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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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here we have made a big program for the next 5 years, we believe that we need about 70- odd thousand people to get out of the poverty zone, that is, to reduce poverty in our republic by half, among large families by three times, this is such a serious, difficult task , this, of course, is not only subsidies, it’s also training, labor mobility, assistance to children and various...
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we plan to commission 76 objects this year, this will already be a record for us, what are our main projects, here is the mezhduva campus , i reported to you about it today, where we have several there will be universities, we are building the arctic center of epic and arts and the state philharmonic on our own, this year we are finishing its construction, next year we will introduce it, i would also like to separately highlight the educational complex as a point of the future, this is a project, an absolutely private, unique project, like...
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this is a victory for the special military operation, we are doing a lot of work here, a single coordination center has been created here since 1923, and we are spending a total of about 9.5 billion rubles on support measures. military personnel and members of their families were also sent for material support, we are constantly working with the command of the eastern district, sanych alexander semenov, in constant communication.
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well, i won’t say candy, but at least there it’s not too embarrassing to go into the same ringen, the same surgery, now in buchaevsk the situation was a little better, but there’s also a lot there, it was generally scary there, thank you, people must feel
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that their reunification with russia is not only of an emotional and cultural nature, but also... and still provides an opportunity raise their standard of living, blessings there , here i am still, when i always come to the hospital, this is what i came to last time i was there, well, just women hugged, cried, old woman, 20-odd years old, just couldn’t see, blind, our doctors performed an operation on her , she regained her sight, here we are were the first day she was a person, after more than 20 years she was able to look at the world, and there are many like that...
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we are starting a gold mining project, and there a low -power nuclear power plant will be built there, with a capacity of 110 megawatts, the first in the world, two-unit , here is the cluster it will, of course, bring with it gold, and the head, and well, a number of other deposits may be there - they begin to be developed, and this , of course, is new life for the arctic for the quality of life of people.
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already up to the mark, let’s say, with modern safety requirements, they are unique in that their thermal power is also a little small, well... 10 mw, the electrical power is also small, also up to 10 megaw, that’s just for small ones like this settlements, such as iksi, tiksi, bus kuiga, or any northern village, they they fit just perfectly, and if it were possible to launch this over a period of time to actually produce some kind of industrial output, not just for single results, this kind of industrial work would begin, i think that’s it... i would just turn it around - work in difficult-to-reach territories, these are ours, we
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spend huge amounts of money on delivering fuel to the same small settlements, we import two, three years in advance, crazy expenses , it’s even scary to say here, what kind of delays we have , but this could just be all that and decide, of course, the transport system is here... here i want to note something, yes, regarding the main infrastructure of airports, we have built 10 airports, thanks to this program, thanks to your decisions, four more airports are planned to be built this year, but we have lost two ports, this is us kulga, this is exactly where the nuclear power plant will be and lensk, this is the center of the west, just an oil and gas center, we will ask you to support us in this part, because it is impossible to transport nuclear fuel to an unprepared strip, this probably won’t work out in any way,
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so this decision will still have to be made sooner or later, but it’s better earlier than later, yeah, well, well, from other projects, you know them all very well, from the creative industries, today we presented the projects to you, they are all working for us, of course, the main thing for us is this multifunctional film pavilion for... we prepared them, we prepared them for a long time, now some of my colleagues, the heads of regions ask aisan, what needs to be done to that's how much you invest to get this it worked out, i roughly tell you, then first, second, third, fourth, fifth, i say, if you do this, in 20 or 30 years you may succeed in something, but it’s still a long game, it’s necessary prepare bases, train specialists, but they can do everything quickly.
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we hope this year we will launch a far eastern concession for several facilities, and of course here in healthcare, where we have made a colossal leap forward in recent years, we have one such uncovered, let’s say, spot left, this infectious diseases hospital, yeah, we passed all the commissions, now at the machine we’ve looked at so much, good. as for nireningra, here too we have all the work going on in terms of unirengration, well, the only
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sore point here that we are discussing is the conversion of the nerungrinskaya gres to natural gas, after all, gazprom has certain doubts there, but we are working with the government here, this is there was footage of a working meeting between vladimir putin and the head of yakutia, aisen nikolaev. the joint history of the cis countries today. discussed in moscow at an international conference. it is well known that after the collapse of the ussr in some countries of the post-soviet space, history began to be revised, and often simply distorted facts and established interpretations. during this forum, experts plan to develop approaches to research and coverage of general periods of history in educational literature. the current acquisition of independence to a large extent of all these current states was associated with those national...
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2:48 pm
ivanovo morning, i want there to be more of us, these are my best evenings. pokrovsky evenings, and i want there to be more of them, because there is nothing greater than happiness. national project demography. magnet - the price is what you need. ice cream maxido 79. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. just grow with us, right on target, this is a goal, this is a victory, this is a victory, russia, russia, russia, russia, whether you throw out the trash already or not, so, attention, we have a replacement, a replacement
2:49 pm
for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win. the results of two years of work are being summed up by the all for victory charitable foundation, created on behalf of the president by the all-russian popular front. at the exhibition in the russian forum , several events are dedicated to this; we will find out more details from our correspondent maria valieva. so, i greet mary, but it is known that the day’s program includes an awards ceremony for volunteers, the work of several. large stands, what else do you have interesting there? yes, alexey, well, as you previously emphasized, it’s never boring at vdnkh, now we are next to the stand of the donetsk people’s republic and the achievements of the kulibin club are presented here, including the best developments of our domestic engineers in
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in the defense industry, for example, let me draw your attention to this: this is an electronic warfare system. on a tracked platform, varan can scan the enemy’s frequency range in 2 seconds and quickly suppress them, it is also not recognized by thermal imagers, so you can safely send it behind enemy lines, it has already proven itself well on the front line, but the developments of our domestic engineers are also presented here, -they’re about to go to the front, for example, this is the olga 3 electronic warfare and electronic reconnaissance system for drones suppresses, yes, it suppresses fpv, it suppresses maviki, but if our enemy does something new, it is modular, as you can see, there are eight modules, each of them is responsible for a certain frequency.
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the project “everything for victory” is 2 years old, the most large-scale actions in the history of modern russia, as the head of the executive committee of the popular front mikhail kuznetsov emphasized today, during this time more than 4 million transfers have been made, about 14 billion have been collected. this is already more than 510 units, i have these numbers are more than seven thousand quadrocopters, multi-colored quadcopters, maviks, the so-called ones, yes, which, well, actually the class of fighters, is 14,000 radio stations that have already been sent to the guys, almost 9,000 sights and manoculars, night sights.
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that the fighters in the special military operation zone needed help, i went to work, earned 3,000 rubles and sent them to the participants in the special military operation, when i found out about the svo, i decided to help our soldiers, i worked during the holidays and, well, i earned money and sent it to the people's fund , i distributed from... for exhibition visitors form russia today, the people's front has organized
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, together with the knowledge society, a huge number of lectures, master classes are also held here, including how to weave camouflage nets, you can send a soldier to the front and a postcard with wishes, even a children's toy, a small thing, but it's nice, also here. ..
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hoi of the russian federation amounted to about 55 billion yuan, it increased by 273%. we are ready to strengthen cooperation in the automotive industry, automotive industry has become
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the main focus of trade and economic cooperation between china and russia, and moscow, in particular, is russia's main industrial center. moscow has announced electronic tenders for the right to conclude offset contracts with the vladimir and orenburg regions. we are talking about spheres. improvement and road construction, that’s why the capital’s authorities chose such a tool and what advantages it gives, anna lazareva will tell. the essence of the offset contract is that the supplier is obliged to invest, for example, in the construction of a plant or modernization of production facilities, after which it must begin delivery goods, and the buyer guarantees that he will wait for this moment, and then will purchase this product for a long time. the essence of a contract of this kind is that it is very long-term. because while investments need to be implemented, while production needs to be established, production must be increased, and actually due to this one contract it is possible not to recoup the investment, but to a large extent
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still... to compensate for the costs already incurred to expand the scaling of production, so contracts of this kind are good to do in conditions only when there is a long-term, confident buyer, for example moscow. now this tool is increasingly being used within the framework of interregional cooperation; for example, moscow has announced electronic competitions for the right to conclude two offset contracts in the areas of improvement. and road construction with the orenburg and vladimir regions. under the terms of the latter, the investor must establish in the region the production of a stabilizing additive that makes the road surface stronger. moscow to its the queue guarantees the purchase of about 8.0 tons of these products annually for 10 years. the contract with the orenburg region will solve the problem of supplying tulips. as part of the offset , the investor will supply over 10 years to moscow
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. continue to delight our citizens with fresh, living, high-quality planting material with flowers. since 2017, the capital has concluded 19 offset contracts for the supply of essential products: medicines, medical products, food products for dairy kitchens, and landscaping elements. the volume of purchases will amount to over 349 billion rubles. and the region will receive more than 6,500 jobs. we have iconic offsets, such as purchasing.
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started delivering products. the city receives drugs for the treatment of oncological, cardiac, cardiovascular and other diseases, as well as products for milk distribution points. today, more than 70% of russian offsets, or 19 out of twenty-five contracts, are in moscow, including the country’s first interregional offset contract with the republic of karelia. according to it, the investor will create an enterprise
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for the production of crushed stone for repairs within 3 years. construction capital roads, and moscow will purchase more than 13 million tons of crushed stone over 10 years for a total amount of over 61 billion rubles. first of all, these are investments in the mining industry of the republic of karelia, the total volume of investments will exceed 1 billion 600 million rubles. the company executing the overall contract has already begun construction of a new enterprise in the territory district, and of course, a new plant.
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vladimir putin today in yakutia focused on the it sector of the creative industry, the president spoke with residents, as well as i watched the exhibition in the yakut creative cluster kvartal truda and supported the idea of ​​​​creating a supercampus in the region, what will they create there? putin is expected in pyongyang today, with welcome banners in russian and korean in honor of the friendship of the two countries at the airport along the route of the motorcade. the president of russia published an article in the leading newspaper of the dprk: what are the main theses? the outbreak of potulism in russia is the largest in almost 30 years.


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