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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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the state duma proposed conducting random inspections of catering establishments after mass poisoning of prepared food. the number of hospitalizations with butuulism symptoms continues to rise, with outbreaks reported in several cities. svetlana chmykhala will tell you more. she joins the facts live. svetlana, greetings, there are so many victims already. this moment. currently , 197 cases of poisoning are known. experts say the current outbreak is the largest in russia in at least the last three decades. years. so, in moscow , over 120 people with symptoms of butuulism sought medical help. more than fifty of them are in serious condition in hospitals. there are 20 people in the moscow region, 12 of them are seriously ill. moreover, the regional rospotrebnadzor suspects that there may be more poisoned people. experts are calling people
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who might have bought lobiu salad with beans. in kazan, the number of cases of suspected botulism increased to fourteen, and the same number were hospitalized in nizhny novgorod. among the victims is a child, 12 people in resuscitation. the case of mass poisoning has already been transferred to the main department of the investigative committee. all victims consumed products from the same manufacturer. people ordered lobio from the area kitchen and tuna posole salad. an apple from the gastroport. investigative checks also revealed other violations; the moscow investigative committee reported that employees of the warehouse premises where the products were stored tried to get rid of them. in addition, several citizens of uzbekistan illegally registered a salad production company. by three people have been detained in the mass poisoning case. with those detained today by the ceo of the company lok.
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batulism, a rare but potentially fatal disease, bacteria live in the soil, but are able to survive in adverse conditions thanks to spores. the ideal environment for bacteria is the absence of oxygen and a temperature above 35°. in such conditions , a strong biological poison is released, in general, the bacterium loves canned food, most often butolotoxins are found in beans, spinach, mushrooms, beets, tuna, and if... the dispute in
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if there is a little canned food, then the can does not swell; it is difficult to determine the danger by its appearance. bacteria also readily multiply in salted smoked fish, ham and sausages. actually, the word botulism comes from the latin botulus: sausage. this toxin is very terrible, a poisonous dose for a person, there are parts per million, there are grams, the toxin damages nerves, neuromuscular connections, the most sensitive ones. here are the nerves associated with vision, so the first symptoms in a person are the inability to focus the gaze, the lack binocular vision, those people who went to the hospital, they are now, i think, on controlled breathing, on an artificial respiration machine, how long they will be like this depends on how much toxin they have, which means they received it, how... it affects
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a person , when it enters the body, the substance blocks nerve signals that cause muscles to contract. when used correctly, by the way, with the help of butulin toxin they treat spasms, smooth out wrinkles, the same botox, but if the neurotoxin gets into the stomach, a person develops severe damage to the nervous system, as it manifests itself, the upper eyelid droops, double vision, the patient finds it difficult to swallow any food and water, and paralysis can occur. respiratory muscles. according to who, batulism is often mistaken for stroke or meningitis. to make an accurate diagnosis, laboratory tests are needed, and after diagnosis , antitoxin must be administered as soon as possible. all patients received timely therapy, and the main therapy for butuulism is antitulinism serum, that is, it antitoxin, which is eliminated in the body, which should neutralize the toxin that exists in the blood and, accordingly , reduce clinically. manifestations. prevention in
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the case of batulism is quite simple. when preserving , thoroughly rinse vegetables during cooking and observe the temperature. the regime does not store food without oxygen for a long time, and as for ordering food, the market for the delivery of ready-made meals has been growing at a double-digit rate over the past few years, it is logical that the number of people who do not have the habit of cooking also is increasing, and it would seem that along with this rise in business , responsibility should also increase, but it seems that you need to be more careful and careful when you choose the second between a stove and a tray, yes light... thank you, right at these moments news comes about that , that from tas, that the scooter, against the backdrop of a situation involving food poisoning, stopped sales of the company’s products, gastroport began conducting an internal audit, and also on the message with reference to the scooter, it will return the money to muscovites who we bought this lobio salad with beans after
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june 10th. so, today is the sixth competitive day of the brics sports games. 2024 in kazan, 17 sets of medals are played out, athletes compete in chess, freestyle wrestling, diving in basketball combined, where our correspondent stas ridikultsev works, he joins us, yes, stas, welcome, tell us what this discipline is , basketball combined event, yes, colleagues, i welcome you, but so mysteriously at the brix games they called the discipline of figital basketball, loved... by the spectators at the games of the future, which were also held in february in kazan, but this time the basketball hall was chosen as the venue and center for basketball competitions in a format where the digital and real worlds are connected. just a week ago here , cska moscow became the winner
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of the vtb united league, but today the russian national team and the belarusian national team competed in the fight for the gold medal, and if on the console the belarusians were stronger. 7:8 then vladislav meleshin already shone on the court today, he scored in 7 minutes of play 12 points and was simply on fire, which there is no other way to say, the russian team beat the belarusians with a score of 23:15, and vladislav mileshin became the first person in the world to win the figital, a basketball tournament at the games of the future, at the brix games, with we talked with the basketball player, who still plays for the russian national team in basketball 3:3, immediately after the final match. it was the first time i went to the games of the future, and they took me as a reinforcement to the league pro team, and i honestly had no idea how it would all
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look, how spectacular it would be, but i’ll literally watch the first games, i generally fell in love with this format, and many of my friends, many even this is more interesting to watch than my professional tournaments ... so if everything goes according to plan, there will be development, there will be a championship, there will be some club stories, then i think this format has a great future, vladislav meleshkin is certainly right, well, at the aquatic sports palace today the divers competed for the final sets of medals and we pay attention to synchronized diving from the three-meter springboard, here... nikita shleicher and evgeny kuznetsov showed a crazy total of 446.34 points, this is the best result of the season in the world, well, let’s move to the it-park, which has become an arena for chess tournaments, a total of
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six medals are played out at the brix games in rapid and rapid, well, one of the strongest glassmeisters performs stronger. but, in principle, i’m already used to creating several rounds, and the organization is excellent and you can feel the tension in the air, that ’s why it’s not easy, well, today there are 17 sets of awards in total, in
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in the evening part of the program we are waiting, of course , for a hot fight on the wrestling mats, there will be a scattering of medals and... very intense and interesting wrestling matches, so we are slowly moving there, but here - in the basketball hall and brix games. colleagues say goodbye, yes, thank you, in direct communication with igor brix in kazan, our correspondent stas radikultsev. well, now about the weather, showers, which can be called volleys, do not leave the russian regions, the consequences of heavy rains are being eliminated today in the volga regions and south siberia. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the phobos center, vadim zavodchenko. yes, vadim, welcome, i see that the doctors are saying that this tropical weather, which is expected in moscow, is stuffy, hot, rainy, maybe even for... health is dangerous, according to your information, when the showers stop how long will nastya
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stay with the sibiryaks in the center of russia? well, we don’t have long to wait, on the russian plain, nature will make its first attempt, although not very successful, to improve the weather tomorrow, over southern siberia the rain clouds will begin to dissipate only from thursday. a thundercloud arrived in ulyanovsk during a moment of suffocating heat. the air in the city warmed up to +31. the downpour was accompanied by squalls; according to eyewitnesses, the wind additionally spun the ferris wheel in one of the parks. on the new bridge , a truck overturned under a gust of wind; the moment of the emergency was recorded by a recorder driving behind the car. hurray, they'll fall, mom, we'll go fine, don't worry, it's fine, we 'll get there. i was amazed not only by the wind, but also by the intensity of precipitation and water flows
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washed away the asphalt. an suv fell into one of these traps. the driver barely got out of the car. in the lowlands, cars sank up to the hood. employees of one of the warehouses staged an exciting swim on a septic tank with shovels instead of oars. heavy rains again covered certain areas of the capital, rivers flowed through the streets during the day. downtown. more than 300 mos drain crews continue to monitor the situation. thunderstorms continue to test the patience of residents of southern siberia. in the krasnoturansky district of the krasnoyarsk territory, an overflowing stream washed away a bridge that connects two parts of the village of nikolaevka. the culvert simply could not remove such a volume of precipitation. as a result , some residents were unable to return home immediately. and waited for the water level to drop, but tomorrow in the west and north-west of the russian
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plain the crest of the anticyclone will already be located under the black sea, so the precipitation here will subside for a while, but the east of the region, the urals and the south of siberia will still be covered with fields of rain clouds, and in some places in the arctic, in the north of the urals and in the baikal region, showers will be able to bring in just 24 hours more than a third of the monthly... volume of moisture, for example, over irkutsk the next portion of thunderclouds will begin to gather tomorrow in the middle of the day, but until they prevent the sun from warming the air to +26, the most intense precipitation will fall on the city in the late evening and the coming night, according to according to model estimates, up to 10 mm in 3 hours, by thursday morning about 40% of the june moisture norm will fall here. on thursday the weather pendulum will swing in the other direction, another
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atmospheric front will break through to the russian plain, so the residents here will again showers are expected in places with thunderstorms and gusty winds; in siberia, on the contrary, an anticyclone will begin to form and, under its influence , rain clouds will begin to dissipate. in krasnoyarsk, light rain is still possible tomorrow, and due to dense clouds , the thermometers will not rise above +16, but then, thanks to the anticyclone , sunny weather will come to the banks of the yanisey river and the cooled air will gradually warm up again. in moscow , on the contrary, tomorrow the probability of precipitation is minimal, the sun will easily warm the air to +26-28, but from thursday the sky over the capital will again rain clouds will be drawn in, the showers are predicted to be quite heavy and will pour into the megapolis by the end of the day. there is still almost a quarter of the june moisture volume. the results of two years
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of work are being summed up by the all for victory charitable foundation, created on behalf of the president by the all-russian popular front. at the russian exhibition forum, several events are dedicated to this. let's find out the details from our correspondent maria valieva. mash, welcome, we know that the program of the day includes an award ceremony for volunteers and the work of several large stands. i'll tell you. at all, what can you see, have you been there? yes, hello, colleagues, there are only a few hours left before the award ceremony, and we are working now. next to the stands of the lugansk people's republic and donetsk. the achievements of the kulibin club, one of the areas of work of the popular front, are presented here, and look, there are a lot of different electronic warfare systems, quadcopters and, of course, tracked platforms. by the way, i’ll tell you a little
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about this installation, it’s a varan tracked platform, it doesn’t recognize it. drive unnoticed, the enemy will look for it for a very long time, this is an electronic warfare system that has already proven itself well on the front line, but samples are also presented here, these are projects of russian engineers that will just be sent to the front line, it suppresses drones, yes, it suppresses fpv,
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it suppresses mavics, but if our enemy does something new, it is modular, as you can see, there are eight modules. each of them is responsible for a certain frequency, well, one might say, for a certain type of drones, if something new appears, we take out this module, insert a new one. the project is 2 years old, everything is for victory, the most large-scale actions in the history of modern russia, as the head of the executive committee of the popular front emphasized today, during this time more than 4 million transfers were made, it was possible to collect a number of...
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night sights, more than three thousand generators, 230 atvs, 25,000 body armor, 78,000 first aid kits and several thousand cars, this is what lies behind these figures, i would like to note that today at the exhibition we were able to meet eleven-year-old hero sanji antakanov, as soon as he heard that the fighters... needed help, he got a job, earned 3,000 and transferred it for participants in a special military operation, when i learned about the svo, i decided to help our fighters, i worked on vacation and well, i earned money and sent
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it to the public fund, i distributed leaflets and washed headlights. for visitors to the international exhibition of the russia forum, the popular front, together with the knowledge society, organized many thematic lectures; today there are many master classes, they will show how to weave camouflage nets, anyone can send a postcard or a children’s toy to a soldier at the front, after all, it’s a small thing, but it’s nice, here next to the seventy-fifth pavilion on the street there is an uaz, on which... also , anyone can write a wish for the fighters who are currently in the zone of a special military operation, well, in the main hall today there will be an award ceremony, awards will be given to public figures who constantly participate in training camps for the fighters who are now are on the front line, supporting
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participants in a special military operation, as well as their family members and colleagues, of course. yes, maria, thank you, maria valieva was in direct communication from the russia forum exhibition, where today she sums up the results of the two-year work of the charity foundation “everything for victory”. the annual all-russian training camps of the ministry of emergency situations started in ufi, they last 5 days. the main task is to improve the work of state fire inspection departments. the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov took part in the opening of the training camp. he also visited the center management of bashkiria, handed over to the rescuers and firefighters of the republic. new special equipment, such as tank trucks and ladder trucks, and also met with the head of the region, radiy khabirov. all your initiatives in all directions. the ministry of emergency situations of russia will be supported, because in the end this is a fight for human lives, for the health of our citizens, this is very important for us, this is goal number one, in my opinion, everything that
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happens in bashkartastan is the right path, and you are once again today they told me a lot about the plans that we have outlined, they very important and we will certainly fulfill them. sad news came from france, the actress anouk aimee, who played in the sixties in the melodrama of claude lelouch, a man and a woman, that same grandiose, popular film, died, she was 92 years old, the actress began acting in films very early from the age of 14, it is known in russia also based on the cult films of the italian director and screenwriter frederic fellini, the sweet life of 8 and a half, for her role in the film, a man and a woman, she received bafta and golden globe awards, and was also nominated for an oscar. i'm a new program
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the television center. on academician korolev street. his colleagues, tv channel employees, military officers, and managers came to the civil memorial service. major federal media, representatives of the ministry of defense and the presidential administration. as for valery, we met with him on good, well, relatively good, mainly about awards, and we met more than once. i remember him very well, in fact, he is such a strong guy.
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about the awarding of valery the order of courage posthumously, also some fifth or sixth of his awards, but unfortunately the last, we will definitely remember him. valery's life was tragically cut short after an attack by a ukrainian drone in the gorlovka area near donetsk, when the operator, together with ntv military correspondent alexey ivliev, was filming a report about the defenders who were opposing the armed forces of ukraine. the doctors managed to save alexey’s life for several hours. according to the editor-in-chief of the tv channel, valery, understanding the danger of his work, chose in advance the place where he would be buried. he chose kalyazin himself. alyazin is a very small city, there are only more than twelve people there, small, there are more people there, probably 12 thousand people live there, but they he already has his own heroes of words, he has his own new walk of fame, on which today he valets with military honors, because he was a real warrior, he fought not in a way that he could not do best, through the lens but
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shown. he began working in the donbass in 2014, for 10 years the audience saw the war through his eyes, then there was syria, for the colleagues who worked with him in the combat zone, he will forever remain a true professional.
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he worked in order to live, he gave his all, he went through a lot, he ended his journey in the war, he spent months in the most difficult business trips, awarded a medal for courage, medals of the order of merit for the fatherland of the first and second degree, a medal of the ministry of defense for participation in the operation in syria. yesterday the children of the victims were remembered. 10 years ago, igor korneryuk, anton maloshnik, when they died, i was surrounded in slavensk, i remembered this, i started getting photographs to remember who was there, and lyokha and valera were there and i look at the photographs, we are sitting in the basement, in my opinion, it was rudd who fell under the unmitigated shelling, everyone is tense, throughout such a dark basement, one bright spot in the photograph is
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valerie’s smile. at the funeral, by decision of the relatives, the closest ntv operators of valery kozhin were present. 17:00 in moscow, we continue, residents of new regions should feel that reunification with russia will raise their standard of living, these are the words of vladimir putin. work in new regions became one of the topics of the meeting between the president and the head of yakutia. the republic took patronage over the city of kirovskoye in the dpr. vladimir putin arrived in yakutsk with a working trip.


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