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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 19, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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only for some reason old joe was not so happy about another party in the white house with cocaine, let me remind you, this is the same scandal when a bag of drugs was found in the us presidential administration, the story, by the way, was quickly swept under the rug, everything is clear, we can move on call gays. we see, well, problems and failures on all fronts, inside the country, outside, well , that’s what especially right now, yes, before the elections, well, staff turnover is, of course , serious, well, in the biden administration and many are already for... .
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will end, but so will health. anastasia ivanova and sabbath in the white house. between russia and north korea, starting today , agreements on a comprehensive strategic partnership are officially in force, which was signed by vladimir putin and kimchenung at a meeting in hengyang. this document opens up virtually unlimited prospects for long-term cooperation between the two countries in all key areas, from trade to military-technical and aerospace. the results of the state visit in reports by alexey konopko, as well as the author, host of the moscow, kremlin program putin, pavel zarubin. russia brought a whole package of proposals to the dprk, they prepared their own here in advance, so the most important signing was just a few hours after the start of negotiations. chairman of state affairs, democratic people's republic of korea.
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in the event of aggression against one of the participants in this document, i draw attention to the statements of the united states and other nato countries about the supply of high-precision weapons systems, large, long -range, f-16 aircraft and other high-tech weapons, equipment for launching strikes on russian territory, yes, in fact, this is not only a statement, this is already happening, this is all a gross violation.
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restrictions assumed by western countries within the framework of various international obligations. in this regard, the russian federation does not exclude the development of military-technical cooperation with the democratic people's republic of korea in accordance with the document signed today. korean friends take an objective, balanced position on the topic of ukrainian settlement and understand the true underlying causes of the crisis. i want to thank.
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the meeting turned out to be impressive. this is one of the main places in phinyang, there is also a memorial, where the mausale of the father and grandfather of the current korean leader, and this is kimmersen square for celebrations, usually it hosts military parades and can accommodate up to 100.00 people, how many came here today is unknown, but there were clearly more people willing, only here, in the only place in the city...
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the main guest is located, the square explodes , the ceremony was filmed as a souvenir, a motorcade appeared in a solemn march. both leaders greet ministers, governors and state flags of both countries. followed by the traditional parade for this square, crews of all branches of the military and a cavalry unit, in a convertible, standing , vladimir putin and kimchenun drive around the entire square accompanied by fireworks and wide is my native country , performed by a korean military orchestra.
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you can clearly hear people chanting the name of the russian president; translators will later tell you what it was. korean-russian friendship is unity, we welcome putin. each other's interests. korean government the people's democratic republic appreciates the important mission and role of a strong russian federation in maintaining strategic stability and balance in the world, and also expresses full support and solidarity to the russian government, army and people in
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carrying out a special military operation in ukraine to protect sovereignty, security interests, as well as territorial integrity. sergei lavrov moved from room to room, his counterpart tsoisonghi, the first woman to serve as head of the dprk foreign ministry, denis manturov, was animatedly discussing something with his korean colleague, here the entire delegation has a lot of work to do. the leaders' negotiations are taking place at the residence of the leader of korea, kemsusan. it is almost impossible to unambiguously translate this word into russian. essentially, these are three words: gold, mountain and water. as the translators say, this is something like a concentration of all the best, and indeed, a real oriental flavor. most. the important part, of course, is the theta, there is a program for walking outside, but now it’s very hot there. despite the relative closedness of the dprk, it trades with more than a hundred countries of the world, the first places in terms of turnover, of course, china, india, vietnam, and our country's trade volume increased ninefold last year
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; 5 months of the current year brought another 54%. moscow and pyongyang have protocols on cooperation in education, science, transport, medicine, and now there will be a comprehensive strategic partner.
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judging by the footage, at a very high speed, vladimir putin took his korean colleague for a walk, and the new owner of the aurus made the way back behind the wheel. sanctions 2.0 are hindering pyongyang, they are hitting insurance, shipping, electronics, some were introduced by the un security council, only they are legitimate, the rest is on washington’s conscience because of its plans. which to strike the dprk phinyang began its nuclear program. the koreans fully support the russian fight against such us policies and understand the reasons for the svo. we highly appreciate your consistent and unwavering support for russian policy, including in the ukrainian
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direction, bearing in mind our struggle against the hegemanistic imperialist policy imposed over the course of decades by the united states of its satellites. attitude of the russian federation. only recently russia blocked the american initiative in the security council to extend the work of experts on sanctions against the dprk. inspired by the united states and its allies, it is indefinite. the restrictive regime of the un security council in relation to the ndr should be reviewed. the propaganda cliches reproduced over and over again by westerners are no longer able to disguise their aggressive geopolitical plans, including in the north-east asia region. both russia and korea are pursuing independent and independent foreign policy, and do not accept the language of blackmail and dictatorship. we oppose the practice of applying politically motivated sanctions.
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the united states and south korea are already preparing military exercises this month, according to media reports they will practice a nuclear strike on their neighbors. our assessments regarding the root causes of the escalation of military-political tensions coincide. this is a confrontational us policy to expand its military infrastructure in the subregion, which is accompanied by significant. scale and intensity of various military exercises involving republic of korea, japan, having a hostile nature. such steps undermine peace and stability on the peninsula and pose a threat to the security of all countries in northeast asia. attempts to place responsibility on the democratic people's republic of korea for the deterioration of the situation are categorically unacceptable. phian has the right to take reasonable measures to strengthen its own. defense capability, ensuring national security and protecting sovereignty.
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moscow helped phinyan respond to american aggression back in the the middle of the last century, just a few years after liberation from the japanese occupiers in the world war. flowers at the monument to soviet soldiers still lie all year round; our delegations always come here. the ussr was then the first to recognize an independent state with its capital in phinyang. since then.
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putin has one more stop in biñan. the russian orthodox church found its own temple here in the mid-2000s; it was built at the insistence of kimchenyr, although the parish is more than a century old. after a truly large-scale two-day visit, i saw off vladimir putin, kimchinin also personally received a return invitation to moscow. vietnam is ahead of the russian president. alexey knopko, aleksandrugov, oleg makarov, gennady korneev, news from phinyan, north korea. on the dark
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pukhinyan night, everything was illuminated here. i suspect that you now have what is called a rebuke in your eyes, but just like that, dozens of motorcyclists are part of the honorary escort that will accompany the president on the way from phinyan airport. he gets ready for the ladder that will be used, first taking off his shoes, doing the necessary, and putting them back on. here we are we just saw that everyone accelerated sharply, look, there’s a personal cameraman running, and why? because if you look a little further, you and i will see that there are already people on the red carpet.
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they decided who would go on which side of the car, each wanted to give way to the other. 3:00 am, but every, just every window in xinyang is glowing, the residents received such an order from the local authorities, putin had a few hours of sleep, soon the official welcoming ceremony begins, well, we found that same aura, look at the north korean numbers and...
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this is the music to which the beginning of the official meeting ceremony takes place, look here, please, let's take a break for a second, here we need to look at people's reactions, close-ups, let's show it, please, but i'm even more impressed. another, this is some completely unique conducting, the orchestra conductor stands facing the leaders, with his back to the orchestra and conducts the orchestra. in general, there is a festive atmosphere throughout. during the passage of vladimir putin and kimchanyn
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near the guard of honor, another musical hatch. i don’t know any other country where people breathe so painfully. you get tired, this very melody is now heard here on kimersen square, and then the leaders went to negotiations, our film crew together with north korean cameramen, the kimchins’ personal cameramen are forever very diligent, and not only that, they, of course, just imagine, we found out , that now the cortege is passing, will travel 30 km, so, i don’t know, of course, apparently all the residents of thinyan have gathered here today, but there are just people everywhere, for 30 km there are people standing on both sides of the road. negotiations have started, then, as expected, there will be a signing of a large number of important documents, text by text,
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which many western politicians and world journalists will now definitely attend. in the moscow kremlin-putin program we will show about the visit to the dprk and even more than others. pavel zarubny, alexander medvedev, alexander mekhur and ekaterina korostovtseva, vesti moscow program, kremlin, putin. immediately after the dprk, the russian president went to vietnam. at the end of the visit, the most influential newspaper of this country, nyan zan, published an article by vladimir putin, which focuses on hanoi’s independent policy and its commitment to the principles of a fair world order. in addition, putin notes a balanced position in... gratitude for assistance in the search for real ways of a peaceful settlement. as for bilateral relations, they, according to the russian leader, are developing quite dynamically, covering both trade and economic cooperation and the energy industry. in particular, with the assistance of rosatom in vietnam the initiative to create a center for nuclear science and technology, joint
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ventures such as viet sophpetro and gas thanh dat, are being developed. demonstrates high efficiency, but in the meantime, at the airport in the vietnamese capital, everything is already ready for the arrival of russian aircraft number one; on the streets of hanoi, they talk not only about modern aspects of cooperation with moscow, but about how constructive relations were built back in the era of the ussr, about to a country that well remembers both soviet aid and brutal american intervention, a report from our correspondent in the region sergei mengazhev. vladimir putin arrives in vietnam for the first time in 7 years. a sign of which foreign policy course the current vietnamese authorities consider a priority. a flock of motorcyclists flood the streets of hanoi with the first rays of sun
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and then the bustling city life does not stop until late at night. therefore, russian flags were hung in the central squares before dawn. vietnam, a country with a population of over 100 million people with a very difficult history, can afford a trade turnover of $200 billion with its neighbor competitor. china and $100 billion with its former enemy the united states, while maintaining an independent course in choosing trading partners. the figure of an american pilot kneeling with his hands raised on the shore of lake chuk bati, in the center of hanoi, in addition to the obvious symbolic meaning, here in no other way refers to the results of american aggression, and is related to a specific episode of the vietnam war. on october 27 , 1967 , 10 american planes were shot down in the skies over hanoi, bombed the city, one of the pilots, a us air force major, ejected and just fell into this lake, he was pulled out alive and held captive until the end of the war, his name was john mccain,
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later a senator from arizona and a us presidential candidate who lost the 2008 election of the year. by the way, john mccain himself, who visited hanoi several times before his death, was never able to forget the insult, and expressed dissatisfaction with how the vietnamese themselves preserve the memory of his participation in the fate of vietnam. john mccain's suit and parachute in the on-site museum huallo prison, where american prisoners of war were held. mostly downed pilots, interesting photographs. this is exactly the moment when he is taken out of the water, and here a vietnamese doctor provides first aid, right on this bed. john mccain was admitted here with broken limbs, vietnamese doctors put him back on his feet, although he later claimed that he was subjected to inhuman torture here. there is no evidence of this, but it is known for certain that the vietnamese themselves were subjected to torture in this prison during the casimats. were under the control of colonialists from another western democracy, france. national flags and portraits of the founder of independent vietnam in hanoi are adjacent to
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the memorable symbols of our country from the times when the vietnamese fought for their independence. first with the french, then with the japanese, and then with the americans. lenin park, where there are always fresh flowers, is a popular holiday destination for hanoians of all ages. there are many reminders of soviet-vietnamese cooperation in hanoi, from industrial sites to monumental buildings. architectural structures. 6 years ago, when donald trump and kimchin-un came here for the summit, the main press center was located in the palace of soviet-vietnamese friendship, built by our specialists. until now, russia is the main supplier of weapons for the vietnamese army, and a bilateral joint venture created more than 40 years ago. the largest oil corporation in the country. the task now, and this is what the russian president’s visit is dedicated to, is to use the experience of the past to reach a new level of cooperation. an example
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of continuity of tradition is joint the russian-vietnamese ophthalmology clinic in hanoi was opened in 2009. since then, she has opened two similar branches in other cities, and they are planning to open another one in the near future. thanks to russian technologies and russian doctors, this center is considered today the best in vietnam. when we started working on this project, we were also offered cooperation with different partners from different countries, well , of course, we chose and decided that we would start creating cooperation with russia, especially since we studied in the soviet union, we know technology, culture and mentality of the russian, honor guard training in front of the ho chi minh city mausalee, where the russian president will lay wreaths and pay
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tribute at the memorial to fallen heroes, has been taking place since the beginning of the week. all ceremonial events of the visit will take place after vladimir putin’s negotiations; he will meet with all three key officials of the vietnamese leadership, the president, prime minister and general secretary of the country’s communist parties. based on the results , a package of documents is being prepared for signing. the visit will end with a meeting with graduates of russian vietnamese universities, as well as a concert at the grand opera house. sergey mingazhev, alexey pichko, east asian news bureau, vietnam, hanoi. to solve the problem of the special operation, russia continues to increase the production of weapons and equipment. already , almost 2/3 of the annual plan for products that are especially in demand among the troops has been completed. prime minister mikhail mishustin shared this data today, opening a meeting of the coordination council for supporting the armed forces. the head of government urged no. to relieve the pace reminded managers at all levels about the need to carefully control costs at every stage. what other tasks are on the agenda in the material by margarita semenyuk. main tasks. the constant
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provision of fighters in the northern military district with everything necessary, to increase the production of weapons, military and special equipment, so for a number of items more than 60% of the annual volume of especially in demand products has already been produced, this was stated by the chairman of the government mikhail mishustin, he called for strictly observing delivery times and improving quality. the modernization of existing combat systems already includes positive results, engineers and designers have expanded their functionality, is extremely important.
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apply risk-based tools to check concluded agreements and a broader approach to prevent possible violations, and to prevent their occurrence in the future. the issue of material and social support for military participants in the special operation in ukraine deserves special attention. the head of government emphasized that now svo participants can receive a combat veteran’s certificate both in paper and in in electronic format. this is essentially a combined bank and social card. which gives the right to federal and regional benefits, they have also extended the non-declaration assignment of monthly payments to receive such support, you no longer need to collect and submit supporting documents, the departments themselves will do everything necessary to accrue funds. during the session, mikhail mishustin noted that constant state assistance should be provided to everyone who is currently performing military duty. margarita semenyuk,
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