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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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we return rubles for them, you can yota, this is a simple loan, only at sovcombank, we take it loans, without unnecessary information, softcombank is not just a loan, a hit, hello, the program's correspondents will tell the legal events of the day, the duty department and i maxim movchan. those involved in the murder of biker kirill kovalev will spend another 3 months in pre-trial detention. let us remind you that the tragedy occurred in moscow in april of this year. a young man was stabbed after making a remark to a driver who was parked right at the entrance. the arriving doctors were unable to save him. the main suspect, shahin abasov, is the one who, according to investigators, inflicted death blow. together with two accomplices, the alleged killer fled the capital. but
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was soon detained in the rostov region; those involved in the case face up to life imprisonment. all the most interesting, after a short advertisement, do not switch. the idea to start a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how the guys and i climbed here.
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program will be broadcast live by the duty department. we continue release. working as taxi drivers remotely in omsk, security forces effectively detained the scammers. who managed to make millions from a cyber scam. using fake documents and using gray sim cards, they got hired as cab drivers, made virtual trips, and then received bonuses from taxi aggregators. word to irina lotz. yes, we will style here. it was not possible to reach the owner, so the bulgarian was allowed entry. this detention was carried out in omsk. the special forces visited the suspect early in the morning. during the searches they found cell phones, so many that... they don’t fit in one hand of an operative. in total, four people were detained, three in omsk, one in krasnoyarsk. attackers exploited vulnerabilities in the taxi ordering application. their scheme
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worked flawlessly. using photographs of forged ids made in a graphic editor, they were registered in the service program as drivers. customer accounts were created using disposable sim cards. on whose behalf the orders were made, after changing the geolocation, the trip was recorded as completed, and after several successful flights , the employer transferred bonuses to the bank card of such a front-line driver. the income was easy and stable, for example, the operatives found half a million rubles and 200 euros in the apartment of one of the detainees. the system blocked virtual taxi drivers, scammers created new accounts and continued illegal actions, thus, since november 2022, they earned more than 5 million rubles. in accordance with the criminal case initiated under part three, 159 investigative part of the main management region. a criminal case
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was opened under the article of fraud by the police, with the support of the national guard, and at the same time , arrests and searches were carried out in two regions. preventive measures in the form of imprisonment were taken against two defendants. smartphones, computer equipment, bank sim cards, cash, documents were confiscated from the suspects; the criminal investigation continues. irina lotsi, maxim martynov, duty officer, omsk. a series of poisonings of ready-made food swept across the country in tatarstan, nizhny novgorod criminal cases have been initiated. in moscow, the situation is even more alarming, 55 people are in intensive care with symptoms. tourism, a total of 120 people were injured in the capital, all those who were poisoned ordered food from delivery services, now companies are being searched, and potentially dangerous food has been seized and is being studied by experts. details from fyodor eliseev. a few days ago, the daughter of muscovite diana artyukhina, vera
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, returned from school and ordered a salad and lobio cutlet for dinner. within a day , the girl was hospitalized with severe dizziness and double vision. she is now in intensive care. for a long time they could not make a diagnosis. because this is not a typical disease, she cannot talk, she cannot breathe, she has it, now igor’s wife cannot breathe on her own. the couple also ordered food from the same delivery service a few days ago, although the couple’s diet was different, the woman’s rapidly developing symptoms of poisoning appeared after eating a salad that contained red beans, she was dizzy, could not raise her arms, you looked at her eyes, they were cloudy, well, in general, that is, they seemed to be squinting, one might say that the woman did not have time to finish the ill-fated salad, which could have caused poisoning, and its remains were taken away for examination. rospotrebnadzor employees. the affected citizens ate lobbio salad , manufactured by local kitchen llc, salad with
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tuna, apple and beans, manufactured by gastroport llc. the circulation of products from these manufacturers has been suspended by the regional department of rospotrebnadzor until the completion of the sanitary and epidemiological investigation. the first reports of poisoning spoke of ten victims, at the moment their number is more than 120 people. all with suspicion of batulism poisoning, more than fifty. in serious condition, 30 of them are in intensive care. one of the sellers of dangerous products with the legal name of llc local kitchen, better known to residents of the capital under the brand kitchen in the district, has already announced a temporary closure. capital investigators conducted searches at warehouses and factories. to gain access , investigators needed to cut the lock. as a result of the searches, documentation was confiscated and employees were also questioned. near in such premises, finished products were found, which they tried to get rid of... in salads, after which mass poisoning occurred, both beans and tuna were canned, but it
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is too early to say which product contained a bacterium that secretes a dangerous toxin . now our colleagues, microbiologists, are working and establishing how the pathogen got into this or that product, but in this context i can say that this is definitely a failure to comply with the technological process, and at any stage from cultivation and preparation of raw materials before sterilization... subsequent preservation, the dangerous bacteria will remain in the jar until it is opened, entering the human body, the microorganism finds itself in ideal conditions, the rod is not destroyed by hydrochloric acid and settles in the intestines, the exotoxin released by it is 372 times more toxic than rattlesnake venom and 300 times that of sarin venom. the nervous system is affected, neuromuscular transmission and in 5-10% of cases can result in death... the first signs of batulism are gastritis, this is interitis, that is, nausea, vomiting, then
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convulsive twitching is possible, accordingly, darkening in the eyes, blurred vision, on the instructions of the head of the main investigative department for the city of moscow, andrei strizhov, an investigative and operational group was created, the criminal case was transferred for further investigation to the first department for the investigation of especially important cases of the main investigation department, the execution of the order was delivered . for control in the central office of the department. based on this fact , a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in article 238 of the criminal code of the russian federation provision of services that do not meet the safety and health requirements of consumers. currently, all victims are receiving medical assistance. a number of necessary examinations have been appointed, including those on product control and quality. now the investigation has to identify all the people involved in the production and delivery. and poor-quality food, it is also necessary to identify all the victims, the number of which, unfortunately, may increase. fyodor eliseev,
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maxim aparin, conductor, duty department. the ministry of justice added five more to the list of foreign agents human. among them are journalist stanislav kucher and stand-up comedian danilo poperechny. earlier, the ministry of internal affairs put agent tatyana lazareva on the wanted list. the corresponding entry appeared in the database . it is reported that a criminal case has been opened against the fugitive actress under the article on justification of terrorism. novosibirsk comedian. since 2016 he lives in the spanish marbella, in the breaks between sangria and siesta he goes live on his youtube channel, in numerous interviews he throws mud at our country and russians, in the evening he probably switches to stronger beverages. previously , the top officials of the extremist organization fbk, leonid volkov, ivan zhdanov, maria pevchikh, as well as one of the leaders of the free russia forum, the organization was recognized as undesirable, foreign agent gary kasparov, and a number of experts were recognized as agents. express bewilderment why yulia navalnaya, who in recent
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months has launched active anti-russian activities and has repeatedly stated that it is important to support national traitors within russia, has not yet been recognized as a foreign agent and put on the wanted list, indeed a number of fbk employees, for example, volkov, who called for the murder of russian military personnel, singers, who helped compile sanctions lists of russians and zhdans, who... did the same things, they are recognized as foreign agents, yulia navalnaya is still not recognized, despite the fact that she is conducting anti-russian activities and... she opposes the armed forces of the russian federation, that is , they are engaged in discrediting them, calls for the introduction of sanctions and so on, all these are signs that she can be made an agent, all her attempts somehow pull the blanket over themselves, they only show its worthlessness, they are like
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spiders in a jar, i mean the same kasparov, the same zhdanov and everyone else there. law, then he will be included in the register of facts that are registered in the federal foreign agents. according to some experts, navalnaya’s actions and statements contain signs of committing a number of criminal offenses. this includes high treason and discrediting the russian armed forces and extremist activities. lady repeatedly in public justified and supported anti-state actions on the territory
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of our country, and also announced his plans to lead the extremist organization fbk. her companion. foreign agent volkov called for cyber attacks on russian television channels, and the traitor foreign agent milov approved the commission of terrorist attacks and mari pevchikh actively participate in the recruitment of agents in russia, participate in the preparation of terrorist acts, and well, when their activists throw a molotov cocktail or a military registration and enlistment office, they lead ...intensive information war, i think that yulia navalnaya also , along with the already recognized foreign agents leonid volkov and maria pevchikh, by the way, maria pevchikh is a direct british agency, it is well known, and they should all receive the status of a foreign agent,
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moreover, in relation to them of course, criminal cases should be opened. about the full scope. yulia navalnaya actively supports the introduction of anti-russian sanctions, cooperates with the heads and leaders of some countries , provides them with consulting assistance in activities directed against the interests and security of russia. immediately after the death of her husband, instead of coming to the funeral and saying goodbye to her loved one, she began to wander around the offices of western leaders. in exchange for handouts from the enemies of our country, she made calls to increase pressure on russia and helped compile sanctions lists. everything she did. in recent years , the work of the special services has been assessed as activities in the interests of foreign intelligence services of hostile states, it has spoken of various particularly serious crimes, so it’s just it is impossible to forgive her for this, the russian legal system simply does not have the right, so it is possible that soon yulia navalnaya will join
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her friend yevgeny chechvarkin, not only on the beach, but in the ministry of justice register of foreign agents. the prosecutors general of russia and egypt signed new interdepartmental agreements, as well as a cooperation program for the next 2 years, a bilateral meeting was held in moscow. i'm glad to welcome you. this is the first meeting between igor krasny and the new prosecutor general of egypt mohammed shawki ayad, it was held as part of visit of the egyptian delegation to participate in the upcoming sixth meeting of the heads of prosecutorial services of the brix states, which will take place the other day in st. petersburg. igor
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krasnov emphasized that modern realities require modernization of approaches to countering newly emerging threats. russia expressed full solidarity with the position of egypt, which calls on all countries of the world to wage an irreconcilable fight against terrorism. the most modern special vehicles serve in the most difficult conditions. head of the ministry of emergency situations of russia alexander kurenkov during a working trip to chelyabinsk region got acquainted with the latest developments of russian designers. they are developing and constantly improving a unique vehicle that allows rescuers to serve in the harshest conditions. at one of the legendary car factories in europe, the conveyor works non -stop, myask urals travel not only here in russia, but also far away. abroad, they produce here, by the way, far from ordinary trucks, i am very grateful to you that a year ago they took a russian one from us,
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design flaws were revealed on the vehicle there, we we were able to complete them for work, the impressive size of the car is an experimental novelty, which was tested in the arctic circle last year, we still have to look for harsh conditions, in consultation with experts from the rescue department, the design was finalized, they say it has become even better, and this car with wheel arches is you. .. human growth is a special project designed to connect remote territories of the far north with each other, among the stated characteristics, operation at -50 is stable, the machine should not break down, and the main the module can be replaced, it can be a bus, or a filsher-obstetric station on wheels. there is room for maneuver, the manufacturer is sure, with such equipment it is warm even in the cold, and from time to time the trailer can be converted, which can be useful for the ministry of emergency situations. this is a modification. module, for example, is actually conceived as a constructor, there are basic elements, for example, heating, climate control, and batteries, everything else can be supplemented
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depending on preference and need, for example, here you can put tables, chairs, or hospital beds and medical equipment. the main feature of such machines is that improvements are constantly being made to the design. there are some peculiarities here, it is too big, this step. and from the point of view of working with the victim, it is not very convenient, it seems to me that you set the task, and we will see what can be done. the development of experimental technology is an important topic that the ministry of emergency situations pays attention to, but first of all the re-equipping of fire departments across the country is on the agenda. here, ural, along with kamaz, is the main supplier of the chassis, that is, the basics of the fire truck. over the past 3 years, the ministry of emergency situations and the ural automobile plant have increased cooperation. significantly according to the results of the twenty-second year 314 units, according to the twenty-third 107 this year 95 of which, as rustam rezasovich reported, 45 have already been delivered to units and 50,
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also special thanks for what you promised, an additional contract has been signed, work is now underway regarding its implementation, there are technical issues, but they are being resolved in a working order, nevertheless, we are here, now we would like, of course, to communicate now, looking into each other’s eyes, relying on specialization and professionalism in order to ultimately receive all the necessary equipment that the russian ministry of emergency situations needs. here again, the company’s management does not miss the opportunity to announce innovations in a seemingly familiar fire tank, here it is, but it is based on many elements from the now popular composite, judging by studies , in some places more reliable than metal, even when damaged. there will be no presentation, there will be an overlay on the inside, that’s all. in principle of course it’s much more fun to repair than metal, but it has much greater strength, impact resistance is apparently not the only advantage of modern material; in field tests,
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which were shown to the minister, a six-ton ​​truck quickly breaks through off-road terrain, which also shows the lightness of the body, as i understand it , the use of such materials, they can be called innovative or not, they influence the price greatly, but do not greatly influence the price, that is, the materials themselves are not very much a development. production, that is, equipment, production debugging, yes influences, but with mass production, it does not lead to a significant increase in cost, as stated by the ministry of emergency situations, the financial side of the issue when re-equipping fire departments is no less important than the functionality of the equipment, new technologies require justification, however, the department strives to introduce innovations, so it is possible that such fire trucks may soon be evaluated in real-world conditions. maxim shevchenko, viktor barmin, host. the duty unit is from the chelyabinsk region. in oryol , the first vice-mayor vadim nechiporov was detained. the media, citing its sources, reports that security forces visited the official on monday morning at his workplace.
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there are few details. according to regional media reports , the detention may be related to the carriers' case. in march of this year , a criminal case was opened against nichiperov under the article of obstruction of legitimate business activity. it is reported that searches were carried out in the office at the suspect's home address.
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admit, the blood of the murdered applicants of the altai state university is on his hands, he committed the murder of an applicant from the polytechnic institute, a series of high-profile disappearances of young girls in barnaul occurred in 2000, no matter what reasons were given, from involvement in a sect to sale into sexual slavery, yulia tekhtiekova was the first to disappear in june, a month later in july liliana vaznyuk, 3 days later olga shmakova, in august - autumn university, but the version was not confirmed; investigators found the first evidence, a bag with women’s things and a notebook of the missing ksenia kergizova. later, in the area of ​​the village of buranovo , the bodies
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of the girls who disappeared from the polytechnic began to be found after hiding.
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moreover, the remains of other missing women were found nearby; in total, the defendant is charged with 11 counts. the period of his detention was extended by 6 months from the date of receipt of the criminal case in court. during the investigative actions, manishin is extremely restrained in showing emotions and is taciturn, while the case is being considered in court, the probable killer is placed in a pre-trial detention center, and in the near future the case of the bloody rector will be put to rest. galina khungureeva, mikhail shirin, khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty department.
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the marathon queen will have to pay complete. the ninth arbitration and appeal court denied elena blinovskaya a tax reduction. the blogger’s lawyers accused the federal tax service of illegally charging the amount. in their opinion , the department miscalculated by 220 million rubles. blinovskaya’s defense argued in court that it was federal.
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see you on the russia 24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda. a sudden blow, a masterly retreat, another blow. this is how a special forces unit operates in the ukrainian rear. why this pros are not afraid of drones or artillery. nato took up the nuclear cudgel after moscow’s peace proposals. alliance secretary general jens stoltenberg threatens to put warheads on alert. how many of them does the west have and how well have they calculated the consequences? not everything is
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a plane so that


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