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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. in moscow 10:30 onwards, briefly about the main thing. vladimir putin arrived in yakutia on a working trip, the president was met at the airport by the head of the republic, aisen nikolaev, after which putin headed to the creative cluster in the labor quarter, where at this moment he is communicating with specialists in the it field of the equipment industry. in the evening, vladimir putin went on a state visit to the dprk. anti-tank forces of the west group of troops destroyed another american armored vehicle.
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on it, the militants tried to get closer to our positions, but the scouts noticed their movement, and the weather crew immediately struck the target. the number of patients with suspected obaturism in russia increased to 149, 121 cases in moscow, 14 in nizhny novgorod and kazan. most of those hospitalized are in serious condition; all sick people ordered food from a kitchen company in the area. the service has been suspended throughout.
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faster than inflation, next year it will add about 15% in the country as a whole and will exceed 17,700 rubles. in addition, the order has changed calculation-indicator. alexandra nazarova has all the details. in russia they increased the cost of living next year. the corresponding decree was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. during a meeting with vice-premiers, he emphasized that strict implementation of social obligations is necessary to achieve the country's development goals. which was established by president vladimir putin. by a may decree, the president approved one of the national development goals - preserving the population, strengthening health, improving people's well-being and supporting families. for in carrying out this work, it is important to strictly fulfill social obligations. in russia as a whole, the cost of living per person next year will exceed 17,700 rubles. compared to the current year, an increase of more than 2,000. there will be a living wage for the working population. above 19,300, for
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children above 17,200, and for pensioners exactly 15,250 rubles. this decision, so to speak, was based on taking into account two factors, this is the growth of inflation, since, according to the need to fight poverty, as if these were the possibilities of the budget, yes, first of all, the federal budget, because it bears subsidiary responsibility, and there for social pensions, for payments in cases where, so to speak, a subject of the russian federation. if the budget is not enough, then the federal budget comes to the rescue; it should also be noted that in fact the cost of living has increased by much more than inflation. we see that the increase in the cost of living was about 15%, 14.8%. at the same time , the calculation procedure has changed; if previously a specific amount was established by the law on the federal budget, now it will be calculated based on median income. so the next year’s indicator was determined based on data for 2023,
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then the median income was 40.121 rubles. if we are a society, and, in general, we divide the citizens of russia in half, then accordingly the person who remains, as it were, on the border of these two parts of society, accordingly, he receives the so-called median income, therefore, in general, the assessment and calculation of the living wage based on the median income -
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russian entities will set their own values, to which many types of benefits and allowances are tied, for example, payments to those in need families with children and pregnant women. or pensioners whose income does not reach the regional subsistence level. dear colleagues, ensuring social guarantees is our priority, and people must receive the required state support in a timely manner in full, please control this throughout the country. starting next year , the minimum wage will be tied to the median salary; it will be 48% of this indicator. vladimir about this. announced at the st. petersburg international economic forum. so thus, the mrod will exceed 22,000 rubles. per month, that is, it will add about 15%. the ratio to the median salary will increase. the goal for the thirtieth year is to raise the minimum wage to at least 35,000 rubles.
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per month, and, of course, it will have to remain above the subsistence level. and now alexander korievsky has joined the broadcast. so here's the program. fifth studio, sasha, i greet you, what will we talk about today? yes, sasha, greetings, we are also, of course, talking about europe, a lot of interesting things are happening there, so there is something to discuss. so, we have connections with kirill logvinov, his permanent representative of russia in the eu, kirillo mikhailovich, hello, i put it correctly that there is something to discuss, and it would seem that it makes no difference to us who will lead the eu, ursula, not ursula, but.. the elections that took place in the european parliament tell us that the mood in europe is changing, is this true, is it possible to say that now the news that has come, the heads of the eu countries have not yet agreed on
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a candidate . ursula fondeyan, is it possible? somehow comment on the transition, or changes in mood, or is it too early to say, alexandrevich, good morning. yes , maybe it’s worth looking at what happened yesterday through this prism. let me remind you that yesterday there was a meeting of the european council, at which it was really not possible to agree on candidates for leadership positions in the european union, but the fact is that even the day before , the meeting of the leaders of the eu member states ended after midnight, the populists, socialists and democrats, as well as the liberals who joined them, managed to do so.
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entrusted to the current prime minister of estonia, kae kallas, but it was not possible to reach an agreement the first time, why? but the fact is that among the leaders of the eu countries yesterday there were those who reasonably proposed to first discuss the results of the elections and their consequences for the european union, and then move on to the distribution of posts, and there is certainly logic in this, because the deterioration of the socio-economic situation of the european ...
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system, it is formed precisely around ursula vonlein and the geopolitical european commission led by her with their views and values, but priorities, that is, and at the same time today we see this in the example of the results of the elections to the european parliament, this political system is going through a crisis, but the key to surviving this crisis is seen by the majority not in change, namely... in stability, so that for the political stream the german, as they say, was at the right time, in the right place, well, let's see, the formal intrigue remains, the second approach to the removal is planned for next week, when the next meeting
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of the european council will take place on june 27-28, and kirill mikhailovich, well, this of course, it’s their business, but we closely monitor the mood, because in all these moments these moods are manifested, the very first round. negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova to the eu on june 25, this is already the final date, as i understand it, in general how can this be assessed, is this really the beginning of some serious process, or is it just...
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announcing that this will happen on the twenty-fifth, why? well, most likely, everyone here is afraid of the start of the hungarian eurowatch, which will begin on july 1, because everyone knows the skeptical attitude of budapest, and once again they fear that this will weaken the position of the european union as the main champion of pseudo-ukrainian interests, so the european commission here manipulated in every possible way. facts, additionally convincing the european capital that moldova and ukraine have already done everything
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to start negotiations. well, what will happen next, we need to see, because even if the european structures wanted to speed up negotiations, no one here canceled taking into account the criterion, such as the ability of the european union to absorb candidate states, and as specification and negotiations. plots, i think that the ambiguous consequences of the rapprochement of the parties will be more and more obvious, and kirila mikhailovich, another interesting topic, the eu is creating a commission to combat corruption, they are afraid that these 50 billion that have been allocated will be stolen, and europe will pay, but they are trying to take our money for payment, but in fact, europe will definitely give it back to us later , still with interest, but that’s later, but now they will pay their money, they will save their 50 with this... commission billion from looting in ukraine or not, what do you
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think? well, you know, you are absolutely right, that is, the creation of the structure you mentioned, it clearly demonstrates the serious fears that the european bureaucracy has for the fate of the funds allocated to kiev, because well, the yesovites, in general, understand what kind of scammers they are actually dealing with , that's why. want to at least somehow control this process, that is, an audit council will be created, and this was provided for by the initial decisions that were made in february of this year, when they were created legal framework for the allocation of assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros, and even the secretariat of this new structure will be located directly in kiev, well, where possible - it will be easier to keep an eye on cash flows, but you correctly noted, it is very significant that
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recently, the union council has included detailed provisions on control over the spending of money in almost all documents adopted that relate to issues of assistance to ukraine, but will they help prevent theft? funds, this is of course a big question, but the yesovites are not the only motive here. here in control, there is so much need to reassure the eu taxpayer, and about the fate of this money, to show that these abuses will not go unpunished, but in the grand scheme of things, all this is all a public game and has nothing to do with reality, they simply underestimate the creativity of ukrainians figures, so - regarding the fourteenth package, i was surprised when germany has not yet agreed on this package. what's the matter? well, you know, the germans, they, uh, apparently they want more clarity
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regarding the mechanisms for holding european companies accountable for violating anti-russian restrictions, that is, in conditions when sanctions do not work, the main emphasis will not be on introducing new sanctions, but on combating circumvention of previously adopted ones, and it is proposed to combat violation of the sanctions regime. parts of products that are produced not only at enterprises located in the european union, but in their branches outside the eu. it’s clear that thoughts about such a prospect are depressing. export-oriented german economy, but, so to speak, you never know what oppressed them in these 2 years in the context of the adoption of the thirteen packages and, as we all understand, the germans will be the last to sympathize, and this is indirectly confirmed by such a catchy the thesis, which
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is now walking around the euroquarter, that germany has become the new hungary, that is, in their words, these are the ardent supporters. anti-russian sanctions can already be directly presented to berlin, who is not with us, who is against us, perhaps this is only the beginning, yes, kirill mikhailovich, an interesting turn, germany, this is the new hungary, this is something new, well, let's see, really, thank you very much, kirill logvinov, his permanent representative of russia the arrival was in our contacts, there was a fifth studio, all the best , evgeniy petrovich, hello, thank you for finding the time, but there is no time. a simple, just a little nervous, not very pleasant statement is being made in europe, as usual, they are rattling their weapons, talking about the need to increase the combat readiness of their nuclear forces, but now i see the news, the usa satisfied, the united states is satisfied with the current level of readiness of its nuclear forces in europe around the world, data from the white house, but how do you
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comment on whether this is just another scare or serious intention to escalate? the united states and the five european ones are the most powerful, because, for example, the countries have different
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numbers stored at their air bases, before it was 200, then suddenly it became 100, but i think it’s 150, gravity. b-61 bombs of various modifications, which are located in hangars under airplanes, talk about an increase their combat readiness is actually quite strange, because hanging or loading these bombs into a bomb bay for, well, several hours, one can only talk about increasing the combat readiness of the carriers, but no one is talking about increasing the readiness of the carriers yet. because to keep the pilots in a position for a long time, so to speak , in the absence of a direct threat, so to speak, i personally consider it completely inappropriate ; secondly, what stoltenberg says, well, you know, we operate in two concepts,
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deployed and non-deployed nuclear ammunition, if we are talking about non -strategic weapons, because naturally stoltman is talking about non-strategic nuclear weapons, the strategic nuclear triad is a completely different matter, it has its own level of combat readiness, but this is a purely american task, it has nothing to do with nato. so, uh, they, we believe, since the air bomb is located under the planes, it is in a deployed state, our non-strategic nuclear weapons are all concentrated in the centralized warehouses of the twelfth main one. management, which are located at a fairly distant distance from the locations of the carriers, that is , iskander complexes, thirty- first aircraft for the dagger, twenty-fourth for
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other aircraft missiles, or there are ships of the caspian flotilla, the black sea fleet. the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons has been and is being practiced at all major exercises in the western direction, all our wests are there with
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the belarusians, which we conduct, but in such a way that a separate exercise is devoted specifically to the issues of using neo-strategic nuclear weapons, i frankly don’t remember, maybe they existed, but they were not announced, well, here i am, when this was announced and announced... the contents of the first stage, that is, the delivery of nuclear weapons to the sites where the carriers are deployed there for the iskanders , appropriate for aircraft, but yes, pictures appeared with the warhead blurred there, but i decided that indeed, we are talking about real ammunition, i even allowed myself to fantasize that it would be nice to leave them there after the exercises, just in case until graduation. special military operation, but then the speech, or rather, the discussion at the st. petersburg forum at the plenary session,
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the president put all the points regarding the use of nuclear weapons, that is, it became clear that there would be no demonstration, preventive, prophylactic strikes on the territory of both ukraine and european countries , about which i spoke... after that , the ministry of defense made a statement about the second stage, well, firstly , the leningrad military district appeared, then the word appeared before the word special ammunition training, that is, it became clear that these are not real ammunition, these are training ammunition, launches, so to speak, electronic launches using computer modeling methods.
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they exhaled, and now they inhaled again, they started to scare us again, in fact , look, it turns out that they are stoltenberg, he’s just scaring us, although of course, the white house seems to be trying, as you rightly noted, nato does not have its own weapons. this is a certain organization, yes, countries have nuclear weapons, but nevertheless, these same statements are about a fairly authoritative person, well, it should have been, but it turns out that it means we didn’t scare them, maybe we should have scared them after all, no, alexander, here are two, two key moments, firstly, after they exhaled, our strike-tactical group appeared off the coast of florida, uh, it has already sailed away, left, or rather.
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states, we are still in the caribbean, this is the first moment, so i think that this may be a reaction. from the us side, through the mouth of stoltenberg. and the last point, do not exaggerate the role of the secretary general. this a highly paid, well-lived official, whose entire duties are to conduct various meetings at various levels, from summits to, so to speak, plenipotentiaries. alliance, that’s it, he personally doesn’t make any decisions, none, so to speak, he can develop some proposals, and so he voices the agreed position
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of the alliance member countries, and as for nuclear weapons, then all these myths, we have some experts like to say that, for example, the same american bombs are at air bases under double control, but there is no double control, everything is under control. in the hands of the americans, and you mean air bases in europe, well, in general, europe, specifically in europe, specifically in europe, that is, all the codes, so i heard this version that a german pilot takes off in his tornado or there there will be f35 - with nuclear bombs, that's all, and he is the king, he can strike there at any target, he cannot until, so to speak, the unlocking mechanism is activated, which so to speak.
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what the official said, it’s also impossible, as you rightly noted, he’s voicing someone’s position, and we still have to do something, maybe it’s not training after all, well, that’s your opinion, i understand that makes the decision of the supreme commander, but here is the expert opinion, maybe we should really try to carry out the exercise, no, i think that stoltenberg’s statement should simply be ignored, it’s not at all, you know,
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as if he’s messing around with something. yakutia, flies to the republic for the first time president for 10 years, the last time vladimir putin visited yakutia was in 2014, now we are seeing live footage that is transmitted to us from the capital of the republic, yakutsk, and we now know about the president’s program during his visit to the republic. and now briefly about
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the main news. today in yakutia, vladimir putin will get acquainted with the work of the creative and it industries of the republic and with the development of the largest cluster in the far east to support creative industries. today the russian leader is expected in pyongyang. for the first time since 2000, vladimir putin will come on a state visit to north korea. ahead of the trip, the president published an article in nadong sin. let's look at the main points. about 150 people have been hospitalized with symptoms of batulism after being poisoned by food from a delivery service. 14 cases were identified in nizhny novgorod and kazan. we will find out all the details from our correspondent in the region. 40 ships and vessels are provided and about twenty planes and helicopters. the pacific fleet is entering a large-scale exercise that will last 10 days.
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what and how will it happen? deal with a terrible accident in in the ryazan region, a minibus, a car and two trucks collided; according to the latest data, eight people were killed and 15 were injured, we are monitoring the incoming information. vladimir putin arrived on a working trip to yakutsk for the first time in 10 years. the president will meet with the head of the republic, aisen nikolaev, and talk. participants in the zemstvo doctor and zemstvo teacher programs, as well as the far eastern program for training managers, it is called muravyov amursky 2030. the president will also be shown how the priority development territory works patriotic, it was created specifically to support the production of products for the needs of the northern military district. but first, the president came to the creative cluster kvartal truda, where he will be told about leading projects in the field
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of information technology and support for start-ups. moon. the president emphasized that russia and the dprk are actively developing a multifaceted partnership. moscow highly appreciates the support of the dprk in conducting a special operation, as well as solidarity on key issues and willingness to defend common priorities at the un. putin stressed that the dprk, despite economic pressure and threats from the united states, it effectively defends its national interests. pyongyang is fighting for.


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