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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 19, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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but it wasn’t, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about it now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in the end , the result of everything is determined quality of state policy.
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still, my obediences, they are over, they are all, forgive me, lord, you have all the hope, you are completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, a miracle . mahawai, demonstration i wish i knew how to assemble this in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, pray, black, throwing the gang is also a sin, it’s time to pay, i’ll pour from here, what if i’m alone, so quickly slept, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, legon . i went out, there’s more, who will do this to whom,
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disobedient people, i’ll also tell you.
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8:35 pm
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8:36 pm
delicious and period i wanted to open a deposit at 18% it turns out you can at 20 i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank it turns out you can immediately in different for money your marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial market place from the moscow exchange. book a car vacation without spending extra money on avito. white friday with cashback and discounts is dazzlingly profitable. smart split system carary for only 18,999. envideo eldorado, the main expert in business technology. the main feature of modern youth is flexibility. yes, uncle dim. you didn’t forget about the casting that i arranged for you, in no case, if i’m brushing my teeth and i’m already dressed, it means i forgot about the casting, i’m late, but if i’m late, that means i’m taking a scooter, and if i’m taking a scooter, that means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip,
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if everyone leaves there upset, that means no one has been given the role yet, artyom, well, let’s finally smile sincerely for the camera, cool tariff , there is music here too. what will you do if they don’t give you the role? well, i’ll rehearse more, and i’ll transfer the remaining gigabytes to the next month, if they give him the role, he’ll still transfer the gigabytes, because he’ll be rehearsing, new tariff 24, this is as much as 30 gb of internet, which can be carried over to the next month, communication minutes, which can be exchanged for rides on mts furen scooters, and mts music is already included in the tariff, try it for 399 rubles. this loan is just a hit, only in softcom loans.
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well, now urgent news, the entire energodar was left without power, as a result of an attack by fsu drones on a city substation , an emergency power outage occurred. energodar is, as you know, a satellite of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the shutdown will not affect the operation of the nuclear power plant, energodar city hall reported. these people have been saved and their lives are not in danger. the long-awaited message from the fighters of the north group, who managed to bring out a large family from volchansk, which was captured by the battles. the story is not so much about a miracle, but about courage and resourcefulness, which manifest themselves only in emergency conditions. this is precisely the situation in which a russian family found itself next to the house that ukrainian militants had equipped. supposedly to a safe place, naturally, the relatives refused to separate, so it took several weeks hiding in the basement, at some point the water and even the pickles from
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winter supplies ran out. the situation seemed hopeless then, trapped, the residents of volchansk decided to turn to the russian military, and they chose a very original way to send a signal, which our intelligence simply could not fail to notice. evgenia petrukhina will talk about how the plan for the rescue operation was drawn up and how it was implemented. evgenia, greetings. yes, alexey, hello. well, how was that sos signal sent? they wrote the phrase in white paint doctor's children. for two weeks we hid in the basement of a destroyed house, surrounded by ukrainian armed forces firing points. how to get out if there are three children nearby, it is impossible to wait any longer, there is not even water. this is the very signal of the sos.
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this footage is a real special operation to save a large family. our military personnel are using a drone to evacuate a mother and grandmother of three children. drone operator. judging by these frames, a real master of such aerobatics, fly so that the evacuees understand the routes, at the same time so that the enemy does not notice the uav, and well the main thing is that it does not interfere with the rescue operation. notice how open the area is everywhere and look at how focused our guys are. yes, in fact , the pilot did a very great job, this is experience, he showed that he is an ace in this matter, he is where he should be, show the route, convey to... them this is very, this was not the only thing done flight, then carry out, tell people to follow the drone, this
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is also not easy to take out from under fire and so that the enemy is not detected, it is definitely a heroic act to evacuate a large family, russian military personnel stopped artillery fire, everything to ensure safety, the command made a simply amazing decision, but stopped the artillery fire. for half a day there was no artillery fire from russia, for half a day russian military personnel patiently led the family out of a seemingly hell and almost impossible situation, but they did it, this once again shows that our army is invincible, the russian army is an army of salvation, these are the first footage after the culmination of this special operation, women walking along a forest path... children are walking towards the russian military, excited, but a half-smile appeared on their faces. now, finally
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, you can exhale; the smallest fighters are immediately picked up and carried in their arms. this is such generosity on the part of our servicemen when they wait in the forest, when they meet a mother with children, when they take a little girl in their arms, when they immediately give them water, remember when they brought them to the resting place, because it’s right there. .. well, what about the dryers that were placed around the houses their firing points, they didn’t even offer evacuation to a family with three small daughters, no, they only offered to take the children, they kept saying, they came in, they are trying to evacuate you somehow already, when they were fighting or something else, they asked this once and then they said, purely for children, the worst and most cynical thing is that when...
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give a signal that we saw your inscription, we are russia and we want to help you, on the other hand, the tourniquet is heavy, when it is thrown off, it will fall vertically down, the bundles are still bright in color and if they fall, they are immediately visible, bright medical tourniquets are an accurate indication of the intentions of russian soldiers, who do not leave in trouble, despite the fact that the ukrainian armed forces, as evacuees say, did not even give water. the russian drone vsushnikov scared him off, scared him off at the very moment when they were throwing grenades into the cellar of a neighboring house,
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and there were people there, no, no, he asks him, why throw a grenade, he throw it, i don’t ask, it’s okay, they threw it here flew to see your drone, that they are a drone, drone, run into the house, they left, it turns out, our door they didn’t break it and didn’t do anything, just about this, about so who are they protecting in the ssu then, if they fire a burst from a machine gun into the cellar where civilians are, themselves? and against this background, russian soldiers, drone operators, are real saviors who, even in the most difficult conditions, provide assistance at altitude. evgenia petrukhina, rescue operation. several eu countries have been reprimanded by the european commission for... excessive debts among those who fell into the financial hole, including france, italy, belgium and poland. in total, according to the data
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eurostat, 11 european countries are living with budget deficits. the disciplinary commission demands that expenses be cut, but how to do this when political intrigue is on the eve of helping ukraine in european capitals has not yet been invented. what options are there in denis davidov’s material? twenty-eight-year-old jordan bardela is not only a politician, he is also a gamer, a great master of playing computer shooting games. contender for the position of prime minister.
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at the crazy sages from the president’s entourage. in macron’s camp, the main criticism is directed who could suggest or encourage this decision. a small defeat in the general election of '22 led to a six-month depression, a huge slap in the face in the european elections led to severe consequences, and if he loses this election again, god knows what will happen.
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maintenance, the prime minister, talking about how they were so carried away with management that they forgot about who after the elections will get the keys to the french truck, cannot help but know how it is acting up, so heavily overloaded with the multi-billion-dollar debts of its government, which brussels is going to show to paris, france has a budget deficit almost twice as large as the standards established by the eu, and a debt of 111% of gdp, with the allowed 60%, heavily in debt. the european union is punishing. the debt will limit the next government's ability to deliver on a number of promises. we may be talking about reducing tax revenues to the treasury, as well as canceling market-friendly pension reforms. france is not alone in a deep debt hole. according to bloomberg, five more countries will receive a warning from the eu, including italy.
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the times told how her prime minister spent time in the company of colleagues the day before. the leaders gathered for an informal dinner, which turned. in a formal squabble for a place in the sun of the european bureaucracy, they tried to retain the post of head of the european commission for ursula funderlein. scholz, macron, tusk, sanchez negotiated as if there was an empty seat instead of miloni. it is said that miloni went crazy as she spent hours waiting while the other three parties tried to make a deal, saying, that they can do without it. one diplomat added there was an obvious intention to isolate miloni. many.
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no one will touch the sacred cow of ukraine. what could be more extreme than this war in the center of europe. it would be fatal to say in a few years: “we saved the mechanism for limiting public debt, but lost ukraine.” for ukraine, not the most pleasant news continues to come from
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switzerland, where an international conference on assistance to kiev was held over the weekend. the country's ministry of foreign affairs today tried to explain why from... the biden administration, us vice president warmly welcomed men in dresses, what kind of party is kamala harris having? the idea to start a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how the guys and i
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8:52 pm
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to fly in the alfa travel service and get a super cash on air tickets this alpha friday on june 21, we are giving 30% cashback on all flights within russia, it’s not just profitable alpha, it’s profitable to rent a vacation. stay on the cean daily. seryozha, just eat. roman burger with fragrant arugula, mozzarella rings, capri lemonade and ice deluxe mango papa. in italian, delicious period. what will your summer be like? with free shipping, summer will be carefree. everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, prickly shower gel for 249 rubles. btb, how do you like it? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for the subscription. exceptional hydration, fills hair with the power of hyalurn, moisturized,
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shiny and elastic hair, instead of scissors, try gliskur, exceptional hydration, credit savings card is beneficial in any situation, the interest-free period begins every month, maintenance and notifications are free. thank you for the informative conversation, for everything, for the fact that you were magnificent ; the impassioned social network post of the x vice president of the united states with the help of flowery formulations kamala haris sums up. his important visit to the white house, during which the residence of the american president became a platform for the sabbat, representatives of the extremist lgbt community. according to
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official information , several actors from the rainbow were invited to the excursion show, where to say, the vice president had an urgent need to discuss with them, well , some kind of progress that the lobbyists of perverts have achieved in 20 years, and although they claim to have a detailed conversation, the video report of the meeting bears little resemblance to the footage filmed in... during a serious event, but the so-called progress, as it turned out, is of little concern to the majority of americans, who, instead of wiping away tears of emotion due to the visit of bearded women to the white house, began to ask questions, in particular, what is actually being done the leadership of the united states, while global events are taking place in the world, anastasia ivanova was also looking for answers, anastasia, good evening, hello, what else is being written on social networks, well , if there is no rainbow flag opposite the avatar, then nothing good. the white house has become a difficult child for america, because it is no longer an example for the entire country, but rather an indicator of what not to do. welcome to the white
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house, i would like. usa, poses as the press secretary of the white house, and what could very well become one, since he was personally invited by kamala haris, this the character and several other similar individuals who were allowed to be the elite were called in to discuss.
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haris celebrates the twentieth anniversary of their show with the perverts, this is a quote, so gay, they state in this post. yes, a fair question is asked, what is going on in the white house? all this, perhaps, should be considered a consequence of the crisis in the propaganda policy of the us democratic party. democrats once appeared sober after the vietnam war.
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supporters of protecting the interests of ordinary americans from too tough republicans, and now we see this life in its extreme destructive, essentially immoral from the point of view of the majority of us citizens , forms, when bidenomics, the biden economy, it causes a lot of discontent, this is probably an attempt to somehow attract the support of the post-modernized layers of the west . the so-called post-modernized layers, otherwise they are simply perverts taking advantage of the low rating of the democratic party, which counts on the support of gays and lesbians, hence another recent meeting at the residence of the vice president in washington, activists have collected money for something, kamala haris again said something about the fight for freedom and equality, but what about the rest of the americans who are against perversion, respectively, against the current
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american government, but... not much different from nazism, the whole, the whole total social system, they are very similar, instead of real solutions there are parties, the same white house, they worshiped dark-skinned people, including, of course, dark-skinned trans people, this is how they celebrated the day of the emancipation of slaves, because biden speaks for himself, how happy he is, of course, another
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part of the electorate, namely... kozhikh gathered, but for some reason old joe was not so happy about another party in the white house with cocaine, let me remind you, this is the same scandal when in the administration of the us president they found a bag of drugs, the story, by the way, was quickly swept under the rug, everything is clean, we can continue to call gays, we see, well, problems and failures on all fronts, inside the country, outside, well , that’s what’s especially right now, yes before the elections, well, staff turnover is of course serious, well, in the administration, and many they are already looking for an alternate airfield in advance in case of defeat in the elections. kamala haris, she is already planning to become the governor of california in 2026, there is jake salevan, anthony blinkin, they are also going to land somewhere in the private sector either in training camps or in universities, well, in general , everyone seems to understand that this whole wonderful party can end very quickly.


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