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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. after five days of brix games in kazan, the russian team has 115 gold medals, three of which were won the day before in diving. my colleague stas redikultsev will tell you about the winners. the stands at the jumping pool at the aquatics palace are full. on the ten-meter platform, the most desperate athletes are igor brix, water divers. before the start of the competition. cutlets are coated
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with shaving cream, but no one is going to shave, shaving cream usually just removes all the dirt and sort of bunches it just becomes dense. during the week of competition, the brix games accustomed spectators to the fact that medals flow in an endless stream, but today sets of awards are awarded only in one discipline - diving. at the brix games, jumpers perform morally strong at the end of the season and immediately after the russian championship, which ended 4 days ago. it’s hard and...
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in an encircling fight under the ceiling, the most complex combinations, ideal entries into the water, the audience tries not to breathe, such is the tension, the judges, among them the legendary two-time olympic champion dmitry sautin, some attempts are rated with a maximum score of 10, and the games themselves receive high marks. we've been waiting for this for a long time, yes, just more people, yes, more countries would of course be much more interesting, but god forbid that international competitions take place anyway, because they really missed them, of course, they went to china this year, so ... the training camp and we met there with some chinese proguns, yes, but it’s clear that not not with the first, yes, that is, not not with the first team there and with the leaders, so this is how it turns out this is the first international start right here, while cooper and schleicher are fighting for the gold of the games until they are dizzy, the venezuelan jumper jesus gonzalez listens to music and dances between attempts, in kazan he has been studying and training for the last six months and thanks to the russian school of jumping at the games, brix jumped and danced. all the jumpers are so
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focused, they only think about jumping, it seems that you need to be concentrated to show the best result, but i don’t think so, i just relax, turn on the music and don’t think about the competition, i’m so distracted, and when i jump, i think, already standing on the platform. the best on the ten-meter platform was alexander, nikita shleicher, silver, two-time champion of the games was elizaveta kuzina, today she won on the three-meter springboard. the support of the stands helped a lot today, this is the first time in my career that this happened, and it was very energizing, as for the championship at the brix games, well , it seems to me that this is like a mini-story, that ’s what the first games and two golds , well, it’s great, there’s a competition in the morning, and in the evening too, but this time it’s a dance competition, and here the reward is a prize audience sympathy, that is, smiles from all over the world. and applause from colleagues, throwing
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giant pancakes, board games, fun in the fresh air in the universiade village, where the participants of the games live every evening, a celebration of international friendship and youth, athletes exchange cultural traditions, warmly congratulate each other on victories and get acquainted with the traditions of russia and tatarstan, an athlete will always understand an athlete, even if they don’t know each other’s language, when no one interferes or tells you who to be friends with, it’s easy to find a common language. hundred sredekultsev stanislav. and the weather in russia continues to deteriorate about unfavorable weather conditions, residents of dozens of regions, from the krasnoyarsk territory to the north caucasus, are warning. where will there be heavy downpours, and where will the wind blow? ksenia levetskaya has all the details. bad weather expands its geography. thunderstorm fronts from european russia reached eastern siberia. and now it waters everywhere. from westerners. borders of the country to
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the banks of the yenissei. which regions will be hit by the elements today and when will moscow be hit by the next super rainstorm? this is the weather a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and obbast centers. i'm ksenia levitskaya, hello! rare synchronization of weather processes, the european part of the country and siberia are at the mercy of thunderstorm fronts. he swam! moscow did not rest for long, it seemed that after a week of floods, over the weekend the capital’s weather finally returned to normal, but come monday it deteriorated again. the atmospheric front approached the megalopolis in the afternoon, thunderstorms in some areas were extremely severe. at some point we had to close due to rain. section of borovskoe highway. i would like to note that, judging by the videos from social networks, muscovites have already begun to gradually get used to such weather conditions. not surprisingly, since the beginning of june, the city has already received more than a month and a half
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of normal precipitation. it’s good that we’re on the bus, here in general. the moscow region also suffered from the elements. polevalo voskresensk, odintsova, sergiev pasad. in podolsk, private weather stations recorded rainfall intensity of up to 55 mm in 24 hours. heavy precipitation was observed in the western regions of the country on the upper middle volga. but another source of extreme weather formed the day before in siberia and the urals. in the altai territory, rivers began to rise, and barnaul was flooded. kusbas suffered from bad weather, with local floods occurring in both large cities in the region, kemerovo and novokuznetsk. and this is the krasnoyarsk region, there were heavy rains and strong winds. in these shots, one of the residents of the city of zelenogorsk sadly watches how the weather changes the landscape in front of his windows. i
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don't have a tree anymore. as can be seen, compared to last week, the weather in russia not only did not improve, it became worse, the geography expanded. previously, the country was drenched in rain by one cyclone, but now two are doing it at once: the first one is circling over siberia, and today it will drop the heaviest rains on the most densely populated parts of the region: altai, kuzbass, tomsk and novosibirsk regions. the second whirlwind is located over the northern half of the russian plain and will rain on the central region, as well as the north-west. in some places , more than 20-25 mm can fall out in 24 hours. landings i would like to note that in the zone of both cyclones the wind will increase during the day. the main storm is expected to the east of the ural ridge, in western siberia, the speed of air flows in gusts can exceed 20 m/s. this is a very dangerous value. and alas,
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so far no significant weather changes are expected in either the asian or european parts of the country. at least until the end of the work week, these regions will remain at the mercy of thunderstorm fronts. the weather will be just as hysterical with localized precipitation and strong winds. in in kemerovo, for example, today there will be another downpour with a thunderstorm, a fifth of the monthly volume of moisture will fall, tomorrow the rains will weaken, but then intensify again. by saturday, the total amount of precipitation over the week may exceed 40 mm. it's raining in moscow today, but less intense than on monday. tomorrow the sun will come out and it will warm up to +26. another heavy downpour will hit with 19 mm of moisture, only +19 on thermometers, so this day could become the coldest since the beginning of june. that's all for me, goodbye. we have 1,500 branches, more than 7 million clients and financial
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expects to receive investments from brix in the near future, tell us, how will this affect the economy of the republic? tatyana, investments will help restore the manufacturing sector, for now let’s move on to other topics. russia and the dprk will work together to resist unilateral sanctions, as well as develop trade and settlement mechanisms that are not controlled by the west. vladimir putin wrote an article about this for the nadong sin newspaper on the eve of his visit to north korea. vladimir putin expressed confidence that cooperation will be able to be taken to an even higher level. it will be mutually beneficial and equal, will help strengthen trade and economic ties and will lead to an increase in the well-being of citizens of the two countries. there are also plans to increase mutual tourist trips; the possibility of launching direct flights between the countries is currently being explored. the head of the ministry told reporters about this. we met with our korean
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comrades, worked on this issue, including we were interested in the direction, for example, novosibirs, moscow-pyongyang, but everything depends on the tourist flow, and on the interest of people to enjoy the culture of our neighbor. venezuela will soon receive investment from brix, they will help. venezuela is connected with brix within the framework of economic sovereignty; in accordance with the constitution and the provisions of the anti-blockade law , we have already signed contracts so that major investments and technologies from brix will arrive in the near future. this will contribute to the full restoration of the manufacturing sector and workers' incomes. industrial enterprises will have access to unlocked technologies and new markets. meanwhile, the country's vice president
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delcy rodriguez said the republic condemned. refused to recognize the forced sale of shares in cidga, an american subsidiary of the venezuelan state oil and gas corporation. previously, the us supreme court allowed the asset to be put up for auction. cost about 10 billion dollars. sidga earns about a billion annually, but due to american sanctions, money has not been coming to venezuela for more than 4 years. major repairs of hydraulic structures in new regions will be carried out.
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apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. what do you think? cool, but for a subscription, save up a vtb savings account. open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. vtb, everything is together. state services is a portal for citizens of all ages; it has a number of useful functions for pre-retirement pensioners. we will tell you what services they might need in 5 minutes in the program. number of people over 14 years of age, that is, those who have passports can register for government services, there are approximately 122 million of them. well, according to general statistical data. accordingly, of those who make up the population there over 50 years old, there are approximately 52 million, well, again , according to average statistical estimates, that is,
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we have, as it were, such pre-retirement pensioners, their share, respectively, of those 14+ is there are approximately 42%, 42-43, here on the portal the share, oddly enough, strikingly simply correlates with this figure, that is, we have 43 pre-retirees there with a tail of a percent of the total number of registered let's start with pre-retirement status, if you have less than 5 years left until retirement, then you have additional rights, for example, you are protected from unjustified dismissal, there are tax and other benefits, but in order to take advantage of them you will need a certificate, which can be obtained on the portal . we had a separate issue about this. the type of pension can be changed; if you qualify for several payments at once, you can switch from one type to another for free. for this. you only need submit an application through the portal, its draft is filled out automatically, you just need to answer a few questions about your life situation and check the resulting
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document. a notification about changing the type of pension will be sent to your personal account. some or all social services can be exchanged for money if it suits you better. you can learn about how to understand what will be more useful to you and how to submit applications from our other issue. on the. in the state portal you can communicate almost directly with the social fund, for example, look at your personal account find out how much the pension amount has changed after the next indexation, or find out what length of service the fund knows about, and if there is a need, clarify the data on which the amount of payments depends; you can also learn about these possibilities from our other issue. firstly, on the portal you can actually register the status of a pre-retirement person, but in itself it seems to work out, it’s like a service. available on the portal, here you can check your work experience, you can check your pension calculation, or you can get an extract accordingly, from the electronic work book, there it is necessary in order to certify your work experience, which
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means you can get an extract of your individual account in order to understand accordingly the volume of pension savings that currently exist, and you can apply for recalculation of your pension if you think , that, for example, some conditional coefficients, allowances, for example, were not taken into account in the initial calculation, having previously, of course, received a statement about how this calculation was done. the pension was formed, what coefficients were taken into account. government services help you get treatment, for example, if a physical copy of your medical policy is lost, on the portal in the documents section of your personal account, you can find out the number of this document. but that's not all, of course. using government services, you can register with a clinic, make an appointment with a doctor, and open an electronic meth card to make it easier to keep track of your appointments. but if you have iron health and don’t complain about anything, it will work out. sign up for dispensary services public services allow you to receive compensation for purchased prostheses and other medical products, assistance for the maintenance of a guide dog
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, and so on. gradually, more and more services will be available online. of course, mfcs are not going anywhere, but electronic services can be used from anywhere, for example, when you are at the dacha with your grandchildren. that is, we see generally high attendance, well , we understand that for them we have a number of generally significant services, well, it is clear that even the same pensioners use some of them, for example, services in the field of education, well, conventionally, it looks after the successes of children, some grandchildren, and so on, that is, as if whose legal representative he is, but of course, this is a small number, it is clear that a large number, these are the most frequent services that are associated with various payments, i don’t know about fines for housing and communal services, services and the like, and of course services that are directly aimed at people of pre-retirement age. so, let’s repeat the main thing: don’t be afraid to try. new, on the public services portal you can manage your pension and other payments, through it you can easily make an appointment with a doctor or find out your medical policy number and quantity. with
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digital services constantly growing, if you still don’t have a government services account, now is the time to open one. do you want to learn more about how to use government services or what new services are appearing on the portal? write to us on telegram, send your questions, we will ask experts and tell you everything in the next issues. instructions.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest
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detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect, dasha is more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and ... what kind of product is it?
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russia and the dprk are actively developing a multifaceted partnership. this was emphasized by vladimir putin on the eve of his state visit to this country. the president published in the nodon newspaper sinmun article. he emphasized that moscow highly values ​​the dprk's support in conducting a special military operation, as well as solidarity on key issues and willingness to defend common priorities at the un. he noted that phinyang resolutely opposes the west's desire to prevent the establishment of a new world order .


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