assesses the situation in the regional economy as, quote, very good: industrial parks are 87% loaded, which means that to implement
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new projects, more need to be built, and work has already begun, the problem of defrauded shareholders has been completely resolved, there were 117 of them in the region . a separate program is aimed for the modernization of housing and communal services, networks and boiler rooms and in the winter, you remember, we helped with a number of issues related to heat supply, and today i also brought a letter, which i consider important to discuss with you, but as for the modernization of housing and communal services, namely heat supply, water supply, otherwise we have a separate large program, the meaning of which in 5 years...
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the possibility of visits, it is necessary, of course, to increase the possibility of visits, this is probably the most important thing for citizens, sorry, this is 100% true. the biggest demand is for primary care, which is why we repair and build clinics. with
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many regions are facing the problem of a shortage of doctors today ; to solve it, the moscow region has introduced incentive payments, especially in primary care, which, as the president emphasized, is especially important, because... the population of the region is growing, last year alone there were 70,000 more residents. . anastasia efimova, lead. the meeting on ukraine in switzerland ended without... any clear results, most world publications are writing about this today. everyone notes that it is strange to discuss settlement issues such a crisis without inviting russia to negotiations. more details about everything, elizaveta khramtsova. trying to sum up the results of the summit, which did not lead to any result. the western press did not even focus on the text of the final communication, but on who signed it or did not sign it. turkey, in particular, agreed with the provisions of the document.
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draws attention to the fact that it did not help to convince a number of players to sign the final agreement , even the fact that the most controversial issues were removed from the draft document, and how to find a way forward is unclear. even the french lemont admitted that there was no progress at the conference; the publication called the final declaration timid. at the same time, the new york times notes, forum participants disagreed on how to interact with russia in the future, given that the settlement process will be affected by the situation on the ground. almost no one raised the question, actually, for what?
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the russian military carried out strikes on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in four settlements of the kharkov region, this was reported in our ministry of defense, the northern and southern groupings of troops improved the situation along the front line. subdivision. the west and east factions occupied more advantageous positions: the enemy lost
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about 1,800 militants in one day; stanislav bernzwald will tell you the latest information about the progress of the special operation. and sowing the third way out, fire. the crew of the t-72 tank of the motorized rifle formation of the group of troops-center is dismantling a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the avdeevsky direction with fire from a closed position. shot. high-explosive fragmentation ammunition on target at a distance of 8 km. another shooting follows is conducted along a hinged trajectory with constant adjustment of fire by the uav operator conducting aerial reconnaissance in the target area. the. objective control confirms the target is hit, working in conditions where opponents use fpv drones, our guys have to constantly monitor the airspace around the tank, both in place and in motion. while we were moving, we were noticed, most likely by a reconnaissance officer, after which he launched a pivedrone. he was flying straight at us, but my driver saw him before me,
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maneuvered, turned to the right, and the fpv drone simply didn’t even touch us. it just buried itself in the ground and exploded, this is how our crews of the multifunctional supersonic fighter bombers su-34 of the russian aerospace forces work. airplanes strike at enemy strongholds and personnel in the zone of responsibility of the west group of forces. fad500 with a universal planning and adjustment module. thanks to these weapons , precise strikes are delivered. safe removal from the line of combat contact, having received confirmation from intelligence about the destruction targets, the bombers return safely to the departure airfield. crews of the tos-1a heavy flamethrower systems of the sanitary unit of the tula formation of airborne troops , under the cover of darkness, carry out tasks in the zone
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of a special military operation. rkhbz and airborne forces specialists deliver crushing blows of 220 mm. inflicting defeat as a complete package, i think, no longer thinks about anything after that, because there is an impact of both a high-temperature field and high pressure; when a projectile ruptures , excess pressure is created, which penetrates literally probably in every crevice. and then comes the high temperature. meanwhile , units of the northern group of troops inflicted defeat on manpower and equipment in the areas of the settlements of volchansk, glubokaya, senelnikova and liptsy in the kharkov region. the successes of our troops are being celebrated in the western direction. there, our guys defeated the formation of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of sheykovka, senkovka, peski rodkovskaya, druzhelyubovka, kharkov region
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and nevskaya - this is the lugansk people's republic. a unit of the southern group troops were inflicted. in a state of combat readiness, he said about this in an interview with the british newspaper daily telegraph. stoltenberg notes that transparency is important in this matter, so there is no point in hiding his intentions to modernize or build up the nuclear arsenal ; he said that the world should not forget that the fact that nato is a nuclear alliance is worth making a reservation here, because previously this man promoted nato
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as a peaceful and defensive unification, now stoltenberg explains their current actions that supposedly... i want to remind you here that when president putin talks about this issue of military nuclear affairs, he answers someone else's questions, questions from journalists, including foreign journalists, your colleagues. by the way, this was the last time in st. petersburg, answering a question about the representativeness of reuters. he doesn't talk about it on his own initiative, and he's very careful about it. but
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what mr. stoltenberg said clearly does not fit into the context of the same declarations. which was adopted the day before, which was not signed by everyone, which also, if i’m not mistaken, states the inadmissibility of such rhetoric, this is nothing more than another escalation of tension. the topic of building up a nuclear arsenal has not been so high on the agenda for a long time; the stockholm international peace research institute published an annual report stating that nine states possess nuclear weapons, these are, let me remind you, russia, the usa, china, france, great britain, india,
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china put on combat duty for the first time nuclear warheads. as for nuclear weapons in storage, russia is already in first place here, with 2,670 warheads, the united states currently has them in storage... 1938, followed by china, an unprecedented history, the prc now has 476 warheads in storage, the uk has 105, lasting the list , france 10 warheads. if we talk about other nuclear states, the us goal was the following: they believed that they were much stronger in the field of conventional weapons, so they would very much like russia and china to disarm in the nuclear field.
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of all nuclear weapons in the world, while the authors of the report note that over the past 2 years , transparency regarding the nuclear forces of both states has noticeably decreased, primarily due to the fact that first russia and then the states suspended their participation in the bilateral treaty on strategic offensive weapons. nevertheless, both the united states and russia are implementing large-scale programs to modernize and replace their nuclear warheads and nuclear weapons carriers. well , however, as we have already noted, great attention. is now chained to china, he is in the process of significant modernization and expansion of its nuclear arsenal. over the past year, the country has increased its nuclear arsenal to 500 warheads.
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china's nuclear stockpile is expected to continue to grow in the coming decade, with some predicting that china could potentially deploy at least as many intercontinental ballistic missiles as russia or the united states during this period. today the country takes first place in the world in terms of the speed of production of nuclear weapons. nato is, of course, most worried about this. stoltenberg fears that improving china's nuclear position will have, quote, consequences. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for the subscription. open a vtb savings account with an interest rate of 18%. vtb, together, everything will work out.
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will arrive immediately. any bank, open a current account on and your business will gain momentum. vtb helps with action. magnet - the price is what you need. 999. the kremlin announced the dates of the state visit vladimir putin in the dprk. the president will travel to pyongyang. on june 17, the trip will be two days and will take place at the invitation of the leader of the republic of kimchen. vladimir putin visited north korea only once before, which was more than 20 years ago in july 2000, that is, at the beginning of his first presidential term. at that time, the dprk was led by kimchen-il, the father of the current leader. well, vladimir putin last met with kimchen in september 2023, when the head of the dprk came to russia.
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almost 44 million trips around the country can be made by russian tourists in three summers. month. this forecast was discussed today at a meeting between mikhael mishustin and deputy prime ministers. the development of domestic tourism became one of the main topics of the meeting, including government control over ticket prices and hotel accommodations. we are doing everything to fully unleash the tourism potential of our country. it is important to launch attractive routes and create modern, high-quality facilities. accommodation, improve the quality of service, the level of service, special attention, of course, must be paid to training for this industry, and of course, more actively informing people about what travel opportunities are available. the demand for vacation continues to grow, this year there will probably be even more than 90 million tourist trips, according to operational data for 4 months, the growth of domestic tourist trips was 13% compared to last year, and traditionally the summer months are the most...
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according to tour operators, by june already about 60% of tours have been implemented, most of the tours, of course, are traditionally to the south, they were implemented thanks to early booking, now the average depth of booking has increased to 1-3 months before arrival, we predict that during these three summer months tourists will make more than 44 million trips around the country, this is almost 50% of the total annual volume of 90. your obedience, you will save yourself, only i save on all hope for you, completely wild guys, is
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for others. there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, a miracle, ahlai-mahlai, i wouldn’t know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, pray, black one, throwing the gang away is also a sin, it’s time i’ll pay, i’ll shoot from here, if i come up with one, they’ll quickly fall asleep, if with you... there’s a chance, take it, i did something bad to them, there’s still someone who’ll do it to whom, naughty people, it’s evening for you.


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