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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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amiprozole renival, pancreati renival, we trust renival, we choose renival. hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department in the studio maxim ovchan. in st. petersburg , police officers uncovered a fraudulent scheme under which an online store operated. here is footage of the arrest of overly enterprising citizens. according to investigators, the swindlers faked websites where they sold various equipment at a reduced cost. after receiving the advance payment, the scammers stopped. walk communication with clients. for this they demanded full advance payment. after the money from the scammers' accounts arrived, communication with clients stopped. during the criminal activity, the defendants created more than 150 websites. as a result of
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operational search activities in seven regions of the russian federation, police officers detained suspects. a total of eight people were detained. they worked from home. during searches, investigators found it. computers and bank cards of possible swindlers were seized, six of them are already in pre-trial detention, two are under a written undertaking not to leave, it is possible that air sellers operated not only in the leningrad region, but in other regions of the country. a woman's mind is worth many thoughts, so, according to the security forces, the rector of voronezh state university, dmitry yandovitsky, had to invent how his wife could become a doctor of science, but at the same time, so that she would not write a dissertation and even somehow defend it later. 15 million rubles helped, but it’s really not necessary. alexander mastovaya will tell you what happened next. the rector of voronezh state university , dmitry yandovetsky, recently effectively conducted morning exercises with students. here he is defiantly tying his shoelaces, buttoning his sports jacket, showing young people exercises to maintain physical form. these exercises will now
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be useful to yandovetsky in the temporary detention center. as local journalists found out, the rector of voronezh state university was detained. the task of bribery, he is charged with article 291 of the criminal code of the russian federation, according to the publication in february 2022, the rector of voronezh state university could give a bribe of one and a half million rubles through an intermediary for defending his wife’s doctoral dissertation, which ms. yandovitskaya allegedly did not write herself. footage from defense of elena yandovitskaya's dissertation, judging by the video, the lady is nervous and stumbles over simple questions. i'm not asking. includes the approach: what is the theoretical basis of your dissertation? we substantiate the elemental basis of the relationship of the category, you do not answer the questions posed to you, the thesis defense, judging by this frame, clearly failed, but yandovetskaya strangely
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received an academic degree and became a doctor of science, her apparently loving husband helped in this, he allegedly paid for the defense dissertation of his wife as much as 15 million rubles, an intermediary with the transfer of money could... the head of the department of economics and management of organizations of the university, professor yuri tryashchevsky, the security forces also came to see him. law enforcement agencies have not yet officially commented on this story, but yandovitsky’s photograph still adorns the website of the educational institution. the rector's detention came as a shock to students and teachers. it seems to me that this is all slander. you think that this is just some kind of false thing. i think yes. as far as i know, from the stories, he communicated normally with people, helped whomever he could. unexpectedly, this is all. happened in the voronezh region dmitry yandovetsky is a very famous person, doctor of economics, who has dozens of regalia, has been the post-rector of voronezh state university since 2011, he is also a deputy of the voronezh regional duma, and a member of the public chamber of the region and chairman of the public council at the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs for the voronezh region. yandovetsky often shone
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on local television, he seemed to love giving interviews, being the rector, especially of such a huge university, one of the most famous successful universities in russia, this... a fugitive official of the ministry of agriculture of russia was detained, oleg danskikh was wanted for 12 years, he fell into the hands of operatives when he was leaving a store in the istorinsky district of the moscow region, he did not have time to approach his mercedes, he was thrown on land. apparently, this turn of events did not surprise the ex-official.
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do you know that you are on the federal wanted list, i know, i know for what crimes? no. in 2007 and 2008, an attacker. and his accomplices, through the legal entities stole loans issued by the joint-stock company, in addition, they embezzled funds received from the joint-stock company for... the construction of a distillery, an elevator and a dairy farm. the damage from such activities amounted to more than 2 billion rubles. accomplices in the crime are businessmen from the lipetsk region, sergei burdovsky and igor konyakhin. in 2017, they were sentenced to nine and 11.5 years in prison. donskikh has already been placed in custody until september 15. more than 50% of those wishing to move to russia abroad were unable to confirm ownership in russian. this was stated by the minister of internal affairs of russia vladimir. at a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on the implementation of the state program to assist
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the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad. such results are an indication that a more careful selection of potential migrants is now underway. the priority area of ​​activity is the suppression of illegal migration. at the same time, the head of state noted that only those who respect our language can come and live in russia. traditions and cultural education for russians, the head of the department emphasized that measures are also being taken to simplify the procedure for participation in the program for a separate category of compatriots. and now the breaking news that our editorial team receives directly from the news agency’s feeds and you can also see them on your screens. so, the interfax news agency reports that four people were hospitalized in nizhny novgorod with signs of botulism. according to some reports, she is in intensive care. at the same time , the regional ministry of health does not specifies under what circumstances. people got sick, but in moscow the situation is currently more alarming: 55 people are in intensive care
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with symptoms of batulism, a total of 120 people were affected by low-quality ready-made food, all those who were poisoned ordered food from delivery services, companies are now being searched, and potentially dangerous food has been seized, it is being studied by experts. details from fyodor eliseev. for several days , the girl was hospitalized due to severe dizziness and double vision, and is now in intensive care. for a long time they could not make a diagnosis, because this is not a typical disease, she cannot talk, she cannot breathe, she is on mechanical ventilation. now igor checherin’s wife can’t breathe on her own; the couple also ordered it a few days ago. in the same delivery service, although the couple’s diet was different,
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the woman’s rapidly developing symptoms of poisoning appeared after eating a salad that contained red beans. she was dizzy, couldn’t raise her arms, look into her eyes, they are cloudy there were, well, in general, that is, as if they were looking askance, one might say, at the ill-fated salad, which could have caused poisoning; the woman did not have time to finish eating, its remains were taken for examination by employees of rospotrebnadzor, the affected citizens. we ate lobio salad , manufactured by local kitchen llc, salad with tuna , apple and beans, manufactured by gastroport llc. the distribution of products from these manufacturers has been suspended by the regional department of rospotrebnadzor until the completion of the sanitary and epidemiological investigation. in the first messages about poisoning was reported about ten victims, at the moment their number is more than 120 people. all with suspected botulism poisoning. more than fifty are in serious condition, 30 of them are under investigation. in intensive care, one of the sellers of dangerous products with the legal name local kitchen llc,
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better known to residents of the capital under the brand kitchen in the area, has already announced a temporary closure. capital investigators conducted searches at warehouses and factories. to gain access, investigators needed to cut the lock. as a result of the search, it was confiscated documentation, employees were also questioned. near such premises , finished products were found, which they tried to get rid of. in salads. after which mass poisoning occurred, both beans and tuna were canned, but it is too early to say which product contained a bacterium that secretes a dangerous toxin. now our colleagues, microbiologists, are working and establishing how the pathogen got into this or that product, but in this context i can say that this is definitely not compliance with the technological process, and at any stage from the cultivation and preparation of raw materials to sterilization and subsequent preservation, the dangerous bacteria will remain in the jar until it is opened. once entering the human body, the microorganism
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finds itself in ideal conditions. the stick is not destroyed by hydrochloric acid and settles in the intestines. the exotoxin it produces is 372 times more toxic than rattlesnake venom and 300 times more toxic than sarin poison. the nervous system and neuromuscular transmission are affected and in 5-10% of cases can be fatal. first prism. cybatulism, this is gastritis, this is interitis, that is, nausea, vomiting, then convulsive twitching is possible, respectively, darkening of the eyes, disturbance. at the direction of the head of the main investigative department for the city of moscow , andrei strizhov , an investigative and operational group was created; the criminal case was transferred for further investigation to the first department for the investigation of especially important cases of the state investigative directorate. the execution of the order is placed under control in the central office of the department. in connection with this fact, a a criminal case on the grounds of a crime provided for in article 238 of the criminal
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code of the russian federation, provision of services that do not meet the requirements. and sound engineer anton voloshin on june 17 , 2014, the film crew, fulfilling their duty , worked on the next report and came under fire from the armed forces of ukraine near lugansk, flowers were brought to the vgtrk building, and relatives , relatives, friends and colleagues gathered at the troekurovsky cemetery to honor the memory. i often review the chronicle of that day and the feeling of pain
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, resentment, bitterness, it, of course, over time doesn't go anywhere. each of us, those who make difficult, difficult decisions, of course, returns to this day, to the moment when you decided and largely influenced the fate of people, the fate of our sons for me, while we are alive, while standing in ogtrk, the guys will always be with us. on that fateful day, american journalists were preparing a report on how the militias were removing refugees near lugansk. at this time, the ssu opened mortar fire on them. anton voloshin died on the spot. igor kornelyuk was seriously wounded during the explosion. he was taken to lugansk hospital, where he died from his wounds. the president awarded the journalists with the order of courage posthumously. then this murder was condemned by the un and other international human rights organizations. the ministry of justice added
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five more people to the list of foreign agents. among them is journalist stanislav kucher stand-up. a corresponding entry appeared in the database; it is reported that a criminal case has been opened against the fugitive actress under the article on justification of terrorism. novosibirsk comedian lazareva has been living in marbella, spain, since 2016. in between sangria and siesta goes live on its youtube channel. and in numerous interviews he throws mud at our country and russians. in the evening he probably switches to stronger drinks.
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according to some experts, there are signs of a number of criminal offenses being committed, this includes high treason, and in navalnaya’s actions and statements, to discredit the russian armed forces and extremist activities. the lady has repeatedly publicly justified and supported anti-state actions on the territory of our country, and also declared his plans to lead the extremist organization fbk. her associate enaagent volkov called for cyber attacks on russian tv channels, and traitors.
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it is well known, but all of them should receive the status of a foreign agent, moreover, criminal cases should, of course, be opened against them in full. yulia navalnaya actively supports the introduction of anti-russian sanctions, cooperates with the heads and leaders of some countries , provides them with consulting assistance in activities directed against the interests and security of russia. immediately after the death of her husband, instead of coming to the funeral.
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the system simply does not have the rights, the road to the detention center is bumpy, the deputy chief road worker of the region was arrested in novosibirsk. the investigation is confident that konstantin gromenko received a huge salary.
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until the end of summer, while the criminal case is being investigated. according to investigators, he sold his patronage to a businessman for several years. the investigation continues into two criminal cases against the deputy head of the territorial department of automobile roads of the novosibirsk region and two directors of limited liability companies. they are accused of taking bribes. according to law enforcement officers, igromenko regularly turned a blind eye to the poor quality work of road workers. official. was detained on june 13 on suspicion of receiving a large bribe, in this footage he is being taken for questioning by the investigative committee.
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investigators believe that gromenko received so-called gifts from the directors of at least two companies, including a bmw x5 car and this country house among the generous gifts. on spacious territory with several buildings, a gazebo, a bathhouse, neatly trimmed lawns, flower beds, and bushes. he is also now a defendant in a criminal case. he is accused of fraud on an especially large scale. we are talking about the theft of budget money allocated under the national project for safe and
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high-quality roads. millions of rubles were to be spent on equipping automatic weight and dimensional control points on highways in the novosibirsk region. but instead of expensive complexes, contractors allegedly installed cheap homemade fakes of dubious quality. as a result. installed on regional highways must undergo mandatory certification, but resourceful entrepreneurs themselves drew confirming quality marks and seals, the company gisexpert was supposed to maintain these same complexes, its head andrei kazakov is now also under investigation for years of such criminal cooperation. businessmen allegedly brought konstantin gromenko at least 100 million rubles, and this is not the first criminal case of bribery in the territorial administration
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highways of the novosibirsk region. our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program spoke in detail about corruption schemes in the department. in 2020 , the now former head of the department, mikhail chumanov, went to jail. according to the investigation, for a lot of money he helped the right companies obtain profitable tenders for the construction, repair and reconstruction of regional roads.
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here, perhaps, it is not entirely appropriate, there are huge holes in the road, literally every meter. there are hundreds of such examples in novosibirsk. ushly road workers and corrupt officials continue to roll millions into asphalt, and siberians continue to damage their cars on broken roads. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, news. duty department, novosibirsk region. the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations is on a working trip to the chelyabinsk region, where he got acquainted with the latest
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russian developments. drivers of fire fighting equipment and assessed their capabilities, in particular, assessed the capabilities of the new ural vehicle. at the moment, 250 modifications of vehicles are being assembled and tested at the plant, and demonstrated arctic buses, road trains, as well as fire trucks, tank trucks, various containers, models with a double-row cab. our film crew accompanies the minister on his trip. we will show detailed material in the next issue. she flew by the hour, at the capital's domodedovo airport, customs officers stopped a passenger arriving from dubai, to whom the metal detector reacted strangely. the device made alarming sounds every time
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a lady passed through. moreover, even a thorough examination of the traveler did not give no results, the cause of the commotion, it turns out, was located inside her. when setting off on a flight, the woman packed three swiss chronometers with diamond inserts worth 13 million rubles. thus, the woman tried to avoid paying customs duties in the amount of 3,600 thousand rubles. the offender turned out to be a fifty-two-year-old vietnamese citizen. the watch was, of course, confiscated, and the smuggler gave evidence. for tax evasion and illegal transportation of strategically important goods, she faces a fine and imprisonment up to 5 years, but this story still has advantages for the lady, given that in moscow she was expected to have a transfer and a many-hour journey to her homeland, the chronometers would have remained in the cache for a long time and it is unknown how this would have affected the carrier’s health or the quality of the cargo. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and the honest detective, subscribe, also our investigation,
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watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our release this is over, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30, the most important change.
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proclaim peacefully about


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