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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 19, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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we will try to reveal the originality of its present day, find typical features, recognizable signs of the past, this is what we will talk about today: calling the province novorossiysk, a decision that is more than 250 years old, the place of novorossiya in the history of russia, a conversation with an expert of the program. leonid lukov. a native of mariupol, who made films with an open soul. 260 years ago, in the spring of 1764, the panin brothers, general andshef, pyotr ivanovich and the actual privy councilor, nikita ivanovich, submitted to catherine a second project for the development of the province of new serbia. this part of the former. the panins proposed calling
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the new province catherine, but the empress wrote on the project: the province should be called novorossiysk, so the word novorossiya came into official use. in september of the same year, at the request of local residents, the little russian town of kremenchuk was included within the boundaries of novorossiya, it was also before... zadunaysky and grigory potemkin tauride, the novorossiysk province extended from slavyanoserbsk, now the regional center in the lpr and bakhmut, now artyomovskaya, to the crimea, transnistria and odessa. in fact, ekaterina the great implemented the idea of ​​peter i about the development of the azov-black sea region. true, peter
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expected that the settlers would be mainly representatives of orthodox slavic peoples. yakaterina went further, she called for settling in new russia not only orthodox slavs, armenians and greeks, but also protestants, catholics, and even old believers schismatics. catherine ii, with her manifestos of religious tolerance, called on foreigners to settle in order to develop our industries and trade. essentially formed the country’s new human capital due to brain flow. in addition, she in every possible way encouraged the settlement of new lands by little russians and great russians from other provinces of the empire. as a result, novorosiya became not only a military outpost in the southwestern direction, but also one of the most socio-economically developed regions of russia. for 260 years, the borders of new russia have changed more than once. its historical territories were. in
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the composition of different states, but the unique historical path of the principles laid down by catherine’s reforms still largely determines the unity of views and perceptions of today's residents of the region. their basis is love of freedom, selfless work, economic entrepreneurship, and rich military traditions. novorossiya is a fusion of various nationalities. cultures, primarily russian and ukrainian. and, perhaps most importantly, the russian state is perceived here as the main and natural defender of its interests. today, in the west, and in ukraine itself, a lot of effort is being made to challenge this pro-russian community of views of the residents of novorussia and create a split by deleting or rewriting any pages of history. about why it is so important not
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to allow this to constantly return to the memory of the times of the formation of novorossiya in the story of anna efimova. archival maps of novorossiya, rare black and white photographs of the cities of the azov region, plans for their development. melitopol, ginichesk, berdyansk and of course, taganrok, the first city in russia built according to the so -called regular plan, it became the prototype of the future. but taganrok was not only a pioneer in this; russia’s advance to the south historically began from here. taganrok he seemed to be standing in the way further development of a large territory of novorossiya, a wild field, and we can say that probably taganrok, it seems to be located on the border of novorossiya, in principle, has an inextricable connection with this territory. today, when they hear the word azov, as a rule, the first thing they remember is the russian city of the same name and not the historical and geographical region, the nazi group fighting as part of the armed forces of ukraine. we get
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this gap in the historical fabric, as if after the soviet union collapsed, these territories, precisely for these and in moscow there is a briefing by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova, broadcast on our channel, sometimes all this surpasses in cruelty, and for us the period of the second world war, the great patriotic war, the favorite manner of ukrainian neo-nazis became barbaric shelling,
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the formation of a new democracy on the territory of ukraine, in in general, under kuchma, during training exercises of the ukrainian armed forces, a civilian airliner was shot down. well, then, however, kiev said that this was a mistake, compensation was paid, although beyond that
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the story didn't work out as it should have. so, look, today’s shelling is of the civilian population, of civilian infrastructure. of all types of weapons, and what a point is, i think, is now known not only by specialists, they confirm that when the kiev regime declared that it had nothing to do with the situation around the malaysian boeing, because in principle they could not imagine such a thing and civilians cannot participate in such shelling of civilian infrastructure because definition, they lied, they can. not only can they, but they do it with marked pleasure; when the entrance to a five-story building collapsed, five people were killed, six were injured, and there is no doubt that this was another terrorist attack with the aim of intimidating local residents and sowing
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panic among them. the armed forces of ukraine are targeting domestic journalists who selflessly fulfill their professional duty and are ready. with your life in order to tell the world the truth. this truth will then be referred to by future generations as not irrefutable evidence of the criminal nature of the kiev regime and the selfless struggle of our country for the future of all humanity. in recent days , the correspondent corps has again suffered irreparable losses. june 13, the kiev regime...
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are being held accountable, we immediately give a political, international legal assessment of such events and we see the absolute deathly silence in the literal sense of the word of those specialized international structures that are literally obliged to do so, because they receive for this salaries, very large budgets, to give a specialized professional assessment of what is happening in the territory. ukraine lawlessness against representatives of the media. at first, we put the osce first. then we realized that the work of this structure was completely blocked by the united states of america, britain, and, in fact, all these
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nato communities. this structure is in a state of absolute dysfunction. the danger of journalists, i am not mistaken in the fact that it was unesco that devoted many years to development of regulations, norms, criteria from the point of view of ensuring safe professional activities of journalists, i’m not mistaken, it was unesco that carried out so many events related to freedom of speech, the opportunity for journalists around the world to engage in their direct activities, to tell the world about the facts that they see, observe, analyze, and
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what do we see? under the leadership of the french citizen, mrs. azule, unesco stopped paying attention to this topic in principle, but it has no right to do this, nor does it itself organization, nor ms. azule, because i repeat once again, these are their direct functional responsibilities, and not for this. and in a big way. based on what we see around the world, it turns out that they should probably only get paid for this, because they have failed miserably in everything else, look at the cancel culture sweeping the world, look at what is happening with the cultures of peoples of civilizations, look at that cynical activity of imposing its own values ​​on the collective west,
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senior sergeant kondrashov, who carried out this criminal order, was also sentenced to life imprisonment. another azovets from the same unit 357, lieutenant pabzho, received 22 years in absentia and an international wanted list was declared for attempting to shoot an unarmed man on march 17, 2020 near the mariupol airport, who miraculously survived, but was seriously wounded. on june 11, the chairman of the investigative committee of the russian federation, alexander bastrykin , held a meeting of the coordination council on
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issues of providing assistance to children affected by as a result of humanitarian disasters, natural disasters, terrorist attacks and armed conflicts. the topic of the meeting was ensuring the safety of children ahead of a special military operation. alexander ivanovich bastrykin emphasized that since 2014, about 500 criminal cases have been initiated against over a thousand individuals, including representatives of the military-political leadership. security forces of ukraine, members of its radical nationalist mercenary associations. it was established that 6,139 civilians were killed in the armed conflict, including including 173 minors. at least 15 thousand civilians were injured, 734 of them minors. now let’s talk about how the so-called civilized west feels about all this. on june 13, on the sidelines of the meeting of nato defense ministers in... the twenty-third meeting of the contact group was held on the issues of, as they formulate, the defense of ukraine, this is the
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ramstein format. notorious. as its chairman, the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, not without pride, said that since twenty-two , members of the group have delivered problems to the kiev regime weapons worth the amount: take courage to hear it. 98 billion dollars. you can imagine how many people there are in the world. it would be possible to cure, feed, educate, by the way, how many people could be given a chance to get their own housing, by the way, to create workers...
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this is good news for the kiev regime, well, good. from the point of view of lloyd austin , ended, despite the fact that the main topic on the agenda of the meeting included quotes from strengthening ukrainian air defense and the transfer of the first f-16 aircraft to the ukrainian armed forces in the summer, no breakthrough decisions were made in this regard. novyk, new installations of the patriot system, which zelensky insists on, will not be given to the khunti. moreover, the americans
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had to refute reports that appeared in the media about washington’s plans to purchase. as for the supply of f-16 aircraft, stoltenberg said, from his point of view this means the creation of a nato air force in the future. sorry - added soldenberg, ukrainian air force. normal, right? well, he said what he really said. but he continued the ukrainian
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air force, which will interact with nato. let's move on to the quote: stoltenberg said the following: nato planes and nato pilots, but then he corrected himself again, or rather trained natopilots. on the one hand, this can be seen as a freudian slip. on the other hand, i think that this is also the very bone that was thrown to the kiev regime figures so that they would steal this quote.
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there are not many such developments even in nato, so the delivery of fighters is postponed at least until the end of august. the same stoltenberg on the eve of the meeting group spoiled zelensky’s mood , he said that the conditions, but also, this needs to be analyzed, think about what stoltenberg said, publicly said, that a condition for ukraine’s entry into nato is. her, that is, ukraine, victory over russia, you know, outside the context of what is happening in ukraine now, outside the context of our relationships, our attitude towards the kiev regime, it seems to me that it would have been
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, well, just not what is fair, not what which is fair, in these words in nato. no one is operating, but although i wish i could at least be merciful towards ukraine, since nato began to take care of it, say the same thing first before it was pushed to the cliff by zelensky’s hands, just like that, come to ukraine somewhere, i don’t know, in the year in the thirteenth, in the fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, stoltenberg and his colleagues and say that ukraine will be in nato, as they promised it, only. then, when he can defeat russia, do you think this would affect the mood in ukraine? i think so, i think it
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would sober up those who have been besotted for a long time. years with the words that the collective west will build democracy on the territory of ukraine, will lead it into a bright economic, financial, humanitarian, scientific, technical, and cultural future.
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let no stoldenberg tell you, although perhaps in their cynicism and in their russophobia, in their disgust in relation not only, by the way, to ukraine, but to the slavs in general, they will come to this, someday they they admit to why they needed this whole adventure in the first place, but the same question is still being asked.
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maybe by definition, but now about zelensky’s tour: all last week he and his accomplices traveled around western europe. on june 11-12, they visited germany to
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participate in the so-called conference on, as it was said, the restoration of ukraine, it was held in berlin. it’s interesting, yes, how the conference on the restoration of ukraine is going on, when at the same time the ramstein group is discussing how to deliver something more deadly to the kiev regime. so that the fighting does not stop, it’s funny, really, well, by the way, and also fund, as they called it, yes, a fund or fund for raising funds in support of peace in ukraine, yes, this is the same thing, the money only went to war, i mean among the eu countries, this fund was organized, obviously this the event was closed. from corruption
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they pointed to squabbling in the ruling elite instead of at the european feeding trough. the bewilderment of many of zelensky’s supervisors was caused by his decision to fire a few days before the conference of the head of the ukrainian agency for restoring infrastructure development, mustafa naima. signed investment agreement conference funds, and this is about 16 billion euros in various spheres of the ukrainian economy , indicate the desire of the westerners to get their hands on it. the remnants of its resources, the remnants of its industry, the remnants of its agriculture, the fate of neither ukraine, nor the ukrainian people, nor industry, nor the economy, nor agriculture is absolutely not interesting , they are only interested in one thing, how to quickly, as if on a larger scale, transform this territory to a future colony to serve their own interests, throw everything else into the dump as unnecessary, or
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bury it somewhere deeper. on june 13-14 , the ukrainian delegation appeared in the south of italy in apuli, where the group of seven summit was held, its participants reached, as they called it, a political agreement to provide ukraine with a loan in the amount of $50 billion through the use of proceeds from frozen russian assets, well this is another theft, now the seven are already doing this, you won’t believe it, but this is such super mega-exclusive information. regarding the seizure of 50 billion billion dollars from us in favor of the kiev regime, here but through various channels, these same comrades began to let us know that you know, it’s
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definitely not us. it’s the other members of the seven who will take it away from you, please don’t think about applying any significant measures to us, we made it clear to us that we won’t do it, and why won’t they do it, well, at least that’s what they told us, because that they understand that our response will be very harsh, can you imagine the degree of vileness and baseness, the cynicism of lying to cameras under the american guns, so to speak political... machine, sign up to report, swear allegiance to this endless kind of pirate logic of taking away someone else’s property, so to speak, and then run to the phones to beg, ask, assure that it’s definitely not them specifically, not this specific country , some other, because they are very afraid that
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retaliatory measures will be taken against them, that’s... the whole ideology, what does this mean? this suggests that, apparently, money is very bad, but i understand if it’s in the tens, and now it’s over a hundred billion this help has become, so to speak, scattered uncontrollably, it is clear that there is nowhere to collect more and more, and this was shown by the elections to the european parliament, citizens of the countries of the european union are asking questions: where in the world? their taxes go, by the way, the same trends in the states, in other countries of the collective west, so they take on outright theft and do it, just think about it, but part of the decision of the seven, which in principle declared itself to be the flagship of economic development, which now under the influence these liberal democracies have fallen at the
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peak... the military defeat and political collapse of the kiev regime frightens the united states of america and its allies, frightens them even more, and there is no doubt that this same stolen money will be used for military purposes, for the purchase of weapons for the kiev regime , and this will contribute to the prolongation of hostilities, this decision in the legal field would be called...


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