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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 19, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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if it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country ahead is blossoming. even more achievements await us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. he rescued an icon from the ruins of the temple in novomikhailovka. czech, this icon is like new, not a scratch, the czech doesn’t part with it now, he passed me, then turns around, the icon of svetlo nikolaevich, they secured it in their position, so i didn’t wait for the entrance evacuation, i decided to go towards them, that’s all, and i came out with this icon, i took the icon with me, one cassette fell, in short, in my area i sat down there... the fighter says how in
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the corner of the house where he was hiding from shelling, another cassette arrived, as the military say, a cluster munition charge, these small shells, in short, they hit me right around me, i don’t know by what miracle i survived, but believe it or not, as you can see, it’s glass, well, it’s you’ve already returned her to normal, she’s just like that, just like that, imagine a miracle. not a single fragment hit neither a fighter, nor an icon of st. nicholas the wonderworker, now behind me is the world’s largest monument to st. nicholas the wonderworker, to whom i have already prayed today, thanked him for our guys, for the fact that he doesn’t leave them there, here, but he today showed his next, next, his miracle, when we in our battalion opened a temple, people came to this temple, some left, were blessed, went on assignments for... and
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others came, even those who could not pray, they came even to the temple, just like they said, holy water for the boys, there are a lot of inexplicable things in war, say north military district veterans, when you don’t know how it happened that a bullet or shrapnel missed. vitaly pavlovsky was also hit by cluster munitions of the ukrainian armed forces. there was a case, we were sitting on the front line, drinking tea, eating stew, and these little cassette tapes arrived. ammunition simply explodes, roughly speaking, under our feet, windows fly out, there is a fence between our heads, the mesh is working, it is being stitched, then a babayaga immediately flies in there, not a scratch, no one, i i think that we protected each other with our friendship, brotherly relations and love, for me, my homeland, my religion, the russian flag, my, let’s say, amulet, personally one fighter
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who vowed to god not to swear when they arrived at their positions , he overshadowed the icons of the mother of god, an indestructible wall, the sky, and mines that climbed towards them, they simply did not explode, as if they had bumped into some kind of wall, i open my eyes and don’t even see anything at first, says the marine who saved the icon, it’s hard to believe that he survived the blow cassettes, then the czech noticed a comrade’s motorcycle with the call sign mops, i ran out. with an icon like this, and he passed me, then turns around, czech, what, i say, i say, sit down quickly, i’ll put the icon under my arm, everything on this cross, i think so, god, thank you, god does things like this amazing events at the front, shows that god's truth is on our side, we are fighting on the side of good, on the side of truth, how this guy's eyes are burning, he talks about what happened with some kind of admiration, but not for himself, not the fact that he took the icons out from under the fire, admiring a real miracle, otherwise... perhaps
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you can’t call it, what happened, he took the icon out, in short, he came out himself, thank god, seeing this story, i just understand how well done they are guys, now they will have their own. heavenly patron, may god grant us all to live to see victory. when novomikhailovka is restored, the marine wants to return the icon of st. nicholas the wonderworker to the temple after its restoration, but for now the soldiers are going to make a camp church in the unit, because at the front everyone has their own faith, but essentially one in god, in oneself in victory.
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how much does mayor trukhanov value odessa restaurants? he is ready to allocate italian and german electricity generators for city business, just so that... the guests are not left with plates of cold borscht. the only strange thing is that these generators in restaurants were actually intended for children's hospitals. that is, trukhanov seems to have decided that medical institutions can easily do without electricity, but restaurants, well, not at all. here is one of the generators found in an establishment in tchaikovsky lane, and whose this is a restaurant? and it belongs, as they write in the media , to a certain olga gritsenko, who, it seems, is clearly close to mayor trukhanov. as for the information there that these generators ended up with restaurateurs, these generators served the houses of officials, their mistresses there
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, everything else, i do not exclude, to be honest, not a single criminal case has already been initiated against trukhanov, it has not been brought to its logical conclusion completion, a person has enormous financial resources that allow him... to feel absolutely calm like a fish in water in this a state completely corrupt. well, who else did trukhanov give humanitarian generators to? the ukrainians write that another one was found at a car wash. another installation on genuevskaya street, where trukhanov and his beloved olga live. and there is information that trukhanov did not spare the electricity generator for her deputy for medicine, svetlana bedrega, generously. i wonder if trukhanov’s beloved olga knows about this? these generators, they even have special markings that say they are humanitarian aid to ukraine, in this case from germany, the flags were drawn, and trukhanov saw it all personally. here is an archival photo of how
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the mayor, apparently, accepts western assistance, only he accepts it not for the city’s balance sheet, but rather for his personal balance sheet, the man essentially in his own... hands now holds big business, odessa, the port, the whole, say, the smuggling that comes to ukraine, the only thing that he now has to share directly with zelensky, if earlier it was through the oligarchs there, now the main oligarch is essentially the expired zelensky, they receive along with ermak gave big kickbacks, so they stopped putting pressure on trukhanov to resign; in fact, they gave him the city, and trukhanov takes advantage of this.
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well, in addition to increasing tariffs, ukrainians are also going to be fined for using noisy generators, well, trukhanovo is probably silent, western, so ukraine is literally consumed by hopeless corruption, where electricity is available only to a select few, and in the literal sense of the word, the rest only have to hope there is light at the end of the tunnel, and certainly not on mayor trukhanov.
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the essence of the offset contract is that the supplier is obliged to invest, for example, in the construction of a plant or modernization of production facilities, after which the buyer must begin supplying the goods. guarantees that he will wait for this moment, and then will purchase this product for a long time. the essence of a contract of this kind is that it is very long-term, because while investments need to be implemented, while production needs to be established and production increased, in fact, due to this one contract , it is possible not to recoup the investment, but in to a significant extent, still compensate for the costs already incurred to expand the scaling of production, therefore contracts. this kind of thing is only good to do in conditions where there is a long-term, confident buyer,
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well, for example, moscow. now this tool is increasingly being used within the framework of interregional cooperation, for example, moscow has announced electronic tenders for the right to conclude two offset contracts in the areas of improvement and road construction, with the arenbur and vladimir regions. by conditions of the latter, the investor must establish on the territory. region production of a stabilizing additive that makes road surfaces stronger. moscow, in turn, guarantees the purchase of about 8.0 tons of these products annually for 10 years. the contract with the orenburg region will solve the problem of supplying tulips. as part of offset , over 10 years the investor will supply over 104 million planting kits to moscow in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles. the fifth package of sanctions included supplies. tulips, in fact, this does not allow us to supply those material, which is the planting material
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that we previously purchased from abroad, in many ways this made it possible to conclude a set contract with the orenburg region with the localization of production on the territory of orenburg, and which, due to its climatic conditions, allows us to grow high-quality planting material and continue to delight our citizens with fresh, fresh flowers . since 2017 , the capital has concluded. 19 comprehensive agreements for the supply of essential products, medicines, medical devices, food products for dairy kitchens, landscaping elements. the volume of purchases will amount to over 349 billion rubles. and the region will receive more than 6,500 jobs. we have significant offsets, such as, for example, the purchase of lithium-ion batteries, with the condition of constructing a gigafactory in moscow. the construction of the factory is already underway in...
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russian khavsets or 19 out of twenty-five contracts are in moscow, including the country's first interregional offset contract with the republic of karelia. according to it, the investor will create an enterprise in 3 years for the production of crushed stone for the repair and construction of capital roads, and moscow will purchase more than 13 million tons of crushed stone for a total amount of 10 years.
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whatza. i remembered this day in history, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on june 19 , 1739, the first russians visited japan. the expedition of martin spanberg entered teshirahama bay. it was he who discovered the citron, figured and green islands the year before. the former are today known as the islands of iturub and shikatan. it was not possible to establish communication with representatives of local authorities due to ignorance languages ​​and ancient laws of self-isolation. which operated in japan, residents were prohibited from contacting foreigners, so shpanberg did not go ashore, but turned his ship archangel michael to the north. the team fell ill and had to pass by all the lands and return to the city of bolsheretsk, on the western coast of kamchatka. to prove that he had visited japan, shpanberg brought two gold coins of japanese mintage, received
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for russian cloth, and sent a report on the voyage to st. petersburg. but the sailors are from another ship expeditions, saint gabriel. under the command of a russian citizen, lieutenant william walton, they were able to land on the japanese coast and even examined the village of amatsumura. in january 2005, in the town where there used to be a village, a memorial stone was erected with the inscription “the site of the first russian landing in history on the shores of japan.” on june 19 , 1899, nicholas ii approved the coin regulations in russia. this completed the monetary reform conceived and implemented by the secretary of the treasury. the result was the emergence of the first gold medal in russian history. convertible ruble. each gold ruble coin now contained a clearly defined proportion of pure gold. in gold chervonets it is 10 rubles. gold was as much as 7.74 g. coins made of silver and copper became an auxiliary means of payment. their admission was limited. silver was ordered to
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accept no more than 25 rubles in each payment, and medio no more than 3 rubles. as a result, russia for 15 years until the beginning of the first world war in 1914 received a strong stable currency backed by gold, and if in 1895 banknotes, that is, paper money, amounted to almost 92% of the total money supply, then by the beginning of 914 banknotes it was 73.5%, and gold made up a fifth of all russian money, 21%. this strengthened the ruble exchange rate and attracted foreigners. capital, but with the beginning of the first world war, the exchange of money for gold ceased. on june 19 , 1963, the soviet spaceship vostok-5 returned to earth with pilot-cosmonaut valery bykovsky, call sign yastreb. bykovsky spent almost five days on board,
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this is a record for a single flight into space, and it has not yet been broken. scientists, doctors and builders of space... systems led by sergei korolev came up with the idea of ​​simultaneous flight of two ships, and for one to be controlled by a male cosmonaut, and the other by women. it was necessary to find out how a long flight affects the human body and check the coordination of the work of the ground services of the cosmodrome when controlling two ships at once. therefore , from june 16 to 19, simultaneously with vostok 5 , the vostok-6 spacecraft was in space, which for the first time in history was piloted by female cosmonaut valentin. during the flight i observed the earth, the sun and the stars, i felt well throughout filmed on black and white film. terezhkov felt nauseous, she felt weak, but on the whole the experiment was a success, although chaika and hawk never saw each other through
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the porthole. flying around our planet. since then, women have flown into space only as part of crews, so... valentina tereshkova remains the only woman on earth to have made a solo space flight. june 19, 2012, editor-in-chief of the famous wikileaks website, australian journalist juliana sange asked for political asylum at the ecuadorian embassy in london. he was given asylum for 7 years, and sanj lived on the territory of the ecuadorian diplomatic mission, but in 2019 the president of ecuador, lenin moreno, reconsidered his position. london was allowed into the embassy and assange was arrested, and now he has been in a british prison for 5 years. he is accused of disclosing classified pentagon information, conspiracy, and has 18 criminal charges brought against him. cumulatively he faces up to 175 years in prison. in 2022, the british home office approved his extradition. this year the london high court asked the american authorities for guarantees that
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assange would not be sentenced to death in order to send him to the united states, but if they were not given, assange would be able to file another appeal against the extradition decision. supporters of freedom of speech around the world regularly hold actions demanding the release of the journalist and stop prosecuting him for... professional activities, this was the day in history, shoplifting, robbery, gazui, you fled from the orphanage five times, six, to those who got out of hand, all hope, completely wild guys, we need discouraged mentors, forgive me, lord, what did you want from me, a miracle, this is your obedience, just save from others, you yourself will be saved, state services is a portal for citizens of all ages, it has a number of useful functions
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for pre-retirement pensioners, which services may be useful to them, we will tell you the instructions in the program in 5 minutes, the number of the population over 14 years old, that is, those who have passports can register for the service, there are approximately 122 million of them, well, according to general statistical data, respectively from of them there is approximately 42%, 42-43, here on the portal the share, oddly enough, strikingly simply correlates with this figure, that is, we have 43 pre-retirees there with a tail of a percent of the total number of registered ones, let's start with the status. pensioner, if you have less than 5 years left before retirement, then you have additional rights, for example, you are protected from unjustified dismissal, there are tax
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and other benefits, but in order to take advantage of them you will need a certificate, which can be obtained on the portal. we had a separate talk about this release. the type of pension can be changed; if you qualify for several payments at once, you can switch from one type to another for free. all you need to do is submit an application. through the portal, its draft is filled out automatically, you just need to answer a few questions about your life situation and check the resulting document, a notification about changing the type of pension will be sent to your personal account, some or all social services can be exchanged for money, if it’s more profitable for you, about then how to understand what will be more useful for you and how to serve it the statement can be found in another of our issues, on the state portal you can practically... look at your personal account to find out how much the pension amount has changed after the next indexation, or find out which social fund to communicate with, for example,
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the length of service they know in the fund, and if there is a need, you can clarify the data on which the amount of payments depends, you can also learn about these opportunities from our other issue, firstly, on the portal you can actually apply for the status of a pre-retirement person, but in itself it’s like it’s obtained, like it’s a service available on the portal, here you can... government services help you get treatment, for example, if a physical copy of your medical policy is lost , you can find out
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the number of this document on the portal in the documents and personal account section. but that's certainly not all. using public services, you can register with a clinic, make an appointment with a doctor, and open an electronic medical record to make it easier to keep track of appointments. and if you have excellent health and don’t complain about anything, you can sign up for a medical examination. public services allow receive compensation for purchased prostheses and other medical products, assistance in maintaining a guide dog, and so on. gradually, more and more services will be available online. of course, mfcs are not going anywhere, but electronic services can be used from anywhere, for example, when you are at the dacha with your grandchildren. that is, we see generally high attendance, well, we understand that for them we have a number of generally significant services, but... it is clear that even those same pensioners, some of them use, for example, services in the field of education , well conventionally, it looks after the successes of children, some grandchildren, and so on, that is, as if whose legal representative he is, but
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of course, this is a small number, it is clear that... a large number, these are the most frequent services that are connected there with various payments, i don’t know, fines for housing and communal services, services and the like, yes, and, of course, services that are directly aimed at people of pre- retirement age. so, let’s repeat the main thing, don’t be afraid to try new things, on the state services portal you can manage your pension and other payments, through it it is easy to make an appointment with a doctor or find out the number of your medical policy. the number of services available digitally is constant. is growing, if you still don’t have a government services account, now is the time to open one. if you want to know more about how to use government services or what new services appear on the portal, write to us on telegram, send your questions, we will ask experts and we will tell you everything in the next issues. instructions.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective. it is clear to everyone that russia is not
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a gas station country. to bring russian digital solutions to a new height, there is a prospect, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like? if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. the competition of ideas and money, a sensation occurred, and what a sensation, became intense within america and beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why is it necessary now?
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observe observe? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.


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